Kick them out! (New book below)

Mo Zuo and Ji Yan were taking a stroll around the town, they had set an appointment with the Town Head for later in the evening, so till then they decided to wile away time. Mo Zuo had suggested they visit the nearest alchemy guild backed by his family, but Ji Yan softly shook her head as she had another idea, visiting as many restaurants as they could!

Mo Zuo was never one to reject good food so he willingly followed, it was just 15 minutes away from the Town center where the town head resided so they arrived in a short time.

The duo could notice most eyes watching them as they strolled through town, the Mo clan had a huge amount of power in the surrounding towns, not to talk of this town that was located right next to the Mo clan! This made the disciples of the Mo clan from the main branch stick out like sore thumbs.

Ji Yan was already used to such, and the former Mo Zuo wouldn't be too fazed as he had grown up in such a situation, but for the current Mo Zuo who grew up in a small eatery, having so many eyes watching him made him quite uncomfortable.

Using his left hand to lightly swipe over his face to rub off anything that could be on it, he quickly ran into the restaurant. A sweet smell rapidly diffused into his nostrils as he took in a whiff of the freshly made food, he could see a man using his Qi to guide food gently onto the respective tables.

"Ahh" Mo Zuo exclaimed slightly in shock, he was surprised to find a cultivator working tables! His original impression of the restaurant greatly changed. He glanced at a pillar which seemed to be inscribed with the restaurants specials, and sure enough he could see a few meals that had the price of a spirit stone fragment!

Ji Yan was a bit surprised seeing Mo Zuo's shocked face, and assumed it had to do with the amazing smell. If she knew Mo Zuo was shocked by the little prices on the menu, sure enough she'd have begun doubting Mo Zuo's status as the son of a chief elder!

Mo Zuo calmly shook his head and walked over to a free table. Two small jades were embedded into the surface of the table, and he saw Ji Yan tap the green jade with her fingers as she closed her eyes.

He felt a slight fluctuation of Qi energy flow into the jade, as he saw her crease her brows in concentration. Soon enough she opened her eyes as she placed her hand on the red jade and Qi once again flowed out.

Mo Zuo frowned slightly as he placed his hand on the green jade, and injected a small amount of Qi into it. He closed his eyes, but then opened them wide with shock!

A list of thousands of different food items flowed through his mind! He scanned through and saw several different types of food, food be couldn't even dream of!

"So you can actually make this sort of dish, just using meat and grains?" He muttered softly. But then he wondered, how on earth are they able to keep the supplies for so many food items, weren't they worried about wastage, and how would they even store it? Was their profit enough to cover all these expenses?

He looked towards Ji Yan, and softly asked her his doubts.

"Well the food items are stored in the storage space, and time there moves so slow, there's no need to worry about it going bad or anything." Ji Yan responded, she seemed slightly shocked that Mo Zuo lacked such basic knowledge.

Mo Zuo heard a calm voice suddenly mutter in his head, "You should spend some time and really review all of the previous Mo Zuo's memories, it's obvious your questions have already triggered her suspicion."

Mo Zuo mentally nodded as he stretched his hands towards the red jade. This time the red jade contained no information, but seemed to be connected to another space.

He quietly thought of a vegetarian dish and as he thought of it, he watched it flow into the red jade and vanish.

Soon enough, he saw two trays containing his and Ji Yan's food slowly arrive on the table guided by Qi!

He was about to dig in when he heard a loud laugh, and looked across and saw a group of four youths noisily eating their food. They seemed to be just slightly older than him. There was an elderly man quietly talking to the one in charge of the group. The loud laugh came from this leader, and he soon shouted, "Reservations? If I want this table, do you dare refuse me?" Said the leader with a pipe in his mouth.

The elderly man frowned and looked towards the table Mo Zuo and Ji Yan were sitting in on. In truth the table that was actually reserved was theirs, but he didn't dare ask those two little ancestors to get off the table, so he instead came over to convince this group, but be didn't expect them to prove so stubborn!

The elderly man was about to talk when the door burst open, and a lanky man followed by three city guards walked into the restaurant, he looked around and noticed all the tables had been filled up and frowned.

The elderly man quickly smiled, and proceeded to flatter the man. "I was just asking these fellows to leave sir, but they've refused to give you any face!"

The lanky man glanced at the youth with a pipe in his mouth and frowned. He glanced around and saw another couple seemed to be about leaving.

"It's alright I can wait a little." The lanky man said calmly.

"No need for that sir! We will personally kick them out!" The city guard then approached the youth with the pipe and was about to forcefully grab him.

The youth calmly pulled out the pipe from his mouth and a ring of smoke came out and swiftly darted towards the city guard!

The city guard was shocked and proceeded to use his hand to blow away the smoke approaching, but the smoke ring passed through his hand and wrapped tightly around the city guard, preventing any movement!

The two other city guards instantly became alert, and brought out their weapons preparing for a fight!

