Numbers And Experiments

Lucas's warm smile flashed into Alex's mind, tears start to stream down Alex's cheek knowing how Faye is feeling right now to know the pain of losing a sibling, right before the girls and boys were separated Alex didn't say a word, he only walked up to her inches away, and slowly wrapped his arms around her. Faye let out a sigh of comfort, closed her eyes and tears started to trickle down her face once more.

As they were about to get seperated Judy looked at Alex and signaled him to grab Noah, Alex in return gave a short nod. Judy then transferred Noah to Alex, as he quickly hopped from Judy to Alex in a matter of seconds, while Alex holding Noah up he noticed Judy giving him a thankful look, before getting forcefully pushed to the side, as was Alex and Noah.

After being stripped of their clothes and put into a cold shower, Alex had to pick out some old, ripped, dirty clothes from a basket a guard was holding in front of him, Alex then went into a line with Noah. Alex then sat in a chair and watched the man holding an ink pen drawing 98288 deeply into his arm sending a big sensation of pain hitting each nerve as the needle moved. Alex tried to hold back his tears by biting his bottom lip, but he bit so hard that he could actually taste a little blood. Then he watched Noah go through the same experience. 

After Alex got some stale bread, and drank some disgustingly brown water, that had floating specks in it. Alex went back to his shelf that he slept in, and under him laid a very weak and pale Noah. "Noah, what happened to Hannah?" Alex asked with a little hesitation in his voice, not knowing if it was to painful for him to discuss. "Are you sure you want to know?" "Y- yes,'' Alex said, a little nervous of the answer.

 "Three days after we were put into the box cars, we would hear the sobs and cries of people who were sick, grieving, or at the brink of death..." He exhaled sharply. " ..And Hannah wasn't looking very well, She lost her skin color, which turned white and pasty, her brown hair had lost it's tone, she lost so much weight, that you could see her ribs seeping through her dress, and her eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, due to the blood curdling screams we would hear every night. Hannah fell into a deep depression from hunger and one night before we came to this dreadful camp, she was laying in a corner not making a sound.

Just fidgeting a little when we turned her around she was slowly dying from starvation and dehydration, we all knew she wouldn't last the night, I saw as Faye held her weak body close to her, cradling her in her lap, as they whispered their final goodbyes. I will never forget the look in Faye's face as she watched the life leave from her sister's blue eyes, watching someone that looks just like you in every way die right in front of you, that can be really traumatic for anyone. Especially a little girl who had already lost her mother. Hell she doesn't even remember what her dad looked like or what happened to him or even if he's alive. In this twisted fucked up world, me, Judy, and Hannah was all Faye had, and she still managed to see the good in everything and everyone. Even if they didn't deserve her kindness, Hannah was like my little sister...and I failed to protect her..." He paused for a moment as his eyes, now empty and glazing over with tears. "..I-I should've done something, but instead I froze. Like a coward I froze".

  Finally when Noah was done talking, he fell back into silence  like he was thinking back to look for more possible out comes, to look for something he could've done to prevent this from happening to Hannah, so it would be easier to blame himself. Alex interjected "There wasn't anything you could have done, I know how you feel I-..". Before Alex could finish what he was about to say two guards came marching in, immediately holding Noah up by both arms restraining him as he started struggling. Behind them were two men in white lab coats. Alex said nothing just looking down with sadness in his face, wishing he could do something about it, wishing he could save Noah, then and there. But he was too weak and frail to do anything, and what could he have possibly done against two men with guns. Right before Noah was taken away he said with a loud voice "Never give up hope Alex! If I don't make it take care of Judy and Faye, please!"  Two weeks. Two whole weeks have passed. Thats how long it has been since Alex had seen his mom, since he has felt the warmth of his bed, since he has had the nice comforting sensation of watching T.V or playing with his friends, and since he had last seen or heard from Noah. Alex was walking down to work, until stopping in his tracks, he heard two guards talking in thick German accents. "Hey did you hear about the one newest test subject that got put into the labs for some experiments?" Alex leaned in a little closer to listen "Yeah I heard he was one of the quickest ones to go because of the infected leg of his" they were talking about Noah.