Miracle potion. The quest


After Novaverael passed out.


Little nova sent his report message to Albedo.

[Good — very good — Nova Driftvalley, you're doing a good job! Keep making Ainz-sama uncomfortable at the thought of having ,other non nazerick women! This is an order from Nazarick's Guardian Overseer!]

Little Nova wondered, Is this really worth an order? However, he didn't care as it was a way to be mischievous; otherwise he'd just find a diffrent way. Thus, such an order aligned with his goal.

Just as Nova was thinking these things, he heard Albedo's excited voice once more.

[I'll slowly decrease the distance between myself and Ainz-sama while Shalltear is out on business! Although the objective is hard to breach, if I manage a second time before Shalltear; I will secure my spot as head wife! Although I am still in pain from before this is more important! On that glorious day, Shalltear will weep bitter tears of regret!]

Albedo's cry of delight made Nova furrow his brows. Although he has to obey these orders, he wasn't sure if his king Ainz wanted that...He sighed his best bet would be to ask about it.

With a voice that suggested she might burst into dance at any moment, Albedo continued babbling about what she would do next, and how things had to be, and then suddenly, she asked in a calm voice:

[Still, why are you helping me? Why did you choose me and not Shalltear? Could it be that you want something from me?]

"The answer is simple. Your goal aligned with my own. Truthfully if someone asked me whether Albedo-sama or Shalltear-sama was more suitable, to mate with Ainz-sama, I would definitely answer with your name, Albedo-sama."

Little Nova said as he noticed his kings uncomfortableness, about Shalltears numerous fetishes. Besides how would a vampire give a bj, they'd suck you dry. His master needed what was considered ,one of the best playful interactions between a woman and man.

[Kufu—! Wonderful. I didn't think you'd be able to see the future of Nazarick. I'm impressed.]

"Also, Shalltear-sama doesn't seem to like kuruma ,I attribute it to her thinking Ainz-sama has a beastiality fetish. I tried to tell her otherwise but.....she didn't listen."

[Oh. I see, so that's how it is.To think her fetishes would be her downfall kufufufu. Are the others on my side as well?]

"That is hard to tell. Lupusregina and Naberal is with you, Albedo-sama, but Solution is on Shalltear-sama's side. As for Entoma and Shizu, their allegiances are not yet known."

[Can Solution be won over?]

"It would be very difficult, because her tastes are very similar to Shalltear-sama's."

[Oh, I see… what crude hobbies she has.]

Little Nova agreed with Albedo's words. I mean there is the saying anything can kill you, if done too much. Moderation is clearly more healthy and her list is...inhuman even on vampire standards.

[Well, it can't be helped. Then, move quickly and bring the other girls into my camp. Start with Entoma and Shizu.]

"That should be fine. Solution and Entoma both like eating humans, so if we bring Entoma to your side, Solution might end up becoming an ally as a result."

[That's right… I've got it. Then, onto something else… can you tell me in detail what my beloved Ainz-sama has been doing?]

"Yes, I understand."

The scheduled communication with Albedo ended up getting really annoying for little nova. Alas, she was his superior so he had no choice but to listen.


[Next day]

Britta continued forward, to a place where the smell was stronger than just now. Peering left and right, she walked on until she was in front of the largest house.

This house was different from the others around it, which were designed with a shop area in front and a work area in the back. It seemed to have been built from the ground up as a workshop.

She knew that she had arrived from the sign that hung above the door and outside the place.

The bell mounted on top of the door rang surprisingly loudly as she pushed open the front door.

After she entered, she found herself in something that looked like a guest lounge. There were two facing benches in the middle of the room, cabinets of books on the walls, and ornamental plants in the corners of the room.

As she stepped into the lounge, a voice called out:


It was a male voice, though it sounded too young to belong to a man. Looking around, she saw a teenage boy standing before her, dressed in a beat-up set of old work coveralls that were stained with juices from crushed plants. His blond hair covered half his face, so it was hard to guess his age, but from his height and his voice, he should be in puberty.

Although he was a teenager, Britta could still guess his name. Apart from the fame of his grandmother, he had become one of the few notable people in E-Rantel by virtue of his innate talents.

"…Nfirea Bareare-san?"

"Yes, that's me."

The boy — Nfirea — nodded and asked:

"May I know what business you have here?"

"Ah, yes. Hang on a bit."

Britta retrieved the folded slip of paper the innkeeper had passed her and gave it to the boy.

Upon receiving the piece of paper, Nfirea opened and read it.

"I see… so that's what's going on. Then, can I see the potion?"

Britta took out the potion and handed it to Nfirea, who brought it so close to himself that his hair covered it.

The atmosphere changed.

Nfirea swept his hair away, revealing a handsome face, which would surely break the hearts of many girls.

However, within that youthful face of his was a pair of steely eyes. It was hard to imagine that someone who spoke and acted like he did could have eyes like that. Those eyes sparkled with excitement. Nfirea shook the potion bottle several times and nodded.

"Forgive me, it's not convenient to speak here. Could you follow me inside?"

Britta agreed, and under Nfirea's guidance, she soon arrived at a messy room. Still, she thought that way because she lacked professional experience.

On the table were round-bottomed flasks, test tubes, distillation equipment, mortars, funnels, beakers, alcohol lamps, balances, a bizarre-looking pot, and various other items. The shelves on the walls were filled with mysterious herb and mineral samples.

