49. The change

As soon they filled trucks they rushed back to the shelter and saw few dozen of zombies standing there and waving their hands. Suddenly the whole convoy stopped and people came out and waved hands screaming their thanks from the depth of their hearts.

Zombies stopped waving and nodded while under the sound of roaring trucks the whole group of trucks disappear in front of their eyes. Emma rubbed her eyes and smiled. ''You all did well. I am grateful to all of you. If you could do me a favour and gather rest fo the food in the city and store in the underground park house I saw on the map. Try getting as many cars out and as much food inside. Later those people will need more food.''

The zombies smiled as they could feel her gratitude. They took off their ragged clothes and dressed all the same clothes as she saw an army store nearby. Then they started ransacking store by store. Restaurant by restaurant looking at all they could store away. Including drinkable stuff. Water, juices and all kind of other liquid beverages.

The storm rushed over Aislin Country and as the alarm rang showing the devastation it caused they could see something else that scared them even more. A huge amount of zombies that walked strongly like an army, passing by their doors not even turning away, as they hid inside the storm.

Emma's heart jumped wildly as she saw the images on her computer. Of course, she couldn't see what is going on over satellite because the storm, but looking it this way, it seems they knew about that connection.

She wrinkled her eyebrows. ''Someone is leading them or one of those creatures have left some intelligence and know many things.''

Aisa stared at her mother that was absorbed into her contemplations. ''Mom, will they know about our place in that case?''

Emma looked at her daughter and shook her head. ''Before they arrived we smoked the whole surrounding with neutralising gasses. We are deep in the earth and the outer core of this place looks now like simple grass hill. I didn't take any chances. it does have walls but at the end, I wanted to hide real entrance s I made final doors getting covered by moss and grass before these people arrived.''

She pointed at one of the cameras and all Aisa could see a stone that looked like a gravestone that had small rime on it. ''What is this about?''

''If zombies can read we are anyway then doomed, arent we? But I hope they cant. It's not really rime. Just sett of knocks at a certain spot on that stone. There is a small metallic part on it. If they knock it as it's written one of the doors will open and humans can enter.'' She smiled as she saw many zombies just passing the tall walls not even trying to enter.

Aisa wondered. ''Where are they going?''

Emma pointe data storm. ''I fear they will follow the storm. Or even worse they will seek any sign of any human life and destroy it. We need to find another way to exterminate them.''

Humans inside their levels had fear so everything became slower and silent. Even animals could feel the strange unintentional apprehension and anxiety even tho they were very deep inside.

The storm raged through lands and became superstorm at it hit the water but after a few days of raging, it disappeared leaving a clear picture of devastation all over the planet.

Emma sighed and went to the main control room where everyone greeted her with serious faces. She smiled at them and sighed. ''I know that the pictures seem quite scary, but all we can do now is to live as comfortably as we can in a given situation. Put me on screen and let everyone see me.''

Suddenly a sound came and an already familiar face could be seen. Emma smiled trough the screen. Her appearance this time was a huge change to everyone.

Usually, she was all the time worried and stressed that's he looked most of the time messy and had dark circles under her eyes but after she had good rest and good food she looked beautiful. Especially without those being glasses, messy hair and a strange mix of clothes.

In a long dress, she stood there with open hair and a big smile and winked ta everyone. ''We survived. I know many of you might think I ma cruel but I did my best to save as many people as possible. To tell you the truth I am proud of myself. Why? Some of you might ask... Well, let's see.''

She showed all the levels where people walked with a smile on their faces, children running around and comfortable elders that sat around or made strolls in multiple gardens around the levels. ''This is the reason why I am proud. There will be always a good and bad side to anything or anyone. But the good side is, we are safe. Even zombies didn't notice us. So from now on everyone please relax and enjoy life. yes, we are underground and it is kind of hard to handle but with the time you will get used to it. Not only that...''

Suddenly a huge space could be seen that showed a huge city that was even bigger than the city area they had. ''This is something we will repopulate with time as well. I still need to make sure that everything is working well here. After I am sure we will let you exchange current apartments with new ones. But it has to be earned. And no, there is not a too good or too bad job. In my world, in this city, only those that signed themselves as a citizen as Aislin country can live. The rule will be, everyone has the same payment. No matter is it a sweeper on the street or soldier that is protecting us. But that doesn't mean that some people should disrespect them. If I find out someone is disrespecting our law enforcement it will be kicked out the main city back to the higher-level city and will never be able to come down again. Just saying. Now let me first let relate animals down so they can repopulate again the forests and grounds. Look at the huge forest, the big sea and even the waterfall we have down there... This place can hold up to ten million people. I think it will take time to raise our people up to that number. I hope until then we can reclaim even lands above ground and rise upper city as well.''

Suddenly there was a huge picture shown how she planned the outside, making everyone gasp. They could hear her words as she explained further her idea...