I'm currently standing in front of a flower shop this is where I'm working the wage are good and its only ten minutes walk away from my house and most importantly

"Hello there art, good morning"

I know that voice I slowly turn my head to my left and also greet her

"Good morning to you too Mrs. Anne"

She has a slim body short black hair that almost touch her shoulder brown eyes and her breast is on moderate side she's wearing the shop uniform with black apron on top with matching long pants and also black sandal she's at least 166 cm tall

Mrs. Anne is 35 years old and the one that owned the flower shop her husband was working overseas for her and their three children she build shop to help her husband in their financial she was generous enough to accept me as an employee I been working here for the past two years now

"Please get the new arrived flowers it's still inside the truck and place them inside and arrange them before we open the shop" she said to me

"Of course Mrs. Anne"

I walk at the back of the shop and there's already someone unpacking the flower inside the truck I slowly walk towards him and greet him

"Good Morning Mrs. Jane"

Mrs. Jane was the other employee of the shop beside me there are only the two of us whose working here she is also 35 just like Mrs. Anne she has a husband and single daughter she was 150 cm tall slightly in the short side but she has an impressive breast despite her size she has E size breast and short hair just like have a plump butt black hair and black eyes she's also wearing the shop uniform

Mrs. Jane stops what her doing and greet me back

"Good morning art, here to get the new arrive flowers?" she asked

"Yes and you should just let me handle this kind of heavy lifting"

"Don't worry it's not to heavy anyway"

By probing what she said she tries to lift up the two boxes that were in front of her but she slip and fell backward I try to hurry and catch her but I also slip and fell on top of her and I accidentally press my lips to hers I'm in shock and have my eyes open wide I also can see the she still processing what is happening I also feel something soft in my hand and I unconsciously squish it


She suddenly moan and then I notice that I'm squishing her right breast so I try pull my hand away but before I even do that I feel her arms wrapping around my neck and tighten it and she pull myself to her face and kiss me again she insert her tongue inside my mouth and play with my tongue I'm so shock that I don't even know what to do so I just let her do her thing after some minutes past ravishing my mouth she release me

"Muahh I always want to do that" She said "And you have a tasty lips art" she added

"Why did you do that" I asked her

"Don't tell me you don't like it"

"I like it who wouldn't want to have a kiss to a mature woman like you"

"I'm asking why you suddenly started kissing me" I asked her again

"Didn't I tell you I always want to kiss you and I also like you?" She smiled saying that

"That was a sudden confession and don't you have a husband don't you feel guilty doing this?" I curiosity ask

Her smiling face suddenly turns sad

"Were divorcing my husband"

"What, Why?"

"I found her cheating on me and when I confront him about it he said that he prefer a young girl instead a old woman like me" when she told me that she started crying

I pull myself from her and sit beside her and pull her in my embrace and slowly pat her back and she is still crying

"It's ok let it all out you feel much better that way"

Her tears start flowing stronger and her sobbing is getting louder

Huaaahhhh huahh huaaahhhhh

After some time she start to calm dawn and when she calm herself down she look at my face and said

"Thank you art I feel much better now" She smiled at me

I look at her face and can see that her eyes was red from crying I raise my hand to wiped the tears that still in her eyes with my finger

She just silently looking at me while I wipe her tears and when I'm finish I also started to look at her face and she suddenly close her eyes I know what that means so I slowly brought my lips in top of her lips after some our kisses become fiercer we exchange each other saliva and rolling each other's tongue I slowly slid my hand to her big round butt

I continued kissing her, intertwining my tongue with hers while roughly groping her ass

My hand was feeling good while playing at her ass and I think she is also enjoying this because I can feel her sticking her body to mine and kiss me back passionately

After some time I tried to pull her shirt to remove it but she stop my hand

"Not right now as much as I want to do this we are still at work we cannot do this here let's just wait for our break and find ourselves some seclude spot to continue" she smiled at me saying that

"You're right I'm sorry for rushing I t just feel so good that I forgot where we are right now"

"I feel good to, But don't worry I won't run just be patient" she said while lightly picking at my lips

I smiled at her and said

"We better finish our work quickly then"

We both stand up and start bringing the flowers inside the shop and arrange them while waiting for breaktime.