
After Judy mended Alex's head wound, Noah was about to question Alex about how he got it, but before anyone could start a conversation Judy and the other three kids looked to one direction like you would see in a horror movie and froze like a deer in the headlights, not even daring to breathe. Loud old fashioned police sirens filling the whole village, then Judy mumbled something to herself. "What?" Alex questioned in an unsteady voice getting ready to panic. "Run!"Judy screamed at the top of her lungs. Without hesitation Alex fled, running with the other villagers, until there was a complete stop and Alex then ran into one of the twins right into her back making both of them fall face first onto the ground not noticing the fear in all of the villagers' faces, but right when Alex pulled himself and then the twins back up. Alex looked past the crowd of people seeing around seven men dressed in black with guns in their hands, shouting something in German. Alex had a lump in his throat trying to not think of the worst. "Please, no", But he knew, when he saw the black, white, and red symbols on their arms that they were, without a doubt Nazis. "Of course I would get warped into another time RIGHT at the moment the Nazis come. Luck must really be on my side!" Alex thought to himself sarcastically.

Without another moment to think Alex was grabbed violently by the arm and dragged into a group, he noticed groups of villagers were hauled into big, hunter green, jeep like trucks. After driving for what seemed like four hours the groups of people were hearded out to violently be searched from head to toe, and put into two separate rusty old box cars. As Alex went inside was welcomed by the smell of death, along with faded scratch marks, and red stains along the walls. Alex did not want to know nor find out what those red stains were. Alex had a lot of hesitant thoughts, but without any warning one of the guards hit Alex in the back with the back side of his gun, forcing him to move forward with a throbbing sensation in his back. After four painfully humid and torturous days of panic, tears, deaths, and other gruesomely nightmarish events that happened. Hearing the shrieks of mothers who lost their children, husbands who lost their wives, sobs of people who mentally went insane who couldn't handle the heat or hunger of the desolate journey. Everything that had happened to Alex will never leave him, or his thoughts. After the box car went into a complete stop Alex was scared, but still full of hope, the only thing that kept Alex sane during every second in that boxcar was thinking of Lucas and what he said "never lose hope" Alex repeated to himself when ever he was at the brink of losing his sanity. When Alex got pulled out of the cart the guards gathered up the dead corpses of the young and elderly, just to throw them in a pile. Alex would not dare to even look back. When the guards were finished Alex noticed in the corner of his eye, seeing the second boxcar had come up behind the first one with even more corpses than the first one, he quickly jerked his head away from this unsightly scene in fear he would lose what little food he had in his stomach. As Alex saw each person walk weakly out of the box car, trying his hardest to avoid the grotesque motion happening to the side, he then  finally saw Judy helping Noah limp out weakly with bags under their eyes and sorrow on their faces. Alex had noticed there was a large bloody cut starting at Noah's knee and ending at his heel, then the thought came across Alex and he thought to himself, "where are the twins ?".

Then Alex noticed Faye slowly walked out of the cart with red puffy eyes, like she had been crying for days, and she clenched something tightly in her left hand. It was a dirty velvet blue ribbon outlined with gold. but Alex was confused because she still had her ribbon tied up into her now messy hair. Alex had finally noticed that Hannah didn't  come out of the box car. "Oh no.." Alex's heart dropped as he said as realization hit him " Hannah is...dead".