Night Of Feasting And Hunting!

Tonight was the night that the camp would get over ran and thus I sat by a campfire near the RV so I can save one person who got surprised munched. As I sat by the camp fire I strummed away at a guitar singing my own little song after getting this strange sensation that I loved this song for a morbid reason. It wouldn't be until after I sang this song and looked at a random notification that'd I'd know why it seemed I liked this song.

"You think you can stand against the coming tide that your might and gods will save your life, but you shall fall under our might. We are the legion of the damned, we are the bringers of eternal damnation that seek out the flame of life to sustain ourselves. We can never know the joys of eternal rest for we are a cursed bunch left to rot and wander the world in eternal damnation. You can gun us down, cut us down, smash us into a paste but we will never relent we will march on and add those unlucky enough to our ranks. We are the eternal damned legion, we know no rest, we know no salvation only the cold darkness left inside of our hearts.

We will feast and we will dominate the battlefield for we are the Eternal Legion.

We will feast and we will dominate the battlefield for we are the Eternal Legion.

You think us just a bunch of damned souls turned to hollow monsters, but you will learn you are wrong. We may be damned souls, we may be left to wander this damned and forgotten world but we are the ones who march on towards the fire of eternity spreading our horizons! We will seek out the embers of life and we will feast to sate our eternal hunger. We are, we are, we are the Eternal Legion that marches on towards the end of everything regardless of the price we pay along the way. Forever damned but forever march on towards our final feast, towards the fire of eternal life that taunts us so."

『 Ballad of the Gray Guardian has been sung, Unlocking the right to live through the fall, unlocking one future skill』

『 Necromancer(EX) - active/passive lvl god, has been unlocked, due to restrictions of this world you can only influence the source of the infection to a degree 』

Looking at this notification I couldn't help but wonder what the fuck gray guardian means and why the fuck its tied to necromancy. Or even why I fucking knew the song if its from the damn future like that's just some sort of shenanigan probably caused by a future me. Anyways while strumming away I saw the corpse shambling up towards the RV as the door was opening, so I stored the guitar into my inventory for safe keeping. Getting up I drew my sword got into a sprinting stance then took off my swords blade illuminating the night as the blade reacted to the stimulation of the air and being swung. As the blade sunk into the walkers head from a over head downward swing the blade flickered with a bit of fire.

The girl who I forget the name of that was coming out of the RV got a bit of blood sprayed onto her face from my actions. But she should be glad her throat didn't get ripped out because then I'd just cleave her head in with the walkers head. She looked at me blankly but I pulled my sword from the walkers head kicking the body aside before walking off towards the starting chaos.

My sword flickering with flames after the second swing I make towards a zombie feasting on a fifteen year old girl, my sword sinking into both of their skulls as the walker ate her face. Pulling the now flaming blade free from the skulls as the bodies ignited I pulled my riot shield from my inventory and marched on. Swinging my flaming sword towards anyone getting feasted on or chased by a walker, honestly I've killed ten survivors and twenty zombies in five minutes already. However, I spotted my target he was currently being delayed by three of the dead but he was heading towards Rick's family tent where his wife was.

"Okay you damn cuck time to die before you cause problems since I don't want to deal with your shit."

Saying so I headed towards Shane cutting a large fat bastard of a walker down through the middle as they caught on fire from my swords flickering flames. I had made it towards Shane after shield bashing a surprise sprinting walker of one fresh turned camp dweller, though they didn't live long after my shield met their face. Shane though was to preoccupied with his dear friends trying to munch on him that I felt like I should give him a hand. So I swung my sword up from below and cut his left arm off cauterizing the wound with the flames before repeating it to his other arm with a smile.

Shane screamed in pain and looked back at me with a look asking why I would do such a thing but I just smiled at him, a walker taking the chance and biting into his face. Chuckling I watched the walkers push Shane down and start feasting on him as he choked on his own blood after his throat got torn out. Watching his demise I doused the flames of my sword by pressing a button on the underside of the guard before sheathing it. Promptly followed by unzipping my pants and pulling my dick out as I took a piss on the disbelieving Shane's face as he died before me.

Finishing my little break I zipped my pants back up before slamming my shield into the walkers feasting on Shane, pulverizing their skulls. Shane though heh his throat was missing basically, the right half of his face had been eaten off, and his stomach ripped open as his guts hung out. Shrugging I looked into his lifeless eyes before stomping his head in with my boot, thinking a bit I stored his body into my inventory along with his arms. I'll be disposing of my handiwork soon and away from prying eyes since can't let people think something bad now can I?

Since if they do they'll do something drastic and if they do something drastic I have to murder them or cripple them forever. So yeah disposing of my work is the best option so I don't have to murder anyone from the caste or camp dwellers, although all the zombies I've killed gave me eighty-four experience in total, while the survivors gave me six hundred each, Shane gave me a thousand. So I looked at my status since well looking around everything is dying down and being sorted out now by everyone else.


Name: Biazar Lazurus Chimera

Race: Human

Age: 21

Titles: 2nd Lt. , Mad Man, The Gamer, Squad Leader

lvl- 18 884/1,800


HP: 18,500/18,500

Mana: 18,500/18,500 (Locked)

Str: 40

Agi: 24

Cha: 20

Dex: 26

Wis: 26

Int: 30

luck: 50

Points: 40

Money: $3,000

Abilities: Abilities: Gamer's Mind- passive lvl max, Gamer's Body- passive lvl max, Appearance Default- Passive lvl max, CQC- passive lvl 5, leadership- passive lvl 4, Marksmanship- passive lvl 170, Blade Mastery- passive lvl 50, Blunt Mastery- passive lvl 15 Stealth- active lvl 40, Observe- active lvl 99, Spy- passive lvl max, Thief- active/passive lvl 50, Technician- active/passive lvl 80, Doctor- active/passive lvl 125, Radio Operator- active lvl 150, Psychosis- passive lvl 569, PTSD- passive lvl 469, Soldier- passive lvl 900, Assassination- active lvl 80, Builder- passive lvl 100, Multi-Lingual- passive lvl 800 Negotiating- active lvl 60, Point Gain Efficiency- Passive lvl max, Han Xiao's Machine Knowledge- passive lvl max (EX), Necromancer(EX)- active/passive lvl god

Gear: Prototype PMR30 railgun (handgun (200 .22 magnum ammo), M16A2 rifle with (360 5.56 rounds), Dawn Blade (long sword (6ft long), quarterstaff, grenades (6), Molotov's (3), thieves tools, Varying Tech Tools, combat knife, Guitar


Hm nice forty points this time, I think I'll save those till I know what exactly I want to use them on, since I got no clue honestly.