A secret

Part 69


His bulging eyes could not believe what he is seeing right at this moment. He could not believe that he is looking at someone who seems so unfathomable and very strong at the same time. With his ability, Joe Wang could already see the cultivation of the old man wearing cultivator's clothing.

The old man is actually a very strong cultivator. The strongest cultivator he has seen so far in this world. The old man is actually a gold core realm expert, but Joe Wang is unable to determine his level.

He now knew why Elvira Qin said that inside the cultivation world there are many strong people. Now Joe Wang knew that this place is like that in the cultivation land. In fact, judging from what he had seen so the fact this place has the same thing in the cultivation land except for the Qi and Mana in this world plentiful but is contained and not abundant in the atmosphere.

"I guess it's time for me to go back to the stone market and buy some precious stones to cultivate Qi." Joe Wang thought as he felt a bit excited upon the prospect of cultivating the combination of Qi and Mana once again.

This is the perfect way of manipulating the complete power in the universe. Though doing this would slow his progression but his strength would be ten folds than those who cultivate either of the energy.

Joe Wang closes his eyes and felt the energy in his body and found that his cultivation has solidified at the 10th sphere or 10th level of the body refining realm. But the body refining realm is at max up to the 9th level, so the 10th is the perfect level of the realm which can make those who reach such a realm's physique is far stronger and more powerful than normal cultivators.

Joe Wang spends 2 days in the hospital ward of the military barracks in the boundary gate. In those 2 days, the forces of the cultivation society infiltrated the military barracks and purge the forces from the Black Lotus Sect.

Then they went out and also visited the town and even Beta City itself.

This silent cleansing was thorough and made the hidden forces from the other groups began fleeing the city and the towns.

Inside the hospital ward, a female cultivator is currently checking some papers on a table.

"Hey, when are you going to leave?" Joe Wang said grumpily at the woman.

She is Chun Feng, the young woman who carries two handguns whom Joe Wang saved twice.

"Eh? Why do you want me to go? Are you planning to escape?" she said with suspicion on her eyes.

"Escape my ass. I'm resting comfortably in this place why would I escape and suffer?" Joe Wang retorted.

"Che, You followed us back then to the forest. Luckily Master Wang was able to save you in time, or else you would have died."

"Ha! I was the one who saved you guys. If not for me, that woman called… Eve… Eve Snow could have ambushed you four. So stupid to run into an enemy camp and leaving trails all over the place. Your training should be revamped and you all should be trained properly." Joe Wang said with a sneer.

Upon hearing his word, the young woman suddenly showed an angry expression.

"You… you…"

"Chun'er, I think the boy is right. He might be young but he was able to infiltrate the base and did much commotion in the enemy's camp with just some simple acts." Master Wang suddenly said as he enters the room.

"Oh, Master Wang… you're here." She said while standing in a salute to the old man.

"He was even able to detect the evil intent of the people I trusted. Sigh… I'm getting too old for this. I wish I could… get stronger… so that I can do more for our society." Master Wang sighs while emphasizing the words 'get stronger' and glancing at Joe Wang.

Upon seeing the smile on the old man's face, Joe Wang felt that he suddenly fell on a trap.

"So this is the old man's plot. He wanted to test my capability and see if what I told him about getting stronger further is true. Ha… What a cunning old bastard." Joe Wang thought.

Two days later, Joe Wang now returned to the villa of Melissa Krin.

The two women greeted him warmly while the expression of Master Wang had a big grin on his face as if he caught something really interesting.

After dinner, Joe Wang and Master Wang talked outside in the backyard of the house. He has already taught Master Wang about the fundamental of breaking through to the core-forming realms. This made the old man truly amazed at the knowledge that Joe Wang imparted. If Joe Wang would permit it, the old man would call him master.

That night, Joe Wang concocted a pill in front of Master Wang. Elvira Qin and Melissa Krin watch from the window in their room. The three people were all astounded as the refining of ingredients as they floated in the air and one by one melted and turn into liquid.

"This… this is the ancient art of refining pills. This is the long lost art! Haha! Our cultivation society is truly blessed to have a hidden alchemist in our midst." Master Wang thought as he felt elated deep in his heart.

