Experimentation and Universal level Item!

Instead of going on the quest myself, I decided to visit my doppleganger and change his mind a little. I am not Hitler so I'd hate to be called mein fuhrer. So with my mind manipulation, I gave him information of what I would do and sent him to do ;what I would on that quest. While doing so I spent my day experimenting with spells and observing enchants. I then tried to make something new.

I unlike Momonga had many fictional stories based on magic that I knew of. So I decided to recreate some of it's spells/abilities, currently the most important was Occulemcy and ligilemency. The best way to do this from scratch was meditation, with great mana control with lokis helmet helping alot, and the most daring thing being attacked. To do that I had to teach ligilemency to an npc, the best for this would be none other then Shaltear. She was a vampire afterall and was most attuned to mind altering abilities with a high level.

This wasn't easy to get her to do.....but..


"You want me to do what?!" Shalltear yelled as she felt it was insane and maybe even a test to her loyalty.

"Yes, I know that you think it will hurt me but this is the best way for me to protect my mind. I am trying to create a new form of mind protection using magic ,to bolster the strength of nazerick, but if you don't want to do so then I guess the mind sex will hav-" I said, I could feel her reluctance and her flinch at me saying 'to bolster nazerick' but that wouldn't be enough to go past her programming. So I had to use my trump card and it worked....Unfortunately?

"Kyaah! Ainz-sama I knew you wouldn't forget about me, but I feel unworthy of such a thing; but since it's a command and it will help us...I'll do it!" She immediately interjected. We were currently inside of her room, as I made the request.

"Now I am very powerful as you know, so it's best if we tested it; on some willing low level npcs. Maybe even the maid and my guards who followed me here. Just send out a magical construct of a mental tendril at them ,to connect to their mind, then you should be able to-" I was inturrupted by my explanation as she did it.

"This feels weird...but I think I got the hang of it. Now what should I alter?" She said with her eyes glowing.

"Alter their memories of what I asked you to do....you wouldn't want her too know of our secret right? I heard mind s*x is alot more pleasurable then physically." I said easily manipulating her.

"W-wait I need to report th-... ugh I got a headache." Beta said and then all the hidden NPCs fell down next.

"I was trying a new magic that Ainz-sama created, you won't be needed anymore so wait outside. Or do you think I'm incapable of defending him?" Shaltear then said.

"N-no no.no, R-right let's go." Beta motioned to the invisable NPCs and they all left. I really disliked those creepy looking c'thulu esque, creatures. The door was then closed.

"Next I want you to try the attack first you need not worry, as I am a mind slayer ,so I should easily be able to defend with my prowess ;in that alone. But I will try and use just my magic alone, I managed to make a endless maze mindscape, with my memories at the end. It is constructed as a pyramid, as you go further down there is traps and monsters. Also any wrong turns may teleport you back to the start. When a memories found, it will teleport you back to the beginning. There will be creatures you couldnt even fathom so do be careful. I will heal you if I must." I explained and she nodded then tried to probe me lightly first...

"Okay I will try....I'll start with this." Shaltear responded.

"You will need to try harder then that to enter, as my natural mental sheild alone is preventing you." I said then she tried harder and I felt a prick in my head. It worked and she entered my mindscape but not even a minute passed and she was flung out. She was bleeding black blood from her orifices, so I did a quick [Negitive Touch] thus healing her.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT THING!" She yelled in fear.

"What did it look like?" I asked her.

"It was a little vampire girl crying saying "I'm trapped here forever...plz help me." but...when I got close to her, her eyes turned black and she transformed while launching black tendrils at me. She also screamed so loud, the shockwave alone felt like it could destroy a town; like a super teir spell!" she was absolutely stunned that I could imagine such a strong being. Or trap one inside my mind!

"She's not real but a figment of my imagination, she is a combination of some horror stories I heard of and their powers. Mixed with some aliens and doppleganger like beings abilities. She normally would not come out on such a high floor but she sensed your power and came out. I only have two constructs more powerful then her, Unfortunately the more the power given conception; the more mental power it takes to keep them there. But it doesn't take to much considering their abilities are above my own. But that's just my minds construct so it's doable." I fully explained and her eyes widdened in awe and amazement.

"That's amazing, as expected of the supreme one to make such a form of magic; just in a few hours! It's so powerful too! I doubt even a world item may be able to control you!" She said excitedly but I shook my head.

"If it wasn't for my race and helmet ,I'm afraid it would have taken at least a year to recreate that on a basic level. Not just that but if I was an undead there would be no way to learn it ,due to my would be immunity. Now let me inside your mind, I'm going to create something similar to mine ;but yours will be less powerful. As your race immunity would prevent me, but I'm sure with this never seen before magic it might work. This also may help you from being controlled; by such world items. Are you ready?" I elaborated then asked.

"Hai! Ainz-sama!" She affirms me then I enter her mind and quickly create a mindscape for her.

