The Florensin People

The next morning when the sunrises I find myself sitting on top of the tower in a plain white dress that goes down to my ankles. My feet no longer have claws. These people have feet like humans. Down to the five toes. The nails are rounded and a little darker blue then the skin. I've used partial transformation so the bottom of my feet are really tuff.

I'm watching the sky go from black to blue and to purple. I always think it is funny how different and the same the sunrises are. I can also go days without sleep. I look around and watch as my black fires die down in the morning light. Last night after I washed up I went around and collected everything I wanted from the village. From coins, to crystals and food, as well as any materials I might want to use and clothing. The place is surprisingly bare. I hid it all in a nearby cave in the woods that I blocked up with large stones.

Wizzal walks out onto the balcony and looks up at me. "Hey you, get down here." I look down at him and stand up on the roof. I walk to the edge and stepped off. The dress shreds as I open my wings and land softly on the balcony in front of him. "Hmmmm" he says, "Fascinating so you don't need to change shape to make the wings appear. Lucky for you I have made just the right outfit for you," he says as he looks at the rags I now wear.

I follow him into the tower and down the stairs. He walks over to the desk and picks up an outfit he has waiting and passes it to me. "I've been working on this all night. It's magic grade wear. I wasn't sure about how big you could get so using a sample of that fire and one of your scales I made this. It should be able to handle your heat and be impervious to most attacks. Amusing you are impervious to the attack. Because I used one of your scales It should repair as you do. Also change to fit you as you change shape. I'm working on shoes as well. It may need a little work still but it's a good start."

The dress is a simple white top and gray skirt in one. I take my claw and try to rip it. It stretches a little but nothing happens I look at him and say, "Nicely done." He smiles, and I put the dress on. He turns his back and he asks, "What is your name?" I look up as I think. "My memories of my old life have been fading," so I say, "I have none, that I recall." He looks at me in surprise and say, "That's impossible everyone has a name and it will not do. I can't keep calling you, Hey you."

Before we can continue a man comes in looking upset. "I see your place is pretty damaged as well. Glad you are ok. What happened?" He stops short when he sees me and for a second he starts to glow a little green. He has dark blue skin and lite green hair. He stammers and says, "Who is this?"

Wizzal doesn't miss a beat as he says, "This is my granddaughter Lizeli. Her mother is sick and father has past to the Great God Of Death Nullver." He does some kind of sign with his hands that I can't see. Then continues, "She is staying with me for awhile. Came in late last night. Lizeli this is Tubbel the head of the village."

Tubbel looks surprised, "Lizeli you mean after the protection flower. I didn't know you had a granddaughter let alone a daughter." Wizzal just turns his back on Tubbel and opens a book on the table, "Who has time for family when there is research to do. Now be off with you. I have no time for anymore of your questions." Tubbel looks dejected as he turns to go and says, "Right, I do have a lot of stuff to do as well. I'll be on my way. Later I'll send Marda's boy by to show Lizeli around."

Once he is gone I look at Wizzal and say, "So you call the smelly flowers Lizeli? It's not a bad name, guess I can deal with it." Wizzal looks over his shoulder and says, "I should tell you a little about what we are before things get to busy."

The Florensin turn out to be a race of lower cave dwellers on this world. The houses on the surface are for the ones who tend the gardens, animals, and watch for danger. They are rarely full cause most of the people live under ground. That is why they can glow like the Iota(grubs) they eat. The grubs also provide thread for clothing and other needs. Depending on what rock dust the Iota are fed, determines what color thread they make.

When winter comes they make cocoons and in the spring they turn into small bird like creatures. They are a rainbow of different colors depending on the kind of rock dust they have eaten. They are also magic and depending on what they eat and their color determines what magic they have and the uses for the feathers. I think, "They probably don't eat the dust it's probably something in the dust", but I keep my mouth shut.

As it turns out when I attacked there was about ten people in the whole village That's the same at any single time. I just got lucky the first house I hit was a current caretakers house. They are not an aggressive people so are looked down on. They do have magic abilities but most don't cultivate it. They basically stay underground and run from danger.

They compete with Noraces(kinda like a dwarf with red hair all over their body's and they smell really bad.) The smell is so bad you can smell them long before they appear. The Noraces and the Florensin both harvest power crystals. The Florensin are better at finding them and making clothes. So they trade a lot with the stinky Noraces for tools they make. The Noraces are strong and war like. Often using the Florensin for slaves. The outlawing of slaves is often overlooked in the case of the Florensin cause they are considered so weak.

They all have lite yellow hair, to different shades of green. The skin is blue from lite to dark and they all glow green when they need. The glow also gives away their emotions. They all have pointy ears.

Some rare Florensin are born with yellow hair that shines, the skin is a lite purple tint. These rare Florensin are born with a lot of magic and are highly sought after as slaves. They are trained as priestesses for Nullver The God Of Death. That is if they can make it to the temple. They are often taken as slaves before then. They are protected at the temple, but to do so they must make it to their fifth season.