Paoc Norte was just a small village with at least 50 families living on it. The villagers are always helping each other out as much as they can they know that they only have each others to depend on. Their villages has use to have four bronze warrior lvl 10, because of them they became the most powerful village on surrounding area, the people of the village always feel safe knowing that there is someone looking and protecting their village

All of that change when one of their warrior suddenly killed there leader who is also at bronze warrior lvl 10 and betrayed the village

The villagers were standing in front of their village entrance while facing the group of bandits, each of the villagers is holding different kind of weapon, some of them hold sword, some carry axe and some of them hold spear, they being lead by the last two bronze warriors of the village

"You did not just betray the village trust, you also join this bandit that was going to raid the village"

One of the bronze warriors said looking at the man that was standing beside the bandit leader

"Why? Ren, Tell me the reason why you betrayed the village and killed zo"

"I'm just sick of being this village dog and I killed zo because I hate him"

He lied, it's true that his sick being a village dog but he didn't kill zo because he hate him. Bear, the bandit leader came to him and promise him that if he helps him kill there leader and plunder his village he can help him get a silver crystal that will help him become a silver warrior

At first Ren didn't believe him he knows how important a single crystal to anyone until Bear tells him that he has some connection with the nobles inside the Lucia city, he also showed Ren some evidence that what his saying is true, so Ren agreed to the proposal, Bear does have a way to get hold of a silver crystal but he won't give it to Ren he will just take it for his self he just said that to him to entice him and help him raid the village

"Don't waste your breath on them Ren, they're dead man already"

Bear suddenly spoke to Ren and shouted to his men, true to his name he has a bear like stature and has a giant two edged sword on his back

"MEEEN!!, let's get this raid started"


The villagers ready themselves from bandits attack

But before even the two side clash with its other, someone suddenly sees a shadow descending into them and shouted

"What's that!!"

Then pointing his fingers at the shadow

Because of his shout everyone stop and look up and also see the shadow

"It's a bird"

"It's a plane"

"What's a plane?"

"No it's…..a flying carpet?"

The flying carpet slowly descending and stop one foot above the ground

Everyone can see that there is someone sitting on the carpet they see his face everyone froze every woman that stared at him has their heart beat faster and can feel their faces turning hot from blushing.

Setting on the carpet is a handsome young man with blue short hair, have an ocean like eyes perfectly sculptor face

'His so handsome' they thought

'I want to capture him and lock him in my room' they thought

While the ladies are daydreaming the men on the other hand started cursing the high heaven.


"How can someone get this handsome"

"This is just so sad"

"Hey handsome, 150"

Bear also started cursing this young man, he got blinded by his jealousy and started running towards him and swing his two edged sword at him intending to cut him in half


But before he even got the chance to get close to him, Bear sees him reach out his hand forward and made a grabbing motion

Suddenly an object appears in front of his hand, it was a sword with a single edged blade a circular guard and has a long grip to accommodate two hands.

"Raimei Hakke"

Big Bear is no more