Virginity taker

Today was the first day of school after a great vacation for Jim Nolan, after a horrible sophomore year of being picked on by the assholes in school because of my small build but this year i am going to take revenge, thanks to a growth spurt turning my body from 5"3 to 6"1 and working on my uncle's construction company building muscles but the greatest part of his vacation happened the very first day and changed my life completely. I finished the second year of highs cool hoping to never go back. On my way back to the place where I live with my dad since my mother left us to marry her millionaire boss, I saw my next-door neighbor miss Walker with four big shopping bags. Virginia Walker, recently divorced and has two kids, is what you call a MILF having bright blue eyes and long blonde hair being in her early thirties and having an amazing body with DDcups and a round ass with long legs thanks to her 5"8 frame while keeping a tight body. Can I help you miss Walker? "Miss Walker smiled at me "If it isn't an inconvenience Jimmy I would appreciate it". I took two of the bags and started following her while checking out her ass and trying to stop myself from getting an erection."so you must be excited""huh""i am saying you must be excited for your vacation,don't they start today?"while having a smirk for catching me checking out her booty and putting some extra swing on her hips"yes,today was the last day of scool"i said while blushing for getting caught"What are your plans for the summer are you and mike going to do something together?"mike was my dad's name"dad has to travel to greece for his job and is leaving in a week i am going to spend my summer with my uncle working in his company"all this while having trouble walking due to my erection"what kind of company"she said eying greedily my crotch"construction".

That is when we reached her house so she bend down to let her bags giving me an even better view of her great ass and then unlocking the door.I followed her in the kitchen and left the bags on the counter that was when miss Walker said"so Jimmy is that your cock in your pants or is that a tube of socks?"i stopped breathing thinking i heard wrong"aren't you going to answer me or do i have to check by myself"reaching down and grasping my cock in her hands while i stare at her wide eyed not being able to believe what is happening. Miss Walker was smiling feeling my cock running her hands up and down my length"that is for me?"at that point i manage to swallow and crock out"yes miss Walker" she smiled bending down and you giving me a kiss with he tongue slipping inside my mouth.When the kiss ended miss Walker grabbed me by the hand and lead me to the second floor of her house"you can call me Virginia from now on Jimmy while we are alone of course"i heard her say while she pushed me on her bed and tugging my shorts and briefs down freeing my nine inch cock and bending down engulfing it in her mouth.I tried to stop from cumming but seeing her shapely ass all this time and her grabing me downstairs i simply came in under two minutes but my cock was still hard as iron which made her smile that is when she ordered me to take of my shirt while she started striping her uncovering her tits confined in a tight black bra and her panty covered pussy by a matching thong"Jimmy come here and help me take my bra of i can't reach it"i sprang to my feet and started kissing her while trying to take a bra of a woman for the first time in my life and feeling her huge breasts on my torso.

After a few tries i managed to take of her bra and pushed her on the bed while getting on my knees and taking her thong of,when i got up again and tried to push my erection inside her folds she stoped me"Jimmy wait,you can't just push your cock inside a woman without helping her get in the mood"at that point being the naive virgin that i was i simply stared at her not knowing what to do"get on the bed on your knees and start licking my pussy do you see up here"while showing me her clit"this is my clit you need to lick my pussy lips a little and then peel back the hood as i did and lick my clit but you have to be very careful"i nodded and started licking her pussy lips while tasting her suite pussy juice"yes baby you are doing a good job try licking my clit now"which i did and she stared moaning about how great i make her feel after about five minutes she stoped me and told me to wet my cockhead with her juices and push it slowly inside due to my size.

I started pushing my cock inside feeling her warm pussy walls tight around me and having my hand on her huge breasts after a little while our pelvic areas touched,although i wanted to come i managed to hold myself back while fucking her for about ten minutes when she started screaming her orgasm and me letting loose my sperm filling her pussy"great job Jimmy but i hope you have more inside you"taking my cock inside her lips and cleaning our combined juices and making me hard again making me lie down and bringing her pussy on top of my cock impaling herself while having a great view of her tits and pretty face,by that point i could go longer managing to last through two of virginia's orgasms and filling her with my jism once again and ending our thrist telling me to get dressed and leave because her daughters should be coming home.

As i was dressing she turned her back to me,going towards her bathroom,and i couldn't help but notice the tatoo over her brown eye which read "MNPROPERTY" that is when she closed the door and i started leaving towards my home with a big smile on my face and some suspicions.