Eradicating a plague

Part 82


The young man began to roll down the ground with his blood all over the place as he touches his private part which was cleanly cut. His screaming voice interrupted his companions who are fighting with the rest of the students and teachers.

Because of this, the ten men with him were immediately defeated by the students and teachers.


"Call the ambulance! Call the ambulance, now! You people are dead! Do you know who we are!" shouted one of the men on the ground being held by Memei Yi.

It didn't take long before an ambulance and the local authorities arrived at the scene, taking the young man who has already fainted because of pain and blood loss. Luckily he didn't die yet as he was immediately given first aid by some bystander.

"You guys have caused a great commotion. We must detain you. You will pay for what you have done." one of the police officers suddenly said while talking to Jingan Ko and the other students involved in the brawl.

When the others heard this, they immediately rose in protest.

"What is the meaning of this? We are the victims and now we should pay for the crime? Ask the people in here what happened."

"Yeah, this is unfair."

"We cannot allow this."

The students and the teachers began to clamor at the situation. They could not believe that the police are the ones turning the situation around. So they would not agree with this. Jingan Ko extended his hand and gave a cellphone to the police officer.

"You should receive this…" Jingan Ko said with a stern look on his face.

"Humph… do you think you can throw your weight in this town? You've just crossed the line and offended someone you shouldn't have… no matter whom you call it's all useless." The policeman said as he suddenly waves his hand.

"Put them all to jail!" he shouted in annoyance.

Then the policemen around him began to move and surrounded all the students. Some even enter the buses to drag out the rest and take them to the local police precinct.

"This is against the law!"

"Stop this now!"

However, no matter how hard they protest the police officers are already dragging them towards a large van.

Joe Wang on the side noticed that the policemen in this town are acting weird. So he decided to intervene.

Suddenly one of the police officers dragging a female student while taking advantage of her went flying to the ground.


This same scenery happened to the rest of the policemen who are now assaulting the students.

And soon a bunch of uniformed men are now rolling on the ground clutching their stomach in pain. Even the chief of the police officer is also lying on the ground. Fear is evident in their eyes as they have never expected to offend someone with such strength in this place.

But of course, they didn't want to surrender because a more fearsome force is backing them. With anger mixed with pain and embarrassment written in his face, the chief of the police officers shouted.

"What… What do you think you are doing? This is… this is… resisting arrest!"

However, the young man standing in front of the students and teachers just looks at them nonchalantly.

Joe Wang already knew that there is something wrong with the town and so he decided to intervene. As he was invited to join the cultivation society by Master Wang he had already read some of the laws and obligations of every member. And if he did well, he can actually gain a reward.

This is one of the reasons why he wanted to intervene. The group of hooligans from before is already 1st level body refining realm cultivators. But he noticed that their aura seems bleak and weak. This means that they didn't cultivate any technique but the Qi was forced into their bodies by some devious means.

This might be the reason why they are taking some women from this town.

They might be using those women as a cultivation furnace for pair cultivation. But the result of this to mortals is devastating. It would shorten their lifespan and would ruin their ability to bear children. In the cultivation world, he heard of this technique. However, it is the fastest way to cultivate if the partner is also a cultivator. Cultivation through debauchery and sex, it is also known as the Dual Cultivation method.

"I'm guessing that the leader of this group is an ugly bastard who can't find a partner of his own." Joe Wang thought as he stood there.

Then he looks at the police chief in disdain and turns around.

"Let's go! We need to leave this place."

Seeing that the students that should be capturing are already leaving the policemen had a look of panic in their eyes. In truth, they didn't want to do this kind of thing. But the person controlling the town is too domineering so they didn't want his anger on them.

Plus if they don't bring any 'sacrifice', the town's women would suffer, so they have no choice but to do that person's biddings.

The chief suddenly decided to make a move and grab the gun on his side. But as soon as his hand brushes the holster, he was stunned.

"Where… where is my gun?" he muttered in disbelief.

Then he turns his gaze towards his men.

"Hey, give me your gun!" he shouted.

But the policeman is already shaking his head. This means that he already knew that his gun was missing. His gaze turns to the others who are also shaking their heads.

The chief balled his fist as he gritted his teeth in anger. He could not accept the humiliation he just received just now. He was already used to committing atrocities that he forgot he is still a cop. However, because of the powerful person behind their backs supporting them in committing such crime, they became used to it.

And so he glared daggers at the slowly departing students as they got on their buses.

"Damn it!" he cursed as he tried to stand up.

But he couldn't as the pain in his stomach intensifies as he moves. If would seem that many of them broke a rib and some broke their limbs. Their only option now is to wait for the ambulance to come back.

Meanwhile, inside the buses, the teachers are busy checking the students if there are any who are missing. And every assigned teacher would heave a sigh of relief if there are none and everyone is present in their class. Everyone felt like a long thorn was pulled from their hearts upon learning that none of their students was left. Everyone except for the bus where Joe Wang and his friends are in.

This is because one of the students inside the bus is missing, and that is Joe Wang.

Unknown to them, Joe Wang didn't hop on the bus and instead decided to hide in a corner, waiting.

He texted Memei Yi that he would be seeing them in Charlie city and he just needs to do something.

When Memei Yi saw the text message sent by Joe Wang, she and the people near her, look at each other in disbelief. They didn't expect that Joe Wang would do such a thing, so they were all worried for his sake.

Although she knew that Joe Wang is very mysterious and strong, she still could not fathom why he would involve himself in such a mess, and a very dangerous mess at that.

But of course, she is not aware that the reason why Joe Wang is doing such a thing is because of the price or the bounty that the cultivation society would be giving him upon completion of such quest.

The subjugation of rogue cultivators who harm mortals is the main task of the members of the cultivation society.

Without them, the world would turn back into the dark ages where cultivators, both good and bad, would roam around and wreak havoc freely. And the fragile peace that everyone is enjoying would come to an end.

And so as a new member of the society, Joe Wang would grab such opportunity as long as it is within his power and ability.

"Hmm… what kind of reward can I get with this subjugation? I think I would ask Master Wang for some ores. I need sturdy ores or gems to craft a weapon or armor. Or maybe I can ask for a spirit stone. Spirit stones would be nice too… hehe…" he muses while waiting for something to happen.

The last time he helped with the subjugation of the Black Lotus sect he received some menial rewards. But he didn't say anything as he is not yet an official member of the society at that time. However, after that, he was inducted as a new recruit but is only a part-time member since he is still a student.

So this means that this would be his first subjugation quest for the cultivation society.

Although Joe Wang has already experienced such a thing in his previous life, yet having an adventure is something that would not cease to amaze and excite him. And so he waited in anticipation with his heart beating slowly to the rhythm which can almost make him dance with glee and elation.

Not long later, Joe Wang suddenly heard the sound of the siren from afar and with that sound, a strange glint appears on his eyes. Then his mouth arched in a smile as he muttered.

"Hehe… It's showtime!"