Dragon Fist Boxing

Part 72


The face of Melissa Krin looks solemn as she carefully watches the large fist coming closer towards her. Although the fist of her brother is fast, in her eyes everything is now moving really slow. As she watches she slowly grasp the timing and suddenly tilted her head sideways.

The air blast from that powerful fist gushes through her long hair blowing them all over the place. She was able to dodge that fist even though she just moved a little with no required effort at all.

Then she discovered that she can now move her body normally and decided to counter-attack.

Melissa lifted her small fist and delivers an uppercut.


Nicolas's body immediately shifted to the right following his punch. That way he can dodge that quick yet powerful fist going towards his chin.

His large figure rolled to the ground and quickly jumps back up.

"That was a really nice move sister. It seems that someone has been teaching you how to fight. Whoever that person is, I would commend them for being a great teacher." Nicolas said with a smirk.

Suddenly he felt that his chin seems a little painful. Then he discovered that he didn't totally dodge her attack. There is a thin line of a wound on his chin right now and it is slowly seeping with his crimson blood.

Feeling this, the eyes of Nicolas turned red in anger.

He could not accept the humiliation that his little sister whom he considered as just meat for the grinder and non-essential in their family actually wounded him, a warrior, and a veteran fighter.

"Little sister, you did this. I will not hold back anymore. You will now see why I am your older brother and you are just a woman, a lower value in the family." He growled.

When Melissa Krin heard his words, anger swelled up in her heart. This is the same thing those bastards she called brothers said while they were acting like animals.

Joanne Krin is her younger cousin who likes to play and visit her every weekend. She was kind and lovely and Melissa truly loved her like her own sister. The two are almost inseparable and would always have each other's backs.

However, that day, when she got home, she saw something that she had never expected to happen in the family. Her three older brothers assaulted her own cousin. The three acted like animals while saying that women are of low value to the family and are like cattle, they are raised to be feed to the men and become like slaves.

Joanne Krin lost her mind that day and soon died because of what had happened. Melissa Krin blames herself for not being aware of the true nature of her brothers. And soon she realized that the three are beginning to eye her, their own little sister.

Even their father did not intervene in this tragedy and instead suppressed Joanne's family her uncle. From there she began to plan out her own escape. With the help of her mother and uncle, she was able to secretly get away from the family and come into the country.

She vowed never to return from that horrible place.

Later she learned that her uncle started to gain power along with her mother. Hence the conflict has started in the family.

From that, she can almost guess that she is being taken back as a hostage by her own father to defeat her mother and uncle. But how could she let them have their way? The first obstacle is right in front of her, one of the monsters who caused her beloved cousin to die.

She gritted her teeth and immediately rushes forward.

Nicolas's grinning face greeted her as he too calmly clashes with her rushing figure. She threw a quick jab but was met with a side swing by her brother hitting her cheek.

But she has already reached the 3rd level of the body refining realm after cultivating for a couple of weeks. Hence her physique is nothing like that of a normal person. That side punch of Nicolas didn't even make her flinch, so she continuously attacks.

But as a seasoned fighter, Nicolas has easily dodged her punches while throwing counters of his own.

After a few exchanges, Melissa has already suffered from a beating.

But of course, this didn't deter her that much as those hits as just superficial and didn't actually hurt her. However, from Nicolas's perspective, she is already worn out and wounded. She is already at the edge and would soon collapse.

Right now, Melissa is feeling frustrated as she is unable to hit her opponent. It was like her brother could see where she is going to punch before her fist could even be released.

Then she remembers something from her training with Joe Wang.

"Your fist are too straight and honest, it's easy to read and dodge. If you meet someone who is experienced in fighting, then they can easily read you. You need to learn how to hide your fist. Imagine your arm is like a snake or an eel. It can bend and wiggle all over the place. If you can control their trajectory then you can hide your punches from your enemy." Recalling these words, Melissa shook her head upon remembering her reaction.

As she wiggles her arms she thought that she looks silly. But then she realized one thing from those training, she now knows the importance of what Joe Wang is teaching her.

"So that was advance boxing." She thought.

Suddenly Nicolas felt the change in Melissa Krin's stance and posture. She started to wiggle her hand to relax and slowly took a stance. Then she would change to a relaxed stance again and wiggle her arms and then takes a fighting stance again.

These changes in her stance made Nicolas Krin felt that there is something off. It seems that his sister is trying to pull off something.

"Nicolas, I will never bow to you, nor my brothers, nor father… what you did to my cousin that day, I will take it to heart and get my revenge for her. I'll start with you." she said with a voice of determination.

"Keke… Really, then let me see your determination of revenge then. Because if you cannot defeat me today, I will violate you the way I did our cousin. Keke… Our blood will only belong to us and never be shared with strangers…" Nicolas said with a sinister voice.

With a rush, Nicolas Krin suddenly gained momentum and sent out a skill he practices for a long time. This skill he had used many times before in subduing his enemies and those powerful fighters he is almost unable to defeat.

"Rapid Power Fist," he thought of the name he gave the skill and immediately execute it.

Melissa suddenly felt that her view was clouded with thousands of fist. She felt that she has no path to escape and the only way is to defend.

However, she gritted her teeth and immediately took her stance. But this time she didn't clench her fist but instead positioned her fingers into claws. She had seen how Elvira Qin fights with Joe Wang, and they didn't always have their fists clenched.

This time, she decided to make her own move right in the middle of a dangerous fight. Joe Wang has already considered her to be a genius when it comes to technique and this time she is going to show that what Joe Wang said is the truth.

With hand-formed into claws, Melissa faced the thousands of fist in the air and immediately countered with her own set of skills. She named this skill in her mind as Dragon Fist boxing.



The two exchanges a few blows and suddenly two cracking sounds can be heard. Then this was followed by a figure suddenly flying back and hitting a tree trunk.


Nicolas laid on the ground unmoving while his hands look unusual and deformed.

Melissa's Dragon Fist Boxing is a counter which included catching the enemy fist and then gripping them with her strong fingers and then twisting them in her own volition. But to do that, the opponent should not see the trajectory of her arms, hence the changing of stance.

After a couple of practice, she has successfully caught the fast fist of Nicolas and broke them one by one. And on the last one, she uses that chance to send her own fist to his face breaking his nose and sending him flying.

Sikong Wu on the side had his eyes bulging in disbelief at the monstrous fight that just happened. He could not believe that the weak-looking woman is actually very strong and powerful. Without a second word, he immediately forces himself to turn around and ran away while tumbling to the ground a couple of times.

Melissa Krin's eyes are flowing with tears as she looks through the sky.

"Cousin sister, I did it. This is the first, I promise that I will not rest until I take my revenge against those who hurt you," she muttered deep in her heart.

However, her musing was interrupted when she noticed her bother on the ground.

"Cough… cough… Heh… I guess you've become stronger… But don't think that you are all that because you defeated me. Father and the rest will avenge me, I will return to get back at you." Nicolas said as he slowly picks himself up.

His bloody face looks grim as an angry look on his face is shown.

"Do you think you can still escape your predicament? I'm not that stupid girl anymore you know," she said as she slowly picks a stone on the ground.

She saw how Joe Wang flicks stones and uses it as weapons. She wanted to try it at least once.

But before she can do something she heard some noises from the back and saw some students walking towards them. She was alarmed and wanted to finish things up, but was surprised when she found that her brother has already escaped.

"Damn!" she muttered as she too ran away from the battle scene.