The odor in the room smelled like it could kill you from breathing it in too often. The most famous potion maker in the city was already there. She was a very old woman, and both her face and hands were heavily wrinkled. Her hair, which reached to her eyebrows, was pure white. Her work clothes were stained with even more green residue than Nfirea's and she smelled heavily of grass.

Nfirea, who had just entered, called out to the old lady:"Granny!"

"What is it, what is it, I can hear you even if you don't shout. My ears are sharp, you know."

Nfirea only had one grandmother, who was renowned as the greatest herbalist in this city, Lizzie Bareare.

"Come take a look at this."

Lizzie accepted the potion Nfirea offered her. As she studied it, her gaze was so focused and keen that it unsettled Britta. She looked like a grizzled veteran of many battles. In this, she was not wrong. Herbalists needed to use magic when making their potions and medicines, and the more famous the herbalist, the higher the tier of magic they could use. Therefore, the greatest herbalist of E-Rantel, Lizzie Bareare, was a much better combatant than Britta.

"This potion… did you bring it here? …A legendary potion? No, could it be… God's Blood? What on earth is this potion?"


Britta's eyes went wide, thinking That's my line.

"Impossible… this potion. Where did you get it from? A ruin?"

"Eh? Ah, no, that…"

"What a shrinking violet you are. Just give me a straight answer — where did you get it from? Did you steal it? Hm?"

Britta's shoulders shuddered in surprise. She had done nothing wrong, yet she felt like she was being rebuked.

"…Granny, don't scare her."

"…What are you saying, Nfirea? I didn't scare her at all… right?"

No, you did. Britta wanted to say that, but instead she gulped and simply told Lizzie the full story about the potion:

"Ah, er, someone else gave it to me as payment, but it is said to come from the great mysterious shopkeeper Momon. He also said he was his friend. " She said carefully to ensure she got all the information needed along with validity.


Lizzie's eyes became even more stern but you could also see excitment in her eyes!

"Wait a minute, Granny. Britta-san, could you tell me who gave it to you? And why was it given to you?"

With Nfirea's help, Britta explained simply that she had received the potion ,from a mysterious man in a Magic laced; Full Plate Elemental armour. As Lizzie heard it, more furrows sprouted on her wrinkled face.

"…Did you know that there are three kinds of potions?"

Without waiting for Britta's reply, Lizzie continued:

"The first kind are potions made from herbs alone. Those potions act slowly, and all they can do is improve a person's natural recovery. While they're not very effective, they're very cheap. The second kind of potions are made with herbs and magic. These potions take effect faster than the first kind, but they still need some time to work. Most adventurers use these potions to recover after a battle. The final kind of potion is made solely from magic. Essentially, one infuses a spell into an alchemical solution and it takes instant effect. These potions are functionally the same as a spell, but they are correspondingly more expensive. Then, which of these three kinds does that potion of yours belong too? I can't see any traces of herbal residue, so it should be a pure-magic potion, but—"

Lizzie pulled out a potion bottle filled with a blue liquid and held it before Britta's eyes.

"This is a basic healing potion. The colors are different, right? Recovery potions turn blue during their manufacture, but yours is red. In other words, the process by which that potion was made is completely different from the way normal potions are made. In other words, your potion is pretty rare, and for all we know it might end up revolutionizing modern potion creation methods… well, you might not realise it for a while."

After saying that, Lizzie cast a spell:

"「Appraisal Magic Item」."

"「Detect Enchant」."

After casting the two spells on the potion, a look of shock and anger appeared on Lizzie's face.

"Kuku. Fuahaha!"

—Suddenly, crazed laughter echoed through the narrow room. Lizzie slowly raised her head, a terrifyingly mad smile on her face. Britta was frightened by the dramatic change ,in this little old womans behavior. She was crazy!

"Kukuku! Is that what it is!? Look closely at this potion, Nfirea! This is the perfected form of all potions! It's right here! We — herbalists, alchemists, everyone in the business of making potions — have studied for so long and accumulated so much experience, but yet we have not been able to achieve this idealized form!"

Lizzie's cheeks were red from her excitement and she was huffing and puffing. However, she maintained her death grip on the potion bottle as she brought it before Nfirea's eyes.

"Potions will deteriorate over time, am I right!?"

"Of course, that's common sense."

In stark contrast to Lizzie's excitement, Nfirea was calm. However, Britta could sense hints of anticipation within him.

She had no idea why they were so fired up about this. She keenly felt like she had been swept up into the same kind of storm, that happened when adventures talk about ;who's the strongest man in the kingdom. To think just a potion could put such an excited look, on the face of E-Rantel's greatest herbalist! It was enough to make her lose face if known! It made her look absolutely crazy, as if she sniffed to many fumes!

"Pure magic potions are made from alchemical solutions. Those solutions are refined from a mineral base, so it's only natural that the quality of the solution will degrade over time. That's why you need to cast the spell 「Preservation」 on it."

Lizzie paused, and then spoke again.

"At least, until now."

Britta seemed to understand a little of what Lizzie was saying. She looked at the red solution, her eyes wide with surprise.

"This bottle! This potion! This bottle of potion! It doesn't deteriorate even without preservative magic! In other words, it's a perfect potion! Nobody's done anything like this until today! According to the ancient legends, the original healing potion was made from the blood of the gods."

Lizzie shook the bottle she was holding and the bright red liquid swirled within the glass.

"Of course, they're just legends. It used to be a joke between herbalists that the gods had blue blood."

