The Bloodline Part 2

Mo Zuo looked up and saw where the voice came from, his eyes opened wide open as he took in the large figure.

Just its head was as wide as Mo Zuo's whole body, the forked tongue slithering out of its mouth, the brown dusty scales all over its body, Mo Zuo looked at the earthy serpent and was surprised that the voice originated from the serpent.

'A talking snake? Is this what I saw under the ground?' He recalled the heat signature he saw underground, but that one seemed a bit larger than what he was looking at right now.

For some reason Mo Zuo was not scared as he faced the massive snake, looking at Ji Yan, she was already frozen by the aura emitted from the snake.

Mo Zuo looked at the snake, and seeing that it hadn't attacked them, he tried talking to it.

"Senior is the treasure yours?"

The Earth serpent looked at Mo Zuo and asked, "You aren't afraid of me?"

Mo Zuo looked at the serpent and smiled, "I've seen a much larger snake." Jason who was listening by the side suddenly squinted his eyes worriedly 'Has Mo Zuo seen Apep?' he wondered mentally.

The Earth serpent was also surprised, and it remembered the Dark Monarch sealed several meters below him.

"You've seen the Dark Monarch?"

"Dark Monarch?" Mo Zuo then remembered he had sensed a massive heat signature from the surface, he tried activating his thermal snake vision and this time it worked.

His eyes transformed as his iris turned golden and pupils became slits, he scanned around he could soon see the heat signature once again.

Due to falling several feet below ground he could get a closer look at the massive snake, and it was even bigger than he thought. But still not as big as the massive snake he had seen in his dreams, that snake reached into the clouds!

The Earth serpent saw as Mo Zuo's eyes transformed, and anger flashed across its face!

"You! You are one of them!" And the serpent immediately struck out at Mo Zuo.

Before Mo Zuo could even think of resisting, a poisonous fang had already pierced through his chest and another one through his thigh!

The serpent tilted its head with Mo Zuo in his bite and let Mo Zuo's blood wet its throat 'These crazy b@$+ards and their insane methods to drain the bloodline of us powerful. beasts!' It thought in its head. It slowly drained Mo Zuo of his blood to recover the stolen bloodline and the venom from its bite flowed into Mo Zuo!

As it felt the blood go down its throat, its eyes opened wide in shock as it felt a shocking sensation, it immediately spat out Mo Zuo's body in fear. Mo Zuo crashed into a nearby rock close to the broken beast core.

Mo Zuo had already passed out long ago and with his body in shambles his life signs had slowly started fading.

Ji Yan's eyes trembled in fear as she couldn't comprehend what was going on, she looked at Mo Zuo's wrecked body and she struggled to move but the aura from the serpent was too strong, and soon her weak will couldn't hold on as she passed out too.

The Earth serpent struggled to spit out the blood that had just gone down its throat, 'This blood, its stronger than even the monarch!' The serpent looked at Mo Zuo's passed out body in relief. The Earth serpent had been sealed under here for several years and was in a severely weak state, it would have never imagined that the bloodline contained in Mo Zuo was that powerful!

In its weakened state and considering it had directly ingested Mo Zuo's blood, if Mo Zuo was awake he could have easily caused the Earth serpent to submit under his control!

The Earth serpent was about to lash out to completely erase Mo Zuo till it heard a voice in its head.


Activate slave contract? Y/N

Hearing the sound the Earth serpent was suddenly on alert, and looked for the source of the voice.

"You massive fool..." Jason said while laughing as he injected his will into the massive serpent.

The Earth serpent thrashed around in pain as it fought a battle of wills in its mind! "GET OUT!" The Earth serpent screamed in fear, it kept struggling and struggling determined not too lose.

"Shhh, it'll be over soon..." Jason said as he bit a huge chunk out of the Serpent's mental will.

"AHHHH!" The Earth Serpent screamed. "Stoppp!!!! I'll submit I'll submit!" The pain from having its will eaten was unbearable!

"I don't need you to submit." And Jason continued his attack on the serpent, bite after bite, the struggle became weaker and weaker till only a tiny bit of will was left.

The huge body of the serpent fell down and was still for several minutes.


Body takeover successful.

The serpent's eyes cracked open and intelligence shown from it.

"Hahaha, success!" Jason shouted feeling ecstatic! "A body! I'm in a body!" He had taken the chance when the stupid snake had initiated a blood slave contract by drinking Mo Zuo's blood, and he used his own will to takeover the huge body.

Jason moved around in the serpent and got used to the skeleto-muscular system of the Earth Serpent.

He looked at Mo Zuo's body as hesitation flashed across his mind. But he shook his now massive head, and summoned the blood that was refining in his stomach.

A glowing bead of dark red blood appeared at the tip of his tongue and he dripped it on Mo Zuo's body. 'This should help speed up the process!'

He looked at the two unconscious figures and decided to help them out, as an Earth Serpent his ability to dig out of the earth was not to be looked down upon!

He began to dig out a closer exit for the unconscious duo, as he was digging to earth he suddenly realised, "What giant Earth Serpent! I'm just a super big worm!!"

