An Accident

Part 79


Angel Mei Ong showed a grateful look at her two friends and benefactors. She was also amazed at Melissa Krin's fighting ability.

"I didn't expect that the two of you would be visiting me today. But I am happy that you did." Angel Mei said with a grateful smile.

"I think it's time to upgrade your security big sister Angel." Joe Wang said as he took out a few blank strips of yellow-colored paper.

He put his hands inside his pocket and took out a unique looking pen.

Joe Wang then carefully wrote some runes and tiny arrays on the paper and put it aside to dry. He made around twenty of those carefully folded them one by one.

"Big sister, if someone annoys you, you can just grab one of these things in your other hand and point your other palm towards that person like this…" Joe Wang said as he walks towards the windows.

He carefully opens one of the windows and extended his hand outside.


A not too loud and seemingly muffled sound reverberated throughout the room. The people inside saw that something suddenly came out of Joe Wang's extended palm. While the windows shook wildly almost to the point of breaking.

"Although this would not kill anyone, it is powerful enough to push them away from you for a couple of meters. Plus each of these papers has three bursts each, so you don't have to worry about anything." Joe Wang explained.

Angel Mei and her secretaries were dumbstruck at what they saw and were stunned in place. They were unable to react to this as it was too magical for them as normal people.

"Here take them." Joe Wang said as he handed all the twenty airburst talisman to Angel Mei.

After handing the talisman to Angel Mei, Joe Wang and Melissa Krin talk to her about some stuff. As the three talked, the two secretaries on Angel Mei Ong's side excused themselves and went out of the room.

The two left after some time and went to eat lunch together.

Joe Wang spent some precious time with Melissa Krin, as the two acted lovey-dovey everywhere they go. For Joe Wang, in his long life, he has not experienced such a thing even when he had his wife. As his wife in the immortal plains is a very conservative woman and also both focus more on their cultivation, the two have not spent their time together like this.

So everything is new for Joe Wang, and a happy feeling arises from deep within his heart.

"Hey, Joe… Is there really no cure for your condition?" suddenly Melissa Krin asked out of the blue.

When Joe Wang heard this, he immediately felt guilty deep in his heart. He knew that being someone with erectile dysfunction he is unable to satisfy Melissa Krin once she wanted him. However, he could not do anything about it as it seems that his condition is genetics.

However, he was too busy with his affairs that he forgot to fix his condition. So he decided right at this moment to find a cure. If it's genetics then he would just use his crafting ability to do something about it then.

Suddenly an idea dawned unto him.

As his eyes suddenly lit up, he showed an excited gaze at Melissa Krin.

"Joe… Umm… it's not that I really wanted it. It's just that I'm just worried about your condition, that's all. I'm not someone who can't live without sex. Being here together with you is already enough for me." She said while hugging his first chest.

As the two cling to each other while walking, they suddenly reached a well-known place for couples. When Melissa Krin saw the signage on builds, her face immediately flushed.

Then an idea donned unto Joe Wang. He is not a man who would just satisfy himself and not think of his partner. With his ability and skill, he can actually make his girlfriend satisfied sexually.

He turns into a corner and walked inside an inconspicuous door with glittering neon lights as its name, Night Paradise.

Melissa Krin did not protest as she just followed Joe Wang inside. But her face is now flushing red in embarrassment.

"Wait… are we really going to do it? I mean… you…" she suddenly muttered as she looks at Joe Wang in the eyes.

Joe Wang gave her a simple smile and gave a peck on her soft and luscious lips.

"Though I'm unable to do that, I still have my ways to satisfy you." Joe Wang said with a smile.

"No, I'm good… Let's go. Let's just go home." She said while blushing.

"Come on… Don't think of anything else. Okay."

As Joe Wang gently held her hands, she felt a bit calm.

Joe Wang paid and the middle-aged woman behind the counter just looks at the couple and gave them a key to a room.

As the two left and walks inside the room. The middle-aged woman suddenly took out her phone. Then she types in some words while a crafty smile appears on her face.

She then walks inside the room behind her where two computer screens can be seen with many images that came from surveillance cameras inside the motel. In one of the rooms, she saw the two young couples entered.

The two both look handsome and beautiful. Hence she wanted to watch them have sex while she records everything.