After another brief pause, Lizzie looked at the bottle of potion she was holding in her hand. It was trembling in her excitement.

"This potion might well be the true God's Blood!"

Nfirea kept patting Lizzie's back as she panted heavily. Britta was struck dumb by surprise. The silence between them was broken by Lizzie:

"…You must have come here to learn about this potion's effects, right? This potion is around the level of a second tier healing spell. Not counting the added value from its rarity, it would fetch around eight gold pieces. That said, once you factor that extra value in, the price is enough that people would murder you for it."

Britta's body trembled uncontrollably.

To an iron plate adventurer like Britta, the potion's base value alone was already very high, to say nothing of the added value. Lizzie had a gleaming edge in her eye, and she looked like she was looking for any opportunity to take it from her.

Even so, Britta had her doubts. Why would that man in full plate armor give her that potion so easily? Was it because he was that rich? What was his purpose here? Clearly he could just live a carefree life without worries. Why become an adventure when it's dangerous. Even if hes super powerful other nations will try to snatch or kill him. What was his aim?

Just as countless doubts appeared in her heart, Lizzie asked:

"How about selling it to me? I'll give you a good price for it. How about thirty two gold pieces?"

Britta's eyes went even wider.

The price Lizzie had just quoted was a staggering sum. Frugally used, it was enough for a family of three to live on for three years.

Britta was confused. She knew the potion was incredibly valuable. Then, was selling it for thirty two gold pieces the right thing to do? It seemed unlikely that she would ever be able to lay her hands on another potion like this again.

But if she refused, how long will she live?

After seeing Britta's hesitant face, Lizzie shook her head and proposed another deal.


The next morning, Ainz also known as Novaverael opened the guild's doors once more.

The first thing he saw as he entered the room was the counter, where three of the guild's receptionists who greeted the adventurers; with smiles on their faces. There were warriors in full plate armor, nimble fellows in light armor and bearing bows, people in priest's garb and adorned with all manner of holy symbols, as well as robed arcane magic casters with their staves.

However! As soon as he entered the place went dead silent! They all started staring at me in awe, wonderment and fear. As we are all competition afterall. On the left was a large door, and on the right was a notice board. There were several pieces of parchment upon it ,which I had not seen yesterday. Several adventurers were chatting in front of it, while giving me a glance every now and then.

The eyes of everyone present focused on the gild plate around my neck, and I could feel those eyes sizing me up from head to toe. It was just like yesterday at the inn.

Ainz was surveying the adventurers in turn. They all wore gold and silver plates on their necklaces, with no copper plates. This is why they were sizing me up.

I then arrived before the notice boards, looking across all of them. I couldn't read some of them, for at least a minute of staring. I quickly compiled their language together ,in a corner of my mindscape. Which I made using mind arts and my job it was easy....Sadly I am not able to acquire information by just gazing at people. Nor am I completely confident about my mindfort. I mused if I should just seal kuruma inside me...but scraped the thought immediately. Considering mofu mofu time would be ended....well it would be tangible anymore.

"Who wishes to party up with me-" As soon as I said it ,I was barricaded by a bunch of people. I remembered the faces of who he would have partied with....so I pointed at the druid first.

"You....you smell of nature, so I decided to go either your group." I pointed to the only group that didn't pile around us. The reason being is that they never expected it!

"Haaah!" he said in a manly Yelp while others yelled "Nani!". His more rambunctious friend of course, started parting the tide to get to me!

"A man of taste I see! Perhaps you seen the beauty on our team and decided to go with us! Hahaha Come,come Join us."

"I am not a pervert, perhaps she should hit you for that. Besides I already have a woman, it was as if she was made to perfection." I responded with clear distaste for what he suggested. After looking at my rings....they sorta wondered which were of marriage.

"Hahahaha." The other groups laughed at his expense.

I didn't care for this then asked the now beat red man.

"Stop laughing, it's not like you gazed at her yourselfs." I said shutting them up, one of the strongest didn't like my attitude.

"If you got a problem then lets take it outside!" The big burley man, who was horrible endowed with a boar like face said. He was also in full plate armour.

"Nova, if you please." I motioned to my accomplice in mischief, this made everyone laugh. I mean how could a tiny little thing harm them?!

"So you call backup from that little pips-" He was cut off as he was pushed to the ground. You could clearly hear all his bones break!

Thud! Even the wooden floor started to break, I then held up my hand to have him released. Nova of course did so.....but decided to prank him. He put a temporary low teir illusion on his armour, it made him look like a pigmen in a pink tutu.

"[Lesser Healing!]" I casted a low teir spell repairing all his bones then casted a silent

[Fairy magic: Creation magic: Fix all] on the broken floor.

The entire room went dead silent, even the receptionist didn't know what to do. I then grabbed ten gold coins from my pouch, then used telekinesis to make it float ;to the receptionist.

"That should be enough to cover the repairs and his ego. I'm sure paperwork costs alot of time aswell." I said making everyone gawk at the magic skill, I just showed. The receptionist knew since it was already prepared his ego....must mean for political sake. Expecially since I mentioned paperwork, she nodded meekly and went to inform the guild master.

"Bahhahahaha!" Everyone then laughed at his misfortune, they knew that he choose the wrong fight and only he could be blamed. Plus it helped that not many people liked him and his flaunting all the time. Now that he got his but whooped and made a fool....it was going to be one for thr books.

