The school trip

Part 78


A few months have passed in a blink of an eye, and it's time for the senior students to go on a school trip. This school trip would give them the opportunity to expand their horizon on the world and learn from it.

They are going to another city which is famous for its industrial factories and business establishments.

Meanwhile, Joe Wang just came back from the local headquarters of the cultivation society in Delta City along with Master Wang. The two have dealt with the case of Jubang Cao and discovered a lot of hidden secrets within the local headquarters of the cultivation society in Delta city.

"I will investigate this further… so don't worry. Just return to school." Master Wang said as the two got off the car.

Joe Wang visited Melissa Krin and the two spend the rest of the day together.

They decided to visit Angel Mei Ong in her new office.

When the two arrived, they were astonished at the design of the new building and the people inside it. It was actually full of people holding business suitcases and some looks like rich men and women. So when Joe Wang and Melissa Krin appear with their casual clothes they got some of the people's attention.

Suddenly a beautiful receptionist walks towards the two and politely greeted them.

"Good afternoon! Would you be buying a car or other products? I would be glad to assist you."

"Oh, we're here for Angel Mei…" Melissa Krin replied with a polite smile.

When the woman heard Melissa, she showed an awkward smile. This is because most of the people in the place are looking for their boss. However, her boss is really busy right now talking to many important people. So she hesitated for a second.

"I'm sorry… but our boss is really busy right now meeting a lot of important guests."

"Oh, that's okay… We can just wait here." Melissa Krin already knew the situation from the woman's reaction so she didn't want to push her luck.

"We can just leave her a message and come back later." Joe Wang suggested.

With a nod of her head, she immediately sent an SMS to Angel Mei Ong.

When the two were about to turn around three young men suddenly appear.

One of them showed a charming smile and extended his hand to Melissa Krin.

"Hi, Miss… I'm guessing that you are here to buy a CP unit, right? I'm Xan Fang. If you want I can recommend you to Miss Ong. She is my sister-in-law." The young man proudly said.

"Come with us, miss. We can help you." his friends added.

"You see my brother was married to Miss Ong a while back but had some conflict with her, so now the two are going to reconcile and join hands in the business."

Melissa didn't greet him and just looks at him with suspicion. Joe Wang and Melissa knew of Angel Mei's relation and fake marriage. So how could this man be so shameless as to say and call Angle Mei as his sister-in-law?


Joe Wang suddenly could almost not stop himself from laughing out loud.

"How could she be your sister-in-law when their marriage was a fake one?" he muttered.

But his voice is actually loud enough to be heard by the people around them.

When the young man heard Joe Wang, his expression immediately changes. He glared at Joe Wang and showed a malicious grin.

"You shouldn't have said that boy," he said as he suddenly threw a punch at Joe Wang's face.

But before his hand could reach Joe Wang's face, he was sent flying by a kick from the side. Melissa was quick to react and immediately threw a sidekick at the guy.

Luckily for him, Melissa Krin is able to control her strength because if not then he would have died right at that moment.

After a long while of cultivation, Melissa Krin has finally broken through two levels and reached the 7th level of the body refining realm and almost going to the 8th level. Her fight with her brother has let her body experience a great change within her. So her mindset has helped her to rapidly improve her cultivation.

Everyone was shocked at what Melissa Krin did. But the two didn't want to bother with the guy anymore as they felt that there is something happening inside from the tone of the young man. So without a second word, they immediately bolted inside the building towards the stairs. With their speed, they are like a gust of wind for normal people's eyes.

It didn't take long before the two suddenly arrive in front of the conference room door. And from inside they can hear loud voices of people having loud discussions.

"Miss Ong, do you think you can fight against our combined forces? No matter how strong your backing is if we wanted to take you down and your company it would be easy for us. But as businessmen, we just wanted to cooperate with your business. You know you can't stand alone as a business, right? You need to have connections." A middle-aged man said while looking as Angel Mei who is sitting behind her table with a depressed look on her face.

These people were brought here by her fake husband and are trying to pressure her to have them enter her company, and the man whom they wanted to be their representative is her ex. At first, she thought that they would just suggest something like cooperation like the other companies, but she was cornered by them and somewhat being threatened.

Right now, there are at least five men in black suits behind these people.