I was very,very disturbed by what I seen and decided to expunge the info from my mind ;when done. Least to say, I would be afraid of her otherwise. But I did keep in mind a list of her fetishes. This would help me allude them to coerce her into dropping some in the future. I'm sure I would have rid them all, if i didn't combine souls with a certain Japanese closeted pervert....ah as long as it's common in japan.

I left as soon as possible but I was sure her sheilds 'may' hold up to a world item. I wasn't positive but considering it being a magic unavailable in the game; it was an advanced one at that....I was certain it had at last a 25% chance. All that truley mattered was that she'd be able to teach the others now...well at least the Occulemcy. Who knows with her emotions in better control, she could be more wise and mature. Although I feel like that might end badly for me.

"....that was enjoyable but also calming. I don't know quite how to explain it but now..." she said this with intrigue and a calm voice. But then it was like she flicked a switch and gazed at me lustfully.

"Not now I got many things to do, but I did promise so I will do so tommorow. This way you can prepare better to my tastes." I said and she looked at me disappointed but ecstatic.

"B-but I don't have all the supplies..." She then said dejectedly but I added.

"I will just create them when need be.....plus we will be in the mindscape. Anything can be made there.....but now I should use one of my most prized item next. [Wishing apon a star] I wish for a ring that can reflect magic spells back to it's caster; more potent then before if possible, to the highest degree this wish can provide." I said this then activated the ring's effect ,unlike in the game, it could make any wish true ;if it was in it's power to do so. The way I wished it, made sure the wish would work.

Immensive amounts of mana poured out of the ring, alerting all of nazerick. Then a ring apeared in my hand that I had held out. I then quickly examined it with my magic and intellect. After doing so ,I found that it would work on all spells; up to teir 7. The enchantment was extremely intricate but I could fully understand it. The best part was with my knowledge of magic thus far, with runecrafting I was sure that I could improve it. There was only a problem of mana supply.

Bang. The door flung open immediately and the npcs and maid gaped at the magical circle that dissapeared. Was she attacking Ainz-sama? What was happening?

"Ainz-sama!" they yelled.

"I'm fine just making something new." I responded

"Ainz-sama!" Shortly after in rushed a few of the Guardians namely Demiurge,Sebas and Albedo.

"Im fine no attack was made ,I was just using a divine item that could grant me any wish. With it I have created another valuable divine item, although it could be improved. If you need me, I will be in the Colosseum." I said and immediately used the guilds ring to dissapear.


"..." The Guardians didn't know what to say but they were all excited as their master was. A new devine item! It must be amazing ,if he left so quickly!

..."You Lamprey what did you do to Ainz-sama?!" Albedo said wondering why she was in here, with her Ainz-sama!

"If you must know, he required my services in the mind arts to help create a new class of magic. Sort of like potion making and enchanting. This is called Occulemcy, he said it would help Nazeric greatly by protecting the minds anyone that learns it, potentially even from a world items mind control. I also noticed that it helps keep emotions in check, with the added effect of thinking more clearly. Although, it seems like you would need that more then I." Shalltear responded differently then normal, therefore was elegant instear of being mad. This angered albedo beyond belief as she was jealous and was very skillfully insulted by her. BUT SHE WOULDN'T LET HER WIN! So she kept her anger bottled up then said.

"You will teach me first, as the overseer of nazerick, this would be better suited for my needs. As I am to be his sheild, in all manners of the word." Albedo replied while Shalltear chuckled at her visible barley contained anger.

"Perhaps, we should go and check on Ainz-sama, while your taught this new class of magic." Demiurge said and Sebas nodded.

"Yes, I do believe something to do with the mind; would need clear thoughts free of distractions. We would only be a hindrance then." Sebas added and they left quickly while they payed them no attention.

"Yes...you may go. I will be here having a nice chat with the lamprey, cough I mean Shaltear." Albedo waved them off as they said this and began to verbally fight with Shaltear.


"Yes that's it, perfect! Your really good at drawing straight lines Mare....who would have thought." I said as the twins helped me finish up, the magical circle that I needed.

"T-thanks." Mare said shyly but was practically beaming at the paise.

"W-what does it do?!" They both then said excitedly.

"It collects mana, normally as you know magical circles aren't this large; even of the super teir variety. The way it does this is by creating many of my invisable portals ,as I've made in the past, it then collects the mana across the world. Before you go out, I wish for you to fill as much mana you can; inside of it. I will be doing the same as will everyone else." I explained and Demiurge plus Sebas overheard.

"As expected of the supreme one but what would you be doing with this much mana? I suppose that's apart of this array of symbols here?" Demiurge said and asked while pointing at the magical circle.

"There is two parts of this, first is collection as you know, then it's enchanting. To do this I had to take a chunk of prysmatic ore and make a ring out of it. Here is some mana potions, then you can go back to your duties in the forest." I said and handed the twins mana potions ,as they almost passed out. They drank it and said thank's then quickly left after hearing my command. "Hai! Ainz-sama!"

"It uses this energy to enchant the ring ,I just teleported to the middle. The enchantment will be an improved version of the ring, that I just wished for, normally this wouldn't be possible but with my intelligence and magic rune circle....it's doable." I said as this did take all my mental energy I had left to just think up; nevermind using mana ontop of it.

