An hour had passed since Arthur left. Four powerful beings arrived where his battle takes place, two of them is at least 120 meters big the other two is at their human form each one of them emit a powerful presence

The monsters and beasts that feel their presence started to kneel down, they feel there body trembling and started sweating

"What happened to this place?"

One of them asked, he felt an unknown powerful presence here that was equal or stronger than him or the one that he knows, he tries to investigate the owner of that presence he thinks that his not the only one that have that idea seeing the other three here, the once lush forest was now full of destroyed trees and giant craters, there is fire everywhere, some of the mountains that surrounding this place is now gone. One brave beast step forwards and said

"You're Excellency; it was a Dragon that did this"

"A Dragon?"

"Yes, it was a long Dragon with a blue scale, it's at least 100 meters long"

'What does a Dragon doing here?' he thought

Base of the destruction that it causes, that must be some powerful Dragon, the question is what is the business of that Dragon here and cause so much destruction.

"Is this Dragon one of your people, Ella?"

He said and turns his head his head to his right side. Next to him was a beautiful woman with a very seductive body, she has long black hair reaching down to her hips, black reptiles like pupils and has a face that can charm anyone that she her, she wear a black one piece dress that emphasize her hourglass body, everything about her looks human except for her eyes and her black dragon wings that sticking at her back. She is the Queen of the entire dragons inside the black forest and also the matriarch of the night dragon clan.

"No, this one is a…human?"

She confusingly said to him

"A human? So that means this human is at least at silver rank, the question is how this human able to form a pact with a dragon type spirit?"

He shockingly asked. Monsters and beasts are superior to humans in terms of stats because of their strong bodies, to compensate that the human can form a pact with a spirit once they become a silver warrior, that's a given fact the problem is a spirit is a prideful being they don't just form a pact with anyone

If you were able to form a fact with a spirit even if that spirit is just an ant, you will be treated as a genius that stands on top of other geniuses and will be treated like a royalty your name will mentioned from generations to come, that was just an ant spirit, You can't even imagine what will happen if the news gets out that someone form a pact with the most powerful and prideful spirit, a Dragon.

The whole world will be shock every factions will do anything just to recruit this warrior

Ella didn't answer him, she was also confuse ,she is a dragon a powerful one at that she can feel if someone formed a pact with a dragon spirit but clearly this human hasn't form a pact yet. It was like this human was born with a dragon inside him she hasn't seen or hears anything like this before. This intrigued her she didn't say anything and keep all her thought to herself

Seeing her keeping quit he knows that he can't get anymore answer from her

"Rat" he called

"You're Excellency"

Suddenly an one foot white rat came out of the shadow, this rat was part of the shadow rat clan they are good at stealth and gathering information usually they are black this one is mutated one.

"Try to get all the information about this human and find out what this human wants inside the dark forest"

"Yes, you're Excellency"

The white rat then dives back into the shadows and disappears. Seeing that there is nothing for him to do in this place he started to leave.

Ella soon followed.

The other two beings didn't open their mouth from the start and just watch also decided to leave.

The monsters and beasts that are kneeling on the ground breathe a sigh of relief seeing them leave.

The human that they are trying to find is currently sitting on his flying carpet and enjoying the breeze.

It's been an hour now seen he left the dark forest and Arthur doesn't know that there is someone that is trying to find him and get his information he won't care either way

Arthur is looking at his map and tries to find a human village it seems that luck is not on his side this time

Suddenly the name Paoc Norte Village appears on his screen he sees many houses like thing on his map some houses had some gray dots on it. Many gray dots gathered at the entrance to the village and in from of them are many red dots its seems that they are in trouble



Mission # 2: Find a Village (Completed)

Reward: 1000 points, Zanpakuto


He finally completed his second mission got himself a zanpakuto but as much as he wants to test out his new weapon he must first try and help this villagers, he is not much as a saint but he won't just turn his back against someone if he knows that he has the power to help them.

"System what is this gray dots?"

"Those indicate that they are neutral Host"

'It seems that they are facing some enemies' he thought

He speeds up his flying carpet towards the location of the village, after some time he can already see the entire village and just like what he saw on the map earlier he can see many people gathered at the entrance of the village who he thinks are the villagers, Arthur then turned his head to see who are they fighting

"I think they are bandits"