50.Scary Child

''I already prepared this but first, we must destroy the remnant zombies before we even start thinking bout doing this. Look, the dome will be humongous and will protect us from all kind of things and attacks as I made it out of indestructible material. I actually planned sooner for us to go out and build a real city over the ground, but after this storm, I fear other storms might start appearing. Until the weather is calm again and zombies decimated, we might as well prepare everything here. Now... I will need all the ideas you might have. There is no stupid idea. There might be ideas that we can't apply, but no stupid ideas. Any idea we like will be paid with city points that you can save for later or buy something right now. And yes, the apartments in upper city will be sold as well.'' She had no plan to let anyone get anything for free. With the same payments, they can't say that some people get more money than others and complain about differences.

Differences will always exist, but the paying amount will be the same for everyone. Some might save it for later and get what they wanted and some will just sp[end it right now.

Hearing that there won't be any differences everyone was astonished, including the soldiers. They looked at Mario that just shrugged his shoulders. ''It's her land and her rules. She does that so people will work hard and not complain. You live and eat in barracks. You can save quite a lot of points if you don't spend too much on random things. But commoners have to buy it all. They have to go and work to get food. She is not having lazy people. Those that are lazy can only dir in hunger. Not even old people and children would feel sorry for them.''

Realizing what is going on everyone nodded. Mario looked around and smiled. ''But, all soldiers and law enforcement has the right of the first choice. If you plan to buy something that you like and no one is living inside, you will have the right to buy it right away.''

Law of the first choice meant something in this society so even if someone has the same amount or even more if someone of them chose to buy it, they had to back off and give first right to solder or law enforcement. They sighed in relief but saw Mario face becoming serious.

''But if you use that power to harm someone or make her angry, you might as well be released from the army and end up swiping streets for rest fo your life.'' He saw everyone's faces and smiled coldly. ''Soldiers and Law enforcement do have lots of privileges, but if you make her angry, swiping streets will be the easiest punishment. The worst would be that she kick you out completely naked.''

Suddenly a young voice could be heard. ''Mother said she was thinking about it really, but now that you said it loudly, she will implement that as law. Thanks...'' Then the voice was gone and everyone stared at him.

He sighed. ''There is the big boss and there is small boss. Both are dangerous. And they see everything.''

His soldiers came closer and stared at him with curious eyes. ''What do you mean?''

''The big boss is someone who has high IQ and made many programs as protection and safety. And little boss might take my job over when she grows up. Did you hear about youth division?''

They were already here for a while so they nodded.

''Well, she is head of them and trains with them every day. I fear in a year or two, they might be even stronger than us. They are nothing like children in past. Playing around is for them to have free time without a little boss. Aisa Thompson... is scary child.''

''I heard you. And thanks. I do not mind being scary. This world has changed everything and if I am still the way I was before I might a swell die. General. mother asks you to come to main room. It seems there is something she wants to show you. Soldiers, you can go to upper city and have some fun. There are many things you grown-ups might like. Have some fun. Afterwards, the youth division is coming down to have some one-on-one training with you. Tomorrow. Not today, so enjoy it.'' She chuckled one more time and her voice was gone.

Mario looked at them in pity. ''I guess you really should rest. Those children have lots of energy. I fear tomorrow will be a long day for you all.'' With sadness written all over his face, he left them there standing and went with the car to the elevator.

One of the soldiers scoffed. ''Just a few kids, we can't let them win so easily. They want some training, we can show them whats real training. But let us go now. They gave us free time. Let's see what is there in the town.''

Everyone started cheering except for the division that came with Mario. ''Fools. Sigh, it seems tomorrow we will have a rough day. I will go to sleep. I need to rest. You will join them?'' The soldiers just shook their heads and everyone chose to rest.

Commander O'Briant stood there and looked at the two groups undecided what to do. But looking at the whole division of people preparing to rest a doubt started rising and he stopped nearby soldier that just was about to go as well to dormitories.

''Is that child really that scary?''

The man just held his shoulder and sighed deeply. ''Think about small soldiers on drugs. She is constantly in motion. We sometimes wonder where she gets all that energy from. And her hits... Look...'' He rose his shirt and a huge bruise on his side could be seen. ''This is last time she hit me when we were sparring. She was complaining that we were to slow so she let us run, without gear, fifty miles. And when most of us were dead on the floor her whole youth division jumped over us like geese and continued to run for much longer. With our current power, we can only be wall guards. The kids are real new age warriors and they are a hope for all humankind. The zombies changed as well, didn't they?'' If the zombies evolve so must as well humans, or they will be doomed.