"...." Sebas and Demiurge were beyond shocked!

This was beyond incredible it was amazing!

"I am a master enchanter and a fairy king so this plus my special enchanted helmet; makes it easier." I responded to their incredulous and ecstatic looks.

"I-I don't know what to say but if this works....it may..no it will be the best item ever created! Perhaps even surpassing the world items themselves! Truley your brilliance will never be able to be comprehended by me! As expected of The Supreme Fairy king above all other supreme beings!" Demiurge said and could barley hold his excitement in, he then quickly added to the array as I did. We both then drank a mana potion, while Sebas contacted the rest and they all arrived.

One after another, every Guardian and some high level NPCs placed their mana inside the circle. Then it glowed while I casted an illusion over it, incase the mana would be detected elsewhere. It shined in a golden hue and the mana collected into the ring. When it was all done, I slowly walked up to the ring. I then picked it up and inspected it.

"My inspection failed, Kukukukukuku!" I said this absolutely thrilled in exuberance! This meant that it was outside the bounds of the game or it was on a level beyond mine! I then placed the ring on and it's mana that it leaked; was hidden instantly. This was due to my other ring, thankfully it could contain it all as it probably wouldnt, if I used it defensively on a very powerful spell.

"...*Gasp*" They all gasped as they knew what this meant. This means either the item is higher grade then a world item, otherwise he wouldn't be able to put the ring on!

"That's amazing Ainz-sama!" Albedo said immediately comming to my side.

"Yes but if their are higher levels too....then I'm not sure if this ring will help me much. Although their is something I'd like to test with it. Shalltear could you try a light mind probe, I think with my ring it should rebound unlike before." I made it seem like an insignificant achievement, then told Shaltear to try and enter my mind.

"Hai Ainz-sama!" Shaltear said then immediately tried.

"Nani?!" The rest felt like objecting to this request but before they could ,Shalltear was moderately damaged.

'What the hell! That was a light entrance too!' we both thought while the others were surprised.

"Amazing! So the ring takes any magic used and reflects it while not changing it's nature ,then it increases it's power! T-this is beyond what I could ever imagine doing! Such a creation has no equal! All hail Ainz-sama!" Demiurge said shocked and ecstatic then he bowed to me and all else followed.

"All hail the supreme one, fairy king of all Nazerick Ainz-sama!" They then followed suit and said.

"Guardians, we will celebrate this occasion tommorow but for now, I will need to rest as I used too much mental stamina. [Fairy Magic: Spring cleaning] There we go, we will be testing the ring against super teir magic tommorow; using generosity and avarice to mitigate the cost." I responded although one of my rings prevents fatigue it isn't wise to over use the body. Expecially since I've been planning and extrapolating many new spells that I could create; for the past few days.

I then dissapeared using my ring and swiftly headed to my room.

Even after the departure of the master of their revered creators, nobody raised their heads. After a while, someone sighed in relief. The tense atmosphere was gone now.

The first to recover was Albedo.She ruffled her feathers and made took comanding posture, that her live ussually took. She learned much from his example that she wasn't sure he noticed. But either way it was the prime example to follow and she was in a leader role. Sho it eouldny be a punishable offence.

After seeing Albedo rise, the others followed suit.

"That, that was scary, Nee-chan."Mare said.

"Yeah, but did you see that ring ;even a world item wouldn't compare!" Aura replied.

"As expected of Ainz-sama, to think he would make such a legendary item ;that makes a world item pale in comparison! There is no words for his magnificence ,expecially since he casually left, as if he would be doing something; more remarkable in the future! " Albedo said

"As. A. Supreme. Being. His. Might. And. Mind. OverPowers. Ours., But. I. Did. Not. Expect. Him.; To. Be. This. Insanley. Powerful." Cocytus said Thus the Guardians shared their impressions of Ainz's new creation!

"Indeed. I inspected the previous ring, from a distance, that was made from his other divine item. It said it could reflect up to 7th teir magic!Imagine what this one could do! At the least, I'd say 10th teir magic is a possibility. As Albedo pointed out, I'm sure this would be one of many; of his future greatest achievements." Demiurge said lifting up his glasses and swinging his tail excitedly.

"In. Other. Words. Ainz-sama. Revealed. His. True. Ability. As. A. Ruler. Once. More.

He. Must. Have. Been. The. Strongest. And. Smartest. Supreme. Being. Of. All, To. Gain. That. Position."

"That does seem like the case. As we are, in a new world and he's already made a huge leap in the small time; that we have been here." Demiurge agreed and pointed out.

"Ainz-sama was kind when we helped and praised us for doing so. I think that's the best quality of a leader working with diffrent people and acting differently apon their diffrences."

Aura's words caused the other Guardians to emit an air of tension. It was condensed jealousy that was almost visible, to the naked eye. The worst-off was Albedo.

Mare's shoulders trembled, and then his eyes went wide.

