Another Otherworlder

"Uhm… I had two. The current one is finished… I guess." Ryuji was at a loss for words on how to explain to his brother that the quest he just finished involved saving him. "The other one paused for a moment." He added.

Technically, the emergency quest should be some sort of finished because he saved his brother and the elves from being assassinated. As for the other one, he still has to know where he can deliver the for Vreta's request. The problem that he saw associating game quests or similar situations versus this world is, the quests in games have some world map or similar and it has a location where to deliver the quest. The Goddess of dreams failed to give him the location or if she had ever given that information, that information needs to be deciphered as too cryptic for him to understand.

Ryuji then offered to his brother who seemed to be disappointed, "I guess you can join the other one once it resumes."

"Oh…" Takehiko's excitement dies down upon hearing that his brother had finished a quest already. He wanted this kind of adventure but alas, he missed it. He then wondered how he got that kind of quest thing. "Where did you get the quest from?"

Ryuji did not realize that the child was not paying attention earlier when he pointed up. He pointed his finger again upwards and spoke, "From the gods. And besides, it is not as glamorous as in the games."

Ryuji downplayed the idea of quests from the games. In games, you will receive a cool item or tons of experience after you finish a quest. But the quest of the gods that he received are more like errands to do here in this world. It is not like isekai dungeon systems in manhwas that there is a solo system guiding the protagonists. He doesn't even know if there are cool items as rewards. Perhaps the , and may count as rewards, but given before the actual quest, it looked like more of a quest item needed to complete the quest. Although he can use it for other purposes outside the quest line.

"Don't you notice anything weird with this place?" Ryuji suddenly asked. He did that to change the topic but at the same time to figure out the place. After all, this is the first time he got into a town. "Is this a town?" Ryuji could not wait for the answer for his first question and immediately posed another question.

"Uh… I am not sure myself, Nii-san." Takehiko scratches his head. He honestly doesn't know the answer to his brother's last question either. He was surprised when he first arrived here. There was a menagerie of races present here and only a handful of humans. There are orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, and beastmen living in this town-like place.

"This place looks like a human house and it's too clean for a medieval fantasy isn't it?" Ryuji looked around and felt uncomfortable somehow. He is a goblin now or rather he felt he did change into something with his notable muscles compared to his old body. He has not seen his board yet.

"This was once a frontier settlement but seemed to be abandoned by humans, that's what the chieftain said." Takehiko explained.

"It looked old, but I feel it's too clean to be abandoned." Ryuji said.

"Ah because the chieftain designated this as the infirmary." Takehiko replied.

"Chieftain?" Ryuji asked in surprise. A concept of infirmary, usually in fantasy books, there is no infirmary or if there is such a place, it's usually in big palaces, forts, or academies. Usually, the protagonists wake up in their own room. Ryuji guessed it is logical to bring the wounded strangers to a healer's house or something but to designate a building as infirmary is quite refreshing and strange in a fantasy world. There aren't many stories that have protagonists that are doctors or nurses that get transported into another world as far as he recalled.

"Yes, the Chieftain. that's what the other people call her. She is a sorceress of some sort." Takehiko contemplated a bit.

There was a knock on the wood. The doorway was open, but the two brothers looked at the direction of the door. They saw a human woman. She was carrying a tray of food. It had some sort of white cookies and porridge. She had wavy black hair, black eyes and wore a typical fantasy peasant woman. She has a beauty mark under her left eye and an amethyst pendant that shined over her peasant clothes.

"It seems that I haven't heard Japanese for a long time…" A human woman entered as she spoke. "Did I disturb my fellow otherworlders?" She asked politely and smiled.

Ryuji was surprised by the sudden arrival of the woman. Her voice has a sultry vibe to it, it was the same as the voice that he heard earlier. But what strikes him the most are the words 'Japanese' and 'Otherworlder'. He was speechless for a moment.

Takehiko had the same reaction after hearing those words. Something bothered him when the woman casually dropped the bomb of being an otherworlder. But he composed himself and greeted the woman. "Greetings to the Chieftain." Takehiko bowed respectfully.

"Ah… forgive my impudence, Chieftain." Ryuji bowed. He could feel the mana changing in the area.

"Ah, I hope you two are doing well." The woman bowed to return their greetings. She then put the tray of food at a table nearby then adjusts the table near to Ryuji. " I'm glad you finally woke up. Would you like to eat? I'm sure you have not eaten for a few days." She offered with a warm smile and a white bowl.

"Thank you for caring for me and my brother." Ryuji bowed again. Takehiko followed his brother and bowed again. "We shall be in your debt."

"No need to thank me." The woman smiled coyly as she got flustered by the brother's gratitude, but her tone quickly changed. "But we can discuss the payment later."

"Uhm… Chieftain, if I may ask…" Takehiko was reluctant to continue.

"Go ahead." The woman smiled.

"I heard you said Japanese and otherworld. Are you by any chance…" Takehiko was restless. He found the situation quite vexing. If the chieftain is also from their previous world, but how? He did read that there are otherworlders in the human kingdom in previous ages. If the chieftain is indeed one, he did not expect to meet one and in an unlikely peculiar place. A mysterious place for outcasts of races as he had learned from records and people of Valereth.

Takehiko had overheard from elven ministers this place as some barbaric place and breeding ground for monsters. He has been observing this place and the people for days. They seemed to be civilized, especially the unusual cleanliness and clothes despite being shabby. The races seemed to know decent clothing here.

Ryuji was listening to Takehiko's question, he could feel the impatience and reluctance at the same time. He understands the things that may be running in his brother's mind and he has the same questions. He was also waiting how the chieftain would react. He is not surprised if this woman came from their previous world because it is possible. He was more surprised that this woman just dropped that vital information like it was nothing.

"Yes. I am." The woman replied. She slowly shut the door and cast some sort of spell. "Why don't we introduce ourselves properly. I will start since you guys seemed to be stunned by my words. My name is Sierra Le Durand, the chieftain of this town and the witch of Oristelle. My Korean name is Kim Mishil, a former nurse from Seoul Metropolitan Hospital." The woman introduced herself in a formal manner as if she were participating in a hiring interview. Then she gestured to the ten-year-old elf child.

"Ah. My name is Takeda Takhiko. The elves of Valereth call me the Black Saint while the magician elves call me Takei. I was a former university student before coming here. I'm currently ten years old but mentally I'm thirty years old." Takehiko smiled then he gestured his hand to the lying hobgoblin. "This is my brother."

"My name is Takeda Ryuji. I am- No, I was a project manager who died from overworking. I am currently 2 months old. And those are my familiars. Raiji, Pyun-Pyun and Fuji " Ryuji then pointed to the two wolves and the jiggling slime.

"Oh! I did not notice them…" The woman gasped in surprise as she saw the several pairs of orbs looking at her and a round slime seemed to be jiggling. She muttered in confusion. She forgot the presence of these creatures.

"Nii-san! You are amazing!" Takehiko exclaimed after hearing that his brother has familiars. He did have some idea as these wolves kept calling him 'Master' and he did not even have time to ask how they were connected with his older brother. He never expected that they are actually familiars.