Shaking his head he managed to dig out a hole and soon arrived on the surface, looking around he saw a figure trapped under rocks and realised it was Ji Yan's hidden guard! Still sensing some life in him, Jason used his large head to help release him.

All that work had made Jason extremely tired, and he began transforming his body back to a human form.

"Even though most of the cultivation of this serpent has dropped, it still retained its ability to morph! What was the peak strength of this serpent?" Jason wondered.

He was stark naked but he wasn't so bothered, he was more relieved to have gained a body once again! But he knew this was only a temporary solution.

He clenched his fists and started walking towards the opposite direction and headed deeper and deeper into the rainbow forest.

He just needed to release some of his powerful aura and the other animals would instantly run away, and even the very weak animals would be stunned frozen.

There were still some dangerous areas, and with his weakened state Jason had to avoid them. He kept walking and walking till his feet got tired and he sat down to rest.

By now several hours had passed so he decided to check on Mo Zuo.


A blood cocoon surrounded Mo Zuo's shattered body as the broken core kept pouring beast Qi into the cocoon.

The Qi was so dense that colour could now be seen from it, and it was a light green colour, vitality could be seen from it.

Around Mo Zuo's blood cocoon, grass and plants began to spring up as they absorbed the rich vitality.

Even the injured Ji Yan slowly became conscious, and to her surprise she felt her shattered bones healing slowly. 'What is this?' She asked herself, she rose her hands and felt they were healed, she was about to rejoice till she started coughing blood once again.

She took several steps away from the cocoon to avoid the Qi that was toxic to her. 'Something is happening to Mo Zuo!' She could see the red cocoon pulsing with light, but no movement came from it. She wasn't sure what to do, if she tore open the cocoon, it could have very negative effects on Mo Zuo, but could she leave him trapped there?

She decided to wait for the Qi to stop flowing. Slowly she sat down, and took in her surroundings, she narrowed her eyebrows as she noticed a massive hole leading to the surface.

"Oh no! The beast escaped! She instantly forgot about Mo Zuo's situation, and instantly ran out of the hole to go alert the her father! A beast that powerful could easily wipe out the entire clan, her family was in danger!

Reaching the surface she could see no signs of the massive beast, but she could see a figure dressed in black, her hidden guard! She rushed up to him and woke him up!

" Uncle wake up, wake up, there's trouble." Ji yan urgently shook him back and forth till he woke up.

"Huh Miss Ji? What's going on?" The hidden guard asked, his brain was still fuzzy and confused.

"Please go tell my father, a massive beast just escaped! And the aura, it was more terrifying than Great-Grandpa!"

The guards eyes opened in shock, stronger than ancestor Ji?! He was about to tell her she was saying nonsense, but looking at the level of destruction, he instantly got up.

"Alright! Let's go meet Patriarch Ji!" He stretched out his hands towards Ji Yan, "Hold on tight miss, I'll be going at full speed!"

But to his surprise Ji Yan shook her head, "No you'd be much faster without me, furthermore I need to watch over Mo Zuo. Now Go! This is an order!"

The hidden guard was at first reluctant, but time was of the essence, he nodded his head and dashed towards the clan.

Ji Yan saw him off, and then hurried back to check on Mo Zuo, she located the hole she came out of, and once again slowly slid down, a few minutes later she was in front of Mo Zuo again.

The Qi flow finally seemed to be thinning, and the pulsing around the blood cocoon seemed to have reduced.

"Finally it's stopping!" Ji Yan said feeling relieved.

Soon enough the reddish glow finally stopped, and everywhere became silent. The broken beast core seemed to have been drained of all its Qi, so Ji Yan could finally approach the cocoon without injury.

Ji Yan was slowly approaching it till she heard a soft groan, and excitement shone on her face, 'He's alive!' She thought, as she ran up towards it.

She stretched her hands to touch the cocoon, but she was greeted with a large ripping sound, as she saw a fist protrude out of the cocoon, and soon a second fist came out as they ripped open the cocoon.

Mo Zuo weakly walked out of the cocoon, his body was moist as his long hair stuck closely to his skin and back.

Ji Yan took a close look at Mo Zuo and smiled, his skin seemed much healthier and his body seemed a bit muscular even, his messed up back was clean and spotless!

Ji Yan looked at Mo Zuo's face and noticed he looked slightly older, around 19 years old even! She kept looking till Mo Zuo cracked open his eyes, and seeing his eyes Ji Yan was momentarily shocked.

The white of his eyes had turned black, and his iris was a deep green with slit like pupils! She had seen him activate his thermal vision, but this time instead of golden irises, his were green and even the sclera had turned black!

Mo Zuo blinked once and his eyes turned back normal so quickly Ji Yan became unsure if she imagined it!

Seeing Mo Zuo struggling to move, she stretched out her hands and helped him up, 'He feels, much stronger!' She silently thought.

They both began crawling out of the hole made by the Earth Serpent. Thinking of the powerful beast, Ji Yan silently prayed for the safety of her clan mates.

They soon reached the top of the hole and were about walking out when Mo Zuo heard a weak voice whisper in his ears.

"Come meet me when everything fallsss into Chaoossss...."