"By the way the illusion spell Nova Driftvalley casted should wear off in a day. Enjoy it, know this, if it was possible your miraculous recovery might not happen. If this occurred again, well who knows what my pet Kuruma would do; while strolling through the woods." I said ,while kuruma individually sent its killing intent ;to just him. Least to say he more then just went himself.

"Back to buisness , the job in question it's a worthwhile assignment… right?"

"Haah, Yes I feel it's worthwhile." Lukrut Volve said as he was surprised aswell. He was quite terrified ,that I just beat the strongest guy to a pulp and didn't get in trouble. However he knew that I must have some political connections.

"Don't mind Lukrut here, we are not all perverts...although you are getting quite the attention from the ladies." He said chuckling.

The person who said this was a man who looked like the team's leader. He wore some sort of banded armor — strips of metal woven together with metal threads over a leather or chain backing — and carried himself like a warrior.

Why was I going with them, of course it was for the girl. Afterall it was for connections sake, she had a little sister that she wanted to help. Also I felt bad that she died in the anime. I mean the others were meh....but she had resolve and passion. To be a woman adventure in this world wasn't easy. That's why there is like 1:20 when it comes to women adventures versus their male counterparts. Plus it's always good to build relations with them and obtain useful information.

Several seconds passed.

I slowly nodded:

"Worthwhile jobs are exactly what I seek. Then, let us work together. However, I would like to ask what sort of job it is."

After hearing his response, the men asked the receptionist to prepare a room for them. It looked like a meeting room, with a wooden table lined with chairs in the middle. The men streamed in and sat down.

"Please have a seat."

I did as he was told, and little Nova silently took a seat on my other shoulder.

"Excuse me, but I need to speak with Novaverael for a little bit." The guild master said as he came into the room.

"G-guild master!" the rest said surprised.

"Perhaps it can be said infront of them, as I have nothing to hide." I said confidently.

"If thats what you wish, normally rough housing in the guild ,is strictly prohibited....But since you repared all damage and only someones ego was hurt. Someone whom, always tries to cause fights....it will be overlooked. But! If this happens again ,I will have no choice but to put you on suspension. Even if it happens to be him.....also for another matter. You do realize that you may be called or summoned politically by the elven kingdom." he elaborated.

"Haah! They can try all they want, that bastard doesn't deserve to be called a king. If they desire war as a threat to do so....in their conditions it be a farce. Worse comes to worse I will just call in three favors with Momon.....let's just say hes got a magic item; that could wipe out the small army they'd send." I said shocking them all.


"I-Impossible! It have to be a relic of old only the slane Theocracy has that!" The guild leader said in disbelief.

"Oh, then I suppose a scythe enchanted with a 9th teir spell is one of myth. So this scythe shouldn't exist." I said while taking it out the scythe in question, had True Death enchanted on it. So anything it kills wouldn't be able to revive at all. Unless of course a 9th teir or higher spell was used. It was a black legendary scythe named Deathbringer.

"T-this!" Everyone exclaimed.

"This was given to me by Momon and so was my armour. The thing is ,the sword is lent to me. He said he had a friend create it long ago, I'm not sure who this friend was....but they had to be at a God's level of power." I said seriously while they took it in.

"Now, I am supposed to return it to him, as it's meant to be used as verification ;that I am Novaverael his acquaintance. Which for me is easy to do, as from where I came from

;everyone had spacial based talents. So all I have to do ,is transfer it to his spacial inventory."

"I see! M-may I inspect it?" Asked the guild master who was very intrigued and excited.

"Be my guest." I said and he inspected it.

"「Appraisal Magic Item」."

"「Detect Enchant」." His eyes buldged at what he learned from the appraisal! It was true and it was real!

"M-my god! It must be made by a god, b-but that spell.....no it can't be. I-I must be going now!" The guild leader said while taking off. If this was all true then 'That scythe was made by the god of death!' he quickly left to contact the higher ups , as there is not much they can do about a god. It then made her wonder how were we all entangled. However, he did feel holy magic from my healing spell I preformed earlier. So he knew I wasn't an underling of the death god, but he wasn't sure about this momon. Although he did like his pens'.....yes it is a neccessary evil.' he thought. Besides all he has to do is keep a close eye on me. Unless! That's why momon was my friend, he trained me to be this strong and use me as a diversion! Paying attention to me ,would bring their attention away from; what's important.' It was a trap! I need to make sure, the higher ups don't think otherwise. So I will only claim seeing Momon trying to sell me his sword as a loyal customer! Yes that would keep their eyes away from him, so that I can pay attention to Novaverael; without the higher ups diverting their attention.' he shook his head then headed to his office.


The men were all quite young, probably under twenty, but there was no childishness in them and they possessed a maturity which did not match their ages. Although they seemed to have seated themselves randomly around the table, judging by their distance and positioning, they could draw their weapons at any time. This unconscious display ,must have been a habit born from countless close encounters with death.

I put away the sword as he left.

"Amazing Novaverael you must teach me your ways! You clearly swooned the guildmaster speechless!" said Lukrut Volve, causing the rest to sweatdrop.

"Pfthaha surely you are jesting, I do applaud you on bringing down the tense atmosphere." I said praising him. Obviously I knew he wasn't kidding and it was further proven by Ninya, who hit him on the head before he spoke again.

"Knock off your nonsense." She reprimanded him.

"Cough, Before we begin discussing the job, let us introduce ourselves."

