Quests by the Gods

"Oh. Pardon me Yubis-sama." Ryuji awkwardly chuckled. He got embarrassed forgetting such detail. He hasn't seen his stats yet because he was pulled into this realm. Indeed, he had the because he heard it when he was consuming the Green Vine Pit Vipers yesterday. He knows that the levels raised but he did not know how high it was raised. But he still is wary of the curse. This still kind of extreme of receiving such deadly items around him.

"Now, we called you here for another reason." Hades broke his silence. He maintained an amused face. Ryuji gazed at the god who was a man of few words. He has not spoken since he arrived here in the Realm of Dreams. "Aside from traveling to the Elven settlement of Valereth to see your brother. First, we need you to subjugate two creatures. They have been affecting the influx of creatures entering in the Meadow of Twilight." Hades explained.

Ryuji heard again about his brother in Valereth, he should head there soon. The only thing that keeps him from leaving that small cave is his survival skills. Now with these items, he should be able to explore the Valley of Ono.

Ryuji then focused his attention about subjugating creatures. 'A quest after receiving some divinely cursed items, that does not sound bad.' He knew that this item should also serve the intention of the gods. Receiving such items will always have a catch. Like DLCs or Downloadable content in games, getting divine items like the olden days will always have some test lying around somewhere. It does not matter whether you receive it before the quest or receive it after the quest. Nothing is for free these days even with divinity. Good thing he received it before. He then asked. "What monsters are those?"

"The one you buried yesterday. A usurper. She who uses a cursed eye to suppress creatures to dream and do her bidding." Hades cryptically replied. He maintained that mysterious and cold aura.

Ryuji's face darkened and he inwardly cursed. 'Is it cool to say it in riddles?' But he then remembered that malicious feeling when he contained that ominous feeling back on that dead tree stump where he first casted . Hades was probably referring to this experience. Based on previous information provided by , its either a Green Gu Widower or a Horned Gu Viper. 'Another snake to kill.' He cried pitifully in his thoughts. He had enough of snakes recently after yesterday, as much as possible if can avoid it, he will. However, if he left it alone, it might bring him trouble in the future. His thoughts were cut off as Hades spoke again.

"Her ambition knows no bounds. She even tried to coerce you and threaten you. After your display yesterday her resentment grew in a disastrous rate." Hades said in a matter-of-factly tone.

Ryuji perceived this as 'it must be killed' type of quest or else it will definitely bring trouble. At one point yesterday, he thought about getting back at the tree stump once he becomes stronger to kill whatever is left there to obtain probably a skill or two. Since the gods requested it, it is like two birds with one stone.

"Alright. I am planning to get back to that area once I had become stronger." Ryuji replied to confirm this commitment about eliminating the snake. "And the other?" He continued to ask.

"It lives among the origin of springs. The mist it creates, causes creatures to get trapped in its own world." Hades coolly said in a cryptic manner.

Ryuji frowned in his mind while maintaining his facial expression as if he were listening attentively. He was annoyed with the cryptic statements but could not help but admire this god, he sounded so cool even if its cryptic. Back on Earth, he gloated such vague statements when he was dealing with directors and clients who does not say things in a straightforward manner. This makes his job as a project manager much difficult since he does not know what they want. 'Probably, he wanted to immerse me more that I am on a fantasy world.' He thought positively. Despite that Hades manner of speech in giving this quest was similar to the sphinx giving him riddles, he was actually grateful providing such support. He should get used to this since the Hades seemed to be a man of few words.

"If I may, how are these creatures related with the Meadow of Twilight? Or even to the Realm of Dreams in general" Ryuji curiously asked. This Realm of Dreams seemed to be a separate realm from the Divine Realm and the Physical world.

"All living things in Zariya have the capability to dream. Whether they are trees, ghosts, animals, and intelligent races. These creatures are dreaming and as they dream, they carry an influx of power to support the realm of dreams. We need to maintain the balance of them bringing magical power from the worlds. However, creatures who are under these spells are not able to enter the Realm of Dreams. It might not be detrimental right now, but it might destroy the connection between the world of Zariya and the Realm of Dreams. This would be equivalent to an apocalypse level event if not enacted soon as it would stop intelligent beings to aspire as well as their negativity won't be cleansed and deposited to the Nightmare Abyss." Vreta broke her timid disposition and spoke to join the conversation. She explained the ecosystem of the Realm of Dreams and she explained it as a repository of excess magic and negativity. The Realm of Dreams seemed to be similar to a water treatment plant filtering negativity from the souls of the creatures and treating them to fill emotions and desires especially for creatures who needs to awaken their sentience and intelligence.

Ryuji was astounded with such system. He was in awe how this place work with magic but at the same time shows a robust logical system. According to the goddess, he needs to eliminate what he suspects a snake and probably a creature somewhere in the Beginning springs. These two creatures to keep creatures from dreaming which threatens the power of the realm. He would not delve deeper on how they maintain it but Vreta's explanation should be enough. He found it like a typical quest for an RPG fantasy game. He was guessing that he needs to probably acquire something that made them powerful or so.

As Ryuji was engrossed with his thoughts, Vreta spoke again. "You need to get artifact called the Chrysalis."

Ryuji knew there is some item that needs to be obtained. "What is the Chrysalis?"

"It is a crystal made from amber of the oldest tree of Ono. This maintains the connection of the Valley of Ono to the Realm of Dreams." Sefie this time replied. She was involved in creating such item with her husband before. The Chrysalis itself was displaced more than a year ago. She was assisting Vreta to locate it, but she got busy when their adopted son started wishing to bring his brother to Zariya. She and Hades were kind of suspicious with the events, but they needed to investigate things further.

"I apologize but I can't help but ask, how come you don't kill them yourselves?" Ryuji curiously asked. These are gods, surely, they can eliminate these threats. Why ask a lowly goblin for such quest. He is not fit to be a chosen one or a hero?

When Ryuji was informed of the reincarnation a few days back, he actually wanted to decline it. He was reluctant to accept the reincarnation until they gods have suggestively cued that there is no choice to accept it. Since he seemed to have no choice, he initially wished for a family in the new world or live simple. Until Yubis mentioned that his brother is reincarnated as well, he then decided to find his brother and probably spend time since they had this chance to see each other again. But now, hearing the gods request, he cannot help but think that he was actually have been summoned here to help the world. He was aiming for some sort of a slice of life type of living in another world. Why does he have to bear some sort of burden of being a chosen one like protagonist? Can he just be a protagonist who wanted a better life in the other world? He just wanted to see his brother then live in peace in some town, probably create an Onsen, possibly recreate Earth food and bring some technology advancement like a magical device similar to a smartphone or laptop in this other world. He is a project manager and not a Hero protagonist to be summoned by Kingdoms to save them from the end of the world.