The bitch

After a good night sleep i woke up remembering Virginia's amazing body getting a hard on and started jerking of until i came and then went to brush my teeth,take a dump and shower.Once i got dressed i put my swimsuit in a bag and went to the kitchen opened the refrigerator to take the milk and put it in a bowl and filled it with cereal.

I got outside and started going with my bicycle towards the public pool so i can swim and have fun with my only friend from highschool John traore.John is black like the ace of spades,has green eyes and is 5"4 much like my height his mom is from France while his dad is from here and he has three older sisters maya,elaine and soraya.His two oldest sisters Maya and Elaine have left for college while his older sister Soraya is a year older than us and our biggest tormentor at school something that to this day i don't understand since i never have done anything to her but for some reason she decided to turn her friends which i call the bitch club and all of their boyfriends against us.Soraya like her brother is black but has brown eyes,5"2 tall,has small tits,very big booty and is what you call a gym rat having a six-pack and beautiful well muscled thighs.

When i got there i didn't see John so i went towards the locker rooms to put on my swim suite and leave my bag in my locker while i was changing i noticed that my swim suite was too tight on my crotch making an obvious bulge now if it was the old me i would have put on my regular clothes and left but after yesterday i realised my cock is my only way to pick up chicks thanks to my small and thin build while i had an ok face with brown hair and brown eyes but i didn't have anything else,so with my newfound confidence i went outside taking in the hot bodies of the MILFS and their teenage daughters,which were accompanied by some dicks i didn't pay any attention to.I went and dove into the water so i can swim around while i waited,after a few laps i got out and the water made my swim suite cling more to my cock which had started hardening with all the hot nubile bodies around.

It was at this moment which i saw my bestfriend coming in from the gate so i waved at him and he waved back,that is when i saw that right behind him was soraya with the rest of her click making goosebumps crawl over my skin and will my erection down.John said something to her and started coming my way while Soraya and her cronies went to the loungers to sit having their hot bodies in bikinis already.Although Soraya and her friends were bithces their were some of the hottest girls at school so by observing them i got a full blown hard on not caring about anyone seeing it.At that point John came to my side"hey man sorry about coming with Soraya and those bitches but she heard that i was going to the pool and decide to go as well"

"Don't sweat it man i understand"as much as i couldn't stand what they did to me i also couldn't tare my eyes off of them,especially Soraya and her dynamite body."i am going to change wait for me"came from my friend but i was too far gone in my fantasies to answer him,it was at this moment that Mrs Sanders came up to me and asked if i could go to her house tomorrow morning to help with a pipe problem at her house,while her eyes were glued to my obvious bulge the entire time,i of curse agreed thinking that i might get lucky and then she left to go to her friends.

John came back after a little while and we got in the pool to swim and chat but every time my eyes would be drawn towards Soraya making my cock hard the entire time i was there and every time i got out from the pool i would get passionate looks from a number of beautiful MILFS and looks of curiosity my the younger population.At some i thought i saw Soraya checking out my bulge and licking her lips which almost made me cum right there but i wasn't sure it wasn't my imagination playing tricks on me.After three hours of playing around we started picking up our stuff and go change so we can leave.

Soraya/POV:I can't believe what i was seeing that little twerp having a huge bulge which was almost two times my boyfrind's size,although steve wasn't huge he had a 5and a half inches penis which some times gave me orgasms if we did a lot of foreplay he didn't have a snake like that in his pants but it wasn't like i was always faithful to him since i had to fuck the history teacher to pass and my bestfriends boyfriend while i was drunk in a party but both of them were pretty much the same size with Steven.How can i get the little shit to fuck with that huge cock i was thinking while licking my lips.End 0f POV

While we were leaving Soraya came up to us"were are yougoing you little twerps?""we are going to your house Soraya.what do you want?""good since you are going back to our place i am coming with you since Johny has a car and mine is in the mechanic."I dry swalloed at that knowing that my buddies car front seat was busted and i would sit in the back with the bikini clad Soraya making me feel like i was getting even harder if that was possible.In the ride back i kept checking her out as discreetly as i could while she had her lust full gaze on my crotch.

Halfway there i got a phone call from my dad saying that he needed me to e-mail him some documents from the house and clean up the place so that killed my afternoon plans,i asked Johny to drop me of at my place.While i was getting out of the car Soraya told her brother that she will get down here as well to go to her friends Ginny place so John drove off leaving me alone with his sister"hey can i borrow a t-shirt from you so i will not go around with my bikini?"that put a smile on my lips knowing where this was going"sure,come on in"opening the door for her while checking out that fantastic ass.

"This way towards my bedroom"showing her the way.once we she got inside i closed the door and she suprized by throwing herself smashing her b-cup tits on me and putting her tongue in my mouth.My hands automatically went to her volleyball size asscheeks while one of her hands grabed my cock through my shorts and we stumbled to the bed falling on it with her on top of me.She pushed herself up and got on her knees in font of me draging my shorts down and freeing my cock which she started licking.

First the underside of my cock then the cockhead tasting some of my precum and then took four inches in her mouth at that point i grabbed her head and started thrusting upwards forcing more and more of my meat until she chocked on it and i let her of to get some air"what do you think you are doing moron"i smiled at her"i am getting a blowjob from my horny bitch"and shoved my cock to her throat and started facefucking her until i came in her throat forcing her to swallow it while some escaped from her lips "you like that don't you bitch"she swore at me but didn't move to leave so i got the idea she might like being treated rough so i cock slapped her a couple of times and then had her get on the bed the dogie position and slapped each asscheek a couple of times and lowering her bikini i found a very wet pussy which confirmed my guesses.

Knowing that she likes it rough i grabbed her from the hips and shoved my entire cock in one move making her cum the next moment while i kept pistoning inside making wet splatch noises every time my body hits her ass while she kept screaming for me to go harder and to stop because she is coming to much.After about fifteen minutes of that i felt the need to cum so i pulled out and had her turn around so i can come on her face and tits,once i stopped coming i pulled out of my pocket my phone and got a picture of her face and tits which she didn't realize thanks to the many orgasms i gave her.After i got my picture i got on top of her feeding her my cock with our combined juice until it was clean and then i asked her to clean up and leave which she didn't like thinking that we would continue.While she was showering i got a few more photos of her. After she left i did what my father asked and started thinking about how grate this past two days have been and how i got so lucky.