"Brilliant Aura! Yes that must be the case, since your young you must be treated diffrently; but we are all adults and thus he treats us diffrently. He must fracture in everything, including our personalities and how to best encourage us;to similar greatness. For example my l Subordinates the Seven Sins need to be tortured, in various ways, to get them to listen; sometimes. Although with my Passives and abilities that mostly doesn't happen. Except for Sloth." Demiurge Agreed and praised her.

"T-thanks for the praise Demiurge-dono." she replied with a quick nod ,as she noticed the jealousy being pointed at them vanishing.

That changed the mood instantly.

"Exactly! He showed us his ability as an absolute ruler in response to our feelings and personalities… as expected of our creator. The zenith of the Forty One Supreme Beings, and the kind master who remained here with us until the very end." Albedo's words put a blissful look on all the Guardians' faces, although the expression on Mare's face was better described as "wary" as he hoped Ainz ;would stay like this with them in the future.

This was the greatest joy in life for these characters ,who were created to aid the Supreme Beings. Then, as though to wipe away this jubilant atmosphere.

"I would like to point out he is not karmically positive or negative ,but a perfect semblance of the two. So you must also take this into account. Now Then, I shall take my leave first.As there are much preparations left to do for the feast." Sebas said.

"I understand. Then, Sebas, do well and do not disgrace Ainz-sama's celebration by doing so hastily. Report to me if anything happens. In particular, if Ainz-sama summons me to his bed chambers, you must let me know immediately. Everything else is of secondary importance to that!" Albedo then said.

A pained expression crossed Demiurge's face, as he listened quietly from the side. He could tell that this would start a fight.

"—I understand, Albedo. If I waste too much time here, I will not have enough to properly service Ainz-sama in making the grandest of celebrations. Which would be most disrespectful. Therefore, forgive my abrupt departure, but I must take my leave. Floor Guardians, I bid you all a good day." Sebas said then left.

"Speaking of which… it is fairly quiet around here. Shalltear, is something the matter?"

After Demiurge's question, everyone's eyes went to Shalltear. She was still on her knees.

"What. Is. Wrong. Shalltear?"

She lifted her head after she was called on again. The dazed look on her face would make people think ,that she had just been woken up.

"Ah, after being exposed to Ainz-sama's awesome presence once Again, I could not help but get excited. He did offer to use a pleasure like spell on me tommorow, as I am too young for the real experience. He said it would be equally if not more then satisfactory. It is my reward for helping him with his Occulemcy. I fear my underwear has gone through a bit of a crisis…due to this."


Everyone looked at each other, unsure of what to say. The Guardians mused that Shalltear had, pulled the last straw and provoked Albedo to no end. They quickly began their preparations for such an occasion. They separated from Aura and left her there to be their messager. No, one of the Guardians was content to simply stay there or stop the fight. Demiurge noticed that Aura didn't want to stay there this time, he couldn't blame her ,but he wasn't about to take her spot.

"Message: Kyouhukou I need your bugs here Asap, to make a wall to prevent a Code Purple; from turning into a Code Red." Demiurge messaged and since they talked about this before hand, he was ready!

"Right away Demiurge-sama!" Kyouhukou responded and a rumbling could be heard startling the others slightly. After a minute a wall of cockroaches blocked Aura ,from their group.

"Uwaah!" Aura screamed in fright.

"I'm sorry to do this Aura but you must act as the representative of the female faction, to tell if our inferior male presence is needed or not." Demiurge then said. Shaltear and Albedo agreed with his words easily as it was acceptable.

"Come here and help me deal with this Slut Aura." Albedo then said.

"Uwaa! A-As you command Albedo-sama." She said reluctantly while shedding a tear.

'Demiurge is so mean!Why me!' She thought.

Shalltear sensed Albedo's hostility as she heard those scornful words. Her lips curled in hostility, and she responded with a bewitching smile.

"What? Having Ainz-sama, the most beautiful of the Supreme Beings, bless us with his energy and brilliance is ovewhelming! Anyone who doesn't get wet from that and a promise of pleasure, must have something wrong in their head! Or could it be that you don't just look pure, but you don't have any fleshly desires at all; you big-mouthed gorilla!?" Shaltear then saidm

"...You lamprey!"

The two of them glared at each other. The other Guardians did not know if they would really fight as a result of this, but they made magical preparations. [Ice. Wall.] [Demonic Wall of Flames] [Mother Natures Protection] [Anti Magic Dome] [Anti-Projectile Dome].....Countless protection spells were used just in case. They also made sure to protect the sourrounding area and intervene if they start casting superior magic.

"My appearance was created by the Supreme Beings; are you unhappy with it?"

"Surley it's not mine as I was offered such an opportunity."

Shalltear slowly stood back up, and the two of them approached each other. Even so, their eyes remained locked. Eventually, the two of them came so close that they collided into each other.

"Don't think you've won just because you're the Guardian Overseer and can stay next to Ainz-sama. If you must know, I have been notified that I need to be making preparations, for that which will take place tommorow." Shalltear said shocking Albedo and the rest.

