
[Boom… Boom…]

The rhythmic beat sounded throughout the area. The sound appears to be consistent with each beat getting louder every time as if someone walks nearer. He still wore a smile, but the sound seemed to confuse him. He looked around and saw the frozen and terrified elves. "Ah those must be my dessert…" He wondered how their blood tasted or how much power he would gain from these creatures.

[Boom… Boom… Boom…]

However, the beating sound is still present and consistent with its rhythm. As if there was someone beating a large drum. As time goes on, it seems it gets louder as if the source of the sound is approaching. This annoyed him because up until now he has not seen anyone do it.

[Boom… Boom… Boom… Boom…]

The man with the golden hair thought he had not seen the ugly creature. He looked to his left and to his right, but that hideous monster must be blown away. However, he felt a part of him was screaming about the bloody drum beat as it gets louder.

[Boom… Boom… Boom… Boom… Boom…]

The sound continued and the man with the golden hair felt ominous. That drum noise can no longer be ignored. He stood up and his smile was replaced with a confused look. 'Where is that sound coming from?' He asked himself nonchalantly. Then he took another good look at the surroundings. Elves were lying down, the wolves huddled in one area, the elves that were alive looking at him wearing a terrified look. A look that froze in fear.

It was that time that he noticed something peculiar. He looked at the wolves and it was as if everyone was frozen in place.

"So… you finally showed up…" the man smirked but he pulled out his sword from his prey, the black-haired elf who he impaled with a sword. The prey could wait, he does not need him alive when he absorbs them as nutrients. He looked at the green creature who was walking towards him. He noticed something odd. He looked at the goblin whose head was facing down all the time as it walked toward him.

The goblin kept walking until he was within arms-length with the man. If the man with the golden hair swings his sword, the goblin will definitely get hit and probably get cut in half.

"the beating sound stopped…" The man whispered to himself and looked above nonchalantly. The whole scene looked strange. He could feel it. Then he looked down to check the goblin and saw a big eyeball staring back at him. An eye that was bigger than the face of the elf he took. The eye was so big that it covered the face of the goblin.

The man with the golden hair flinched at the sight but he quickly reacted by swinging his sword toward the eye at the same time taking a few steps back.

The sword swing went through the eye as if it were nothing but gas. The eye remained unfazed even if the sword passed through its body. The eye stared back as if observing the man and a few moments of silence. The man maintained his distance with a defensive stance.

"Who would have thought that an insignificant trash like yourself dared to do something like this?" There was a voice that came out from the big eyeball. It had a crisp male voice with a hint of sarcasm at the tone.

"B-B-Because he is a demigod!!!" The man stuttered. There was nothingness and the area became somehow darker despite the light from his aura. He felt his instinct telling him to admit everything because nothing good will come out defying this eye. He then continued to speak, "But soon he will be a mere nourishment along with everyone here... as for you… you shall die here, monster." He confidently answered.

The eyeball with a body of the goblin was silent then the pupil dilated.

"Oooooooooh... What is this… Ooooohhh?!" The eyeball started to react. It looked like it found something interesting. The eyeball ignored the man for a moment and continued talking to itself, "This is quite fun… what would the others say about this?" Then the eyeball laughed despite having no mouth. It was eerily strange.

"A-A-Are you Another demigod?" The man asked as his voice shook. He probably had an idea right now. The black-haired child is a demigod and seemed to have a connection with this eye.

The eye roared in laughter hearing that. It was as if he heard a joke. "I guess this body needs more time to play... I like that…" The eye kept talking ignoring the question.

"How dare you monstrous creature!" The man swung his sword again as he noticed he was being ignored but unlike earlier he infused his own power at the sword and imbued it with divine power. He hit the body of the goblin and cut the eye or the head from its body. He smiled in victory but then frowned as heard the eye speak again.

"Ah a sentient plant of the so-called gods… they don't even have a tinge of cosmic truth with them…" The eye laughed then the headless body started to crumble into dust. The eye then slowly rose from the ground using the surrounding withered vines and became a tentacle as it continued to laugh hysterically. "…just because it became sentient it started to spout some nonsense. Tawil's Tree isn't this arrogant?"

"Tawil's Tree? You must be some plant god?" The man responded with his speculation after hearing about something called Tawil's Tree. For the first time the man with the golden hair frowned.

"Me? Plant god? You lumped me with your kind?" The eye laughed again. Then from the shadows emerged a few more eyeballs. "Did you hear that? We are plants? What should we call ourselves then?"

"How about Eye-Vy?" An eyeball with blue pupils replied. Then all of the eyes laughed simultaneously hearing it.

"W-who are you?!" The man shuddered in fear with the emergence of more eyeballs. They were various shapes, sizes, and colors.

"Eye-Vy!" One of the eyeballs replied sacastically and the others laughed in chorus. This entity is really amused. Then out of the darkness an eyeless tentacle emerged and grabbed the man.

"What is this?" The man resisted and then he felt a sudden loss of strength. "My power… You!!!"

"Me?" The eyes balls answered in unison as if it was a choir.

"What did you do to my power?" The man with the golden hair asked in disbelief.

"Hmmmmm." One of the eyes looked away as if it were thinking seriously.

"Nothing much…" Another eye shrugged.

"Just returning it to the real owner." Another eye answered nonchalantly.

"W-wait… Don't take my powers… You can be the fairest of all the gods!!!" The man pleaded.

"You sure are one talkative artifact." An eye with red pupils glared at the man.

"Your hollow title does not even entice me." Another eye made a snobbish look.

"And if you are planning to give a title such as that, do you even have a payment?" An eyeball with a glint looked at the man with disdain.

"What payment?" The man asked bewildered.

"Hah! He has even no payment to offer!" An eye with green pupils mocked the man. The eyeballs started to laugh as a chorus again.

"W-wait! How about them?!" the man pointed at the wolves. He realized as soon as countless eyes emerged that this is no longer a demi-god he is dealing with. It would most likely be a god. And it is reasonable as he had been existing for several millennia that a payment is equivalent to sacrifice. A life sacrifice are usual things that gods like.

"They are not even yours to begin with." A lazy eye snorted. Then the other eyes jeered to mock as well.

The countless eyes laughing were not wrong. Those wolves have a master if he recalled it correctly earlier. And it's probably the goblin. That goblin who had some connection with this entity. The man with the golden hair cursed himself. "I… Uh…" He mumbled.

"How about these elves!? Especially the black-haired child! He is a special being! A demi-god!" The man blurted out as if he got it. He was desperately frantic when he pointed the lying child on the ground. He was supposed to absorb these for his power, but it is no use to defy another god at this instant. If he could escape this situation, he can regain more power like using the king of elves as nourishment, since he is rich with life power. There are also other beings in the area, like orcs and dwarves which may not be doused in magic, but they have unbelievable strength and stamina. If he would want magic nourishment, he and his handler could flee through the nearby territory which had a magic tower. Even if he is losing a demigod, it would be better to survive this god first. "W-What do you think almighty one?" He stuttered as the eyes went all silent.