Evolution and Suspicion

"It is the first time that I encountered a goblin who had familiars." Mishil continued. She looked at the wolves and the slime. It might not be eye catching as it is normal for tamers to use wolves and other canine creatures who had not gone beyond the beastmen race. More so a slime is usually ignored however looking at the slime, it seemed it was changing into something different based on the color.

"Goblins and the evolutions aligned from goblins like orcs, hobgoblins are aligned usually with elemental magic specifically with fire and darkness elements. It is already rare for a goblin to get elements beyond these two elements, but no goblin was ever recorded as able to use taming. Usually like humans, demi human races domesticate creatures." Mishil explained.

"Pardon me but how would we address you, Chieftain?" Ryuji asked, unsure how to continue to speak.

"Call me Mishil, I prefer my original name." Mishil smiled and took a piece of cookie. She took a bite. "Why don't you eat first? You have been out for five days. I am sure you are hungry." She passed the bowl to Ryuji.

"Thank you." Ryuji took the bowl of "Uhm, Chief Mishil, what do you call this place?"

"Monteglaas, the previous name of this place before it got abandoned." Mishil replied and gave a sigh. "This was a frontier town to expand the border of Oristelle, but it had a hard time with trade and attracting settlers. Then the civil war happened, and people left this." Mishil smiled but one could feel the bitterness in her voice.

"I see." Ryuji replied curtly and then glanced at the woman. He is a little bit suspicious, but he casts his doubts as his brother and his party seemed to trust the woman due to several days that everyone was taken care off. 'Just in case it is poisoned. I have immunity.' He thought as he observed the spoon.

"It's silver, so it is not poisoned." Mishil tactfully said as she observed Ryuji looking at the spoon.

The wolves suddenly stood up and moved closer to Ryuji's bed. Pyun-Pyun seemed to understand and hopped to the bed near his master.

When Takehiko heard about poison, he looked perplexed at the woman debating inward on how he would deal with her if the situation went south. He has no idea on how he would deal with everyone here and fleeing this place. The beastmen and the orcs are quite formidable. Although the orcs are just a handful, they are quite versed with spells. Not to mention the goblins. He would like to avoid any fights at this point. "What do you mean by that Chieftain?" Takehiko cautiously asked.

"Nothing." Mishil got flustered as she felt the tension of the familiars and the elf child. "Besides I have exhausted some resources of the town in curing 10 elves, I won't put those efforts to waste."

"I am not suspicious about that…" Ryuji said as he took a spoonful looking at the porridge prepared for him. " I am more curious about why you revealed yourself as an otherworlder?" He took a bite savoring the food. In his mind, this must be rice or something similar and went to taste it. Ryuji looked at Mishil again.

Mishil suddenly knelt down and bowed. "Help me upgrade this town." Her demeanor suddenly changed from suspicious to begging.

"Oi! Miss- I mean Chieftain Mishil, please rise." Ryuji panicked with the sudden bow and almost spit the porridge in his mouth and forced himself to swallow it. Good thing the porridge was soft and easy to swallow. "It is embarrassing to see our benefactor kneel and beg like that." Ryuji said in embarrassment.

Takehiko and the wolves who were all cautious were thrown off by the chieftain's begging. They began to relax again as Mishil stood back up.

"Well, I am planning to make you work once you get better. But when I noticed how your brother call you Onii-san several times, I can't contain my excitement." Mishil's voice was shaking. She was teary eyed as if she were relieved. "It's been years since I got into this world, and I can't wait to speak with someone that came from our world." She wiped her tears as it uncontrollably fell.

Kim Mishil was actually a nurse trainee who just recently got hired. She was transported to Zariya one day after reading a novel. She arrived in the body of Sheena Le Durand from the noble house of Durand. She had a hard time with the Oristellian nobility and was considered an odd and eccentric person. Adding her gifted magic caused her another hurdle with her place in society. It only took time as she was casted out of the House of Le Durand in a guise of being sent to a magic tower in the neighboring northern Empire of Redirya. She found solace with her proficiency in support and healing magic which she constantly trained.

However, despite moving places she never had a person understand her ideas and thoughts as Kim Mishil, she found it frustrating and stifling as she could never express herself fully and had to assume the identity of the fallen noble, Sheena Le Durand. That's why when the Civil war broke out, she was thankful to retreat to Monteglaas, this remote frontier town within the southwestern edge of the mythical Valley of Ono.

Soon she encountered creatures who were living amongst the few families that remained within the town. She felt freedom and independence to act on concepts of her previous identity as Kim Mishil, the nurse who dedicated her time in helping and curing people. However, the feeling of being misunderstood due to her ideas, concepts and knowledge as Kim Mishil are considered out of this world as it is still viewed as eccentric. Although the remaining citizens, human and demi-human alike are quite receptive with her ideas which comforted her a bit, it is far from what she wanted. She wanted to improve the lives of the denizens here who seemed abandoned by the world. That's why when she heard the black saint calling a hobgoblin 'brother' in Japanese, she was delighted and ecstatic. Finally, people who would understand the comfort of their previous life and this is what she wanted to give to the denizens of Monteglaas.

"I understand, Chieftain." Takehiko replied but he was cut off."

"Aigoo… call me like your brother does." Mishil smiled toward the elven child. Her smile almost radiated a non-existent sunlight which the brothers found intimidating.

"O-oh o-ok… But I heard that there are otherworlders in other countries. Haven't they?" Takehiko asked. It was recorded in Valereth that in human kingdoms, there were people that came from another world. That is also the initial reason why he wanted to travel beyond the valley.

"Really?" Ryuji asked as he was unaware about it. He vaguely remembers his brief time at the divine realm, but he was informed there about his brother being transported in this world. He never thought that other people were also transported here. After all, Yubis did send him to the heart of the forest where he had to live off insects. He did speak when Pyun-Pyun joined his party and at one point he thought he was crazy.

"It's not that easy to get a hold of them." Mishil sighed.

"Why, are they like heroes to save the world or saints in this world?" Ryuji shrugged as he asked. He said it as a joke, because most of the isekai material revolves around being the 'hero' of the world.

"Yes. That is correct. They are surrounded by obnoxious politicians, kings, nobles, name it they are there. That is why I am practically thrilled that you two came from the same world." Mishil rejoiced. She honestly felt relieved. She did all that she could recall based on her memory as Kim Mishil the nurse, but it is hard to build a town from scratch or from these medieval and dark age practices.

"That's odd… something does not add up." Takehiko frowned. When he died, he does remember that Yubis and Sefie explained that they rarely transfer people from another world unless they are required to fill the magic of this world. Usually, they do it every decade but may vary depending on the needs of the world. But once he got to Valereth, the records of people being transported were on records indeed but when he heard the king discussing humans that were brought over to this world based on recent events, he got a little bit bothered. As far as he knew, he was the last person that was transported that got approved by Tartarus besides from his brother. Though he still can't believe his brother got transported as he just wished on it a few years earlier.

"Hmmmm?" Ryuji looked at Takehiko as he contemplated.

"What is it?" Mishil asked, seeing that the brothers are somehow up to something.

"From what I remember, Yubis said that they only transfer a person once every few years." Takehiko said calmly as he glanced at Mishil with suspicion.