"Hmph.Even if that's correct I am more mature! Also he won't be physically touching you! While you're making him more aroused. I'll swoop in and achieve a complete victory."Albedo then said.

"Y-You!" Shalltear immediately had her armour on and weapon out followed by Albedo.

"As a slut, you should be fully aware of what that means."Albedo then said using her hands to signify -->O.

With a pacha, Albedo unfurled her wings in a threat display. Black mist wreathed Shalltear as she responded in kind, unwilling to admit weakness.

"Ah — Aura, matters between women should be settled by a fellow woman. If anything happens that would threaten Nazericks structure. I'll come to help, let me know when the time comes, all right?" Demiurge then said.

"Yes but I do wish to not have to sacrifice my babies, if possible." Kyouhukou said walking inside the arena.

"Ugh!" Shalltear and Albedo said as they seen him arrive. They immediately lost interest in what they were doing.

"Well let's settle this how the supreme ones do when they can't agree." Albedo then said disarming.

"You mean that?!" Shalltear asked incredulously.

"If it's what the supreme ones used ,then it must be a good way. But I guess, we could always ask Ainz-sama to make this place; able to contain such a fight." Albedo then said and the Men sighed in relief undoing their protections.

"Hey! Why'd you stop when I- Right shut up i get it. If you don't mind me I'll be going with my babies. Come with me little ones." Kyouhukou complained but was glared at viciously...so he decided to leave. He called his 'Babies' and they quickly followed him outside.

"Demiurge could you please use your flames to cleanse where they stood. It's disgusting and a disgrace to the floor the Supreme ones made." Albedo commanded and he bowed then did as asked without a word.

He didn't want to be pointed out as this being his plan. He might have to repay him, for what Kyouhukou may be punished for in the future. Or heavens be if he's punished. So he decided to lay low for a bit and follow her commands; as if they were Ainz. This will butter her up he thought 'Kukukuku' He inwardly laughed.

"Okay now, begin!." Albedo said.

"Rock-Paper-Scissors-Shoot!" They both said at the same time.

They matched.

So they tried again,and again and again. Untill finally.

"Ha! I won! In your gorilla face!" Shalltear said.

"3/5." Albedo demanded.

They then continued.

"Cough! As much as I'd like to be enlightened to who the winner is, the preparations wont be doing themself. So I must be on my way to follow Ainz-samas orders." Demiurge said as they got to 44A vs 45S out of a 100.

"Cough quite Alright, we will delay this and it will be added to our fight; for who will be the first wife." Albedo said. While thinking 'That way I will get better at this! Maybe with Occulemcy I will be able to predict, what she will do! Then I will be victorious Kufufufufu!' She thought.

"Oh that's fine I was winning anyways, I'll see you then, I don't wish to disgrace my lady hood any longer ;in such a manly boorish pressence." Shalltear said then quickly took off.

"!!! Argh! I'll get you for that, yes I will make her do the worst jobs in nazerick ;for leaving without dismissal. Kufufufu!" Albedo then said and looked at the others.

"Cough Very well. Then, let us move on to our plans for the future Celebration." After seeing Albedo recover her dignity as the Guardian Overseer, all the Floor Guardians lowered their heads in respect. However, they did not genuflect. Of course, they had to show their respect to the Guardian Overseer Albedo, but she was not their master.



After 6 hours of sleep I felt fully refreshed.

I opened my eyes to see Albedo cuddled with me...Instead of having an awkward situation I started to meld into the shadow realm. I then quickly headed to Vault quickly, with a strong anti poison potion for the poison; that is used to protect the place. After getting the World Item Generosity and Averice I headed to the Colosseum.

"Ainz-sama your awake!" Aura was the first to greet me happily.

"Umu, I am back to experiment some more as I am a bit concerned about the mana gathering. It may have alerted some beings of this world, even though it was invisible, we did collect alot of mana from the surroundings afterall. So I am in need of some beasts and undead to study their souls. I'm thinking of making an illusion that noone can find. Basically unless told the location, it would prevent others from finding nazerick. Sort of like a permission to enter a domain or soul property as I'd explain it." I explained and they were both excited at the implications.

I then focused my deathly energy into my eyes and I was then able to see the souls of others. Least to say theirs was pure white with a little black comming from seemingly their bodies.

'I suppose they are dark elves afterall, the body effects the soul by a little and the soul effects the body too. A symbiotic relationship seemingly.' I mused.

"Really?! S-so cool ~!" They both said with stars in their eyes.

"The beasts and undead?" I then inquired.

"R-right! Mare go get the beasts while I get the undead." Aura commanded as she knew he was a bit skittish around undead. She cared for him but also didn't want him to do something wrong and be considered betrayal or unloyal. This was a supreme ones command afterall.

"R-right Nissan." Mare said then used [Fly] to grab some of the beasts that we had.

After a few minutes Mare came with the beasts using [Mass fly] and Aura came with the undead; a few skeletons and liches. For the beasts there was a bear,rabbit,manticore and a unicorn.

