My name is Arthur 18 yrs old I'm orphan and have been living by myself for the past three years and I'm currently inside my room lying in my bed masturbating while thinking about fucking Mrs. Bing who lives just under his house. I always masturbate and fantasize about pushing her against the wall and fucking her brain out from behind but I don't have the courage to do that so masturbating is my only option right know

I been jacking of for an hour now and this is already my third time and I fell that I'm getting close and my semen is ready to come out so I hasten the pace of my hand rubbing against my dick and ready myself so I arched my back against the bed and push my hips into the air


My cum was shoot to the air and continued for thirty second I calmed myself down look down the bed and can see all the mess that I cause

I clean myself first the then change the sheet of my bed again

"What am I doing" I thought

I always been masturbating three times a day ever since I met Mrs. Bing and I know that excessive masturbation was really bad for my body and health I try stopping but whenever I see Mrs. Bing I just can't really help my self

I look at the wall clock and see that it was already 7:30 am in the morning and I have a job at 8

"Better get myself ready for work "

After 10 minutes I finish my shower and 5 minutes of wearing underwear and clothes I was now standing in front of 8 by 8 feet mirror I don't even know why there is a big ass mirror in the room it was already here before I move in its not like I'm complaining it's free so I take it and I don't need to buy myself a mirror

Standing at 6 foot 1inches I'm classified as a tall person when you're in a country that has an average height of 5 foot 5 inches I have a black hair brown eyes perfect face and I have a slim body you know the swimmer athlete type

I tidy my clothes and fix my hair to look more presentable because I need to look clean for my job

"Now I'm ready" I said

I walk out the my room and lock the door before going down the stair I'm living in a three storey house and rent the room at third floor there are only one room each no one at the ground floor and the landlady was living at second floor with her husband and children

The stair was at the right part of the house and when I turn towards the stair I bump into someone and see that it's the landlady who I always fantasize about

Yes its the landlady

When she is about to fall backward I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her against me

I look at her and said

"I'm sorry about that Mrs. Bing" I apologize

"Its ok art don't worry about it'

She don't call me Arthur just art she said that it was shorter and was easy to say when I take a closer look at her face I can see that her cheek has a bit a shade of red

"ahmm art can you let me go now" Mrs. Bing shyly said

I just realize that I'm still holding her against me so slowly let her go

I got a little distracted who wouldn't be distracted if you if you feel those H cups size breast yes she have a H cup breast the biggest breast that I ever seen

I careful look at her she is wearing a tight t shirt with shot pants she is around 168 centimeters tall has a slim body wide hips partner with H cup breast dyed brown hair that was reaching up to her back and she has a beautiful cute face you wouldn't have thought that she's already 38 years old and a mother she really taking care of herself I'm jealous at her husband to marry such a fine woman

"You look gorgeous today Mrs. Bing" I complemented her

"Thank you for your complement art" she smiled at him and then she silently whispered to herself "I dress like this just to impress and get your attention"

"Did you say something Mrs. Bing?"

"No no nothing I didn't say anything" she hastily said while she cutely wave her hand

'Cute' he thought

"So what brings you here cutie I mean Mrs. Bing" ask Arthur

'Cute did he just call me cutie?' she happily think in her mind

"I'm just here to collect toy rent for the month art" She answered him

Oh right I forget about that it's already at the end of the month huh

He open his bag and take his wallet out and pull 5 pcs 1000 bill and give if to her

"Here you go Mrs .Bing"

"Thank you art for always paying on time" she smiled at him

"Well i don't want to get kick out and I take a liking in this place to"

"You don't have to worry about getting kick out me and my husband can understand your situation you're just living by yourself so it must be very hard for you" she kindly said to him

"I really appreciate your kindness to me" I slightly bow my head

"You don't have to bow your head you better go now or you will be late at your work"

"I am going now have a good day Mrs. Bing"

I started walking towards the stair when I heard that she call me so I stop


"What it is Mrs. Bing?"

Instead of answering she takes a step forward towards me and reaches out her hand and start fixing my slightly mess up clothes I can feel my heart beating loudly

"There it's all good now"

She said while taking step back while having a red face

I don't know what to say this is the first time she did this to me and it was like a married couple would do the wife is seeing her husband off and wishing him good luck

"Thank You" I became a little courageous and this time I step towards him and lightly kiss her forehead

Her face that already red became even redder I turn back and started walking down the stair

Mrs. Bing was just standing there blankly staring at her back and when she sees that he is already down the stair she come to her senses and raise her hand and touch her forehead and she can feel her heart beating loudly

'What I'm I doing I already have a husband and a child' she thought but she can't stop herself from falling for him yes she has already fallen for him for a long time now

She know Arthur for 3 years now at first she only look at him as a kid but as the time goes by and she started to know him better she started to like and she didn't even know when it started all she know is she is already fallen rally hard for him

And because her husband was always out for work and doesn't place must attention on him anymore when his at home she thought that maybe her husband is seeing another woman and he didn't find her attractive anymore and because of that she feel uneasy maybe that's why she feel comfortable around Arthur and like his company even more

And when her back was facing Arthur she always feel those hot gaze looking at her back and gain a little confidence of herself that she feels that she is still attraction women so in order to get his attention more she started dressing nicely and this is the first time she wear a short pants and tight shirt just for the purpose of impressing him and she was right when she feel those hot gazes at him she know her decision was right.

"My husband said that he won't be coming home tonight" She silently thought 'This will be going to be a long night'