Hershel We're Home! Where's Dinner?!

After everything is over everyone is looking around confused and shaken up as many people had just died in a place they thought was safe. Well, tough fucking luck no place is ever really safe you'll still get shanked! We collected the bodies into one pile but I and Merle were swinging pickaxes or stabbing a sword into heads to make sure things are dead, rule number two always double tap! Daryl I had him off scouting the area for any straggling undead or anyone who has gone missing, although no one will ever find Shane. Which uh his body is no longer in my inventory the Lab App ate it to progress the cure by twelve percent! So no more Shane he shall be written off as missing with nobody to ever be found since well he just became research material.

Glenn though even though he looks shaken up is still doing things pretty well despite his occasional jump from fright. So I may recruit him to my little messed up team of me, Daryl, and Merle as the team all-rounder with how adaptable he frankly is. After stabbing the forty-something head of my work I sheath my sword and walk over to Glenn who is sorting out supplies while talking to the girl who nearly got ate leaving the RV. When I reach him he looks at me a little confused as to what I want since well I shouldn't have business with him. Shrugging I reach my hand out and offer it to him as I smile softly. He seems to be slowly getting what I'm up to as he smiles, I never even had to ask before getting a yes.

"Then since you'll be joining me, Daryl, and Merle on my team Glenn you'll be given a role which will be your main priority. While Daryl is the scout, Merle is the brawler, and you'll be the all-rounder but mainly a mechanic Glenn. Is that okay with you?"

"Alright then, I hope we can survive long enough together."

With that, I ask Glenn to go check all the vehicles that are here since we are going to need some way besides the RV to move the remaining like thirty people. That was when people start making a noise about a bite, looking behind me I see who they're talking about. It's the same man from the show, walking over to the group I pull a medical syringe from a first aid bag around my waist with a vial. The bag is actually stuffed with medical supplies and a few vials of the delaying medicine. I had picked this first aid bag up from a paramedic zombie during the weeks of working on my sword.

"Everyone back the fuck up before I put a bullet in your skull, Jim sit your fucking ass down on that pile of trash beside you before I make you. Because well you're going to be helping me test something out that may just fucking save your life."

Jim wanted to speak up against me but he saw my eyes and he sat while visibly shaken up because frankly, he's bit and these people are becoming like rabid dogs ready to rip him up for it. Rick and Daryl who are among the crowd actually pay attention to what I am holding and start trying to get people to back the fuck up. Merle who was pickaxing bodies came barreling from nowhere when a man who used to be a security guard tried to point a gun at his brother. He tackled the man and beat his head into the ground until people pried him off, the man he's dead with his skull cracked open and his brains being a paste. After that everyone had been made to back off as Rick, Merle, Daryl, Glenn who joined after the murder, T-Dog who after everything caught onto something from what I had said, and Dale the old RV driver helped keep people off of Jim.

"W-what are you d-d-d-doing sir? I-I'm bit why are you helping me?"

Turning the side of Jim's head at an angle so I can find a good vein in his neck I had him keep his head in an awkward position while I stabbed the syringe in the vial of Delay Medicine. I carefully drew it out before storing the empty vial away and flicking the syringe a bit to see if it properly can dispense liquid. I then injected the medicine in the vein I had found to be good enough to quickly circulate it throughout his body due to it being connected to an artery. After I had finished I stored the syringe into a hazmat bag and stored it away as well before looking at the few helping to shield Jim.

"Well, he's got five hours before I gotta stick him again with another dose of this medicine that will actually delay the process of undying. Before you ask no I can't share how I made it as well it was a fluke on my part but I at least know what is required so I can make it whenever. But that's where it gets tricky because what is needed is not something you all can just get willy nilly and think it'll be fine. Plus it actually did work when I tested it, but won't say who all I used to test it on since well they were criminals hiding out in a place."

Everyone looks at me with conflicted emotions but sighs after all I did last night and from what I've been doing for them all. I've helped Rick out for a while now and helped him reunite with his family, I managed to leash Merle and actually put his roughness to good use, I've thought them how to fight more effectively although not serious at times, saved various people last night, and helped double-tap dead bodies this morning. Plus the fact they don't have to worry about killing a man right now has made them feel conflicted that I did human experiments but the old rules no longer apply. So they all prepared to leave camp, those that weren't show in the show leave early towards Florida hoping to find a boat to sail on.

I could've warned them but I didn't since well it's best the figure out just how lost that state was in only twenty-four hours. Since well Florida man and woman charging into them with crazy stunts didn't help keep everything under control it only swelled the numbers in less than four hours. The screams of a dying soldier I was in contact with then during the beginning stages had me regret I couldn't help them.

While the rest of us drive off towards elsewhere, aka Hershel Greene's farm that is out in the country and away from civilization. Since I have the only working phone with a map it was easy to find it, getting there though it took us a few days of driving. Daryl and Merle occasionally driving motorcycles ahead to scout. As we approach the farm Carl, who took a break outside near the highway suddenly gets shot by a sniper. so Everyone really picks up the speed so this kid doesn't die. Like fuckin bandits having fun shooting people for fun out here is not something we want to stay near since they have a horde of cars to hide behind!

As we approach I have Daryl and Merle start making a racket with their bikes after radioing them to drive ahead and make some noise. Drawing Hershel and his family out of his house rather quickly as the rest of us drive up before parking. Rick and Lori getting out of the RV quickly screaming for help since right now I can't help I'm stemming his blood flow and keeping the kid awake. Seeing a bleeding kid though really has Hershel's kids and a big teddy bear of a man Bobby, who I saved from Shane killing him off by walkers. No man getting shot in the legs today!

Hurry to get him inside and tended to as fast as possible. Granted this place is where that child Sophia became a walker since well she still went missing and I know they've picked her up. I'll be emptying that barn out soon as that like eighty samples in there, minus Sophia. While Hershel and his kids tend to Carl, I ask Bobby if he'll take Me, Daryl, and Merle to get medicine from a nearby FEMA shelter at a high school. Which the big man agreed to happily since he didn't want the kid to die so we four left the house and took a four-seater car to our destination. While I have the stuff in my inventory that is like a settlement, not these small situations, so we need to get the stuff.

After we had left I remembered Abraham's unit and those soldiers the governor had gunned to rob for supplies and their weapons. So while Daryl drove us and Bobby directed him to the shelter, I got on my phone's radio and started sending out a please respond style military message to the two groups of people. I didn't have to wait long to get in contact with them at all luckily so I quickly started to converse with the two squads about a course of action. As they had weirdly enough both tuned into the frequency I was just using before I could tune off of it.

The soldiers were glad to know there are some survivors along with a still-standing high military official thus they are coming to join up us. Abraham's unit reluctantly agreed to make a temporary base and rest before coming to meet us at Hershel's farm along with the other group of soldiers. While training that scientist how to shoot, I asked if he could which I forget is that man even a scientist or just lying to them? Anyways with those sorted and night upon us, we had arrived at the high school FEMA shelter, and it looked deserted but I knew better than to trust that shit! Rule forty never trust the peace and quiet of a place looking abandoned, it could have a horde locked up!