The speaker was the man who looked like a warrior.

He had the typical blond hair and blue eyes of the Kingdom, and while there were no other distinguishing features on him, he looked quite handsome.

"I'm the leader of the "Swords of Darkness," Peter Mauk. That fellow over there is the eyes and ears of our team, the ranger Lukrut Volve."

A leather-armored blond man nodded in acknowledgement, and his brown eyes seemed to have a spark of delight in them. He was slender and long-limbed, kind of like a spider, but his lean torso was wiry and muscular.

"Next is our magic caster and the brains of our group, Ninya, The Spellcaster."

"Pleased to meet you."

She who was pretending to be a he was probably the youngest person in the group, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. Though "he" was an adult, the smile on "his" face looked too youthful.

Unlike the tanned skin of the group's other members, his skin was pale, and his face was the prettiest of the group's. It was more of an androgynous beauty than any masculine concept of attractiveness. His voice was higher-pitched than the others. However, the smile on his face was like a mask, though it was not entirely fake.

While the others all wore armor, he wore a leather robe. However, Ainz could see that beneath the table he had various strange items in his belt, including oddly-shaped bottles and peculiar wooden objects and so on. Judging from the term "spellcaster," he was probably a magic caster of the arcane variety, like me.

"…But Peter, can you not use that embarrassing nickname?"

"Eh? But it's a good one."

"You have a nickname?" I asked, with no idea what was going on. Lukrut explained:

"He's a talent holder, and a genius magic caster."

"Oh…" I said interedted.

"It's nothing much, it's just that I happened to have a talent pertaining to that field…"

"That makes sense s-cough, he does have a connection to mana greater than others I've seen." I said and they all widdened their eyes, expecially her as I could tell she was a girl.

"Interesting is it because your an elf that you could tell? Yes that sounds about right. I'm not a magic caster, so I'm not sure how great that is."

"Yes…I'm really lucky that I was born with this ability, because it allowed me to take a step closer to my dream. Without this power, I would have ended my days as a lowly peasant."

Ninya's muttering was gloomy and solemn. As though to sweep away the grim air hanging over the room.

"Indeed, considering the currupt nobels and disgusting slave traders I've seen. I can understand the need for gaining strength, as I too once lived that life. Living on so little while the rich did what ever they wanted with you.....But that's in my past now." I said making her eyes widdened then narrow on me. However my heart felt words proved that I wasn't lying. So she was wary but she did feel more respect for me.

Peter continued in a completely different tone:

"Well, no matter what, you're still a famous talent-holder in this city. Also your both really powerful!"

"Still, there's people more famous and powerful than me."

"The leader of Blue Rose?"

"That person's famous too, but I was talking about someone within this city."

"You mean, Bareare-shi!?" shouted the last person, who had not yet been introduced yet.

"…A blessing some may call it but all power comes at a price. If you cant protect what you hold dear, then the power is meaningless. So it's best to gather strength from others and grow stronger. For one day by the help of them or by your resolve you will get what you seek." I said and she quirked her brows, while narrowing her eyes. She was to be sure to have a talk with me later.

A look of surprise came over all four of them, as if they seemed to figure out something.

"I see, is that perhaps the reason you came here away from the elf kingdom?"

I nodded at this heaven-sent mercy of a question.

"Indeed, that is correct. Although the curruption is bad here too.... If I get to breath air away from that disgusting king. Then I feel it well worth the cost or risk. As I'm sure he would try and turn me into a breeding mare; for the country. The truth is, we only arrived here yesterday."

"Oh, so you wouldn't know, then? He's a famous person in this town, but he's probably not that famous that distant cities would know about him, huh?"

"..Oh." Peter said surprised but nodded in understanding, as if such a strong person could create others. Then every country would try and sow the benefits. Also like I said before the elf kingdom can't afford the trip just for me. Also if I could threaten an army then others might back down too. Except maybe the Slane Theocracy.

Little nova could smell as good as I, so he could tell Ninya was a female. She he grew a grin and whispered in my ear "Are you going to explore her caverns."

My face went red but I controlled it and it went unnoticed. As this was all under a second.

"Y-you are incorrigible!" I berated him trying to slap him away. He of course dodged easily as I did this human speed.

"Novaverael-san, is something the matter?"

"Oh, no, it's fine, don't worry. Speaking of which, could you tell me about your last friend ,the one who is connected to nature?"

"Yes. He's a druid — Dyne Woodwonder. He uses healing spells and magic that controls nature, and he's well versed in herbal lore. Let him know if there's anything wrong with your body; he has medicine that's good for stomach pains."

"Pleased to meet you!" came the greeting from the burly, barbaric-looking man with a full, bushy beard.

"Nice to meat you too perhaps I could teach you a spell or two." I mused and he nodded thankfully.

"I-i would delighted!" he responded happily while Ninya spoke.

"P-perhaps you could show me something too." she said.

"I'm sure we could work something out later." I said politely and she nodded sheepishly.

"Then, it's time for us to introduce ourselves. He is Nova Driftvalley, a fairy; which is a being created by nature. I am Novaverael. Pleased to meet you." I said and he returned.

"Pleased to meet you."

"Wonderful, I hope we'll get along. Then, Novaverael-dono, just address me by my first name. Right, while it feels a little wrong to get to business so abruptly, we should probably start discussing the job. As for that, the truth is what we're asking you for doesn't really qualify as work."

