The Forgotten Skill/Skills

"Hohoho. The other offering seemed to have revealed itself." Galvalen chuckled as he looked at Takehiko who was glowing green as he gathered magic with the plant life reacting to him. "It's a good thing that you stopped hiding." He pulls his sword and smiles to Takehiko's direction.

More vines converged from where Takehiko and company were situated but if one looked closely, it looked more of the grass that surrounded the area forming some sort of structure. It also faintly glowed in green light as if doused with the power emanating from the black-haired elven child. As it converged it started to form a wall surrounding Takehiko. He had one thing in mind, eliminate the threat to everyone.

Galvalen was grinning. He was thrilled. Seeing such power that will soon be absorbed by his master. This thought excited him more as the golden light flickered brightly.

'No. Shit! Shit! Shit!!!' Ryuji was cursed inwardly. He could see Galvalen's focus shifted to Takehiko again by his smile. His heart started to pound. He is definitely nervous for his brother. No matter how cool his little brother right now, thinking that this crazy elf is going for his guts, he is beyond terrified of what might happen. He trembled involuntarily and held his right hand in the air to stop him with whatever he could.

Ryuji wanted to use the earth magic because it's the magic that he is most proficient to use at this point. However, that won't stop Galvalen from evading and is not a good option at this point as he is not confident that there might be collateral damages in the battlefield, specifically the elves at the other side and the area are small. If those vines can stop him better like a spider spinning web on its prey.

"Spider… web!" Ryuji then exclaimed as if a light bulb moment came up. A eureka moment. There were skills that he had been forgotten since he was too focused and reliant on the promise of magic skills. He really needs to review thoroughly the status once the update is finished. He did not notice it noted at the last time he viewed his status, but he remembered the words when he first arrived, it was unforgettable due to hunger. Hopefully, they hold up since he had not used those skills but if it is targeted to a single person, it should probably be fine. He would feel great if it does impair him, but it is also acceptable to slow him down.

As Galvalen took his step toward the glowing green light, Ryuji concentrated on himself. This is a skill unlike physical or magical skill. It's something that he does not know how to cast but on pure instinct. Does this skill consume his mana or not?

'Here goes nothing…' Ryuji reaches his hand out as Galvalen steps further away from him as he prepares to take down the offering that continuously accumulates the green light. Like a faulty faucet that was first opened it sputtered web from his palm then more threads appeared at the tips of his fingers and acted like water it materialized. Ryuji does not know if he would laugh or cry with the weirdness but he knows it's a good thing it manifested. Then he concentrated his mana to his palms similar to using magic and like a faucet he directs both of his palms as webs shoot out from both hands. One is rainbow colored and the other had a green-blue color. 'I look like a half-baked spiderman!'

Fueled by mana the webs started to shoot from the goblin's hand and eventually reached the possessed elf.

"What is this?" Galvalen was first amused as the colorful substance aimed at his right side. It got stuck on his boot, but it was not sticky enough to hold him in place. He swung his sword to cut the thread-like substance.

"How annoying." He sarcastically muttered but to his surprise something got at his back. He did a pat on his back and saw the rainbow-colored thread but much thicker in diameter, it is slightly sticky but like the first one that hit him it is not that sticky to stop him.

Quickly noticing how it is not adhesive enough to stick, Ryuji shot another massive thread like thing at Galvalen's back. He got up despite being wounded and quickly ran around as he shot the threads.He had forgotten the name of this skill or skills, but he thought about how spiders spin their victims and decided to apply it instead. He could not grab him but rather he could go around several times to him. He could only hope he is fast enough to run around.

"Master!" Raiji called out to the running goblin as they arrived at the scene. He, Fuji and Pyun-Pyun found their master running around the elf. They brought the wounded bodies of the missing elven warriors.

"Pyun-Pyun, create a barrier to the person. Fuji protects Pyun-Pyun." Ryuji shouted his commands as he ran over to them. "Raiji, we need to tie him up." He quickly hopped on Raiji's back. "We will be going around him several times."

Sensing the urgency, Raiji did not ask anything and just followed his master's command.

"You are one annoying insect!" Galvalen muttered as he tried to repel the substance flowing out from the goblin's hand, as he tried to take a step something held him down. He looked down and several bundles of grass gripped his feet. He looked at the black-haired elf who smiled back.

When Takehiko saw the actions of his brother, he immediately had the same idea. Tie Galvalen down to prevent further threats. He saw how his brother did two laps around the glowing golden elf. He remembered those similar times that his brother taped a broken pen to hold it together. He made his mana move the ground slowly affecting all the greenery surrounding the possessed elf.

The remaining conscious elves, the magicians, and the prince, could only watch the scene unfold until someone suddenly spoke.

"Pardon me Sir elf, let Sir Pyun-Pyun, do the barrier." An eloquent voice said.

The three looked at the source of the voice especially Serthiel which was nearer to the source. They saw a wolf with brown fur with a slime on top of his head. The slime had an unusual color, it was like white with a tinge of pale blue in color which was different from the normal slimes. Aside from the slimes, there were bodies of elves at the back of the wolf neatly lined up.

Serthiel was dumbfounded on the scene and just nodded. A slime that they never seen accompanied by a sentient wolf who seemed to possess a large amount of mana. Being magicians, Riven and Serthiel could feel creatures who are doused with mana.

Pyun-Pyun hopped to the ground and casted his . He made it into a dome shape as she learned from the last time.

Serthiel, Riven and Elan gasped as they saw the light. Especially the magicians, this light was the one they saw the other night. Serthiel and Riven looked at each other with a tacit understanding. They both were thinking the same thing. A new breed of slime seemed to have created the mysterious light from the other night.

"W-What happened to them?" Prince Elan broke his silence. He seemed to be regaining his composure despite him stuttering.

"They were attacked by that man. But don't worry Sir Elf, they are currently unconscious right now." Fuji politely replied he stood guard over the slime.

"Indeed, they are still alive." Serthiel confirmed as he checked the vitals of one of the elven warriors.

"Looks like Master is done." Fuji commented.

Everyone looked at the direction where they last saw Galvalen. They were greeted by a cocoon that shimmered in multiple colors. The cocoon was wriggling as if trying to resist.

"Keep the barrier up for now Pyun-Pyun." Ryuji ordered in elvish tongue. He and Raiji arrived just outside the barrier. He was exhausted and he is bleeding with the wounds that Galvalen inflicted on him earlier. It was painful but he only felt tired. "Fuji, Keep an eye on that cocoon. Use on him."

"Yes Master." Fuji replied. The wolf immediately complied with his master's request. He immediately sensed the mana on the cocoon but then frowned. He sensed another thing from the cocoon, something familiar but also different at the same time.

Hearing his brother Ryuji ordering his companions, he decided not to disperse the vines. It kept converging to form some sort of wall. Takehiko then spoke, "Oniisan, you are bleeding."

"Oh yeah…" Ryuji gave a sigh. It was a sigh of relief and hopped off from Raiji. If he did not remember those skills, he got from eating insects, he would probably have utilized an earth skill or something that would probably lead to a different scenario. He should remember those as he looked at his palm rubbing off the excess threads then the ones that were not removed, he started to pick out as if he were peeling some dried skin. He then put his palms on himself and casted . Some of the wounds are gone. Then he looked at Riven who was still healing the middle age elf. "Is he that bad?"