A short stop accident

Part 81


It would take the bus more than 8 hours of travel with two stops before it could reach Charlie city. So the students would enjoy the stops buying stuff and some would flaunt their wealth to others. Joe Wang didn't join his classmates as he would just sit in his seat and sleep. However, Binbing Qin would buy something for him and he would just receive it out of courtesy.

This made his other friends look at them with suspicion, especially Tai Hong and Memie Yi who knew that Joe Wang already has a beautiful girlfriend.

However, Jean Xi still shows a complicated expression on her face whenever she looks at Joe Wang. She didn't know what she is feeling because not only is she grateful for him in saving her last time, he also saved her best friend.

But what confuses her the most is the complicated feeling she had for the young boy whom she always hated before. Though she didn't hate him now, she is still adamant thinking of what she did to him in the past.

"I should ask for a proper apology to him." She would always think but she was too proud to do so.

And so the trip was like this all the way to the second stop of the bus.

Not long later they arrived in a bus terminal where many restaurants and shops sell different local goods.

While sitting on his seat with his eyes closed, Joe Wang suddenly felt an eerie feeling which made the hair on his skin stood up. He quickly opens his eyes and turns his gaze towards a direction.

From where he sits he can see a group of ten men wearing black cloak walking towards a group of female students.

Seeing the men and the aura in their bodies, he knew they were up to no good and immediately stood up.

A cute girl wearing the Delta East High School uniform is happily buying stuff from a store along with her four friends. As they pick items from the store and pay for it, a young man with a sinister look on his face suddenly approaches her.

"Hello young girl, do you want to buy something better? I can show you a better shop." He said while trying to flash a handsome smile.

But the smile from the young man made the girl felt fear and unconsciously backs away hitting her friend beside her.

This caught the attention of the rest of the group even the old lady inside the shop. When the old lady in the shop saw this situation her expression immediately paled and was rotted to the ground. She knew who these people are and knew what they do for a living.

Suddenly the look of pity can be seen in her eyes as she looks at the young girls in front of her store.

"Are you afraid of me? Why? Why do you want to run?" the young man suddenly said in an angry voice and grabs the young girl's hand which startled her.

He and his group is the overlord of this area and whatever they do people would cower in fear from them. Even the authorities would not be able to stop them because of the power supporting behind them.

They have been investigated before because of the disappearance of some girls, but they were not stopped because of fear from the power backing them up. Some of them have been imprisoned before, but would just go out of jail after a few years and go back to their old ways.

So everyone feared their group whenever the people saw them.

The town is very small and the local mayor and public safety are not enough to handle such people. So they just live for themselves and try to get out of the group's way.

The group is actually not a gang, but a legitimate business of the town. The business name is Night Life.

The news about the incident in this place is not well-known to the other places because the group has put a gag order in this.

And so, every now and then, a young woman would vanish and no one would be able to find them.

Today is one of the days that the group is looking for some fresh meat and the young man with a sinister gaze is leading them.

He had his sight on the pretty looking young girl as soon as he set foot on the bus station.

When he had grabbed the girl's arm, she wanted to scream, but the young man suddenly sent a punch on her stomach. This made the pretty young girl immediately faint.

The other female students are now looking in horror at the approaching men which suddenly surrounded them. There are only five of them and they have gone a bit far from the other students.

In their desperate time, a figure suddenly appears which sent one of the men surrounding the students flying to a shop.


The one who made the move is a young woman who had an angry look on her face.

Behind her are the teachers and other staff of the school. They too are looking at the men wearing black cloaks, but feeling a bit apprehensive.

"Who dares attack the Black Manta group! Do you know who we are?" a man shouted as the rest glared at the young woman which is Memei Yi.

Then from her side, another group appears, it was Mark Xiao the student council president and Beiring Jin along with some seniors in tow.

However, when Mark Xiao saw this scene he immediately wanted to grab the limelight and show his awesomeness to Memei Yi. So he immediately steps forward.

"You dare to flaunt your name in our face. We will teach you a lesson." Mark Xiao said as he signaled to a person behind him.

This student is one of the best fighters in the Martial hall of the school, so he is confident that the guy would be able to face these people.

But of course, Memei Yi did not think so. Right now she is feeling a bit worried as she can feel that these people are not simple.

Meanwhile, Joe Wang is just watching on the side and whispered something to Tai Hong's ears. Who immediately listens to him and gathered all the students. Everyone immediately boarded the bus so that they would not be a hindrance to those who can fight.

After that, the rest of the students from the Delta East just watch the scene from their bus' windows.

In the shop where the trouble is happening, the young man is already seething in anger for the interruption. So he signaled everyone to attack and spare no one.

With that signal, the men wearing black cloak immediately went on a rampage.

Memei Yi fought back along with the rest of the students and teachers.

Jingan Ko who is the gym teacher and the trainer of the Martial Hall of Delta East High School began showing his abilities in fending off the men in black cloaks.

But the young girl who has fainted has already been dragged by the young man to the side.

"Hehe… do you people think that you can stop us? Or me from doing what I want?" the young man said suddenly changing his expression into a crazy one.

With one move of his hand, he tore off the young girl's inner shirt exposing her white skin and her laced bra underneath.

Everyone was stunned at this scene as they didn't know that the young man with a sinister face would do such a thing in public.

However, they didn't know that the morals of the people they are facing are already nonexistence as they have committed tons of atrocious things and was never been punished by any laws. Plus, Joe Wang can see that these people are actually lower level cultivators.

Memei Yi is now angry along with the people from the school and wanted to rush forward and save the girl being assaulted, but they are helpless as the ten people donned in black cloak are too strong for them to handle.

"Hehe… I will shame this girl in front of you all and no one can do about it." The young man said as he licks his lips with a greedy look on his face.

The bulging thing on his pants is evidence that he is already horny enough and wanted to violate the girl in his hand in public. And looking at the helpless and worried expression on the faces of the people with the young girl is making him feel more excited.

Beiring Jin suddenly moved and did a sneak attack on the man facing her. But her leg was caught by the guy who suddenly showed a dirty look on her.

"Hehe, you're going to be next, so don't be too impatient darling." The man said with an evil grin.

His hand suddenly extended and was about to touch her fair leg, when a flash appears and the man was sent flying.

Then Beiring Jin saw a small pebble falling to the ground. This made her had an incredulous look on her face. She was a bit taken aback by the situation because she has been fighting and trying her hard to defeat that man but was blown away with just a single pebble. How could she not feel helpless at this?

Meanwhile, the young man has already drawn the zipper of his pants and can't wait to penetrate the unconscious girl on his hand. His face is already contorted with evil and horny expression.

But then he suddenly felt a very painful sensation belong to him and the weight of his lower body has seemed to lessen for a bit.

And when he looks down, he had a look at horror in his eyes.