"That means…"

Upon hearing my perfectly faked confusion, Peter extended his hand to halt me, with the intention of delaying the question for a later date.

"This job is to hunt the monsters that appear around the town."

"Clearing out monsters, huh…?"

"What sorts of monsters will we be exterminating?"

"Ah, we're not exterminating monsters. After hunting monsters, the city council will pay us a reward based on their strength. What do they call it where you come from, Novaverael-dono?"

"This is something we have to do to make a living." said the druid — Dyne Woodwonder — in his deep baritone.

Following that, Lukrut spoke up as well.

"For us, it's making a living, but what we do also reduces the danger to the surrounding people. The traders can come and go in peace and the country can collect its taxes. All in all, it's a way to earn money without anyone losing out."

"Nowadays, most countries with guilds do this, but five years ago, this sort of thing was nonexistent. It's quite surprising."

Everyone in the team nodded as Ninya spoke. They began chatting amongst themselves, leaving no openings for me to cut in.

"It's all thanks to the Golden Princess, long may she live."

"She proposed a policy through that would waive taxes on adventurers, although it never got passed."

"Oh, to think she paid so much attention to adventurers."

"Indeed. Some rulers would treat armed organizations who were not loyal to the country as enemies. Even the Empire isn't so generous."

"That princess sure is brilliant, coming out with all these great proposals… although almost all of them were shot down."

"I want to marry a beautiful girl like that~"

"Then, shouldn't you work on getting ennobled?"

"Ah—no way, no way, I couldn't live a stifled life like that."

"I think being a noble's not bad. After all, the Kingdom pretty much allows a noble to trample the peasants and do as they please."

There was a strong undercurrent of mockery hidden beneath Ninya's words. Lukrut replied in a jovial tone:

"Uwah~ that tongue of yours is still so vicious. You really hate nobles, don't you?"

"I know that some nobles are honorable, but my big sister was taken away by that pig. I can't not hate nobles."

"Oh? Through my connections with Momon, I could surley find the right item or spell that would help you get her back." I said and they went dead silent.

"R-realy?! I could hardly think you would do it for free." She retorted viciously.

"It'd be a simple magical contract, you will see that there would be only benefits from it. If you'd be willing to agree to it of course, no it won't make you into a slave or anything horrible like that. Although the agreement would be done, with full discretion to what it contains. Consider it a contract, that would get you a connection with Momon." I said and she looked baffled.

"I-I will think about it." she said while seriously contemplating what I said.

"Now before you worry about it causing trouble with the nobels....well we both know their easy to persuade; given the right method." I clarified making them Sigh in relief.

"…We're getting sidetracked here. We shouldn't be talking about this sort of thing, in front of our comrades, Novaverael-shi and Nova-kun."

After Dyne tried to get everyone back on track, as it was considered rude to dump proublema on others. Even if they made a deal and were fine with it. This was common edict with complete strangers. Peter coughed in an incredibly fake manner before continuing:

"And so, we'll be searching for monsters in the nearby region. We're close to a developed region, so the monsters shouldn't be too strong. Does that displease you, Novaverael-san?"

Peter spread a piece of parchment on the table. It looked to be a map of the surrounding region. The map showed villages, forests, rivers, and so on.

"Basically, we'll be heading south and looking around this area."

His finger moved from the center of the parchment to the vicinity of the southern forest.

"We'll be hunting monsters in the forest bordering the Slaine Theocracy. The only creatures who can hit the back line are Goblins with magic items that grant flight."

"However, we won't get much for killing such weak monsters."

Did their relaxed attitudes mean, that they were confident of not encountering high-level Goblins; that went as high as level 50 in ygdrassil. Or did it mean that this world's Goblins were simply that weak? I already knew there could be higher level ones ,but could they be incredibly rare? This would explain why Momon never encountered them.

"What if a powerful Goblin shows up?"

"While it's true that powerful Goblins exist, they won't show up in the forest we're heading towards, because these Goblins are usually tribal leaders. They won't mobilize their entire tribes just for us."

"The Goblins know about humanity's area of influence, so they're fully aware of the retaliation that'll be headed that way; if they launch a large-scale attack. It's especially true when it comes to the stronger Goblins, since they tend to be the higher-ranked and more intelligent members of their species."

"Plus, you both can use at least third tier magic. So it should be fine even if we encounter high level Goblins, right?" he tried to confirm his suspicions.

"Indeed. However, I'd like to remind you that there are Goblins who can use third tier magic. Just for my reference, could you tell me about the monsters we might encounter?"

The Swords of Darkness turned in unison to look at Ninya. Picking up on their thoughts, Ninya began explaining with a teacherly look on his face.

"We're likely to encounter Goblins and the wolves they raise. As for other monsters, there haven't been any strong ones sighted around this area. The most dangerous monsters we might encounter on the plains are probably ogres."

"We won't be entering the forest?"

"Yes, because the forest is very dangerous. We can still deal with things like Jumping Leeches and Giant Beetles, but the Hanging Spiders which spit webs at you from the trees and the Forest Worms which maul you from the ground with their huge jaws are harder to handle."

I nodded in acknowledgement.

"That's how it is, Novaverael-san. How about it? Want to lend us a hand?"

"…Mm. Then, I'll be in your care… although before that, could you tell me about the pay for this?"

"Ah, yes, that's right, the payment is very important. Basically, since Novaverael-dono's team and our team are working together, the plan is to split it evenly."

