Eradicating a plague Part 2

Part 83


The sirens echoed through the air as several vehicles can be seen passing by the almost empty streets of the town. As Joe Wang followed in the shadows he noticed that many people are hiding within their houses. He already expected as much because this is how evil cultivators usually acted in the cultivation world.

They would terrorize and lord over everyone around them. Turning them into their own plaything and would act like gods while controlling the fate of each of the mortals under them.

Hence, Joe Wang didn't want to condone this attitude. He is against those cultivators who bully the weak, so while he was living in the cultivation world he would always fight against these kinds of injustice towards mortals.

While following the cars in the shadows, Joe Wang noticed that one of the patrol cars separated itself from the group. His intuition immediately told him to follow the car, hence he followed it.

Not long later he found himself in an alley and opposite the alley is where the police car has stopped. There is an establishment near the place where the police car stopped. It looks like a bar or a brothel named Black Manta.

Although it's still early, he can see that there are many people outside of the establishment. Many of them both men and women wore skimpy clothes. Then he can sense the dark aura surrounding the people who are very eerie and uncomfortable.

Joe Wang immediately turns around and disappears from where he stood and the next moment, he is already at the rooftop of the establishment.

Two policemen are walking down a corridor as the people who look like guards made way for them. When they reach a large two-door room, two burly men stop them from entering as they began checking their bodies for weapons.

After they were cleared to enter the two men saw a large spacious room with people sitting on the side while being entertained by women of different ages.

These men wore their suits in disarray after playing with the women beside them. When the two policemen entered the place they immediately felt their body getting hot. They could smell the strong sexual desire as the invisible scent of hormones mixed in the air making them almost lose their control over their lower body.

"Sir… Sir… We had a problem at the bus station…" one of the two police officers immediately reported to the man sitting at the top center of the room what happened.

The man is very thin and a bit ugly with many imperfections on his face. However, he acted like a king while sitting in his high throne.

"I told you guys not to frequent the station. Although we can get many women from that place, the danger of exposing our identity to the 'society' is too high. And once we are found, then all of you will die with me. Hihihi…" the man voiced out an evil laugh.

When everyone heard this they look down and keep their silence.

The man shifted his gaze to the two cops then waved his hand.

The two were suddenly lifted by an invisible force from where they stood while struggling.

"Kill all those who started this and dispose of the evidence. Tell me where the buses are going and I will take care of the rest." The man commanded.

With a nod of their heads, the people in the room stood up and immediately walk out of the room leaving the naked women they were playing with on the ground.

The man sent the two cops flying out of the room, then the doors automatically close.

"Those fools, how could they compromise my plans… I should have stopped them… no… I should be stricter with my subordinates… Yes, that's it, fear… I will instill more fear into them… Hehe. Those students… they should encounter an accident and should die. If not then I would be exposed. That's right… Hehe… Kill… Kill them all… Wait… there are women in there, right… Hehe… I will f*ck those fresh young women first, then kill them after I take my fill… Keke…" the crazed muttered to himself while having a crazed look on his eyes.

The women in the room didn't dare to move because of the suffocating fear that the man exudes.

"Do you think you still have time to do that?" suddenly a young voice interrupted his thought.

The man immediately jumps up from his seat while looking at a figure on the far left corner of the room. He didn't know how the figure was able to enter the room without him knowing, but judging from the situation, it seems that the figure is a powerful cultivator.

But then the man squinted his eyes as he could not detect any aura from the figure.

"Who… who are you?"

"Who I am is of no consequence… what I will do to you, is the thing that you should worry." Joe Wang said as he walked to the light.

When the man saw that the figure is just a young boy with his high school uniform, he suddenly chuckled and laughed out loud.


"What a foolish brat! I was scared back there for a minute. But then, it seems that you are not afraid of me and had underestimated me." The man said with a smirk.

"All women go out now!" shouted Joe Wang as he walked to the center of the large room which looks like a king's hall of old.

With Joe Wang's words, the women immediately scramble to go out as they pick their skimpy and already tattered clothes from the ground.


Suddenly shouted the women as they open the double door and found a lot of people collapsed on the ground. They didn't know if those people are still alive or dead, but when they saw them fear immediately crept into their hearts.

But suddenly one of the women turns her gaze towards a bald fat guy. The disgust and anger in her eyes are imminent as she slowly walked towards the unconscious person. Her eyes turned red as she gritted her teeth while grabbing a machete lying on the ground.

"You pig!" she shouted as she stabs the unconscious guy.

"You bastard!" she stabs once again.

"You maniac! You beast! You demon! I will kill you! I will kill you! Huhuhu…" she shouted as she stabs and hacks again and again while tears slowly flow down her already reddened eyes.

All the pent up anger, frustration, helplessness, and trauma she has been feeling up till now from being raped over and over has muddled her mind and only one thing made her survive until today. And that is the hope of getting her revenge on the man who hurt her.

After almost hacking the man into pieces, she turned her gaze towards another man on the ground and began hacking once again. The other women who saw this almost collapse in fear, while others also grab themselves a weapon and began exacting their revenge on the people who are already collapsing.

Joe Wang knew what is happening outside and he didn't want to stop it. Those people deserve what they got due to their greed and being muddled with a fake sense of power.

What he wanted to do now is to finish the man before him and submit a recording to the 'society', plus the evidence 'which is the man's corpse' to them.

"You… you let them kill my subordinates! Those people are this town's leaders! You will cause more chaos… No! Are you… are you from the 'society'? No, this is impossible… you're too young. I think you are bluffing, Hahaha… yes, you are just bluffing. I will kill you instead, and then take over the bus and get those young girls, Hehehe…" the man said with his reddened eyes as he suddenly stretched his hand towards Joe Wang wanting to grab him by the neck.

But as soon as his hand came close to Joe Wang, the man found that his target suddenly vanished along with his hand.


He suddenly heard something falling to the ground and turns his gaze towards it. Then a gush of blood flowed through his amputated arm like rushing water.


"You…" the man shouted but stopped.

His hand immediately held his neck as a line slowly appears. The man desperately tried to cover the flowing blood as the line on his neck slowly gaped with open.


The man's body fell to the ground and a puddle of blood began to appear. He didn't expect that his days of debauchery would end today and he would be killed by just a single youth. The regret and unwillingness to die are written all over his eyes as he died.

"I should kill you in a more brutal way from what you have done to many women in this town, but that would not bring them back to life. Your death is enough to stop more victims and stop those who have partaken of your power." Joe Wang muttered as he walked out.

He knew that after the man is gone, those who are under his influence would suffer a relapse from the disappearance of the impure Qi in their bodies. And this relapse would weaken them and in most severe cases would turn them into a vegetative state.

This is the backlash of cultivating such a technique under a single master. Although it can make people grew faster, once the master died, their body would regress big time.

After taking the corpse of the man, Joe Wang immediately walked back to the bus terminal and luckily saw a public passenger bus going to Charlie city. He immediately asked if he can ride and to his luck, there are still seats available.

However, when he got on the bus, everyone is giving him a weird gaze.