Chapter 14: Love Was Real

Anna's Point of View

We walked slowly towards the exit door, to see where the scream is located. Step by step, both of us are feeling nervous and scared. I can notice Ryogi shaking but even if he is in front of me leading us to the door, he is still braving himself. I also didn't care of my fear because even I was already pushed by curiosity.

As we were about to open the door, Aunt Naomi called us.

"Chieko, Ryogi. It is midnight. Why are you two going outside?"

Aunt Naomi said. I pointed at the door, telling her that something has happened outside.

"We just heard a scream. I think we should check it out. Maybe it is just in front of the house"

Ryogi answered Aunt Naomi. Aunt Naomi gave a puzzled look as she contracted her eyebrows.

"It must have been one of our noisy neighbors. Now go upstairs because both of you still have school tomorrow"

Aunt Naomi said as she got rid us in front of the door. She took a long plywood and used it to serve as a lock. This is just plain stupid. If it was just one of our neighbors, why does she need to lock the door? Unless there's a spirit lurking around our village then that is accepted but there is not.

"Shoo! Go upstairs and charge your energy for tomorrow"

Aunt Naomi ordered us. I noticed Ryogi how his face is slightly angry as both of us are taking the stairs. As I was about to take a step into the staircase, I had to look back to see how Aunt Naomi is doing from locking the door. I saw her smiling slightly in one side of her lips. I didn't bother to stand for a little longer and ran towards my room, feeling traumatized from what I just saw.

She just gave me goosebumps. Why the hell was she smiling like that? Does she knows what is happening here? Whatever it is, I am definitely not liking it.


It was morning as the sunshine reflects perfectly in my room's windows. I didn't get to sleep properly since I felt like I was watched by someone. I felt like I just got traumatized, thinking that I might die sooner or later.

"Chieko! It's almost late! You haven't got up!"

All of a sudden, Ryogi scared me as he knocked on my room's door and shouted from the outside. I didn't even realize that it is almost time for us to go to school.

And so, I quickly ate my very hot breakfast and took a bath while time managing. I didn't waste any time because I didn't even get to be late in my whole life.

As I walked right in front of the door, with enough hygiene and preparation, Ryogi smiled at me.

"I love how you got up late but still managed to be ready on time"

He complimented me. I chuckled a little at him and he slowly opens the door as we walked outside with positive energy filled in our minds. It's another day but I think this will be one of the worst days I will ever experience in this 19th Century.


"Geography was probably the hardest subjects for me. I can't even understand a thing in that subject"

Ryogi told me, followed by a laugh.

Both of us are walking on the school ground with students staring and glaring at me. I felt the awkwardness atmosphere with those glaring eyes looking at me. I'm not used to this type of attention! The attention I get in the present is different from this attention I'm currently getting.

Can a weird phenomena come here and make these students forget about what happened yesterday? Or can a genie appear from no where and grant me a wish to make these students vanish?

Ryogi and I walked in the corridor quietly and of course, students were staring at me. In a positive note, I think I just became popular in this school. In the eyes of them, I am an enemy with no ideal personalities but I think they don't know my side and they'll be surprised.

"Alright, see you later, Chieko!"

Ryogi interrupted me from overthinking. He waved goodbye at me as he walked inside his class. I did not notice that we have already arrived at his classroom and my classroom is just a few steps from here. It's also a good thing that Ryogi's classmates didn't notice me because they might send Ryogi some hates since I was with him.

I ran towards my classroom, quiet and emotionless. My heart was beating fast as I don't know what is waiting for me in the classroom.

The wind touches my skin while I walked inside my classroom. I was surprised everyone is still doing their business, writing, reading and talking with each other. I was expecting they will glare at me and shout at me but nope.

I sat down on my seat while I watch my classmates around me. They were all not staring at me, and that's fine!

"Good morning, class! Today, we are going to learn another lesson in Geography"

Ms. Shin suddenly walked inside the classroom, holding a bunch of papers as she sat on the teacher's desk and started to open the topic.


"Alright, that's all for today, goodbye and thank you"

Ms. Shin said as all of us stood up and packed our things in our bags. It was a day where I get to learn all the things she taught to us probably because I don't have anything to overthink about.

After packing my things, I quickly walked outside the room where I saw Ami smiling widely at me. She was with another male student, with a round face and chubby cheeks

"Hello, Chieko! The Geography subject is very boring, right?"

She said and laughed at the same time. I only nodded, trying to be humble of course.

"For me, it was only mediocre. It's easy to understand if you read it in the library"

Ami's friend started talking with a high-pitched tone that you don't usually hear in guys. He acts and talks smart.

"Anyways, this is my friend and my neighbor in our village. Chieko, this is Sam, and Sam this is my classmate and my bestfriend, Chieko!"