"Going by the numbers in our teams, it seems awfully generous."

"However, when the monsters appear, I hope you and Nova-san will take half of them as well. We can only use spells of up to the second tier. So when we factor your abilities in, that division of the money seems quite logical."

I pretended to think for a while before nodding his head in agreement.

"I have no problems with that arrangement. Then, let us fight shoulder to shoulder. Also, since we're working together, I guess I should let everyone see my companions true size. Clearly not here though, oh by the way he can speak." I said chuckling while pointing at kuruma, who just huffed in disappointment.

"Sup." Kuruma said while they looked in disbelief.

"…I-I have heard of the great kyubi no kitsune are you saying this is him?" Ninya said shocked.

"It's a she, she is a creation of natural energies with mana...so she can change her size. Although she can pack more of a punch while smaller. Think of it as big fluffy bread being condensed into something smaller. So much so it becomes as hard as a rock, but a hundred times worse." I elaborated and their eyes widened.

"T-that would be devastating!" Peter couldn't help but say ,as he has lost a tooth to hard bread in the past. If it can do that to a tooth, which is hard! Imagine a body!

"Kufufufu Of course, I am the great kyubi no kitsune afterall!" Kuruma said in a proud tone.

"Since we'll be hunting together, it would probably be good to get questions out of the way at this point. Do you have anything to ask me?"


A hand shot up toward the ceiling after I asked his question. That hand belonged to Dyne.

After making sure that nobody else was asking a question other than himself, Dyne cheerfully asked Kuruma:

"Is it true that you were protecting nature from those who seeked to harm it? When you're a being of nature, do you remember your birth; if so how did it feel?" He betrayed her with questions.

The room was filled with silence.

"Yes I did so, i do remember as for what i felt ;it was a sense of belonging. Like i was meant to do something, as if i was created with a purpose." She said truthfully ,while being careful with her words.

"I see. Same with you too nova?" Dyne asked.

"Yes but we're bonded shortly after, as willed by nature. I am his servant or companion as he says." Nova said mischievously to which I felt like face palming.

"I see! So you were sent on a mission from nature itself! That means Novaverael is going to be making big changes to help nature itself!"

Dyne said looking at me in awe while I felt awkward.

"It is as you say." Little Nova said happily.

"Yes but nature could be destroyed ,if you make this known!" Kuruma said angrily glaring at little Nova who shrunk away, hidding behind my head.

"I thank you kuruma, it is indeed true there are foes of nature and friends. When there is magic and science, that I'm sure could solve everything; to coexist peacefully. All good things come in time. " I said

"No, I should be the one apologizing."Dyne said as he didnt want nature being hurt ,because of a question. Kuruma looked at him amused, he clearly cared for nature more then normal humans.

"You, what's your name?" Kuruma asked ,as she completely ignored the whole meeting. She was napping too so it was expected.

"Dyne woodwonder at your service kyubi-sama." he said bowing ,as to him she was an envoy of nature.

"Its Kuruma, but only you can call me that hear me?" He said while growling sending killing intent to the rest who paled.

"That's enough kuruma, your harming them with your hatred. Not all humans hate nature or seek to destroy it." I elaborated while kuruma just huffed and said "Father It's my name, I have the right to bestow the gift of others using it. It is mine and mine alone surley you know this." snorting in reply.

"Sigh, Yes it is just....Forget it. I'm sorry for my companions behavior." I said bowing but

Dyne spoke up "Wait! Did he call you father?"

"He call me that because I am a sage, being one with nature and all." I lied easily.

"A s-a-ge? Is that a more powerful druid?" Dyne asked while the rest were equally shocked.

"Yes you could say that but... becoming a sage is a very dangerous thing. You could become stone for all I know. If you dont balance the natural energy inside and let it run amok it can kill you. Shriveling you up just like a Dyrad would." I said and they all paled at the harshness to become a sage.

"I-I see! If you don't become one mutually you will become natures nourishment instead! How frightening." Dyne said with astonishment and newfound understanding.

"Then, Novaverael-san. If you're ready, then let's move out. We're already prepared."

After hearing the word "ready," I suddenly thought of something. They had already purchased the minimum required gear from the innkeeper. Although me and Nova did not need to waste space on more food and drinks, it would be weird if we didn't bring it up.

"All right, I already have lots of food for myself; in my diemensional space. It should be more than enough for ourselfs." I clarified my situation.

"Is that so? That's good to hear are you able to hold our gear too? If it's not that much to ask that is." Peter asked and I nodded storing their things away.

"Thank you thats also quite the talent! It will make our speed faster too. We can now, finish our preparations right away."

"Then, let's go."

Everyone rose and left the room.


After returning to the guild lobby, there were more adventurers than before, and there were several teams standing near the parchment-covered noticeboard. However, everyone's attention seemed focused on a certain teenager. The blond-haired teenager was talking to one of the counter girls, and the other two receptionists were leaning in to eavesdrop on their conversation. If things had been busy when Ainz came in, the current situation was now the exact opposite.

The counter girl's face — no, her mouth was in an O shape. It was a look of surprise. And the person she was looking at was none other than me.

The counter girl approached me and said:

"There is a job here asking for you by name."

Those words changed the air in the room instantly. I could feel many curious eyes staring unreservedly at him. The Swords of Darkness were similarly shocked although not by much.

"Is it Nfirea Bareare-san?"

"Indeed this would be Nfirea Bareare-san."