"We have done as required Ainz-sama." Aura replied and made Mare bow with her. He was surprised and stumbled a bit but still did so.

I looked at the souls of the beasts first then the undead. I quickly noticed that the undead souls constantly leak a bit of their spiritual energy. While the beasts did not...so I went to use my magic to tug at the bears soul. As soon as I did it paled and looked on the bridge of death, if it wasnt for Mares [Natures Charm] ;the bear would defend itself. I then tried to make it leak spiritual energy, like an undead; surrounding it. As soon as I did it died...

"I-I will dispose of the corpse Ainz-sama!" Aura said casting a [Incinerate] spell at it.

I sighed then looked at the manticore as it's soul was the largest of the beasts. I then tried to make it release its soul into it's sourroundings. This time it worked but after a while it grew pale so I stopped. So I decided to try and do the opposite with a undead lich. It immediately dropped to the floor dead.....

"What did you do?" Aura asked intrigued that I took it out without an attack that she knew of.

"A-Ainz-sama separated his soul from the body, causing it to collapse." The lich next to the one that died said. He was a bit frightened at such an attack aswell but he could see what happened. Least to say he was horrified and amazed by my power over souls ;with the use of mana. But non the less he was loyal to the no life k-Cough I mean Master of death.

"It seems so...give me a second I want to try something new." I waved it off then began to make a magical circle. After I was done I then took a bit of the mantacores soul into the array. I then provided the magical energy needed to activate it. But I had to stop it as it seemed like the manticore was about to die.

"I see. If the soul and magical power of the host isn't enough, they will be sapped of their life energy to compensate. I think I will try this on Nova." I said then took out the mirror of remote viewing from my inventory. I then tried to look for Nova and found him with my doppleganger currently eating at a campfire.

'Nova I need you back here to test something for me.' I sent through our summoning link that we still had. He then quickly told his friends that he wanted to check out the forest for a bit.

'Alright I'll be right there.' he responded.

He then teleported near nazerick to head here.

After a few minutes he came here and looked at the magical circle that I drew.

"A soul based magical contract made into a magical circle but to do what?" he asked intrigued.

"To mask the location from all that know it except it's secret keeper and the keeper including those they inform. The beasts and undead didn't have a big enough soul nor magical energy supply to do so. But I think you should have plenty, worse comes to worse I will disable it ;so it doesnt kill you." I said with a sweet smile that made him shiver. But he had to comply as it was an order.

"Hai! Ainz-sama!" He replied then I reached out to his soul and then activated the magical circle. It shined in a brilliant light and seemed to work!

"Aura, Mare which part of nazerick are we in?" I immediately asked.

"Huh?! Of course we're on....wait were in nazerick?" They both looked at me like I was confused then asked me, how they were in nazerick.

"Of course we are, this is the floor you guard were in the Amphitheater right now." Nova replied skillfully testing it with little information as I would. Their eyes lite up.

"~Amazing it looks so cool!" They both said happily.

"Yes but what floor is it?" I asked and they both looked confused.

"The eleventh because it's newly added right?" Aura said convinced but uncertain.

"Gigantic Tree, Amphitheater, Green Hole are all apart of this floor but what floor is it?" I then asked and they still looked confused.

"I-I don't know, if it's not the eleventh then what could it possibly be?" Aura said as she and Mare were very confused.

"It's the sixth floor of nazerick." Nova said but they still didn't know.

"Haaa? There's no sixth foor...." They said confused.

"It's the sixth floor located inside of nazerick, that's located currently in the Re-Estize Kingdom; on a vast plain northeast of carne village." I said and their eyes lite up once again.

"~So cool! How could we ever forget!?" They both said as they realized it fully and know understood what the magic circle does!

I then conjured a paper with this written onto it.

"Take this to all members of nazerick, so they are informed, I will then remove the magical array and try and modify it to work on nazerick as a whole. You will need to explain it to them, by showing them the paper, as of right now they dont know where we are." I said and they paled slightly knowing how scary that would be.

"Hai Ainz-sama!" They both said and left quickly to inform the others.

After ten minutes everyone was informed and most of the guardians, that already finished their duties for the most part, gathered in the Amphitheatrum. While I finished running through all the calculations in my head. I then began to draw a similar magical circle ,but It had a connection to the others that I would be drawing on each floor of nazerick; including around it on the outside. The only problem was that if the owner of the magical array died....it would dissapeared and stop working. So I would need to change my plans.

"We have gathered here to speak about a change in our future plans." I announced and they gasped a little and looked confused.

"I thought it was to acknowledge one of your greatest masterpieces so far?" Demiurge inquired.

"Yes but there is a problem that we may encounter due to the magical ward, that I have created. It's got a big flaw currently if the owner who initiates the ward dies....the ward will no longer work. So Little Nova will strictly be protected at all times by either myself or a level 100 denizen. So any future plans..." I explained and Demiurge finished.