The swords in their hands glowed slightly as Qi was infused in them.

The youth with the pipe took one long drag, and spat out a fast moving wave of smoke, and the three guards were pushed against the doors of the restaurant, and the doors creaked as it could no longer hold against the pressure of the smoke, and broke into pieces!

"Wu Long!" The lanky man said as he now recognized the person in front of him!

Currently Working on a New Series Destiny's Apprentice, stocking up on chapters and will release soon, 5 chapters already written, will begin posting once it's on 10 chapters.

Putting this book on a slight pause so I can properly plan out all the world building details which I want to add to it. It's been a while and I truly hope you love my new book destiny's apprentice

below is the summary and first chapter teaser

Destiny's Apprentice is a journey into a mysterious world of magic, power, and the inescapable grip of fate. When a boy named Dante discovers an indestructible metal plaque with ever changing mysterious inscriptions, he is thrust into a world beyond his imagination.

Forced on a journey to recover a family heirloom, he enrolls in his uncle's knight academy, Dante soon learns of the existence of the Magi, a secretive group of individuals with unfathomable magical powers. But the deeper Dante delves into this world of magic, the more mysteries he uncovers, and the more he realizes that his own fate is intertwined with that of the world.

As he uncovers the secrets of his own identity, Dante must confront the inescapable nature of fate and the forces that seek to control it.

In this world filled with good gods, evil demons, and corrupted entities, Dante must navigate treacherous waters and forge alliances with unexpected allies in order to survive. As he struggles to come to terms with his own destiny, he must also grapple with the question of whether he can change the course of fate or if his fate is already sealed.

Destiny's Apprentice is a tale of self-discovery, power, and the mystery of the unknown. Join Dante on a journey into a world beyond your wildest imagination, and discover the secrets that lie within the inscriptions on the plaque.


"Fifteen years ago, on the journey that would be my last as an escort, I went past Mossfield and stopped just at the borders of Skywatch summit, our patron planned to take the shorter path and reach his final destination the famous merchant city of Duncaster, rightfully named the second capital of our Kingdom Talindor. I was excited to once again set sights on that beautiful city, to stand outside the music halls and hear the sounds of the organ and harp. But as we got to the paths filled with thorns and weeds by the summit, a certain quiet stillness came over our group." The now aged man paused and took a swig from his metal flask, taking a glance at his now captivated audience. He loved recounting the tales of his adventures during his younger days, as they allowed him to relive the glory he once had.

"And then it appeared then didn't it Elder Eustace, the people of legends?"

Elder Eustace glanced up and smiled, hearing the familiar voice of the boy now in his care, Dante. Even before his good friend had passed away, Eustace had already been taking care of his son, and now the boy had already turned fourteen years old, his skin looking tanned and vibrant, his dark brown hair lustrous and glowing, and his pale yellow eyes shining as he grinned happily.

In Dante's hands was the troublesome horned rabbit he had fondly named Binky, and Binky had a strong nack for causing all kinds of troubles for Dante.

Eustace loudly cleared his throat, and replied curtly, "Now boy, haven't you been taught not to interrupt when your elders are speaking?" The younger children who had circled around Eustace turned back to give Dante angry looks, as he had interrupted a story they were anxiously waiting to hear.

Dante quietly smiled and didn't say anything back, gently patting Binky who now rested in his arms.

"Where was I? Ah yes, we went deeper down the road and the sense of worry among us increased, we urged our patron to turn back as danger was sure to be upon us on such an eerie path. Our patron acknowledged that the road was not normally like this and pleaded one of the occupants in his carriage to come out and lead the way. Out came a man fitted in the most luxurious armour I had ever seen, he lifted his sword and it glowed brightly, a warmth that chased away the cold air surrounded us, we all stood in awe, our gazes stuck on the glowing sword." Eustace looked around with a serious expression on his face as he continued.

"At that moment we had all realized we were in the presence of a blessed one. But what do you think will happen when a flame is lit in darkness?" Eustace asked quietly.

"It chases away the darkness?" One of the young children answered excitedly.

"No, well yes, but what else?" Eustace quickly responded.

"Moths, moths rush to the flame." Dante's voice calmly rang out.

Eustace looked up from where he was sitting and smiled sadly, "Exactly. Whatever was in those woods seemed to be agitated as the holy light from the sword burst out, and as there exists light, there exists darkness. The blessed exists, and so therefore exists the cursed. I will never forget that day for the rest of my life. The trees became crooked, the leaves turning a purplish black, and an evil grin appearing on the trunks of the trees, they pulled themselves out of their roots and charged at us with full force! The blessed could take out five trees with a single stroke of his sword, blinding light burning them to smithereens. But the trees in the forest seemed endless and he soon became tired."

