Medusa's Sympathy

* WARNING: This chapter have rape theme.

"That… I don't know. I remember that was awarded to Aphrodite the whore. But we never heard of the item again. That's what I heard during that time. Then after the decline of Ancient era in Greece during, Tartarus was moved here, and we disassociated ourselves with the blunder of Olympus." Medusa honestly replied.

"Well, at least we know one thing. I can report that we found something important then." Morticia smiled.

Medusa was taken aback with Morticia's reaction. For the stoic goddess of death, the one who smiled so little as if it was money that needed to be saved. She was in for a treat today with the roller coaster of emotions, she should have taken a picture of how adorable she is. She never expected so many emotions that Morticia could display in a little time. 'I guess I should hang out more with her.' Medusa slightly blushed with embarrassment.

"Sure, why not. But before that, I guess we should look for more clues." Medusa tried to redirect her embarrassment. 'Of course, seeing the handsome elven man is also a treat.' Medusa told herself as soon as she glanced back to Morticia's screen seeing the naked male elf lying in full glory.

Morticia played the video again. She immediately blushed at the sight. This is quite uncomfortable to watch but they needed to check things out. Any clue can help.

"If I knew that restraining you like this will give you much excitement, I should have done this from the beginning." Eliseyah said as her hands playfully caressed the elf's manhood. The man answered only with a moan. The redhead woman took something out from the drawer then straddled herself on top of the man gyrating her groin against his. As she spoke with her suggestive words, there was a flickering golden glow. The lights were getting brighter.

"Oh my, she is getting bolder by the minute." Medusa thought. Ever since she became a gorgon, she still wished for someone to be at her side. If only there are obedient hot men like this elf. Even she herself was blushing on watching the redhead woman aggressively assert her dominance on the tranced elven man.

"I have a surprise for you…" Eliseyah dangled something in front of the elf. It resembled a black dog collar. "Do you want this collar?" She teased the man again as she gyrated her hips slowly over the elf's body.

"Y-y-yes master." The elf's voice was hoarse trying to concentrate himself giving an answer.

"But what will you do for me in exchange, my mighty warrior? Hmmmmm?" Eliseyah smiled wickedly. Her tone was playful.

"This girl… she is really something." Medusa was quite amazed but at the same time disgusted. Even the snakes who were watching were quite restless as they hissed. As if they were judging the woman to the extreme.

"A-anything… for master." The elf's voice was shaking. His eyes were staring at the void empty and dull. It was awkward. The man was not even looking at her.

"Anything?" Eliseyah teased the poor hapless man. She forcefully pressed her groin to against the elven man as if squeezing him to beg in reply.

"Y-Yes master." Galvalen begged. It seems that the elf had little vocabulary Medusa thought or was the spell just made the man super obedient.

"Alright, I will let you wear this." Eliseyah said. The golden apple appeared again. The apple went to the collar and then she chanted some inaudible words that even the recording could not pick up. She carefully put the collar on the man's neck then it glowed a golden light for a moment before returning to its black color. "How about if you bring me the blood of the black elf and the prince? Will you do that for me my dear Galvalen? hmmm."

"Yes master." The man answered but this time after wearing the god collar, he briefly had a golden aura that glowed as well.

"Now listen carefully, my pet. You shall eliminate everyone. Even your dearest father, Alistair… Once you get to the springs, ask them to split up for clues, then use that opportunity to kill them one by one. Don't forget to collect their blood then bring them to me. I'll give you a bonus if you also collect your father's blood."

"Y-Y-yes master." The man seemed to resist for a brief moment, but it was disguised as a stutter. Since Eliseyah busied herself feasting her eyes with the man's body, she was not even paying attention to his facial expression at that point. But for Medusa and some of her snakes they immediately noticed something.

"Can you play that one back for a few seconds and focus on Galvalen's face." Medusa asked the goddess of death.

"Sure." Morticia played back on the part where the elf will start to answer and zoomed closer to the face. Both of them noticed that something glimmered into the elf's eyes for a fraction of a second and then went back to the dull and empty expression.

Medusa who was initially joking around with the mortals' lecherous act felt remorseful at this point. She is a goddess currently, but she was once a mortal like this man. Gods were not supposed directly to meddle with the affairs of mortals. It was her opinion that this rule might be in place to prevent what happened with Olympus back then. However, she felt a similar feeling with this man. The feeling of powerlessness trying to resist against someone more powerful. She could feel that the elven man was under some kind of spell and violated against his will. Was it too similar with her predicament when Poseidon forced himself to her? She felt this man was in the same shoes as her despite what happened a long time ago with Poseidon and Athena. Even if there are different actors playing this time, she realized that this is rape. In her eyes, it is a vile act to forcefully make a person submit at their expense just to fulfill someone else's desires. She felt that glimmer within his eyes were those of someone to resist despite how futile it is. Ever since she was a goddess, she learned not to interfere with mortals. However, can she really stand by and watch another victim? Isn't her position right now similar to what Athena had done to her centuries ago? She refused to be like Athena who is full of herself being the goddess of wisdom. That particular wisdom brought disaster to her and her sisters. These thoughts were flooding Medusa's mind. Even the snakes even hissed as if murmuring amongst themselves pitying the man.

Morticia broke her silence. "Are you ok?"

"I just remembered something else. But that man seemed to be overwhelmed with the spell casted by the dominatrix." Medusa shook her head and regained her composure. But from that point she never looked at the man the same way that she did earlier.

Morticia started to play the video again.

"Now if you fail. I will take this collar off." Eliseyah smiled. "You know when I take away this collar, your soul shall cease to exist. I don't want something as delicious as you to be gone like that. Because your soul is what makes your seed very delectable." Eliseyah whispered playfully as she licked the man's cheek.

"Yes master." Galvalen answered with a blank expression.

"Let me taste you again." She kissed the man's lips as if she hungered and slowly moved herself down to feast on the man's body. The video recording went on for quite some time, but no other clues surfaced aside from the glowing golden light that the couple emitted.

Morticia felt disgusted and repulsed. Since the video was most likely one sided. The woman took advantage of the man numerous times.

Medusa felt hatred on the woman and pity on the man. She never felt this hatred since Poseidon violated her and Athena abandoned her. She hid her bubbling emotions as she spoke as if she was shocked. "I did not know that there is a woman as perverse as her." The snakes also hissed judging the woman. Medusa wanted to petrify the woman right there and then. She wanted to inflict her own torture instead.

"If her death comes, I will personally collect her soul and torment her for a hundred years. No, make it a thousand years." Morticia was riled up. She was ranting how she was disgusted with the woman. "I want to rain down my wrath upon her. She is a vile and lecherous bitch."

"The tricky part if you rain down your wrath on the elves. After all, the elves are still our devotees." Yubis interrupted the conversation. Horus and Sefie appeared also in the area. Yubis then asked. "So Ticia, what do you have for me?"

"Her item is a and they are planning to kill the whole party using the elf named Galvalen." Morticia reported.

"A ?" Horus confused. He had no idea what it was. But based on the golden light and the name of the item, it is quite obvious to link them together.