Wolf to enter into flock of sheep

"Patriarch, just ahead ..." Luo Jin was very clever. When tracking the savages along the footprints yesterday, he left marks on the surrounding trees with stone spears along the way, so they went easily today. The marker found the location of the other tribe.

  Without rushing, the group lowered their figures, and planned to hide in the woods to observe the situation, and looked at the location of the other tribe. The first reaction of Luo Ji was, "Which settlement did you choose? Grain, there is bare snow around it. If you ca n't catch your prey, just wait to drink the northwest wind. "

  However, according to the current situation, the worse the opponent is, the better it is for him. Like this bad position, the livability of the tribe's people must fall to a negative number. At that time, as long as the combative ones are barbaric, When people killed, a chicken and tamarin were killed, and the remaining barbarians must have obediently surrendered.

  When I think of this, Luo Ji can be described as a great increase in confidence. With just a few people, there is nothing tactical or tactical. In addition, there is also a weapon advantage. There is nothing to be afraid of. I saw a wave of stone spears in Luo Ji 's hand. "Brother Guys! Kill !!! "

  With the roar of Luo Ji, the tribal warriors headed by Rayong were almost like wolves swooping on their prey and killed the barbarian tribe located in the snow in the distance!

  Along with their killing, the barbarian horde that was attacked below unsurprisingly produced a riot. A group of barbarian waving a wooden mallet rushed out of the pan with a look of panic. Stone axe, stone spear, the expression of panic suddenly appeared on those faces, obviously, for these weapons, they are very impressed!

  The opponent yelled desperately, but the distance was too far, and Luo Ji couldn't hear what they were calling, and when he figured out his position, he didn't rush up. Luo Yong was enough for the charge. What fun is the commanding role?

  In the final analysis, this battle is not bad for his combat effectiveness. With sufficient preparations in advance, a small tribe like this that needs to develop without development and resources and resources is basically a gift to him. Population and experience.

  Holding two stone axes, one of the current Rayong horses once again showed his fierce fighting power like a wolf into a flock. By the momentum of rushing all the way, he faced a barbarian warrior of the enemy tribe The two stone axes in his hands slammed, and just one face-to-face effort chopped the barbarian warrior to the ground, and everyone was so excited!

  In comparison, the barbarian warriors of the enemy tribe were obviously frightened by the fierceness of Rayong. As time went on, Ray Yong's fights became fiercer, while the opponents became weaker and weaker. Just as Luo Ji was pondering that it was almost time to speak out and persuade him, a sudden howl was howling everyone's heart!

  "Woo ---"

  "Fuck! Was attracted by the bloody smell ?!" I saw a group of hungry wolves rushing towards the tribe above the high ground in the distance!

  In the face of this unexpected situation, Luo Ji almost wanted to scold his mother, but at the same time did not know if it was his illusion. These hungry wolves appeared to be two or three circles larger than he remembered.

  In the winter, the wolves that came out to hunt for them were like a nightmare, especially after they became red and hungry. No matter what tribe people came across such a group of hungry wolves, they had to retreat.

  But the question is, can you escape? Can't escape! Can two legs still run past their four legs? Especially in such difficult snow.

  At this moment, even the unstoppable Rayong, who was still performing before, had an uncontrollable tightness in his heart, and the expression on his face was full of dignity, let alone the others, and they showed panic.

  At this moment, Luo Ji's mood is extremely bad, but at the same time he is also very clear that at this juncture, panic can only accelerate their death, can't escape, then it can only fight!

  Thinking of this, Luo Ji's heart began to be fierce, and he didn't believe it. Humans with weapons in their hands could be destroyed by a group of beasts! ? This group of hungry wolves is hungry, and he is also hungry. Whoever eats may not be sure!

  Quickly rushed down the high ground and met with Luo Yong and others. His arrival allowed the soldiers of the Der Spiegel tribe to find the backbone of the lord at once, "patriarch, what do we do now?"

  Feeling the expectant sight, Luo Ji lifted his hand, and the sight fell on the barbarian warrior of the enemy tribe, "Hey! Let's fight again, in the end, it will only become the food in the mouth of the hungry wolf. For the time being How about joining forces? "

  The barbarians of the enemy tribe are not fools. Everyone understands this. Who would be willing to be eaten by a wolf? When they found that there were wolves, they stopped at the same time. Now Luo Ji spoke, and the leaders of the tribe on both sides immediately reached a consensus. UU read the book www. uukanshu.com "OK! Let's join forces for now!"

  The replies Luo Ji secretly sighed, and then launched the skill of "inspiring morale" while opening his mouth. Originally, he wanted to keep this skill just in case, but did not expect such an accident, "Everyone listens Now! We now have a stone spear in our hands! A stone axe! There is nothing to be afraid of! A group of beasts! Kill them all! We eat wolf meat tonight! "

  With the launch of Luo Ji's skills, after the threat of wolves was originally discovered, the morale of the hit immediately began to rise. Horde warriors responded to Luo Ji and roared, "Kill them! Eat wolf meat! Eat wolf meat !!! "

  Looking at the Spiegel tribe warriors who were screaming to kill the wolf pack and eat wolf meat, the leader of the barbarian tribe was dull for a while, and he and his tribe people were scared by the sudden rise of war When it arrives, it is completely impossible to imagine what happened after this.

  Luo Ji ignored the tribal leader, and the wolves rushed quickly. There was no time for him to grind slowly. "Everyone gathers together, pay attention to cover each other! The stone spear in our hands is long enough, and we can start with the distance! This beast cannot be our opponent !! "

  As soon as the soldiers of the Der Spiegel tribe heard the order, they naturally did it the first time, and quickly gathered around Luo Ji. In comparison, the leader of the other tribe, the time-consuming work of the gods, was obviously slow. Even the barbarian warrior with his hands was in a mess, and when he returned to God, the wolves had already rushed to him! Even one of the hungry wolves had rushed towards him!

  Seeing this scene, the heart of the savage leader missed for a moment, and his huge sense of fear caused him to stiffen directly. A look of despair emerged from his face, "End, end ..."