Then they saw the materials combining and slowly forming into ten solid white pills and slowly entered the two pill bottles in front of Joe Wang.

Joe Wang could not have done this if he had not reached the 10th sphere. Without the presence of Qi, he could not concoct a pill that needed Qi to concoct. Though this is the highest he can concoct at this time as pills for gold core realm needed an alchemist to possess a core to refine one.

"Take this Master Wang and try to a breakthrough in this place… or the further from here the better. Breaking through the core-forming realm in your age is a bit destructive. This is because of the large amount of stagnant pure Qi accumulated in your dantian and meridians." Joe Wang warned.

Upon hearing this, an idea immediately enters the old man's mind. I can do it there! He said while pointing at the lone hill overlooking the subdivision.

Joe Wang nods his head as the two stood up and wanted to proceed.

Suddenly, the door open and two young women run towards them.

"Wait! We want to come!" Melissa Krin and Elvira Qin shouted.

The two wanted to see how Master Wang would break through to the core-forming realm.

Seeing the excited look on the two women's eyes, Joe Wang nods his head.

Grabbing Melissa Krin by her waist, Joe Wang and the other two jumps through the air and nimbly ran towards the hill.

Elvira Qin had a look of jealousy in her eyes, but she didn't react. She knew that Melissa Krin is not strong enough to follow them if Joe Wang did not support her.

Upon reaching the place, they chose a spot where there is a small clearing in the middle of the small forest-like scene.

Joe Wang immediately setup a Qi gathering array in the area.

Then Master Wang sits in the middle of the array. He then took out a bottle of pills and put one pill in his mouth. He immediately felt the pill melting as it enters his throat. The strong energy immediately filled his body and he felt the changes in his dantian.

Master Wang knew the efficacy of the pill he took as he was the one who bought the materials listed by Joe Wang. He purposely chose the best materials, hence the pills ended up being high-grade pills.

According to Joe Wang, this is the first phase of forming a core. Then he followed the pattern taught by Joe Wang as he slowly rotates the slowly coagulating energy inside his body. The years of cultivation and the pure Qi stuck in his meridian began melting and combining inside his body. It didn't take long before Master Wang has now felt a strong force entering his meridians.

Joe Wang told him a secret that would turn his core into a really powerful one. And that is to do a counterforce along with the current rotation. However, if not done properly this would cause him to fail the core-forming and would ruin his opportunity to reach the core-forming realm.

But Master Wang is determined to be stronger and not mediocre like before. His strong will to serve made him truly determined to succeed.

When Joe Wang saw what the old man is doing, cold sweat trickled down his spine.

"This old man is really gutsy, Haha… You have gotten this immortal's respect… Truly brave… truly brave." He thought.

As time went by, Master Wang has gotten hold of the dual rotation in his dantian. But the pain he felt has begun as a strong wave of Qi rushed towards his body. The wind in the surroundings became strong and the clouds above the sky started to form as it slowly swirls above their heads.

"*uck! Don't tell me this old man would suffer from a heavenly tribulation? His lifespan would increase by that much?" Joe Wang curses as he noticed the black clouds started to thicken.

Without another word, Joe Wang rushes towards the formation and added another one, a defensive formation.

He even took out a couple of metals in his space ring and began crafting shields and weapons of every kind.

The two women were dumbfounded especially Elvira Qin upon seeing how Joe Wang was able to craft weapons out of lumps of metals.

Then after that, he found that the sky turned dark and a small light is flickering in the middle.

"Here it comes!" Joe Wang thought as a flicker of lightning suddenly strikes.


Joe Wang threw himself in the middle while holding a shield.

The shield shattered while Joe Wang's figure was thrown. Luckily he didn't suffer any wounds but he has no time for respite as he can see that another thunder will strike.

Boom!!! Boom!!!

Joe Wang threw himself this time holding a sword envelops in Qi. But this time, the sword held but the electricity courses in Joe Wang's body making him feel pain all over.

"Absorb! Common!" shouted Joe Wang in his mind and he tried to absorb the lightning into his dantian.

Pant! Pant!

"Joe!" Melissa wanted to rush but was held by Elvira.

"Let him be. He is a strong man." Elvira Qin said as a glimmering light of admiration can be seen in her eyes.

But their thought was interrupted as another lightning strikes down.
