First servant

Aron stop his thought when he noticed he is already infront of the gate of City Capitol. He even did not notice that he is the center of attention wherever he walk and only when he is some meters away from the gate of the City Capitol did he regained his bearing. He also notice The two guards guarding the gate giving him some suspicious glance.

After some hesitation and checking if he look normal, he strood his way in front of the guard.

'Its best if the mayor is inside' Aron thought then let his spiritual power scan the whole capitol and stop in one office with the sign in the door posted *MAYOR'S OFFICE*. Inside he saw a slightly fat middle age man busying himself in some documents in his desk. On the edge of the desk is the name of the mayor with his title written in it.

'looks like the mayor is here, lucky me *chuckle, so his name is Roman Bale' Aron chuckled inside as he calmly make his way to the two guards.

Aron truthfully did not know even the name of the mayor, because from what he remember from his pasts, all of his thought is playing video games and then find way to earn quick cash and did not bother his thought to things that could not help him and not related to him.

"Hello could I ask if the mayor Bale is inside, I have some important matters and need the mayor's assistance" Aron asked the two guards politely, like some normal young man would act to their senior. He act like this not because he needed it but because he find it interesting.

The oldest guard look at his handbook that record all those coming in and out of the capitol and confirm that mayor is still inside and did not left.

"The mayor is indeed inside and might be in his office but to gain the entry pass you need to produce a valid Id and also that bag in your back, you cannot bring that inside." said the oldest guard politely that look like experience in this case, the older guard already figure out as he noticed that the clothes this strange handsome young man wear is classified as luxury and it might be worth tens of thousand, only those rich individual can afford this types of expensive clothing. He is already a veteran in identifying what clothes is expensive and what is not, with his years of experiences meeting leaders and rich people coming to see the mayor, so he act politely as posible so that he would not incur the other party's displeasure.

"ahw sure, I'm gonna get it" reply Aron as he slowly get his backpack and open it.

Forcefully making his way inside using his strength have crossed his mind more than one's as he hate troublesone thing's but thinking that it will not be interesting anymore, it would be too boring if he do that, so he erase that idea and choose a more reasonable one.

After opening his bag he directly use his spiritual power and invade the system of one of the City's famous University to register his name in it without them knowing, but in the middle of writing his name, he was conflicted if he should write his original name or choose a new one. With some hisitation he only change the last name which is Dwane to the new one which is Dawn, He chooce the last name Dawn as it look a badass surname.

Then using his ability he produce a complete ID of himself, its not considered fake because he registered his name in their data base already.

"here's my id, you can check it" said aron with a beautiful smile hanging on his face. What he did not know is that because of his smile and how handsome it look, the two guard who saw it become stunned, the younger one even avoid making eye contact from him afraid he might change gender.

"We shall first comfirm if your id is still valid, is that ok with you sir?"The older is the first to recover began talking but he still praise the young man on how handsome he really is, Their mayor having a questionable gender even crossed his mind but he dismissed it quickly because from what he know, the mayor have wife and three offspring so its impossible for the mayor to be a gay right? as for the younger guard, he is still standing still looking down.

After giving them his id, he begun to observe them, especially the young one who is still looking down avoiding his eye contact, it really confuse him.

After some calling from phones and working in their computer in their guardhouse confirming it was valid, the guard return with entry pass in his hand.

"attach this in your breast area and give me your bag, don't worry I will keep it safe, also just ask an employee inside for direction, tell them you want to go to mayors office " Told the guard to aron.

After receiving the pass he thank the guard before he enter in the gate continue walking inside bypassing the door in the ground floor and not minding to the glances he keep receiving from the people he meet along the way, some even come from those that look like married woman with their love struck expresion that you could even see hearts forming in their eyes.

He just ignore them untill he was in front of the mayors office in the second floor. In the door a word of instruction could be seen, it says that you should knock first, second is to wait for confirmation inside before you enter.




He knock three times in a row and then wait for the responds inside. He wait in seconds, followed by minutes and he slowly loose his patient, he even scan inside to confirm if the mayor asleep or something but what frustrate him more is that the mayor is not sleeping or some other reasons, the mayors seems to finish what he is doing and is still relaxing in the chair but still ignore him and continue resting.

When he was about to reach his limit and plan to destroy the door and beat the hell of a mayor, a voice finally echoed inside,

"come in" a deep voice reach his ear.

Aron quickly open the door and went inside, even before he come in, he already know the mayor is sitting in his chair while massaging his temple like some hardworking mayor.

"hello ma-"

" forget about talking nonsense, say it, for what reason a young man like you come looking for me! a mayor, don't speak nonsense! I don't like nonsense"

He did not even finish to begin his wording when the comanding voice of the mayor cut him off.

Aron frown at how how the mayor treat him. The mayors voice indicate that he is above him,0 while his voice is similar to a master issuing orders to their servants. The mayor didn't even notice how strange and wrong his voice sounded, he was annoyed as someone disturbed his resting time.

What Aron hate the most is this kind of tone, because he experience that kind of treatment in the apocalypse, when he was he is still considered weak, so it became one of his hate lists.

As aron cannot hold back his rage, he vanished on his spot and appeared direct in front of the mayor then tap the mayors forehead, he did not even consider talking to the mayor anymore, he forcefully sieze the mayors soul with the intention of subordinating it forcefully. Suddenly...


[Slave Imprint skill learned] a window appeared in hi front.

He did not bother its name and just read its desciption on how to use it. He put a slave imprint in mayors soul just like what the instruction told and then release it back to the mayor.

The Confuse expression of the mayor regained its calm as if something never happened. The mayors look to Aron have a complete 180 degree change, he now look at Aron with reverence and awe, like he was a worshipper staring at a missiah.

Quickly the mayor jumped from his chair and kneel on one knee in front of Aron.

"What are your orders master" said the mayor to Aron who is now looking at him in discomfort.

'thankfully we're the only one in this room' thought aron.

" Stand up, make sure remember not to kneel in front of me if their's someone around"

" Yes master, this slave will remember it" said the mayor before standing from his kneeled state.

Aron nod at his servants behavior.

"Okay, later book a hotel for me to stay and buy all necessary items like phone, etc. make it quick, you also register a bank account under my name, here's my id, you need to also register a company under my name also, if you need help just tell me."

"Master, you can stay at my place, it is more trouble free and convinient for you as you can contact me directly if you need anything. As for the necessary items and bank account, considerd it done, and master, for the company, what type of company do you want, it is needed fo registration." said the mayor in one breath.

" Just register it as an Entertainment Company, we don't need to make money with the new company, one of my ambitions is to own a company and to play with it as I like, Where can you find a company to play with that is more interesting than Entertainment eh?" said Aron to his servant with a chuckle imagining himself sorrounded by many beautifull actress.

And thats how a nunber one harem king is born hhehehe. just a joke..or not