"Pleased to meet you. I was the one who put out that job."

The boy nodded slightly, and I returned the gesture.

"Actually, this request—"

Before the boy could finish speaking, I raised my hand to interrupt:

"My deepest apologies, but I've already made an agreement with someone else for a job, so I cannot accept your request right away. Unless of course ,my companions could join me. No extra cost will be added. As you see I am honor bound ,to go on a quest with them. This would be like hitting two birds with one stone." I elaborated.

The air in the room seemed to shudder as I said this. The reaction of the Swords of Darkness was more intense than my own:

"Novaverael-san! He asked for you by name! You don't have to do this, for us just go."

Peter's response.

"That may be so, but should I not carry out the job I've been requested to do earlier?"

My decision seemed to have been the right one. Some of the adventurers around him were nodding in approval. Just then, he had a flash of inspiration:

"However… our job is hardly a request. If we don't meet any monsters, there won't be any pay to speak of…" Peter responded.

"…Then how about this, Peter-san? Bareare-san has not told me about the job's details, payment, timeframe, and such. I will hear him out and make my decision then."

"I'm all right with that, of course. Though I'd like to finish it quickly, it can wait a day or two."

"Then, please allow my friends from Swords of Darkness to be present during the job briefing… no, I should say, if the negotiations fall through, I would like the privilege of carrying out my previous task first."

"Eh? Novavarael-san, is it all right for us to come with you?"

"Of course. I hope you will be party to the discussion and provide your opinions."

After the Swords of Darkness gave their approval, I and company returned to the room from just now.

While the boy was one seat away from them. The Swords of Darkness went back to their previous places. The first to speak among them was, of course, the boy:

"The receptionist mentioned it earlier, but I think it would be best if I introduced myself. I am Nfirea Bareare, and I work as a herbalist in this city. As for the details of the job, I will soon be heading into the nearby forest as planned. Since everyone knows the forest is dangerous, I was hoping that you could be my guardians, as well as help in harvesting herbs if possible."

"Bodyguarding, huh. I see."

I nodded calmly.

"Compared to the usual amount, the payment will be—"

"—Please hold on a moment. The task of bodyguarding suits you well. Then, Peter-san, would you like me to take you on instead?"


"If it's a job that involves bodyguarding and harvesting herbs, don't you think we'd be more effective with Lukrut-san the ranger and Dyne-san the druid?"

"Oh! Good eye, Novaverael-shi. As a druid, I can show my true ability in the forest, perhaps even more so than Lukrut the ranger."

Dyne's baritone seemed to carry an undercurrent of pride. Lukrut was not happy and said:"Dyne-san, you really went and said it, huh."

"It's an undeniable truth, given the abilities of druids! And don't forget that I'm trained in herbalism too!"

"Hmph — Peter, I'm fine too. I'll show you who's the better of us, between Druid-san and myself."

"I'll take that to be agreement, then. If we see any monsters on the way, we'll kill them and claim the reward when we get back to town. As for Bareare-san's payment, what if we divided it equally, Peter-san?"

"If you're fine with it, then I have no objections, Novaverael-san."

"Bareare-san, sorry for the wait. If it's all right with you, could you permit everyone here to accept the job that you just offered?"

"I don't mind that. Then, I'll be counting on all of you. Ah, you can just call me Nfirea."

My team along with the rest began introducing themselves to Nfirea.

"Y-your the Kyubi no kitsune!" Nfirea couldn't help but exclaim....of course kurumas ears perked up at praise.

"Yes I am the mighty Kyubi no kitsune ,Protector of nature and destroyer of those ;who seek to harm it." Kuruma said proudly.

"Yes, he does like to showboat.....but considering the circumstances it's being humble." I mused outloud to which kuruma snorted in agreement. These humans were way too weak!

"Then, I can rest easily! What I've done in the past is to proceed to Carne Village to set up a base of operations before venturing into the forest. The amount of time we'll spend depends on the herbs that we can gather, but it will be three days at the latest. In the past, it's been a couple of days on average."

"Will we be walking there?"

"Ah, yes. There will be a horse cart, but it'll be full of pots and bottles for gathering herbs, so there's not much room for you to ride."

"Can we replenish our rations in Carne Village?"

"Water should be fine, but food might be a problem, because Carne Village isn't very big."

The Swords of Darkness began discussing the preparations for the journey, as well as asking Nfirea several questions. As I saw this, i took it as my opportunity to ask a question as well:

"May I ask a few questions?"

After seeing Nfirea smile and nod in reply, Ainz began with the standard first question. If I didn't ask this it would be odd considering the circumstances.

"Why me? I've only arrived in this city by carriage recently, and as such I have no friends here, nor am I renowned that much in this area. That being the case, why did you ask for me? In addition, you mentioned that you've done this in the past, which implies that in the past you've hired other adventurers. How about them?" I asked while looking at him.


"Ah, the adventurers I hired in the past have all left E-Rantel for another city. That's why I was looking for new adventurers. Also, actually… I heard about what happened in the inn from one of its guests."

"What happened in the inn?"

"Yes, I heard that someone with amazing armour never seen before entered there. Some speculate your armour, is as good as the kingdoms relic sword."

"I see…"

Nfirea smiled and pointed to the plate on Ainz's breastplate.

"Plus, most adventures dont start off as gold ranked, right? Hopefully we'll get along for a while yet."


After there were no more questions, Nfirea announced:

"Then, let's move out once we're ready!"