Plan of attack Part 3

Part 67


Inside the hotel, four people are staying in a spacious presidential suite. The three old men and the young woman are currently in a meeting on what to do next and what will be their next move. They have already realized the gravity of the situation when the Black Lotus sect suddenly attacked them in the hotel restaurant.

They also knew that there is a mole in the cultivator's society. However, they could not do something about it as this is a normal thing. Even they themselves have moles on other organizations and sects under the cultivation society's rule.

Meanwhile, Joe Wang is currently staying in another room and closely meditating. He needed to consolidate his strength. From the fight in the hotel, he can already tell that if he fights normally he still could not exert his true strength. Luckily he was able to craft a flying blade. But at that time he was too lucky that his opponent didn't know about flying blades.

But of course, this is not his last trump card.

It was dawn when the four stealthily went out of their room.

The four took a bus towards the road to the border gate army camp.

Inside the army border camp, a figure has entered wearing a face mask and a cloak. When he entered the soldier's expression turned lifeless and just checked him like usual and then let him enter the camp. The figure went to a secluded place and suddenly closes his eyes.

Joe Wang deactivates the array on his body and then uses a burst of his absolute sense. He wanted to get the spy first so that he could not alert the Black Lotus sect of the four back-ups of Master Wang.

Then in the middle of the barracks among the soldiers currently eating their early morning breakfast, a man wearing a green army sleeveless shirt with a noticeable scar on his face is sitting among five other army personnel. The group is happily chatting with each other as they ate.

Joe Wang locks-on that figure as he uses his Absolute Sense Burst. Since the burst doesn't require him to use too much mental stress it didn't cause Joe Wang any problem at all.

However, the drawback of this is that it is like a sonar wave. It is only active once a burst happens. And so, Joe Wang immediately dashed towards the location of the army canteen.

He weaves through the buildings in the area while hiding in the shadows.

When he reached the place, Joe Wang saw the man walking towards a corner and taking a phone out.

'There are people entering the forest, they are cultivators. I will assess the situation and send their information to you.'

The man typed on his phone. Then he smirked.

He lifted his thumb to press the send button… but then he stopped.

The man suddenly felt his whole body was locked in place and could not move. Then he noticed that behind him stood a figure in a black cloak.

"So you are the spy… eliminating you would save many people's lives, right." Joe Wang said as he took the phone from the man's hand.

Joe Wang suddenly did strikes the man's back and made him faint.

"Let's check what's going on." Joe Wang muttered as he carefully scrolls through the man's phone.

Then he scanned the whole phone and what's inside it and was shocked. He can see many messages from other spies in the area. This just means one thing; there's more than one spy in this base.

Joe Wang drags the man's fainted body to the corner.

"I guess I need to take your place in the meantime. And eliminating you is a must." Joe Wang said as he suddenly touches the ground and it swallowed the man's body whole.

He took the man's phone and then from his space ring he took out some jade stones. He arranged an array and made his face and body change to that of the man's. But the problem is the voice.

Joe Wang didn't plan to replace the man as his goal was to just eliminate this spy. But he didn't expect that there is more than one spy in the base and even outside. Then suddenly an idea enters his mind. He immediately browsed the phone and searched for voice recordings.

When Shin Jiao saw the many files on the phone he knew that his idea was correct. By opening the conversation he discovers more of the secret.

An encrypted voice he called the leader is giving out instructions to the spies. But he discovered that the man is also using an encrypted voice when talking to others, this made it harder for him to imitate the man's voice.

"Wait a minute… this is actually not a problem. I'll just fake an illness then." he thought as he changes his voice to hoarser one which shows that he has flu or something.

Then Joe Wang entered the barracks pretending to be the man until he saw the four entering the base. He was the one who checked their I.D.s and then let the group pass through.

Taking out the phone he sends them that everything is fine and the group is just some cultivators who wanted to hunt in the forest.

Then suddenly a call connected to his phone.

"Hello! Are you sure about your information?" said the encrypted voice on the other line.

When Joe Wang heard this he suddenly frowns, how can this person doubt him? Then suddenly he sent a burst of his absolute sense in the camp and found a woman holding a phone and hiding in the corner.

"Found you." Joe Wang thought.

"Yes, I'm sure… Why is there something wrong?"


"I will call you again later." The voice said and then hangs up.

Joe Wang concentrated and saw the woman walking towards the top of the wall. Then she looks around and carefully down in a camouflage cloak. Then she jumps down and ran towards the location of the four from the cultivation society.

"Hmm… I guess she didn't trust me." Joe Wang said as he suddenly vanished from his position.

He didn't need to stay in the base anymore so he followed the group.

When he disappears, a man in a military uniform suddenly appears from the corner. His eyes were in the place where Joe Wang was standing before.

"I swore, I felt a presence here. Are there other spies from other sects in this place?" the soldier thought as he checked the area again.

After a while, he took out his phone and typed in some words and then left.

Joe Wang is currently rushing behind as he follows the woman at about 500 meters away. With the thick foliage and trees in the forest, the woman didn't notice that someone is actually tailing her.

Right now the effective rage of Joe Wang's absolute sense is about 2km since he reached the 10th sphere, and if he uses the burst then it would double in range.

And so he effectively tracks the woman's movements and follows her stealthily from behind.

Suddenly at the edge of his absolute sense bursts range around 4km he saw four figures. The woman has actually tracked the four and is currently heading towards them.

"I must stop her from sending the correct report. If not, then Master Wang would not receive any backup and the four would be in trouble." Joe Wang thought.

He quickly hastens his pace and found that his speed and the woman are almost in par with each other.

However, Joe Wang knew how to use arrays and spells. With a wave of his hand, a few paper talisman flew out and arrange in a formation in front of him. When he passes through the formation, his figure suddenly doubled his speed and accelerates in a really fast manner.


Joe Wang immediately uses this speed and jumps to the trees and as if flying he jumps from tree to tree.

Not long later, he can already see the woman's figure approaching the four people at about 1 kilometer.

Without a second thought, he suddenly took out his flying blade.

When he was about 100 meters away, Joe Wang was surprised to see the woman suddenly turning her head towards his direction.

As their eyes met, the woman showed a surprised look on her masked face.

She didn't expect that someone would be able to sneak behind her back. However, as a leader of a team in the shadows, the woman is not simple. She is already a spirit refining realm cultivator and is just suppressing her aura.

But now that she saw an enemy she didn't want to suppress her aura anymore and immediately burst forth. The energy in her body gushes out like a fountain and flooded her meridians with Qi.

With a very strong power, she took out two blades and rushes towards the fast approaching figure of Joe Wang.

As the two figures neared each other the woman immediately noticed that her opponent is actually a mere mortal. However, what baffled her is his speed which seems to be faster than her.

But still, she sneered as she noticed the boots on his feet.

"An artifact… Che… If I kill you… That would be mine." She thought as she smirks.

As soon as their blades clashed the woman could immediately tell that the person she is facing is different. He is actually not a mere mortal but a cultivator. But there is something wrong with the knife he is using.

When her eyes focused on Joe Wang's hand, she was shocked.