Assessing the Elves

"Some of the vital organs were damaged…" Takehiko replied who was aiding in healing earlier before he abruptly abandoned Riven to get the attention of Galvalen who was stabbing his brother at that time. He had some idea about it which caused him to regret it. Probably he should have continued saving Alistair rather than distracting Galvalen at that moment.

"He is stable… for now. I am still in the process of repairing the other vital organs. but he had lost a lot of blood, Sir Takei. He might last only for a few days." Riven hesitated for a moment but delivered the news with a grave expression. They could repair the damaged organs, but it will require a greater magic to replenish what was lost.

"Pyun-Pyun disable the barrier for now but is on standby to cast it." Ryuji commanded.

The slime jiggled as if replying. But instead of turning off the barrier, he made an opening which Raiji and Ryuji were able to enter. Everyone was surprised.

"This would work as well…" Ryuji then patted the slime. He then kneeled beside Riven. "I'll help." Ryuji then casted on Alistair. He had become quite familiar with it.

"Why would Sir Galvalen attack us?" Serthiel muttered as he pondered. He is currently examining the last of the elven warriors. He then looked at the cocoon as it made some movements.

"It was probably done to manipulate us…" Prince Elan said with disdain. It was directed to Ryuji. He is the most suspicious person after all. "Ever since you started chanting that spell..."

"What are you talking about?" Takehiko was puzzled as he looked at Prince Elan.

"He had an ability to move earth. He can shoot threads from his hand and to top all off, he spoke a different language earlier." Prince Elan stated as he stood up. He raised his sword to the goblin. "Aside from being a variant goblin, you must have other secrets."

"How dare you, elf!" Raiji growled at the white-haired elf.

The two magicians who were healing kept silent. What the prince had stated is true. They saw everything unfolded in front of them. The goblin is indeed different from the normal goblins. Goblins who are versed in magic usually use spells that have affinity with fire and dark elements. But this one knows and earth affinity spells.

"Sir Riven, Sir Serthiel, apprehend the goblin!" Prince Elan ordered.

The magicians did not move. They remembered Takehiko's order earlier about not attacking the goblin. They were also reluctant to act against the goblin. Their reluctance is not from saving their comrades nor having powers beyond what is considered a normal understanding, but rather from Priestess Ydrith's orders. They would need to follow Takehiko or what they know as Sir Takei at all times.

"What are you waiting for?" Prince Elan looked at Riven and Serthiel.

"I'm sorry, your highness, but we follow Sir Takei's orders." Riven politely apologized.

Prince Elan wanted to retort but it's no use. He could only glare at Takehiko. He who had been famous among the elves to the point that it felt it is an unspoken rule that after the princess, he is the next in line with the throne of Valereth and the next Lord of the Emerald Garden.

"Your highness, I have no interest with the Throne of Elves." Takehiko quickly pointed out. He just wanted to live in this new world comfortably and experience things. At one point he is planning to leave Valereth and discover the world like the usual thrope of isekai protagonists that he had from his brother's collection especially now that his brother is with him. He would rethink his plans soon.

The two magicians were silent as they heard this. Only the circle of Valareth knows the true identity of this black-haired child. They learned from Priestess Ydrith the origins of the person they know as Sir Takei. Despite his small stature, he should be treated as a personage and this was possible to Priestess Ydrith's skill. She was able to converse with the gods who they say are the parents of this child. He is a child of the Land Goddess and the God of Creation. In other terms he is a living god .

All evidence supports this conclusion. Despite the mortal coils, it would make sense that he would live a long time without being questioned in the form of an elf. He had unusual knowledge and was not bound by the laws of the mortal realm. At a young age who can do chant-less magic and an unusual appearance by the black hair which was unheard of from any elven tribe, he shows the difference of mortals and gods. And the very odd ideas and approaches in things like bath, paper making which are all unique to him.

Ryuji was assessing the situation as he casted on the wounded and unconscious Alistair. He glanced at the tense ridden face of the white-haired adolescent elf and his brother, the ten-year-old elf. He thought to himself, his brother did really get some tutorial when he arrived here while he was thrown into the wilderness. He should talk to his brother soon. A good long talk would probably be better, so he can get the whole picture of what has been happening and how his brother fit in all of these events. He then gave a look at Fuji.

Fuji frowned. One could see how the patch of fur between his eyes crumpled. He is now sure that there is a divine power somewhere affecting the elf earlier. He could feel a similar feeling when they first saw the roll of amber tinged sheet called 'pa-pi-roos' that was given by the almighty jackal god. However, the feeling is quite different because the one coming from the elf is wild, unstable, and volatile. It feels like a cornered wild animal. Every beast knows that it's in their nature when cornered, that they should go all out to escape the predicament. This is exactly unfolding at the very moment.

Ryuji saw Fuji's unpleasant expression and glanced at the cocoon which seemed to be wriggling slowly. Of course, he had a feeling that it's not that simple. To be fair while Hades provided more details than Yubis, there are things that are required to be asked since more details appear during the actual process or event. This is true for projects that he managed in his previous life and if you put it in everyday life, it does make sense in daily activities. "I believe you should discuss that at another time." He broke the silence.

All of them looked instinctively at the cocoon which is wriggling again. All the conscious elves became anxious including Prince Elan.

"M-Master something seems to be brewing." Fuji reported.

Raiji growled as trying to give a warning as he stood up beside the slime. He had learned some basics with their master, putting himself in a position that is advantageous which would be near the four of them but slightly in front of everyone against the wiggling cocoon.

"What is it?" Ryuji stood up. He had stopped casting on Alistair.

Riven on the other hand also stopped casting as all organs seemed to be patched up. But he was exhausted and felt his mana was running out from multiple casting. The problem is blood. It is still low.

"T-The elf with golden light seemed to be doing something." Fuji stuttered. He could feel the power coming from the cocoon and seemed to be aware of his skill. He felt something was watching him back even if the cocoon was closed. There is some pressure directed to him as if it wanted to press him on the ground. He could feel his fur stand up.

"Can you guess how long and how powerful would that be?" Ryuji asked.

"I could not tell. I apologize, master." Fuji whimpered.

"Ok you can turn off now." Ryuji could also feel some pressure as he observed Fuji, his fur at the back standing up as if he were spooked by something. He looked at his team, Raiji and Pyun-Pyun. Raiji looked like a spooked-out cat instead of a wolf, he is still in an aggressive stance despite the hairs up to his tail made it stand up. Pyun-Pyun was jiggling as if imitating the wolves' fur that were standing up or was it an involuntary action? Nonetheless, he could perceive that even his trusty slime is spooked. Fuji's sense is correct despite not giving any words for his assessment because there are no words to describe it. He could only mutter, "That thing that you could not tell probably is the part that is controlling him…"

"Is it magic, Onii-san?" Takehiko asked the goblin. He felt strange ever since Galvalen started acting strange earlier. He could not feel that Galvalen was corrupt. He had read that there is magic like and does exist in this world according to the records collected by Priestess Ydrith. But if it's a magic skill, there should be some sort of tampering on his mana since magic here is connected directly to emotions which made him question what sort of power controlled one of the best elven warriors in Valereth.