Black Lotus Sect

Part 63


Joe Wang squinted his eyes upon seeing the beast. The reason is that the beast really looks familiar to him. Though there are some changes in the color and the body size, still it's the same creature, the Six Legged Drake.

These creatures are territorial and would always attack in pairs. Their tough skin cannot be penetrated by simple bullets. One should use, Qi or mana enhanced bullets. Their running speed is not that fast, they can be as fast as an average horse, but their strength is their long front limbs which would sometimes work as an arm.

In hunting these kinds of the beast, one should be wary of their ambush tactics.

So Joe Wang carefully checks his surroundings for the presence of the other drake. And true to his conjecture, Joe Wang saw using a burst of his absolute sense that there is another one behind the place where they currently are.

Joe Wang suddenly saw Master Wang taking out his sword, which greatly alarmed him. It seems that Master Wang doesn't know how the Six Legged Drake hunts.

So he immediately waves his hand to stop the old man, but it was too late.

Master Wang suddenly jumps down and directly pointed his sword to the large head of the beast. Joe Wang, on the other hand, prepares a small palm-size cloth. He then grabs a bark of the tree he is on and a couple of its leaves. In one move he immediately turns them into a fine powder. While quickly putting them inside the cloth and turning it into a small bag.


Then he heard the sound of Master Wang's sword hitting the hard rock-like head of the drake and throwing the old man back towards a tree.

Without a second thought, Joe Wang threw the bag to the beast's eyes.


The fine dust immediately scattered and covered the air around the beast's face. Its eyes and nose were immediately filled with the fine dust which made it suddenly cry in pain as it swings it head side to side.

However, it was to no avail. Joe Wang knew that the fine dust he used would have an effect not only on beasts but also on humans. It can even cause temporary blindness as long as it is not washed from the eyes.

Also inhaling the dust would make its victims hard to breathe and coughing.

While the beast was distracted, Joe Wang immediately went to Master Wang and took him above the trees.

"Master Wang, don't casually attack these things. They always work in pairs. Lucky for us the other one did not attack yet."

Upon hearing Joe Wang's words, Master Wang suddenly realizes his folly. I seem that the young man is very knowledgeable when it comes to hunting the beasts. So he just nods his head and stood beside Joe Wang.

"What should we do then?" Master Wang asked.

"We need a mace or a morning star." Joe Wang replied as he thought deeply.

However, before he can think more, he suddenly felt the ground vibrating. He immediately turns his gaze to the ground and saw the other drake rushing towards their location.

"Shit! It found us. Let's separate, Master Wang I want you to distract this beast for few seconds." Joe Wang said as he jumps to the next tree to the right.

Master Wang nods his head and jumps down and faced the beast.

Holding his thin sword, he began to concentrate and try to gather the Qi in his body to his hand holding the sword.

When he saw the rushing beast, he also immediately rushed forward.

As the two clashed, Master Wang swings his sword to the side. He wanted to slice the side of the beast. But the beast didn't bother with him and just waves it tail directly to Master Wang who dodges to the side.


The sound of metal grazing a hard object sounded while sparks fly.

Master Wang dodges the incoming tail as he jumps up. But suddenly a foreboding feeling filled his heart as he looks down. From where he is he saw a large maw gaping wide open directly under him. The lines of sharp teeth almost made the hair on his body stand on end.

"Shit!" the old man curses as he braces himself with his sword.

Suddenly, he saw a figure suddenly flashing towards the throat of the beast, it was Joe Wang. And on his hand is an arms-length metal bat with four 4 inches spikes near its tip.

Tsuk!!! Tsuk!!!

Joe Wang swings the modified mace he crafted as he bashed the throat of the drake, which is the softest part of the drake's body.

Before Master Wang could land, the Six Legged Drake already slumps to the ground as its neck bleeds non-stop.

Joe Wang didn't stop as he immediately rushes towards the second drake that is still rolling on the ground as it felt the pain from its eyes and nose.

With one leap, he dashed to the side and suddenly swung downwards with all his strength.


Because of the design of the mace, it easily broke through the thick armor of the drake and pierced its brain.

But the recoil of the blow made Joe Wang's palms feel painful.

He then immediately scanned his surroundings. As quickly as he can, Joe Wang turns the beast over with all his might and took out a dagger from his storage ring. Then while mentally counting, he immediately pierces the throat and cuts the thick skin towards the heart position of the beast.

Digging his hands inside, he expertly located a small thumb-size bead.

After taking it out, Joe Wang scrutinized it carefully. It was a green-colored beast core.

According to common knowledge, these low-level beasts should not have beast cores. But in truth, every beast has a beast core. But those low-level ones have a fragile beast core which would melt in one minute after they died. Hence no one ever saw them having beast cores.

But of course, no one knew that these kinds of cores are actually filled with compresses Qi and mana. Because they are still forming their cores, and have not yet reached level 1, once they died the Qi and mana would dissipate along with the life of the beast.

"This is awesome." Joe Wang muttered as he hid the core.

Master Wang on the other hand just watches in a gaping jaw at the action of the youth. He never would have expected that a person as young as Joe Wang would be able to kill two large beasts with ease. Now he is curious about how this young lad grew up.

"Master Wang we should investigate this place. I seem that these two beasts fought something or someone in this place." Joe Wang suggested.

He has already scanned the stomach of the Six Legged Drake that he killed and found some traces of human bones inside it.

The two began to check the surroundings and found some of the belongings that seem to be from soldiers scattered on the ground. It looks like the place is a camp judging from the ruined tents and the bonfire.

After a while, the two continue traveling above the trees.

However, after they left a shadow appears and looks at the two dead Six Legged Drakes. The person frowns and looks at the direction where Joe Wang and Master Wang left. Then the person jumps high on the trees and followed suit.

Since it's already night time, Joe Wang and Master Wang stops in front of a big tree.

"Master Wang, can you hollow this tree, just enough to fit the two of us?"

Master Wang nods his head and immediately went to work. Joe Wang, on the other hand, started to form an array formation outside of the tree.

Not long later, Master Wang was done with his work, and Joe Wang immediately activated the trap array.

"Let's rest for a while."

The two entered the perfectly hollowed trunk and began preparing provisions.

Suddenly Joe Wang stops and smiled.

"It seems that we have a guest." He muttered.

His words made Master Wang frown. He could not detect or hear anything from the outside. How Joe Wang did know that there are people in the vicinity?

"It is a threat?" Master Wang asked in curiosity.

"I don't know, but her strength is almost on par with yours."

When Master Wang heard this, his expression immediately changes. Joe Wang noticed this and just shrugged it off. Although the person outside is strong, with the combination of Master Wang's strength and his, then she would not be able to defeat them.

As the figure drew closer, Joe Wang's expression suddenly changes. This is because he knew who the woman is. But the reason why she is following then is unknown. But his gut is telling him that the woman spells trouble. So he didn't want to let his guard down.

The two kept quiet, Master Wang peeks at a hole and tries to observe the surroundings. Joe Wang just sits there in a lotus position, but his absolute sense is actively observing the movement of the person in the shadows.

Suddenly he noticed that she may have found something on the ground and walks closer towards it. Now she is about 50 meters away from their location. And Master Wang can now see the silhouette of a woman dressed in black.

But when his gaze saw the palm-size jade slab on her waist his expression immediately changes.

He then mutters.

"How… how can she be here? What's going on?"