Short story 6: fledgling vigilantes (3)


I look up to see the figure of a malnourished and sleep deprived man wearing luxurious clothes that are clearly beyond his financial reach, they also seem to be quite ill-fitted for him showcasing the fact that it was a hand-me-down.

This told me all I needed to know about the man.

(A worm who has ambitions beyond his capabilities and likes to wear the shoes of those with actual power in order to make himself feel less like a worthless maggot huh? Typical, of course someone like this would be behind this kind of business)

My disgust for them was growing by the seconds but I had to keep it all in in order to bide time for my ruse to succeed.

I shriveled up and tried to distance myself from the man looking at him with tear-filled eyes of terror, uncertainty, anger and apprehension.

(The actor must live in the moment as the character they are playing)

I remembered Markus's words.