Dangerous family

Part 71


Delta City University

The Business and Accounting department building has a lot of students roaming around the hallway as the classes have already ended.

Inside a particular room sat a beautiful woman with her long black hair covering half of her face while she is writing something on the desk. Her full concentration is on the subject matter she is engaged in that she didn't notice a man approaching her side.

From the gaze of the man, it seems that he is looking at her with interest in his eyes and a little bit of fondness. As the onlookers on the side observe many women started to ogle the man who is approaching the young woman.

The handsome western face of the man which looks like it was carved from a very fine marble made the woman blush. His clear blue eyes and dark brown wavy hair made him look really handsome and charming. His height of 1.83 meters made him grab the attention of everyone around him.

"Who is that?"

"He's so handsome! I wish he would come towards me."

"My heart can't take this… He looks like an actor… No… a deity."

The women in the classroom whispered while giggling and throwing flirtatious glances at the guy.

He then stood to the side of Melissa Krin and smiled.

"I guess this is where you're hiding… Little sister," he said with a smile.

When Melissa Krin heard the man's voice, the pen on her hand could not help but shake for a bit. She was thoroughly taken aback and could not think what to do next as she unconsciously turns her head towards the young man on her side.

The expensive-looking blue shirt and that smiling face made Melissa Krin's heart shudder in fear.

This is her older brother, Nicholas Krin.

She suddenly remembers that day as she came home from school when she was only 12 years old. She was really excited to see her mother and tell her the great news. However, what she saw that day made her decide to run away.

Runaway from her own family which she thought to be her haven. But that haven of hers is actually full of demons from hell.

She could not stomach that brutality that she saw that day and ran away in secret.

And one of those people she saw was her fine-looking elder brother who standing next to her right now. Her body unconsciously shivers upon seeing his eyes which is looking at her with tender affection.

"Sister, don't you want to see your big brother anymore?" Nicolas Krin said while opening his arms wide in an embrace.

Melissa timidly stood up and lets her 3rd older brother hugs her.

Then he carefully whispers in her ears.

"You cannot escape anymore. Father decided to take you back with me," he said with a smile.

He carefully grabs her shoulder and then checks her beautiful face.

"You've grown… You've grown in a very fine young woman… really beautiful." He said which made Melissa once again subconsciously shudders.

Nicolas Krin felt this which made him smile. He is contented with the result of his visit. He knew that with this he can take her back without a hitch.

"Grab your things, we will go now," he whispered.

She bits her lips and reluctance can be seen on her face. The only people in her family that knew where she is are his mother and uncle. But she knew that those two would not tell the other family members. Only those people under them are sometimes sent to check her at least once a month.

She slowly lifted her head and asked in a timid voice.

"H… How… How did you find me?" she timidly asked.

"Haha… You have to thank your friend… I mean your boyfriend for that." Nicolas Krin said as he pointed at the person outside of the classroom door.

When Melissa's eyes strain towards the direction, she had an expression of disbelief in her eyes. This is because the person her brother is pointing is very familiar to her, it was Sikong Wu.

She never knew what happened to Sikong Wu but she noticed that he is avoiding which she is really grateful. But what he did today is out of her expectation.

"He called our home and we were surprised that the man is actually your boyfriend. Haha… I never knew you have such low taste in men." Nicolas muttered in a low voice.

Melissa Krin didn't reply and just packs her things and walks out of the huge classroom.

Behind her followed Nicolas her brother and Sikong Wu. However, as the two followed they noticed that Melissa Krin is walking towards the small forest section of the university. This is a place where many didn't want to visit as only those students in the martial department like to practice in this place.

"Little sister, what are we doing here?" Nicolas suddenly asked with a confident smile.

"Wait this is a secluded place. Don't tell me you've changed your mind from my offer last time. Our family linage should stay in the family… Haha…" he added with a laugh.

Sikong Wu who is following them had a bad premonition in his heart, but he still trailed behind the two.

Then when the group seems to have reached the middle of the small forest, Melissa turns around and slowly drops her bag to the ground.

She immediately took a fighting stance.

When Nicolas saw this, his smiling face turned serious.

"Hey, don't tell me you're going to resist? I'll tell you this now… even though you are my little sister and I'm attracted to you, I won't tolerate…"


Nicolas immediately ducks to dodge the fast straight punch from Melissa's small fist. But the gushing air made the hair on his body stood on end.

"What the hell was that?" Nicolas thought.

On the back, Sikong Wu took a step back from that scene. He suddenly felt that Melissa looks like a lioness ready to pounce and devour him whole.

Her fierce gaze made his knees tremble and felt weak.

"Holy shit! Is this the same woman that I dated? She… she is like a predator now." Sikong Wu thought.

Melissa didn't stop and continuously throws punches towards Nicolas her older brother.

But… as a male member of the Krin family, Nicolas Krin is trained since young in combat. And when he grew, he enters the military and served their country. He became a veteran in war and combat. His fighting instinct is in his bones. So, although Melissa is fast and nimble in her movement and fighting, he can still dodge her attacks.

However, Nicolas is truly surprised right now at her sister's fighting prowess.

Not to say about her speed, but he thinks that if he is hit by her punches he would surely suffer. So he didn't have a choice but to dodge as quickly as he can.

With his big build, he can only dodge so much, and soon a fist landed on his two arms blocking his chest.



The small fist of Melissa Krin is like a jackhammer that hits both of Nicolas Krin's arms. The pain he felt is something he never expected from the weak-looking body of his sister. However, it seems that his sister has trained herself in boxing. But what baffled him is the strength she possesses.

Shaking his arms, Nicolas looks at Melissa with a serious expression.

"It seems that you've been training… Quite a strength you have there. But that is not enough to defeat me." Nicolas said with a grin.

His handsome and amiable expression a while ago is now gone and an evil and sinister grin are now on his face. This is the same expression that Melissa Krin saw that day. She could never forget that face and that evil grin.

She gritted her teeth and resolves herself to not fear one of the people she hated the most in her life.

"That's it, this is the real you… The beast… I have long discarded our family relationship since that day… I had never seen you as my brother… since that day!" she growled in anger.

"Aww… that's too sad. I mean… it would be bad if father finds out that I hit you… Hehe… however, he also told me, that if I have to drag you along with me, I will. Keke…" Nicolas said as he grinned while walking towards Melissa.

With both hands in the air, he took a fighting position.

"I fight you seriously now little sister…" he said.


The air vibrated as the tall figure of Nicolas seems to break through the air barrier. His punch is solid as is directed towards Melissa's chest.

Melissa was stunned at her brother's speed and the invisible pressure she suddenly felt covering her body. She was unable to move even if she wanted to.

"Damn it! Am I still scared of him? Am I scared of them?" she shouted in her mind.

However, her body would not listen.

She wanted to close her eyes, but suddenly she recalled how Joe Wang fights his opponent who seems larger and stronger than him. She realized that she has no reason to be afraid. She is not a normal person anymore, she has entered a new realm, a realm where only the strong walks.

The road she has taken now is not that of a normal man but of the gods.

Because she is now a cultivator…