Contract Signing and Testing

a familiar voice sounded after the older brother wolf's paws touched the small parchment written with clauses. The parchment was cut from the roll of papyrus that was carried by the large falcon. The falcon itself also is watching the scene unfold.

Ryuji started to pick out a name. 'It should not be offensive or funny, something cool and dashing because they are wolves. I would probably assign them as my guardians if I lived that long.' Ryuji was silent for a moment. It is easy to derive a name from color, but he wanted something that goes in pairs and cooler. He might be struck by a thunder for using their names but since they are not probably here, he might as well use it. "I shall name you Raij."

Yubis was amused. He better sends a message to Raijin about this. They aren't that close, but he had said hello to them a couple of times, so he is a bit familiar with the god of thunder and storm. And he could already guess the other names already since they are tandem. But Yubis noticed that Ryuji's face contorted as if something was wrong. Well, if the procedure failed at least neither creatures exploded. "Was it successful?"

"it's not a failure but I can't say it's a success either. The spell worked out… somehow." Ryuji replied earnestly. Though his stats are kind of overpowered, he cannot do everything at once and be very good about it at the first try. For a second he hoped to be like overpowered isekai protagonists which are genius at one go but having it rely purely on luck would be something that he would like to avoid, because he would not know if it will work next time. The misfortune that stuck with him in his previous life was gone but it's better to rely on something like how things work especially he will be planning to use this process in the future. It is surprising that Yubis does not have any knowledge earlier but at least now he has a vague idea what I am trying to do. "I can name him, but I can't view his skills unlike Pyun-Pyun." Ryuji added. Rather wallow with the result, this can work for now.

"That's good." Yubis just nodded. Ryuji already mentioned that due to the nature of the circumstances right now it's not possible to do it in one go and they lack the proper resources right now. Also, he is on apparition at this point.

"Let's see if the fifth provision works." Ryujj seemed to be excited but then realized his blunder. He put something simple as jumping but he has not realized that the Raiji would read that same clause and the individual would be cautious of the simple action, this dampens the detail of the fifth clause.

Yubis looks at Ryuji, he is aware of the fifth clause and quite interested in how Ryuji deals with this blunder.

The older brother wolf was earnest and was awaiting his master's orders. Despite Ryuji saying it didn't fully work, Raiji could feel a connection with the peculiar goblin. He feels fervor to whatever the goblin commands and will follow him to the ends of the earth if he has too. Ever since he touched the scroll with his paws, he could feel something beyond magic was coursing through his very blood. He could also feel the goblin's magic permeating to his very core as if the unusual goblin is very dear to him. This should be the plan as he and his younger brother had already made up their minds. Though he could not understand why his master would go through such lengths for this.

"Raiji." Ryuji suddenly called. Raiji jumped and wagged its tail and awaited his command. Raiji felt an inexplicable pleasantness when his master called him for the first time. He could not control his body but looked at the goblin very earnestly. He himself was surprised when he jumped after hearing his name but that did not matter.

Yubis looked curiously at the bigger canine when it jumped and snickered himself inwardly.

"Now let's change the provision." Ryuji attempted to change the writing using his magic.

Yubis looked at Ryuji again while changing the fifth clause. He saw the provision that whenever a divinity calls him, the familiar shall sneeze.

"Raiji!" Ryuji called his new familiar again. He saw the big wolf jumped then wagged his tail vigorously. 'I'm sorry.' Ryuji felt the guy was pitiful for doing some tricks. He did not know if he will laugh or cry whenever he would call Raiji but the good thing is he had changed that clause. "Now like earlier, put your paw again on the scroll. I made some changes."

"I'm ready, master!" Raiji wagged his tail and was even proud of it. He approached the goblin again and touched the scroll. Like earlier, nothing major happened with the papyrus.

a voice resounded to Ryuji. Did he just break the system? Ryuji was uneasy when he heard it. Although it seems it worked but something was off. But it was still fortunate that none of them exploded. Hopefully, it should be a minor hiccup.

Yubis was still an apparition at Ryuji's side. On the Tartarus side, it was a different story. Ever since he asked Horus about the papyrus earlier, the falcon god relocated to his sofa and was watching at the side lines and was checking some logs on the laptop beside him. Horus will look at him then back at the screen of the laptop he is working on.

"Yubis, can you call Raiji?" Ryuji asked as he looked at the jackal god.

Unexpectedly, when Raiji heard his name, he felt some ticklish sensation on his nose and his head moved as if he was about to sneeze. It was sudden and unpleasant but did not continue though.

After a moment, Yubis became a bit curious. He clearly saw something was about to happen with Raiji when heard his name uttered by Ryuji. He also saw that Ryuji changed his name to the word divinity, yet this wolf reacted. He might be overthinking but its either there was a problem changing the clauses or a problem with Ryuji that they did not know. After all, this procedure that they are doing is being done for the first time. Better if he would note them for now. He glanced at the bird god typing on the laptop and looked at him with is black orbs as if waiting for something. He called the newly tamed wolf, "Raiji" instinctively the wolf gave a full-blown sneeze.

"At least that one works." Ryuji was at least elated that it works. He also noticed the almost sneeze earlier that Raiji was about to do. Since there is an error, he heard from the voice earlier when he changed the fifth clause, it would be probably related to that. Better have it researched this soon before he allows new familiars. It already had several points that it failed on some aspects, there is no use to improve on it at this stage. You can't get any more resources for this procedure in the middle of wilderness. This thought really made Ryuji helpless.

"Raiji, I'm sorry but we will still need to do one more test. Please bear with us." Ryuji apologized. Even though he is a wolf, he made him look more like a guinea pig in this case.

The reaction from Raiji was still the same and gave almost a sneeze but did not continue. It might be an unpleasant feeling, but he did not complain. He wagged his tail and replied. "Don't be, master."

"Oh. It seems they are calling me soon."Yubis said. He looked at Horus at the Tartarus side and the falcon god seemed to tilt his head. They were not called yet by the big boss because they were testing the divine projection for how long it can hold. It has been holding for about 2 hours and running.

"Are you able to stay a bit longer? I will just remove the fifth clause and we will just do the other one then..." Ryuji was also pressed for time. They did not even have their breakfast yet and he felt the sun approaching midday. He is probably already thinking of doing brunch. This should not take long.

"Sure, let's wrap this one up really quick." Yubis replied. Then he looked away to his side. On Tartarus' side, he says to Horus. "Give us another moment..."

The Falcon god just stared blankly at Yubis with his big obsidian orbs for a few seconds. Yubis got a chill with this look. Then Horus looked at the laptop screen and sighed while bobbing his head. From this look, Yubis knew that he might get pestered later, should he set a one-on-one meeting?