Chapter 13: Shoulders to Lean On

Anna's Point of View

As the sun shines in front of me, I was memorizing the address that was written on the paper:

807 Haru St. Ormkir, Lydrena.

It seems very unfamiliar as I have not heard of this place in the present. I think this place has been renamed or whatever. I still got curious every time I thought of his request. What could be his request? I have literally no idea or have no clue.

"Why did you push Shina away?"

All of a sudden, a guy appeared beside me while I was walking home. It made me jump a little as I looked around to see who it is. It is no surprise that it was Kaito, looking at me with a serious face.

"It is only an accident. I didn't do that on purpose"

I answered while I was looking on the ground. I started to walk faster to avoid him but I noticed he also walked faster. What's the deal with this guy? I'm not going to tutor him today as it is already late to begin it.

"Look, I want to go home. So please, go to your home because your parents are probably looking for you"

I said with a high-pitched tone and gave him a fake smile. I walked faster but no matter how fast I walked, he still chased me and held my arm tightly.

"Answer me, why did you push Shina?

He asked me again, glaring at me causing me to get nervous from me. My hands are now shaking from fear.

"If you won't believe me, then fine. I don't need to force you. Just don't complain if you were to realize you are in the wrong room full of doubts and lies"

I replied, with eyes getting teary. I consider myself as a girl that wears smile every time but I get hurt easily and get sensitive quickly. After a few seconds, I turned around and walked away from him.

"I believe in you"

But then, Kaito shouted as I stopped from walking. He believes in me? Then why is he asking me these questions as if he is going to kill me?

"Why were you wasting time asking me all over if you believe in me?"

I said as Kaito walked near me. With all my tears running down my cheeks, he wiped it with his hands gently. I don't know how but when he touched my skin, I somehow felt comfortable as if I have forgotten that people around me are stabbing me in the back, I felt like he was protecting me.

"Because I know you and Shina had a little fight. You don't need to hide the reason why did you guys get involved in this incident"

He answered while his hands are moving on my cheek, gently tickling me.

"Now, Chieko, tell me everything why did you two meet in the first place?"

He asked me. I held his hand from my cheek to stop him from wiping my tears. I should be answering it even if I have doubts from this guy.

"Kaito, you know, your friend has been very odd suddenly. She got very friendly towards me and very sensitive in a way. She invited me to hang out with them along with her friend, Aina. I denied their request many times until she started to force me to go with them. She was gripping my hand and I can't do anything. Until I have come to the point where I can't control my temper that I accidentally pushed her in the staircase"

I told him everything in a brief time. He then got angry for a moment, his eyes were sparkling with fury.

"I don't really treat her as a friend. Shina just bond with us because Savier is her cousin. Chieko, I want to give an apology to you for I was being a big idiot"

Kaito replied. He suddenly kneeled down in front of me. Woah, I didn't expect him to kneel infront of me, this is a little embarassing as few people were staring at us.

"You don't have to do this. I forgive you, even if you were mean to me but I think you deserve a second chance to change yourself in a more appropriate way"

I accepted his apology as my eyes began to get teary again. I don't know but this somehow reminds me of marriage proposal. My thoughts caused me to blush a little. Anna, be a conservative woman, don't be so flirty and all. The atmosphere began to get cooler, I started to shiver.

"Thank you, Chieko. Tomorrow afternoon, I will treat you. I'll treat you to go to the theatre again since there is going to be another drama"

He said and and wiped my tears again using his smooth fingers. He began to be sweet to me, I'm heavily blushing that I am trying my best to avoid eye contact. Am I starting to develop feelings for him?

"Why are you not looking at me?"

Kaito chuckled. Why do you have to notice every part of me? You are making me feel embarassed.

I did not answer at his question.

"Anyways, see you tomorrow, I guess?"

He ended our awkward conversation. I felt bad suddenly, thinking that he is going away. Why have I suddenly developed feelings for him? I never thought of having a crush on a guy when I have always thought that guys are just boastful and lazy people, but he just proves that my own stereotype was wrong. I looked at him thinking if I should confess for my feelings.


I heard Kaito waving goodbye at me as he ran away from me, with a big smile printed in his face. I waved and smiled back at him. Maybe it was a wrong time to confess for my feelings. Maybe this is not yet the right time for this. As Kaito disappeared from the distance, I decided to walk myself home, with mixed emotions and thousands of thoughts. I don't think I'll be able to survive this period but it was an honor for experiencing such new things.