Ami happily introduced us to each other. Both of us shaked hands as a polite greeting.

"It's very pleasant to meet you, Chieko"

Sam said with a smile written on his face. I smiled back at him. I'm glad that I'm meeting new people here, even if most of them became enemies.

Speaking of enemies, I just saw Savier, Nobi and Aina walking towards this way at the distance, looking at every students they meet. Are they trying to look for me? Are they trying to abuse me again because of the accident that happened to Shina? Wait, what happened to Shina though? I hope she is in a stable condition.

"Look at those students who do nothing but spread toxicity in the society"

Ami responded and scowled at the group. Three of us were observing Savier, Nobi and Aina, until Savier caught me in his eye. They walked swiftly to us while Savier is glaring at me.

"Hey, Chieko, catch this!"

Savier shouted and tossed a piece of rolled paper at me. I was able to catch it even if I was not prepared about it. Once I caught it, a puzzled face was printed in my face, along with Ami.

"What am I going to do with this?"

I asked Savier. Savier and Nobi just laughed at me. I did not expect they were going to fool around. I was asking seriously and they thought I'm just loafing around. They don't know I'm having an anxiety attack right now.

"You will read it, in honor for Shina"

Nobi spoke. What is this for? I unrolled the paper and a letter was revealed.

*Dear concerned person,

I am very sorry for the things that I have done to you. In my whole life, I was a very coward person for not dealing with every obstacles I encounter. I'm writing this as my last voice that will reach out to whoever who reads this. Don't worry about me as I am now fine. This is the first letter I'm sending out and also the last letter that you will receive from me. So thank you and goodbye

From: Shina Rydae*

What is this? Is it my fault for upbringing Shina into this? I eventually got teary from thinking. I'm not a human for doing this.

"You're crying? Are you trying to act like you are innocent?"

I heard Savier talking with an angry tone. I bursted out from weeping as soon as he got angrier. The combined effects of degrading yourself and degrading by someone is really hurting.

"Don't be angry to her, she only did it on accident"

Aina unexpectedly defended me as she tried calming Savier down. Ami went beside me, patting my head and comforting me.

"How can I be not angry? She killed my cousin! That is not a good thing to do for a minor!"

Savier's temper sparked. I didn't know what to do except to accept this embarassment. I noticed students were gathering, looking at us.

"I did not kill Shina! Everyone! Please I never meant to be pictured as a murderer!"

With all the tears falling on my cheeks and with all the shaking I'm feeling, I still managed to say my side. Ami held my arm tight as if she doesn't want me to be alone in this mess I made.

"Why can't you just tell the truth?!"

Savier shouted again. Suddenly, he made a ball of fist from his hands and flew it into the cool air to my face. I closed my eyes to accept this pain I am about to feel, after all, I deserved this.

Until a hand stopped Savier from punching me. I opened my eyes once again and Kaito's face was revealed from beside me, who was holding Savier's hands.

"You can't judge the ending when you don't even know the whole story"

Kaito responded and forcefully let go of Savier's hand in the air. The students around us started to get astonished from Kaito. I did not expect him to be here when I need a protection.

"Let's go, Chieko"

Surprisingly, Kaito held my hands as we walked out this scene with Savier emotionless, leaving Ami and Sam standing there, Aina waving goodbye to us and Nobi being tensed about what happened.

I can't believe Kaito save my day and probably saved my face. He is such a strong person for being able to protect me. For this, I felt weird again. I'm surely developing feelings for him and I can't do anything but to confess to him.

We got outside the school and went

"Chieko, you're so bad. You are very bad in protecting yourself. You are careless! You almost got slapped!"

Kaito shouted at me giving me a glare whcih basically made him more cooler. He walked me to the nearest store to buy me biscuits and bread.

"A basket of bread please and one biscuit"

Kaito politely said to the seller. Why is he doing this to me? He doesn't have to do this. I went just outside the store to observe the life in the 19th Century. The culture are still obvious to notice unlike in the prssent when modernization takes over the world.

"Here is your food"

Kaito appeared at my back, holding a basket with smoke coming from the inside. It must be hot to eat right now.

"Thank you!"

I thanked him politely and tried taking it from him but he didn't let me. I thought it was my food. Why is he not letting me have it? Why is it my food then?

"I'll be the one to hold it. Let's go to the theatre. The act is going to be amazing!"

He said and held my hand again as both of us walked to the location desired.

Indeed, there is no ideal man you can find but in the past. That is why true love only exists in the history where our grandmas and grandpas experienced real sweetness.

We spent the rest of the day, hanging out and having fun while getting to know each other deeper. I didn't get to confess right away as I planned that I will do it in the right time. I promise myself.

Love was real but it only exists in the past.