Eve Snow

Part 68


The world suddenly turns round and round as if everything is rolling and rolling without end. She can see a lot of things about her life as it flashes in her eyes.

She was born into a rich family but has fallen to bankruptcy because of her father's debt and gambling habits. In consequence, her mother left them and followed another man. In anger, her father sneaks out and did a horrible act of murdering her mother and the guy she was with.

Her life became a mess as she was driven to the streets.

She learned how to live alone on the streets and suffered a lot of torture and abuse. But she was able to keep her dignity and life by killing those in her way.

Then the streets began calling her the Seductress, a small petite woman who looks harmless and pitiful. However, she can kill anyone who crosses her path.

Her fame grew and her influence skyrocketed. Everyone in the streets feared her and the gangs didn't bother to face her. Instead, they gave her respect and money, just to escape her ire. From there she grew and became a famous gang leader of a huge underground organization.

Later, she discovered that her so-called gift is actually a mental technique. This mental technique grew on her because of her desire to be protected. This ability is a mental power normally called Psychokinesis. As she grew up her powers became stronger.

But one day, she met a vagrant old man. The old man found her fascinating and taught her some stuff after they fought, and she lost. The old man called himself a cultivator. She became obsessed with cultivation from then on and left the gangs.

She was discovered by the cultivation society and entered the cultivation land.

Everything was bliss, but then she encountered something that changed her life forever. She knew…him.

He changed her name to forget about her past and started calling her… Eve Snow.

Eve Snow flew for a couple of meters before hitting a tree. Her mind became muddled as the world felt like spinning around her distorting her sense of balance.

She didn't expect that with a few exchanges between them, she was… defeated.

Before she can get her balance and her feet back, she felt an ominous feeling, so she immediately ducks down.


A blade cutting through the air and trimming a few of her hair strands almost decapitate her head if not for her quick reaction.

But it didn't end there as Joe Wang didn't stop attacking the woman while she continuously dodges using her instinct.

"Damn it, she is faster than I thought." Joe Wang thought as he refocused his attack.

It seems that the woman is using some sort of detection to know the trajectory of Joe Wang's blade. Upon thinking to this point, Joe Wang once again lifted the blade in a reverse grip and suddenly dashed towards the woman.

Swoosh!!! Clang!!!

This time Eve Snow has already recovered her senses and decided to fight back.

Joe Wang and Eve Snow exchange a few blows which ended up in a draw, which astonished the woman further. Eve Snow cannot detect Joe Wang's cultivation level, however, judging from his strength he is at most a 1st level Spirit refining realm cultivator. But this knowledge didn't give her any consolation. In fact, she was feeling depressed.

She could not understand how a mere boy can face against the leader of the provincial branch of the Black Lotus sect. Suddenly she didn't want to hold her strength anymore and risk everything. She took out a couple of paper talisman inside her black robe and attaches them to the two blades in her hands.

With a swing of her two blades, the talismans were activated and suddenly it began to glow.

"I will let you feel a bitter taste of defeat, accompanied by pain all over your body."

Joe Wang already realized that the woman actually used a couple of talisman combinations to enchant her weapons.

Joe Wang didn't bother with her as he took a stance to counter her moves.

"Do you think that you can defeat me? I am the strongest cultivator in this place, and I will not be defeated by the likes of you… Even that Master Wang was not able to defeat me, how much more a peep squeaks like you… Now die!"

When Joe Wang heard her words, he was stunned. What did she mean by those words? Does it mean that Master Wang is already done for? Then what's the use of the back up he painstakingly called. What's the use of coming back when everything is already too late?

Joe Wang's mind was suddenly filled with questions as hesitation suddenly appears in his eyes. He must find out, he must know the status of Master Wang.

The woman saw this and she immediately banks on her instinct and attacked immediately.

Joe Wang was suddenly awoken from his stupor as he saw the young woman swinging her weapons non-stop.

Not long later, a couple of lines appear on Joe Wang's fair skin followed by blood slowly coming out from his wounds.

"Damn it! I was too careless… I let myself get distracted. If my master would know this, then he would really laugh at me." he thought as he shakes his head.

He suddenly found himself a bit dizzy and slowly getting weaker.

"Where is Master Wang?" Joe Wang shouted in anger as he forces himself steady.

"Damn it! Poison and disease spells." Joe Wang immediately recognizes the effect of the two blades on the woman's hand.

