A Cultivator’s path Part 2

Part 77


Four figures are currently standing on stage, the referee who is trembling on the fear, Tai Hong on the ground with his disheveled appearance, the cute looking girl with one of her hands bursting in flames, and someone which the whole school hadn't recognized.

However, after looking at the person who had intruded on the fight, everyone was dumbfounded. The person who has appeared on the stage is actually the one they called eunuch in the school, Joe Wang. But what surprises everyone is that Joe Wang is casually holding the fierce-looking girl with only one hand.

"It seems that the fight is unfair. A 1st level spirit refining realm cultivator is fighting against a mortal. This is uncalled for. It appears that Delta North High School is harboring some malicious thoughts." Joe Wang said casually while turning his gaze to the VIP viewing platform.


A loud explosion suddenly resounded throughout the Martial hall and a sorry figure was sent flying out. In one look Joe Wang can tell that the figure is a cultivator, but it seems that he has encountered his match.


The figure crashes towards the arena embedding himself in the ground.


The man groans in pain as he tried to walk out of the small crater he is in.

Then suddenly a figure slowly floated from the stage which immediately surprises the students watching. In the whole school there are only a few students who are aware of the presence of cultivators and many thought that is was all a fantasy and in myths. However, now in front of their eyes is a real live cultivator with overwhelming power.

The pressure exuded by Master Wang can be felt by the students sitting around the martial hall.

As he floated, he took a glance at Joe Wang and nods his head. Joe Wang replied with a polite gesture of his own.

Joe Wang noticed that something is wrong with Master Wang's aura and immediately took out a small pill bottle and threw it towards Master Wang's direction.

Master Wang already knew that Joe Wang noticed his injury and didn't hesitate to take the pill bottle. He took out a pill inside and immediately ate it.

Everyone looking at this scene had a complicated expression on their faces. However, within the crowd there are a few students who are looking at Joe Wang with an incredulous look on their faces. They can clearly see the pill bottle he threw and saw the small pill that the powerful old man took. It was clearly a medicinal pill.

The so-called medicinal pill is very precious in the eyes of normal people. It is said that it has the ability to cure any wounds and even has the possibility of bringing the dead back to life. Though in this advanced world, this is somewhat farfetched and was only said to exist in stories.

As Master Wang descended from the air to the arena, a figure suddenly rushes flying towards him. It seems that the other person has regained his strength and not wanted to attack once again. Joe Wang himself was a bit surprised to see that another spirit refining realm cultivator is in the Martial Hall.

He knew that in Delta City cultivators within the spirit refining realm are not that plenty and only those affluent families can afford to support them. But now he can see two at the same time.

Seeing the figure attacking Master Wang, the cute girl suppresses by Joe Wang suddenly exerted and released her Qi. Joe Wang was a bit taken aback, but he did not let go of the girl's hand. Instead he quickly forced the girl towards him.

This made the girl suddenly lose her balance and in that instant finds herself losing consciousness. She did not expect that in just one move, Joe Wang could render her unconscious.

The man attacking Master Wang noticed this and was stunned. The girl is his secret disciple and is a very strong 1st level spirit refining realm cultivator. However, in just one move she was knocked out. But he could not think of anything else right now because he has already made his move to attack Master Wang.

His mission is to kill or wound the old man severely.

The man, who is considered as the Martial Hall coach of Delta North High School, quickly brandished two daggers he is holding in his hands. He aimed those two to Master Wang's heart and neck. His sneak attack has wounded Master Wang from his back and he knew that the wound was fatal. Though the old man can still hold himself through his cultivation, the man is sure that his time is up. So he needs to grab this opportunity to kill Master Wang. With this his mission is a success.

Jubang Cao… That is the name of the man currently attacking Master Wang. His personal disciple Lily Ximei is the name of the cute girl knocked out by Joe Wang.

Jubang Cao is a long time coach of the Delta North High School Martial hall. He has shown great prospects by helping the students enter the Martial Academy and began their cultivation path. However, a few years ago an accident happened that changed the course of his life.

A cultivator fancied his wife and had assaulted their home when he could not get what he wanted. His wife killed herself so that she would not be violated by the cultivator, but their 1-year-old child was killed by the man in his fit of rage for not getting the woman.

Jubang Cao raised this to the cultivation society but everything was for naught as the cultivator is still at large even today. He could not do anything about it as he learned that the cultivator is too powerful for him and had a backing of an adjudicator.

And so Jubang Cao bottled his anger and silently licks his pains. But he didn't forget to have his revenge as he swore to kill all the adjudicators and prepare to fight them all. He cultivated with revenge in his heart and has reached the 9th level of the spirit refining realm and gaining fame. However, he did not forget his revenge.

And so his first target was Master Wang who is a very famous figure as a lower level adjudicator. But what he didn't expect is the power the old man possesses.

But he didn't want to give up, and now he is going to deliver his second blow to the old man.

However, before his daggers could reach Master Wang, they stopped in the air.

"Qi… Qi field!" Jubang Cao muttered in complete surprise.

However, before he could react, Master Wang flicks his hands, and the daggers in his hands fell to the ground.

"Jubang Cao, you were a bit suspicious a while ago but I never imagined that you would attack me. I have a deep respect for you as a master and a cultivator… but now, I think the rumor about you being one of the best martial arts master is a lie."

"Shut up! All you adjudicators are all corrupt! I will kill you all and that Qiyan Ji. I will have my revenge for my wife and son. I will kill and destroy you all!" suddenly Jubang Cao shouted as he began gathering the Qi in his body.

Master Wang was a bit surprised as he can feel an immense amount of Qi slowly entering the body of Jubang Cao.

"Master Wang! Let go of him, it's dangerous!" shouted Joe Wang as he rushes towards the referee and Tai Hong. He immediately carried them down the arena.

Then with a quick movement of his body and hands, he began writing runes on the arena's side and forms an array.

The blurry speed of Joe Wang truly astonished everyone and was a bit stunned. Then Joe Wang activated the array which he wrote while tapping to the core energy of the Martial hall. He can actually activate the martial hall defensive feature, but he knew that it would not be enough to contain such an explosion. So he decided to apply his own array.

Meanwhile, Master Wang wanted to let go of Jubang Cao, but to his surprise, the later suddenly grabs his hand and held tight.

"If I die today, I will take you with me." Jubang Cao said with a crazy grin on his face.

He felt suicidal after failing to assassinate an adjudicator. He felt that his long preparation was for naught and that he could not avenge his wife and son anymore. Hence he opted out suicide by exploding his dantian. Although it is not as powerful as someone with a core, it would be enough to at least heavily wound his target.

However, he soon found out that his effort was futile.

This is because he found himself losing his consciousness while looking at a figure that suddenly appears behind him.

It was actually a young student which he had seen fight against his disciple. The boy doesn't have any spiritual fluctuation in his body but he knew that the boy is someone powerful. But he didn't have time to think about any of this as he slumps on Master Wang's hands and became unconscious.

"Thank you, young lad… This old man has once again owed you." Master Wang said with a smile at Joe Wang.

"Nah, it's okay Master Wang. Just cover this up for me will ya?" Joe Wang said as he immediately dash out of the Martial Hall.