Dancing with the Wolf

  The sharp fangs exuded the threat of death, and in the swollen blood basin, a sickening stench mixed with heavy gasping slaps almost directly on his face.

  This is the wolf! One of the scariest hunters of this era, they are social animals, but they are very cunning. The wolf group led by the head wolf is just an army that crosses the nature. They will choose prey and then launch a planned attack! You can even see the shadow of tactics in each of their actions and attacks. Just thinking about it is enough to make people shudder, but unfortunately, they also have these special creatures called humans!

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" With a roar, pressing the uneasiness and fear in his heart, Luo Ji moved. The experience of this time gradually taught him how to fight. He was a keen insight Opportunists fighting with power and flexible minds! Right now, this is a great opportunity!

  Looking at the hungry wolf rushing to the tribal leader, Luo Ji suddenly made a force, and the stone spear in his hand suddenly pierced the waist of the hungry wolf, the copper-headed iron tail tofu waist. This sentence is used to describe the wolf. Also heard.

  When the stone spear pierced, he didn't feel much resistance, watching the splashing blood and listening to the sorrow that rang out in that ear, Luo Ji knew that he had succeeded! Seizing the opportunity, he successfully gave the hungry wolf a serious blow! The sense of excitement that hit his consciousness at that moment made his heart beat faster. In the original world, he had never been as bloody as this moment!

  "What's going on? Am I unexpectedly a combat mad?" With the rise of this idea, Luo Ji, who is gradually getting better, is getting better and better. He doesn't need to think about it. After he succeeds, he fully follows his instinct. Judging, the arms clenching the stone spears were violently pulled with force. At that time, I heard only a tingling scalp, and actually pulled out the guts of the hungry wolf directly!

  System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for comprehending the skill 'Weakness Pursuit'.

  I didn't have time to manage the system prompts, and the smelly wolf blood splashed Luo Ji's body. He didn't wait for him to return to his heart. With the unnatural beating of the right eyelid, a howling rang in my ear suddenly!

  As soon as Luo Guang's eyes moved away, a bloody mouth burst into his eyes! At that moment, he clearly felt the brutality and slyness of the hungry wolf, spotted his flaws for a moment, and jumped without hesitation, intending to bite his neck, a strong sense of oppression directly hit On his forehead, it almost made him lose his ability to think.

  The brain was blank, and the heavy breathing sound was deafening. All this happened too quickly, so that he had no time to respond. Just at the moment of the blast, a roar blew in his ear like a flat thunder!

   "Get away from me !!!"

  The words did not fall, a stone axe that almost brought wind pressure between the waves broke into Luo Ji's sight for a moment. There is no doubt that in his tribe, a stone axe can wave out this kind of power. There is no second one except Rayong.

  Driven by huge power, Luo Yong's blow was like a thunder. When the axe of the stone axe hit the head of the hungry wolf, Luo Ji felt that he was less than five centimeters away from the head of the wolf. The air was surging, and a roar of 'Boom Boom' lingered in my ears. Then, the next moment, I heard only 'Bang', and the whole wolf's head was blown on the spot!

  Although it was long known that Luo Yong was born with divine power, this scene still surprised Luo Ji. Then, as if he thought of something, he quickly glanced at Cai Luoyong's attribute panel. Good guy, the effect of the skill of Yueyongyue is decisively triggered Now, at this moment, Rayong 's courage has soared to the level of four stars!

  Luo Ji, who had just escaped from the dead, didn't have the time to feel grateful and had no time to manage the barbarian leader he had saved himself. Just now, he had an idea in his mind, glanced at the ugly face of Rayong, and suddenly Speaking, "Isn't I?"

  After hearing this, Luo Yong's expression was stunned, and then he nodded strongly, "Quiet!"

  In the face of this straightforward answer, Luo Ji's mouth grinned, yes, Luo Yong is a type who is good at charge, such a passive defense style is not suitable for him. This can be clear from the annoyed expression on his face. Feel it.

  "Rush then!"


  "Have you seen the wolf with a tail?" Luo Ji reached out and pointed away. "That should be the head wolf of this wolf pack. It is the commanding wolf pack who rushed to kill it! Can do it! ?"

  "Yes!" Luo Yong gave the answer without thinking, but then hesitated again on his face. "But the patriarch, your safety ..."

  In this situation, Luo Yong, who is full of one hundred loyalty, has no surprise that Luo Ji's safety is the first priority, instead of trying to cheer himself up.

  "Rest assured, I'm not that weak! And ..." Luo Ji grinned and waved his hand, "The warriors of my tribe are here, answer me! Can these wolves hurt me?"

  This question made the tribal warriors around Luo Ji enthusiastically, and they roared out, "No! "

  "Oath to protect the patriarch!"

  "If you want to hurt the patriarch, step on my body first!"

  "Kill them all! Kill them all !!!"

  "Hahaha! Well said, this is the warrior of our tribe!" At this moment, Rayong only felt that a war in his chest was burning, and the strong heartbeat sounded like a drum of war, no bullshit, in the hands of Rayong With a double axe, he rushed out on the spot!

  "Go away, go away!" At this moment, Rayong, who turned into an offensive, was almost like a crazy tiger, and the tiger went down the mountain, unstoppable! The violent momentum constantly stimulated the hungry wolves around, making them scream a low voice.

  As a target locked by him, the wolf's wolf hair exploded on the spot, and its instinct was frantically ringing a crisis alert. At this time, the human who rushed towards it radiated a wave of body and body A dangerous gas field like a beast! Two steps back, the head wolf who led the wolves, at this moment actually rose a bit of retreat.

  However, it's late! Because the humanoid beast named Rayong has rushed to it!

  "Woo ---"

  The instinctual response made the head wolf open his mouth wide and bite towards Rayong who rushed up. In the face of such a battle, Rayong, with a violent warfare, not only panicked, but laughed out loud, "Come well! Death Right !!! "

  Without retreating, he is confident that his offensive is faster than the head wolf! The almost outrageous power accompanied by two waved stone axes grabbed him before the blood basin bite him, and the fatal blow directly crushed the head wolf, instantly killing it!

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" At this moment, Luo Yong, who was bathing in blood, stood on the top of the snow mound, sending out his own roar, proclaiming his victory!