A Cultivator’s path

Part 76


While watching the fight, Joe Wang suddenly noticed a piece of news on a student's phone. In that news is showing a face that he had never seen for a while… Angel Mei Ong.

She seems to have been a famous face in the business world for a while and people are calling her the goddess of luck and posterity because of the product her company is producing.

Ever since Joe Wang has increased his level, his release for the pent up energy in his body is making the talisman. He didn't have to use his blood anymore and can now use normal ink combined with finely grained normal jade dust. He then imbued it the ink with his mana and Qi to make it act like a Qi and mana battery.

This new technique would always make him release the Qi and mana in his body and helps his meridian become stronger. This simple exercise is very effective that he taught it to Melissa Krin. The two can now produce not less than 100 talismans in a day as part of their practice. Hence the stock that Angel Mei Ong can use, although still limited but has already increased significantly.

While looking at the piece of news, Joe Wang can't help but smile. This is because he knew that the money he has gained from his transaction with Angel Mei has once again increased. So his next goal is to buy rare ores and aged medicinal plants. Those things are crucial to his and Melissa Krin's cultivation.

He opens the site on his own phone and began watching the news.

Suddenly a loud gasp got his attention.

On the stage, Joe Wang saw that Tai Hong was sent flying by the small girl with just a few moves. But it seems that his friend is not giving up.

He picks himself up and takes his fighting stance. From his posture, Joe Wang immediately noticed something. Tai Hong is trying to use Ki in his body just like his opponent from the Du Liang's gang, Master Hachiro Kasai.

"Hmm… interesting." Joe Wang muttered as he watches.

Suddenly, Tai Hong's body bursts out with strength as he began his attacks towards the girl. This time seems that he is not going to be holding back.

Each strike from him made the little girl frown and it is clear that she is trying to hold the pain in her hands.

As the cute girl retreats, everyone is showing an unpleasant look on their faces. It looks as if Tai Hong is bullying the cute girl.

Suddenly she made a swift dodge on the side and deliver palm strike towards Tai Hong's side ribs. Joe Wang knew that if it connects Tai Hong would suffer a grievous injury that would be fatal for Tai Hong's life.

But he suddenly saw Tai Hong lowering one of his arms blocking the fatal strike.


The strong force sent Tai Hong tumbling to the ground while one of his arms suffered a broken bone. He gritted his teeth and slowly stood up.

Everyone was dumbfounded and amazed at his tenacity.

"You really are seeking death… Hehe… If you really wanted to, then let me oblige." The cute girl said with a smiling face.

She looks as if death is nothing to fret about.

Tai Hong now knew that the façade of the girl has made him put his guard down. The cute little girl is actually a demoness in a human's coating.

"I guess it's my fault for letting my guard down. But do you think you can easily win?" Tai Hong said as he suddenly concentrated and gathers Ki in his body.

His broken arm bone seems to have snapped back into place as his body seems to be glowing with power.

On the VIP viewing stand

"That boy is talented. Although he could not generate Qi and instead of using Ki as a martial arts practice, he is already very proficient with it. That young man has a great future ahead of him." Master Wang commented on the side.

"Master Wang truly has an eye for talents. However, that is if he can survive this battle." an old man suddenly interjected.

When Lin Wang or Master Wang looks at the man behind him, he showed a serious expression. The man is the trainer of the Delta North High School martial hall. And this man is known for his ruthlessness and deathly techniques.

"You should teach your student prudence and control rather than thirst for blood. The reason for your failures in the past is because of your lack of control." Master Wang reprimanded.

"Haha… My failure? Do you think I failed? I was an adjudicator once and because I wipe out the weak, they kick me out. And now, all the adjudicators in the Society are weak." The man suddenly said with an imposing aura.

However, his face suddenly pales when Master Wang exerted his very strong aura and suddenly covered his.

"You… how… how could you have advanced to the 3rd level of the core-forming realm?" the man suddenly trembled.

"You only knew bloodthirst… this is what you call karma. I may be old, but my karma has been good all this time and I can now harvest it in full." Master Wang said with a smirk.

Everyone in the VIP viewing stand nodded their heads. They knew that Master Wang was just a mere spirit refining realm a while ago and is already at the end of his ropes. But who would have known that he would advance suddenly and form his core?

With this, his life and vitality were increased significantly to the point that the higher-ups in the cultivation society have immediately turned their eyes towards the old man and he has gained favor. And since his cultivation has increased he now looks like a man in his 50's. This gained some in his old circle envy and jealousy, but many also gained respect and admiration for the old man.

"Tell the referee that if that small girl did some killing moves, she will be disqualified. This is not a life and death battle but only an exhibition match."

The man in charge sitting among the group nodded his head and immediately sends the message.

Meanwhile on the arena

Tai Hong and the girl has already made a few blows and suffered many bruises in their bodies. The girl is already annoyed because she did many sneak attacks, but all of them failed.

She was taught by her master how to do invisible sneak attacks which cannot be seen by any normal person. But all of those failed.

It seems like she is fighting someone with an eye all over his body. It felt like her opponent didn't have any blind spot. Even the students on the ground watching the fight were stunned by Tai Hong's performance. This is the first time that everyone saw him fight's seriously.

The reason for this is simple… it is because of Memei Yi.

The two have been together ever since the school began. At first, they were friends and then became close to each other. Because of Tai Hong's persistence and patience at every whim of Memei Yi, the girl's heart actually softens.

And before the exhibition match between the two schools, she suddenly wanted to challenge him. She knew that Tai Hong could not cultivate Qi and seems a bit weak in martial arts. So she wanted to challenge his limits. But of course if it goes bad she would immediately intervene. However, her provocation has awoken the fire in his heart.

"If you win, I will consider dating you." were her exact words to him.

In the match, she has already seen his fighting skills and was already amazed. But now she was already stupefied. She didn't expect the guy to be hiding something and is actually very good at fighting. Now she thought that she has been duped.

Seeing the fight on the arena, Memei Yi showed a rare smile on her beautiful face which Tai Hong accidentally saw.

However, this made him a bit distracted on the fight and became his fatal mistake.

The cute girl grabs this opportunity and once again sent an attack. But this time she fully showed it to everyone. The burning fire in her palm showed that she has already advanced to the 1st level of the spirit refining realm which is against the rules.

The reason why the fight has gone for so long is that she has hidden her cultivation level using a skill taught to her by her master. But now, she could not control it anymore and just want the annoying brat dead. She thought that she had suffered too much humiliation from a weakling and decided to strike now.

And so she decided to burn the stupid brat to ashes.

When she did her move, everyone was immediately stunned. How can a normal person wield such a fire? Even the referee suddenly felt his knees weaken upon seeing that power. While the man behind master Wang showed an evil grin on his face. He too suddenly made his move.


A pin-drop silence engulfs the Martial halls as everyone looks at the stage with a dumbfounded and stunned expression on their faces.

Nobody could have predicted that such a scenario would happen and that a student's life would be in danger just because of an exhibition match.

The simple exhibition match was suddenly turned into a life and death fight for a first-time entry student in the martial hall. A student named Tai Hong.