Planning for the future

A black hole quietly appear in the dark alley and like a door a super handsome young man in tattered step out and look around with some frown on his sword like brows while the blck hole authomaticaly closed before faded into nothingness, thankfully there is no people around that saw what happened.

Aron's frowned dissapear as he spread his spiritual power in the whole planet. The first thing he do is to figure out where he is right now, furtunately he us still in the same city which is familiar to him because this where he live from veing an orphan until he became independent before the apocalypse so it was still fresh from his memories on how it look. The city he is standing now is Cebu City, Visayas area in philippine territory. He can still remember how it became ruins overnight when the apocalypse arrive. You guys might be wondering how or why did there is even an apocalypse and whats the reason, Well the answer is that an another world was forcefully connected by some artifact to the earth and that world is known as beast world where only beast exist and when the earths core detected the crisis it release its world essence and bath the inhabitants with it. Similar to cosmic rays it also transform the body from cellular level and evolve it to something supernatural. After that the earth core, a conciousness who is living and protecting earth by taking the form of earth core was forced into deep slumber when exausting its essence.

After that beasts began to invade and as you guess because earths inhabitants is only in its first evolution and some even takes time to evolve as it depend in talent they naturally is not the invaders opponent, because of that close to billions of people killed in just one day invasion. That day was later called the beggining of Apocalypse or the dawn of humanity. What was worse is that majority of those animals from earth who later evolve to a beasts did no side to humans, they also attack humanity , thankfully they did not side with the invaders and also attack them so their in neutral side.

Many Cities all over the World fall in the first day of apocalypse and Cebu City is one them.

Aron still remember on how many survive from the original 200 thousand plus residents to eight thousands plus and did not even reach ten thousand and he is one of them it was really lucky for him as most of the survivors are those rich individuals and bet he is the poorest. At that time they evacuate to more remote place away from the city that is already full of beasts running rampant so they choose to go to some municipal area and the choose south as their choice in traveling until they reach in Oslob municipality and their they saw the first stonghold being built protected by a flying whale sharks being called as the sea god protector from the stronghold survivor. The whale shark is the first one to side to the human race when apocalypse came well it might be because of gratitude it felt to the residents when they are being feed before the apocalypse. They are pretty dumb they did not even know they are being exploited. Well thats how Aron survive and also his first adventure.

"hays past is past there's no point in thinking about it" Aron told himself as he excercise his shoulder cycling it clockwise.

" With the strengt I have right now, all my past regrets and all the things I wanted to do but couldn't because of my past cirscumstances I will make it up this time." Aron said confidently.

Using his spiritual power Aron take a look to an apartment that is very familiar to him as this apartment is where he experience the ups and down of his life.

In the apartment inside he saw his other self busy playing Dota games in his computer. He was the same as what he remembered from his past where he is playing in his computer not even caring how messy his room is, with different kinds of trash everywhere including many empty cups of noodles bundled in the corner together with some mineral bottles.

'the same as ever, even with different timeline there's still nothing change' s' thought Aron inside.

He really pity his other self thats why he leave some small portion of spiritual power inside his body. It would be helpful for his other self in evolving during the apocalypse. It will lay dormant for now and will only activate during the apocalypse where his body is bathed by word essence.

This is the only thing he can give to his other self and he leave him to his own as to how he will became in the future, fate will decide as he will not care.

The are already different, with their own life and soul so he will not care what happened to his other self because he did not go back in past just so that he became his other self's nanny.

He's second wish is go back with the thought of achieving what I did not achieve, my ambition, my dreams, my what if in life so to fulfill it. So everything I cannot achieve in the past I will achieve in this prensent.

Thinking in the past when he do some hands on experience while holding some sexy photos of his idols which was all superstars in the International scene make him shake his head at how pathetic his pasts was.

And now with his strengt coupled with his super handsome face and perfect body getting those superstars and making a harem palace like those pasts emperors is not difficult at all.

Before coming out of the alley Aron make clothes using his power. He duplicate the most suitable clothes that he deem fit for him and so beautiful but still look expensive. You say how did he do that? well he just scan all supermarket who sells branded clothes and even some clothes factories then choose frone those and thats it , simple. After that he make a simple backpack and put his old clothes inside. he felt unwilling to just throw it away so he just keep it.

Aron come out of the dark alley in a new attire with grey shirt and black pants and also a backpack in his back. What come to his view is a highway full of different kinds of cars but majority is transpotation vihicles. The side walk is also crowded with people from students to passerby. Vendors can also be seen shouting and for buyers, it was really lively.

He can also saw tall buildings with some being too old and some look new. This year is 2017, month of August, Day 5. Maybe because it is peak hour for going to work and school thats why the sidewalk and highways(roads) is full of cars and passerby.

Year 2018, the same month and the same day is the arrival of apocalypse.

'This people will they even survive in the first day of apocalypse? maybe only a handful of them survive in the past but as I am here now, I might be able to help reduce some casualties' Aron thought and then decide that the best he can help is to reduce the casualties especially the woman and children as for those males they can fend for themselves.

Aron chuckled and the shook his head remembering how his past self is still playing Dita games when the apocalypse began thats why hes one of those furtunate survivor who holed themselves in the their homes during apocalypse. Different from those outside who can't even run hundred meters before being devoured.

Aron began to walk and his destination is the City Capitol, One of his plans is control the mayor of the City. It was essential to controll some leaders for his plan to be smooth sailing. It might be despicable and might goes against the morals by controlling someone against his will, well he did not even have a morals to begin with, he already throw it away after experiencing life in apocalypse. Because in apocalypse you will not live till next sunrise if you act like some hero of justice and teaching about moral this and that, your end will be meserable.

Having no morals for him does not mean that he will do all evil deeds like kiilling people left and right, no its not! he also have bottom line and he will not do things that is against his conscience. He is also a human so he felt even a little responsibility for the upcoming apocalypse thats why he is planning in controlling the whole philippines from the shadows and it us even better if its not only the philippine but also other country before the apocalypse descend. Well he did not worry about when will the apocalypse descend because with his strength it is really simple matter for him to delay it for 3-5 years.

His goal is to controll the world from the shadows then nurture some potential individual that can lead humanity in war against beasts from another world. So he maybe delay its descend until he have the world in his grasp. And playing in the shadows like some Hidden bug boss can also satisfy some of his pasts ambition so its hitting birds with two stones.