Suddenly, she didn't know what happened but the screen flickered and turns black.

"What the hell happened?" she said in annoyance.

She presses some buttons and everything is still dark except for the camera in the bathroom. This made the woman's expression turned grim and immediately dialed a number.


Meanwhile, inside the room, Joe Wang has covered the surveillance camera with some sticky goo he made along the way.

"Shin… should… I think… I think I should wash first." Melissa shyly said.

"No need… you don't smell bad." Joe Wang said while taking a whiff of her scent.

This made Melissa once again blush in embarrassment. She knew that ever since she started cultivating all of the impurities in her body were removed and her scent changed into something nice. Even her friends at school noticed this and asked what kind of perfume she is wearing.

But how could she tell them that it was her natural scent? So she would just give them a polite smile.

"Alright, lie down here." Joe Wang patted the bed.

Melissa followed and laid herself on the bed. Then Joe Wang carefully put his hand on her stomach.

"Are you ready?" he asked with a crafty smile on his face.

"Wait…" suddenly something dawned into her as she recalled something.

Melissa immediately jumps out of the bed and ran towards the bathroom taking her handbag with her. From inside she suddenly took out a napkin and loosen the belt of her pants, when she was about to take it off, the door tilted open and Joe Wang peeks inside.

But he didn't enter as he just closes the door immediately after. This made her felt a bit baffled.

After Melissa Krin walks out of the bathroom, she resumed lying down on the bed in front of Joe Wang.

"Are you ready?"

She nodded her head in response and closes her eyes.

Actually, Melissa Krin felt a bit excited and worried at the same time right at this moment, because she heard from Elvira Qin about Joe Wang's massage technique.

As soon as Joe Wang started, Melissa Krin's eyes immediately flew wide open in disbelieve as she turned her gaze to Joe Wang. She could not believe what she is feeling right now and she could not even describe it. It was like she is being violated by him, but her body is screaming for more.

After 30 minutes, she is already panting trying to catch her breath while Joe Wang on her side has a disheveled appearance. He did not expect that Melissa would act so wildly that she began stripping him of his top clothes and she too took off hers.

The two lay in bed looking at each other with a loving smile on their faces.

"We should do this often." Joe Wang said with a grin.

Upon hearing this, Melissa hit him on his chest coquettishly.

"Bad guy…"

"Beautiful girl…" he replied giving her a slight peck on the lips.

The two left the motel feeling satisfied as they held their hands while walking on the side road.

However, unknown to Joe Wang and Melissa Krin, two people are looking at them on the other side of the street. Two young girls had a look of disbelief in their eyes as they watch Joe Wang and Melissa Krin walking sweetly with their hands together. Judging from where they came from it would seem that they have done what couples usually do in those places.

"That's… that's Joe Wang, right?" Binbing Qin asked the young girl beside her in disbelief.

"Ye… yeah… but… this… this is impossible." Jean Xi muttered as she looks the direction of Joe Wang while thinking of something.

She was there when the video was taken and had seen him with his pants down. Although she would agree with the people in the comments that his thing looks big, yet it was still limp as she saw it. That place at that time is filled with the smell of both male and female hormones rising through the air. A normal male and female would have really had a reaction but she clearly saw it for herself, that he has that problem.

Joe Wang is clearly a eunuch.

Then how could he be coming out of that motel?

However, her thought was interrupted as she saw that Joe Wang and his girlfriend seems to be being stalked by a couple of bad-looking people.

"This is bad, we have to help them." Suddenly Binbing Qin said as she suddenly wanted to run and warn Joe Wang.

Although they didn't know each other that well, they are still classmates and belong to the same school.

However, she didn't realize that a car is speeding in her direction. The driver seeing this immediately press the car's horn and stepped on the brake hard.


The sound of a car's horn and its wheels sliding through the road made Binbing Qin's heart skipped a beat. But it was already too late, for she realized that because of her impulse to warn her classmate she has unconsciously run in the middle of the road.

"No!!!" cried Jean Xi looking at her best friend with a panic-stricken expression.

She wanted to run and save her, but what could she do?

Tears subconsciously fell down her cheek as she watches in horror while the car came nearer to her stunned best friend standing in the middle of the road.