"So any future plans would need to be changed accordingly, going by this, you most likley would give him the lower teir Magic Deflection ring ;to ensure his protection. Although it would be more useful for Albedo, having her be the owner of the array wouldn't work well. As if she was to be slain defending you then nazerick would be vulnerable." Demiurge pushed up his glasses and said this after some thought. Everyone else agreed although a bit reluctant on Albedos part.

"This is correct but furthermore I will be creating duplicates of that teir 7 deflection ring, for the rest of the guardians. As the ingredients are quite rare and we don't have enough for more; just enough for all the high level denizens. This will exclude Rubedo of course, due to security reasons, now we all know this will take alot of magic; to create. So it's best to be done when were idle and not out on a mission. As much as I'd just like to use mana potions, we don't have an unlimited supply. Now now, it's not your fault so dont feel guilty about it ,as it was a request that you did so." I nodded to what he said then added to it.

"How exactly does this work? What are the requirements and abilities it possess?" Demiurge then asked.

"Unless the keeper or secret holder being me or nova, provides you the location of nazerick in any way possible. You would forget about it and all that pertains to it. Even when you find out you will not be able to speak of it or even write it down. As you are not the keeper but I am. We keep the secret so it's ours to share. If I write it on a peice of paper..." I continued to explain and Demiurge caught on and his eyes shinned.

"Then we would be able to find out by another party, If they have the paper they can share the secret location! Right?" Demiurge said then questioned.

"Yes your correct but we will need to activate it all at once gathered here, after I finish connecting it to nazerick as a whole. The reason being ,is that theirs a high likely hood you would forget about me and only remember your master. Until I tell you so." I said then they all understood what the implications meant!

They were all scared of ever forgetting about me or possibly hurting me! I seen their worries so I held up my hand.

"This must be done but I will accommodate you quickly ,by sending a message to you mentally at the moment; that I activate it." I added.

"T-this...might work but could you handle it all? I-I mean there will need to be everyone present right?" Demiurge said and quickly corrected himself as the others looked at him like he insulted me.

"Yes I believe I can but just in case, I will conjure a note to everyone that they will need to destroy afterwards. This way they will likley find it in their pockets, even if they escape in a second without notice; they will eventually look there. A simple durability enchantment and it wouldn't be likley; to be destroyed either. Understand?" I explained then brought out my [Fairy king and Master of deaths Aura] and commanded.

"H-Hai Ainz-sama!" They all said.

"Good, now go spread the word as for the amount of mana needed ,I think all of the guardians would be enough to do so. Nova will need to get my creation the doppleganger Pandoras Actor, as for why you never seen him; he mostly guards nazericks vault. I know they are on a quest but I'm sure they wouldn't mind taking a quick scouting of the forest. This would take but 5 minutes and you just need to come back when were all ready. Now I'll be off onto the other floors and outside nazerick making the preparations. I will be leaving these mana potions here for each of you." I explained then they all nodded and bowed. I then took out some mana potions placing then on the ground, for them to distribute or grab.

"Hai Ainz-sama!" They all said and began dispersed after taking their potion except for Albedo ,as she wished to accompany me. She still took her potion though.

"I will be your guard ,as you will be going outside of nazerick." She explained and I just shrugged.

"So be it, I will be starting outside anyways." I replied simply and we took off.


[30 minutes later. Amphitheatrum]

"Alright, just place all your mana inside the magical circle while I bind his soul to it." I said then we began.

The magical circle then lite up making a beam of light into the sky ,all those who noticed soon after didn't remember ;from where it came from. Many people believed that a god descended, as they felt the overwhelming magical pressure. This shook the world of politics, as the countries choose to become reclusive and approach carefully. Except for the Slane Theocracy, as they were determined that it was the god of death and sent an envoy to see what he was up too. But unfortunately for them, they had to wait till their black scripture came back.

When It was activated I immediately prepared for the change in their souls, then started messaging everyone that I could. I could do about a quarter of nazerick at a time ,but I started with the most powerful first. So the weak ones quickly were subdued, as they tried to flee only to remember shortly after. The only problem would have been the undead and demons ,but with my [Master of Death] and Demiurges passive [Demonic Charm]; they were subdued quickly. After it finished I began to alter the contract spell, that I knew from the game to include the soul.

"I-It worked!" The guardians cheered at having such a impervious base that couldn't be found.

"Is something wrong Ainz-sama?" Albedo said as she seen me concentrating on conjuring and unconjuring magical contracts. Untill I finally figured it out, it was easier then the ring and magical circles but not by much.

"There we go, I would like all denizens of nazerick to sign this. As you know the location so if tortured or having your mind/soul read; they would able to locate nazerick. But with this ,if you were to betray nazerick by giving up it's location without our permission; you will immediately lose information about it and die immediately. You will also forget that you signed the contract, as an added protection. Understand?" I said and they all nodded without thought ,as it was a command and this would ensure nazericks saftey; more then they thought possible!

"Hai Ainz-sama!" Everyone yelled as they sighed it. The contracts all burned into nothingness disappearing.

"Great job everyone with this nazericks security is assured!" I yelled happily although I'm sure a high god may be able to find it still ,expecially a magical god but I would find a way against even that!