After half an hour, finally arrived at home, feeling tired and hungry. I realized how simple yet elegant Aunt Naomi's house is. It is definitely the dream of people who wants to live a simple life.

I walked in front of the house. When I was about to knock on the door, I suddenly heard shouts and yells inside the house. My heart bounced. Is this going to be another problem?

I quickly barge inside the house and saw Ryogi and Aunt Naomi quarrelling and shouting at each other. Their angry eyes turns towards me and were in silence for a few seconds.

"Chieko! How are you? Are you okay? Do you have any wounds?"

Aunt Naomi quickly kneeled down and looked at my body such as arms and feet. What is going on?

"I'm fine, Aunt Naomi. What is going on?"

I asked her as I looked into her worried eyes. Is something wrong? Were they expecting something bad happened to me?

"What happened in that school master's office? A student in our village reported it to me that you were sent there!"

Aunt Naomi said. I admire Aunt Naomi on how she gets worried at me even if small things have happened to me.

"And that Ryogi didn't do anything!"

Aunt Naomi suddenly raised her voice and turned around Ryogi who was standing just behind us. I noticed broken pieces of glasses and plates were on the ground. How hard is it for them to quarrel?

"Mom! I told you many times that I didn't know because I already left the school early!"

Ryogi shouted as well. It's very scary to experience seeing the kindest and most quiet people get angry.

"Then why did you leave Chieko alone in the school?! Both of you should be going home together, because you live in a single roof!"

Aunt Naomi shouted again and stood up from the ground. I can notice the veins that are looking like it is about to pop.

"Aunt Naomi! We weren't supposed to leave the school together because my teacher appointed me to teach a student, my classmate specifically"

I explained which calmed Aunt Naomi down. She then turned back to look at me with an upsetting face and teary eyes.

"Chieko, I don't know what did you do but please be careful and act nice to your schoolmates"

She warned me as she stroke my shoulder gently. I only nodded and gave her a grin. Aunt Naomi then slowly walked to Ryogi.

"Ryogi, I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm so sorry for the sudden things I have just done. Just always remember that I love you"

Aunt Naomi apologized and hugged Ryogi tightly. My nervousness faded away as soon as all of us calmed down. I'm glad we did not experienced a havoc here, that they controlled their temper unlike mine. We should all be loving each other as a family, not hate each other.


It's night and my body is shivering cold from the snowy weather outside. Me and Ryogi was sitting on the ground, drinking hot tea, surrounding ourselves with comfy mats. We were in silence for minutes, just staring at our surroundings, letting our minds fly from thoughts to thoughts. I should say something in order to break this awkward silence. What should I say though?

"Ryogi, about what happened earlier, I'm very sorry that you were involved into a situation that you shouldn't get into in the first place"

I apologized to him as I put my cup of tea onto a small table. He also put his cup of tea on the table and later smiled at me.

"There is no need to be sorry. I deserved to apologize because I wasn't by your side when this incident happened. I didn't get to defend you from all the judgements and criticisms you were probably receiving. So with that, I apologize dearly"

He apologized. He doesn't need to apologize! Why are people so kind here?! I don't get it!

He then stood up from the ground and kneeled beside me. He scared me, why is he kneeling down? Is this part of their culture?

"Alright, alright. You don't need to kneel down, we are still both friends and there hasn't been any damage that was made"

I smiled at him as he went back to his seat and drank his cup of tea. We enjoyed this peace around us for a few minutes, just watching every part and corner of the room and listening to the sound of wet snow flakes falling from the sky outside.

"May I ask? Where's your father?"

I broke the silence. I thought of how an idiot I am for asking him such a personal question. I mean I'm somehow part of the family, but it doesn't change the fact that I am slowly entering their privacy.

"I don't know and I don't have to care about him"

He quickly answered in a croaky voice. I felt disconfort as soon as he answered it. I don't know what to reply to him and how to quickly jump to another topic.

"I was informed that I was born with no dad because my father ran away from his responsibilities. And mom isn't really my mom. Your Aunt Naomi is not my biological mom but she adopted me"

Ryogi added, which made my mind popped. I never thought of him being adopted. His closeness with Aunt Naomi makes you think like they're a mother and a son. I think I've realized that every person in the earth is experiencing difficulties even if we are all in a different journey.

With all due respect to their privacy, I tried changing our topic.

"So, can you tell me about Quiloneans in the socie-"


Ryogi suddenly shut me up. I followed him to be silent and surprisingly, I heard a woman screaming near our house. What was that? Are conflicts getting stronger now?