"You… You are all shameless… And you… Mr. Fang, do you think you have the right to throw your weight on me? After you tricked me into that fake marriage you will claim that it was a true marriage, how shameless of you." Angle Mei said in an angry tone.

"Haha… as long as we said it was a true marriage no one can say anything." another middle-aged man said.


Suddenly the door was kicked open by Melissa Krin who can't hold her anger anymore. She didn't want her friend to be bullied by some men, so she immediately rushed in.

Joe Wang shook his head as he followed behind her calmly.

"Who…" someone blurted out.

The bodyguards were fast as they immediately went to grab their firearms. However, before one of them can point it towards Melissa, she already caught his hand and with a twist breaks it.


She didn't stop there as she suddenly took a step forward and threw out a simple punch combo to the other two men accurately hitting their hands.

Crack! Crack!

The loud sound of bones cracking made everyone in the room felt their bodies shudder in disbelief.

All they can see is a young woman, attacking the five large bodyguards around them.

"Shoot her! Kill her!" shouted one of the middle-aged men.

However, before another man can point his gun towards Melissa Krin, his hand was hit by an object and with a painful scream, he lets go of the gun he is holding.


The last guy had his hand on the holster of his gun but didn't draw it upon seeing what happened to his companions.

"How dare you intrude here! I will tear you, people, apart." shouted the middle-aged man who had a smug look while talking to Angel Mei Ong a while ago.

However, before he could say anything. Melissa Krin didn't hesitate and attacked the four guards and sent them flying to the wall.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four bulky men became unconscious after hitting the wall with a loud bang.

The last bodyguard stood rooted to the ground in fear.

"You people dare to threaten Sister Angel. I think you should pay for your insolence," said Melissa in a cold tone.

When the two middle-aged men and Mr. Fang saw this, they were scared stiff.

Although the young woman looks beautiful, her temper is very scary. And her icy looks made the four men felt shivers down their spines.

"You… you… what do you want?"

"Do… do you know who we are?"

The two middle-aged men began to threaten.

However, before they knew it, a young boy walks in front of them and suddenly forced them to swallow a pill each without resistance.

Then the four of them immediately felt their body screaming in pain. It felt like every bones and muscle of their body is being broken and twisted over and over. The four began to scream as they rolled on the office floor.



"No…, please! Make… Make it… make it stop!"

They cried in anguish.

When Melissa Krin, Angle Mei Ong, and her two secretaries saw this they were all dumbstruck.

"The four of you will suffer this kind of pain unless I give you the antidote. But before I do, I will have you work under me from now on. You will be in my beck and call… understand?" Joe Wang said with an evil grin in his face.

When they heard this, they immediately nod their heads in fear.

Joe Wang had concocted different kinds of pills for the past few months and one of them is this poison. It is a pill that will torture a person who takes it for five days and die with their bodies melting into a puddle of blood.

He took out four white pills and gave it to them.

"Each month, you will need me. And you will come to me if you want to live. You disobey me, and I will activate the pills in your body and let you die a horrible death… Now leave this place before I lost my patience." Joe Wang said with a stern voice.

"…Umm… Wait, young man… How… How can we find you?" one of the middle-aged men who seem to be unwilling to succumb to his fate asked.

He wanted to know who Joe Wang is and prepare to attack him. But Joe Wang knew his plan and sneered at the man.

"I will find you… Hehe…" he said with a grin.

Upon seeing the sinister grin on the young boy, they didn't dare to dawdle and immediately left with a heavy heart. They came to conquer the growing business but were subdued instead.

They have grabbed this opportunity because the government had not implemented the full cooperation with Angel Mei Ong yet. However, who would have known that she has someone more sinister helping her.

While walking out of the building, Mr. Fang suddenly asked.

"Sir, are we really going to give up just like that?"

"If the poison is incurable by any means, then we are doomed and this is because of you… So you just wait for your punishment… Mr. Fang." One of the middle-aged men said with an angry look before entering a black sedan car.

The group is actually a part of a large company named, Eowa Corporation. And the two middle-aged men are the two executives supporting someone who is trying to take over the company. With their background in the underground, they were confident to be able to deal with the small car shop. However, they were mistaken and were instead threatened by a boy.