However, the woman looks at Joe Wang with a surprised expression on her face. If a normal person would be hit by her twin blades, they would immediately fell unconscious after just a few seconds. But looking at the young boy in front of her, it seems that he can resist the several Qi poison on her blade.

"Che, I won't tell you anything... But... I'm amazed at your tenacity. However, everything is futile. You must give up now. I will make your death swift. This is my respect for a fellow strong warrior."

"Before I kill you, I want you to know the woman who has taken your life… They call me Eve Snow. How about you? What is the name of the person who will fall in my blade today?" she asked politely and with confidence.

Joe Wang looks at her as his vision seems to slowly blur.

"I'm a nobody… Nobody who would take your life. Hehe…" Joe Wang said with a smile as if he is feeling drunk.

Seeing his expression, Eve Snow stood up and lifted her twin blades.

She just decided to decapitate Joe Wang and finish the fight between them. She still needs to hunt the remaining cultivators who entered the forest.

Swoosh!!! Clang!!!

He figures vanish and the sound of weapons clashing with each other reverberated through the air.

Eve Snow was surprised as her attack did not connect but instead, it was blocked by Joe Wang. Feeling a bit confused she didn't give up attacking as she prepares to launch another attack.

Unknown to her, the corner of Joe Wang's lips turn to smile.


The sound of skin being torn was suddenly heard as the two figures separate with smiles on their faces.

Joe Wang still had a big smile on his face, but he still fell to the ground unconscious. Although he was able to handle facing the power of Eve Snow, her cultivation was a bit higher than his, plus he was poisoned so he succumbs to his injuries and fainted.

But then, the smile on Eve Snow's face turned serious as she slowly looks down on her stomach. She can see a gaping wound with her intestine already slowly extending out.

"Damn… he… he got me." she muttered as she fell to the ground.

Joe Wang used his remaining energy to clash with Eve Snow and uses the flying blade to detach from the hilt and tore through her stomach. She thought that Joe Wang dodge, but when she felt a line crossing through her clothes and cutting her stomach, she already knew she lost the fight.

"I'm… I'm sorry master… I… I failed my mi…" Eve Snow muttered but didn't finish as from the corner of her eyes she saw a figure slowly floating to the ground.

It was the figure of a man with an ethereal aura around him. The man floated slowly to the ground before standing beside her.

"Foolish child, how can you be so careless? Sigh…" the man said in a deep voice.

He carefully picks her up and turns his eyes towards the figure of Joe Wang on the ground. His eyes squint upon seeing that the boy has no aura in his body but was able to defeat one of his top disciples. He wanted to take a look but soon discovers that footsteps are coming towards the area. With reluctance, he turns around.

"What an interesting child. My plan was a failure today because of you… I will remember this." he muttered.

"All Black Lotus sect members! Retreat!" he shouted in a loud voice.

When his figure disappears, a couple of people jumps down from the tree and quickly run to Joe Wang. If Joe Wang was conscious he would recognize some of them. One of them is Master Wang, and the other four were his supposed backup. Although Master Wang's face is a bit bruised and his robe in tatters, he is still able to preserve his life.

Beside him is an archaic-looking old man with a golden crown on his head.

"Master, the Black Lotus sect has retreated." Master Wang said while looking at the direction where the mysterious man left a while ago.

"Haha… How can they not? They have lost a lot of their top forces in this province and it was a tough blow for them. This is because of you and this… child." The old man said in jubilation.

He was truly worried when he received a message that there are spies in the cultivation society. So he immediately sets off and directly went to the forest, and then he saw Master Wang who is fighting against many of the forces of the Black Lotus sect. As a powerful cultivator, the old man can traverse such long distances with ease, and even flying over the tall wall is of no effort for him.

Master Wang discovered that this morning the communication of the enemy became incoherent making them inconsistent and suddenly everyone in the forces didn't trust each other anymore. So it became easy for Master Wang and the old man to destroy the enemy base and rescue the captured people.

With this, they were able to destroy their initial plan to sacrifice a lot of villagers in the forest and revive the dark beast god.

With a simple miscommunication from Joe Wang, the group which didn't trust each other in the first place became chaotic in one fell swoop. Though it was not part of his plan, it still worked.

"Let's leave this place and clean up our forces. I think it's time to flush those rats out." The old man said with a serious expression.

Master Wang carefully carried Joe Wang and left with the group.