"When it seemed like he'd soon run out of breath, he focused his strength to one spot, and bore a hole across the forest, 'RUN' he shouted as he grabbed our patron and made a dash out of the encirclement. We all hurried to follow their path, but soon the opening had been closed and we were once again trapped. But the blessed didn't abandon us, even as he made an escape with the patron under his arms, he turned back and shouted 'Move'! He lifted his sword once again, this time the golden glow had been tainted by a bloody red and the blessed's face had gotten paler and blood seemed to drip from the hand holding the sword, we moved out of the line of attack, and soon burning fire bore through from one side of the circle of cursed trees to the other, creating two wide openings in the encirclement. Using the recoil of the blast, the blessed leapt further out and successfully escaped. The rest of us in the encirclement abandoned the goods we were protecting and we made a breakthrough from either side. I ran for my dear life, I planned to follow the blessed but I could see the gap would have filled up before I could make it. I headed to the other end, but all my luck seemed to have been consumed, just as I passed through the gap, I fell over charred debris, flat on the floor and my forehead smashed against a large rock." He paused and lifted his now grey hair, showing a nasty scar left behind by the rock.

"I could hear the screams of the unlucky ones like me, being dragged away by the corrupted trees. I humbly said my last prayers right as I felt the thorns of the tree stabbing deep into my left ankle and pulling me away, I had already given up all hope and just prayer for death to be swift, alas all my luck had not run out yet, a strong hand yanked onto my collar and swung a hatcht ripping apart the hands of the tree grabbing onto me, and lifting me up like I was just a bag of feathers, he took a big leap and ran deeper into the forests. I was already weak and the blood loss from my now mangled foot had me lightheaded, I heard him mummur something but I soon passed out without understanding what my savior had to say. When I came to it, I was in an unfamiliar room, my wounds tended too, and I finally had a glimpse of my savior, he was just a young man in his thirties, but he seemed to have aged by a decade, wounds were all over his battered body and it was obvious he had fought a bitter battle to get us out. I asked around and it seemed four days had passed since we first set forth, the road leading there had been shut off, and an expedition from the Church of the Primordial had set off to purify those lands." A solemn look was on Eustace's face as he slowly continued. "In our team of Forty that set out on the expedition, only Eighteen people made it back alive."

"Was it the blessed who saved you?" A slightly older child asked.

"The blessed? No no, it was Dante's father who saved my life." Eustace answered, Looking up and taking a glance at Dante.

All the children turned up to look at Dante, but the only expression on his face was a look of sadness as he recalled his caring father who had passed away.

A new voice rang out from far, thick and loud, "My brother was quite the 'hero' don't you think? Running away with an unconscious person on his back, I assume that's probably the only reason he got injured that day."

The crowd all turned upon hearing the familiar voice and all stood up to greet him, walking towards them was a tall robust man wearing a simple brown tunic and dark black boots on his feet, even though he was walking on the earthen roads his boots did not have a spec of dust on them.

"Greetings Sir Oswyn!" Everyone in the area said at once. They called him Sir because the man walking towards them was a bonafide Knight! Although he may not be as powerful as the blessed of legends, even a common knight was a step into nobility and someone none of them dared to get on their bad side.

Elder Eustace had a grim look on his face as he remembered the events that followed up, looking down at the stump on his leg that should have been a foot, he understood that though they made it out alive, they didn't all make it out with no losses, Gawain his savior never fully recovered from the wounds as an infection seemed to linger, and even with his mighty will, his vibrant youth had been sapped away by the illness.

Dante turned around and smiled gladly, dropping Binky the rabbit gently down and running right into the hands of his uncle, "Uncle Oswyn! It's been ages since you last came to visit, are you finally going to take me to the big city so I can learn to be a knight like you?"

Sir Oswyn looked down at Dante and simply shook his head, "Dante the city you wish to go too is at the Northern borders, it's much too unsafe a place for you. Look once you're Fifteen, I'll enroll you into a Knight's academy near the north, there I'll be able to come visit you and teach you."

Dante nodded his head sadly and retreated back. "Why can't I go to your academy specifically? Shouldn't it be a much safer place with you watching over it?"

Sir Oswyn shook his head, "Because I am there, it's even much more dangerous." He answered mysteriously.

Dante didn't quite understand his uncle's words but he quietly walked back.

"I'm heading further down south to the port by the town of Blackthorn, tell me is there anything you'd like from there?"

Dante's eyes lit up, "Could you get me a few of Blackthorn's famous Tarts?"

"The tarts? Got it. And you might want to take a hold of Binky before he runs off any further." Sir Oswyn said pointing at the snow horned rabbit that had already started running off to the hills.

Dante quickly turned to look at where Binky had run off to and began his chase after the troublesome rabbit.

Sir Oswyn quietly stood and watched Dante run off like the wind in a chase after the rabbit, the golden pendant around his neck flying from side to side, and with a soft sigh he quietly muttered. "He may not have inherited your blood, but he definitely inherited your spirit."