"For the glory of Ainz Ooal Gown and for Nazerick!" They all cheered like a cult and I shook my head inwardly in exasperation.

"I will be in my office if you need me, there are more secrets to magic then I thought and I will discover them all! Remember to prepare for tommorows celebration." I said my goodbyes and declared with passion then left. Those cockroaches gave me the creeps....


[Office. Three hours later]

"Still nothing....gah why are these two rings unable to be understood. I guess between divine items their is a diffrence in grades ,expecially if one makes another. I think I will need more technology to discover more...." I said this frustrated then pondered.

"Don't worry I'm sure you will figure it out eventually Ainz-sama. What is this "technology" that you speak of? Do you need me to acquire it for you?" Albedo said.

"Creations of a genius world of powerless weak humans, some of their tech would rival a super teir spell. They aren't in this or any diemension or world you know of. But if they can create it then it must be some of it in the library! Yes of course, but I will need more manpower ;to create everything I need. Yes thats it, I should find the dwarfs of this world, perhaps the dwarfs would help me in this endeavor. They will be the first to join my kingdom." I explained to which she was in disbelief but then it became excitment.

"Of course, if they could create such mundane things, then you'd make it better!" She responded in reverence but started off with disgust.

'It was a good thing, that I remembered that Blue-planet-san left patent information of various eco friendly tech from earth. I just hope someone more techy did the same with computers or something useful like an advanced quantum level telescope.' I thought and headed for the library.


After spending two hours in the library reading I got upset.....this wasn't in my new bodies nature.

"This is so boring!" I whined then a thought crossed my mind. The librarian normally would request for me to be quite but....well it's me and she didn't have the guts ;to punish the supreme being.

"It's not that bad, some of this stuff is really interesting....to think those worms could develop such advanced tech! I wonder why we never seen it on midgard, perhaps they were barbarian off breeds; of the true humans. If all humans were this smart ,they could show their worth and become more then just worms. Maybe a demonic butterfly would be a good comparison, as they would still be disgusting but barable."Albedo responded trying to calm me down while thinking outloud.

"Yeah I can't take it anymore....maybe I can." I said this then focused on my magic with my intent.

Next all the books in the library began to float, as they did countless words and letters flew from their pages. They then all converged onto me, I began to absorb the information of the entire library. I felt a migraine begin as I went through half of the library. But I didn't stop and continued untill it was all done!

"~Fuwaa." Albedo said in shock but she also looked in amazement at the spell I just created. It was ingenious to use magic to copy the information directly to my mind!

"Natures evolution!" I activated the ability as my mind started to become overloaded. I was nearly done currently at 75% but my brain was overloading. My aura burst out as I activated this and my mind calmed down. My body felt like it was gaining strength that I never knew I had.....but i used this before ;so I knew it was temporary. The only problem was the librarian and Albedo were currently having a tough time with my aura.

The librarian was foaming at her mouth on the ground. I could sense her dying, so I tried to contain my aura and quickly finished. I then began to meditate on the information acquired, using Occulemcy I entered my mindscape. Albedo seen by body slump to the floor, and screamed.

"A-Ainz-sama!" She immediately went to embrace me and send me to someone who could heal me.


'Damn to think there was so much put inside the library....I mean most is theoretical knowledge through stories but I can work with that. With my brain, I could probably recreate mostly everything earth had ;with alot of trail and error. If I worked nonstop, I'd probably take me just a week; if I had enough workers that is. To bad there wasn't much on programming and robotics.' I mused after going through and organizing everything.

I then decided to go back out of the mindscape.


I noticed Albedo was holding me and carrying me to Demiurges floor.

"What you doing?" I asked Albedo and she dropped me in freight. I quickly caught myself and got up.

"Kyaaa!" She screamed startled.

"I'm alright, I just had to organize everything in my mindscape; using Occulemcy to do so. I do have a killer headache and mental fatigue thiugh... ." I replied simply and she started tearing up.

"I-I thought I lost you! *Sniffle* d-dont do that you scared me....I mean if you wish to, you can as yo-" She responded but I hushed her before she finished.

"Shhhhh, it's alright I understand you care about me and I don't wish to hurt you. I do however wish to hasten my plan's for the lizard men. So we will be sending Cocytus, a bit earlier then anticipated." I hushed her and calmed her down with a calming tone then went straight to buisness.

"H-hai Ainz-sama. I'll tell him at once!" She responded then contacted him through a message.

[Greater Healing] I casted this on myself to get rid of the headache.

"I'm heading back to the office I still have paperwork and spells to make." I said while thinking 'I will make a shadow clone spell even if it kills me! Damn paperwork is more evil then even demons!'

I then headed for the office with Albedo in tow. I needed to plan my visit to the dwarven kingdom. First I needed spys for every kingdom, which would be easy enough with my new magical contracts. Expecially with my new strategic and economical warfare knowledge ,this with historical earth knowledge would be enough. I just needed desperate people and maybe even forced retired soilders; so they could regain their ranks. I would just need to teach a few denizens ligilemency.