In a Blink of an Eye

All of the eyeballs looked over to a certain eyeball. This eyeball with black pupils still looked at the man with golden hair. This is the same eyeball that emerged when the goblin got beheaded and its body disintegrated. It had black pupils staring at the man which made him flinch. The other eyeballs were all waiting. Waiting for that specific eyeball to respond.

The man who is currently tied with a tentacle at this point is anxiously waiting. When he saw all the eyeballs looking at a particular eye, he knew it was probably the boss of these countless eyes that appeared in the shadows.

The eyeball with the black pupils sighed then nodded. All of the eyeballs that were currently staring at this particular eye turned their heads or rather their eyes on the man again. And in unison they spoke in a sarcastic tone and condescending tone. "You want my brother as your offering to me? All for a useless title?"

The man gulped under the stare by the eyeball with black pupils.


Eliseyah who was lounging at her chambers at the Emerald Garden with a sleeping Caelvath felt something was wrong. She felt the powers that nourished her golden apple were abruptly severed. She felt as if someone cut a hole inside. This feeling made her anxious. She attempted to use the golden apple to reach out to the seedling that was infused to Galvalen's collar.

The apple did not respond. Instead, it appeared to shrink in size.

"What happened?!" She whispered to herself anxiously. Why can't she contact the leash and the apple had become smaller as well. She sensed this was rather ominous. She felt enraged whoever challenged her must be an idiot creature who does not know his or her place. Or it might be the black saint? Because the stupid prince is not that powerful, she made sure of that for the past two years. She quickly got up and immediately dressed. She summoned one of her lesser slaves not minding the fully naked elf warrior at her bed.

"Your majesty." The guard bowed.

"Escort me to the king." The queen spoke with a straight face. She needs to remain composed to these slaves. She felt that the sudden loss may affect the current power of her golden apple. Then she needs to check if it had any drawbacks on the ones that affected her power, especially the king. If the draw back had some profound effect, all the work that she did may be all for naught.


A green orb floated at the tentacle. This tentacle had held the man with the golden hair, but the man is nowhere to be seen but the golden glow remained on the tentacle. The eyeballs looked at the orb curiously.

"It is nice to look at." An eyeball with purple pupils remarked at the golden orb.

"It's beautiful." Another eyeball with grey pupils stared at the golden light.

"Should we feed that to Tawil's Tree?" An eyeball asked the eyeball with grey pupils.

These murmurs from the eyeballs filled the dreary darkness that they occupy. The eyeball with the black pupil started to emit some light glow which outlines into a human shape.

"Oooohhh!!! I want to be like that too!!!" a small eyeball smiled as he looked on the outline surrounding the black pupil.

"You are." The eyeball with a red pupil replied as of matter-of-factly. The other eyeballs looked at the outline this time.

"Really?" The small eye twinkled in excitement.

"Because he is us and we are him." Most of the eyes declared in unison.

The small eyeball rejoiced as it moved up and down as seen from the darkness.

"Ah it seems that the vessel is ready to change…" The eyeball with blue pupils said the observation loud. The other eyeballs nodded in agreement. Then the sound of drums started to beat again.

"Ah it's time." An eyeball with green pupils exclaimed.

"Awww… I hope we will play again soon." The small eyeball pouted.

"We will play again soon." The eyeball with the black pupil replied. Then from the darkness two tendrils appeared then formed into the eyelid of the black pupil and encased it.

"Of course, we shall." The eyeball with the red pupil replied.

"The seal got broken from the last life." An eyeball with brown pupil said.

"Let's leave it like that." The eyeball with hazel pupil answered.

The eyeballs started to bounce to each other as they moved, becoming smaller and smaller until the eyeballs blinked out of the darkness. The tentacle with the golden glow put the green orb back to Galvalen's body then it slithered into the darkness like a lamp that goes farther in a pitch-black tunnel.



"What happened?" Riven broke the silence. He could remember that there was a golden light and a man looked like Galvalen, but without the elven features like pointed ears. He could vividly remember that the living demigod that they were following, Takei, was attacked. Then he heard a drum beat and then the next thing he knew the man was gone and nowhere to be found. The black-haired elf child is lying to the same spot where the man was earlier.

"Sir Takei!" Serthiel cried as he ran to the elf child. He quickly examined because he could remember that the child got stabbed by the sword. Then the man was gone as if he never existed.

"How is his condition?" Riven asked anxiously. He remembered Takehiko being stabbed and was afraid he might not survive with that attack.

"He is just unconscious… but…" Serthiel mumbled incoherently. He discovered something baffling.

"Brother, check that elf." Fuji suggested the older wolf brother. He checked the slime below his paws. It looked melted but seemed to be moving based on the nucleus moving chaotically.

Raiji nodded. They were quiet. They could not comprehend what transpired, the drumbeats and the got beheaded and appearance of the countless eyes. After that they regain their consciousness just now. They are aware of the quest that master accepted from the acquaintance of the jackal god and checked.

The wolf brothers were reluctant to approach their master who was lying at the side. He looked different after getting beheaded. He looked like he had undergone some sort of growth. Their master's body resembled similar elves and humans. His canines could be seen that is similar to the green orcs that they saw a few times before, if they could describe him, their master's current appearance features a cross between orc and human since they knew what humans looked like from crossing paths multiple times while they were with the wolf tribe.

"Your highness… are you alright?" Riven asked which made Fuji look at the prince.

Fuji then scanned the area using to check any further threats. He noticed a change from the elf called Galvalen. The other power is nowhere to be found which he felt a sense of relief. Then he noticed another group was approaching the clearing which were scattered with wilted plants and the earth dome.

"What is this?" A woman spoke as appeared from the mist through the tree line. She found the scene intriguing at most as it unfolds in front of her. She prepared and held her saber but lowered it down. She was wearing a hood but her locks at the side were braided that was pure silver color.

The elves widened their eyes as if seeing a ghost. Their faces were pale.

Prince Elan heard a familiar voice that he had not heard for a long time. He looked in the direction of voice and saw a woman that resembled his sibling that had gone missing a year ago. "S-S-Sister?" Prince Elan could not hide his astonishment as he stuttered. He could not move. It was a feeling of disbelief and relief that overwhelmed the prince.

"P-P-Princess Elyara?" Riven could not help to utter his disbelief. He is getting shocked on how the events that he could not react properly. Everything happens so fast, one after the other.

Takehiko opened his eyes. He felt weak but he felt he was dreaming earlier. He saw some eyes and tentacles but could not comprehend any sense of what he saw. "B… Brother…" He weakly mumbled.

"Sir Takei you are awake!" Serthiel exclaimed after hearing the child mumble. He was thanking the heavens. A death of a demigod is unthinkable, yet it showed that it is possible to happen. But as a believer of gods, Serthiel, Riven and most of the elves, they could not bear to witness such an atrocity that almost happened. They can't imagine if that happened. What would the Creator God and the Goddess of Land say or do? They may earn the wrath of the gods and probably might end the world as they know it.