Sinsu Village

In a forest there were three people walking through the forest led by a young girl with a young man holding tightly at her sleeves, While the other one was following behind them.

"Do you guys know the type of illness your mother has or the cause of it?" Ye Qing asked as they walked through the forest.

"No" Su Yexin said while shaking her head.

"I see..." Ye Qing replied softly.

Then they kept going onward with seemingly no danger lurking in the bushes, It was so quiet that it made Su Yexin and Su Feng became cautious because not even birds can be heard.

"Don't mind it." Ye Qing said making the brother and sister duo confused. "By the way i haven't heard you talk yet, I'm not gonna eat you so go speak as you like no need to be shy either." Ye Qing continued while looking at the boy holding her sisters sleeves making both Su Yexin and Su Feng stopped on there tracks.

"Hmmmmm?" Ye Qing tilted his head.

"Umm.... Big Brother Ye..... My little brother cannot speak." Su Yexin said while gritting her teeth and Su Feng clenching his fist.

"I see" Ye Qing said nothing more and just followed behind them quietly seemingly not interested in the situation at all, But he already knew the reason why from the beginning.





They walked about four hours to get out of the forest, "Just how did this kids manage to enter that deep in the forest without getting such as a scratch on their bodies?" Ye Qing though to himself because he didn't leave the forest after landing into it so he doesn't have any knowledge of this place at all.

As they went towards their village they passed through merchants, hunters, and etc. giving them a weird look but not saying anything. The brother and sister pair were confused at first but they suddenly remembered that they were not the only one who came out of the forest. As the man behind them was just quietly following them not making any noises as to why they forgot for a second after getting confused of the stares their getting from people.

As they kept walking a small village that was surrounded by large holes on the ground and a bridge in the middle can be seen from the distance.

"Big Brother Ye this is our home 'Sinsu Village!' " Su Yexin said excitedly while dashing towards the bridge with her brother in tow.

Seeing the two of them excitedly running towards the village, Ye Qing just shrugged his shoulders and followed closely behind them.

A burly man saw a new face with black skin or rather burned skin that looked like about the age of twenty-twenty five years old.

"Halt! Who are you and what are you doing here?!" A man's voice was heard as he crossed the bridge, Making him stop on his tracks and saw a burly man at the end of the bridge.

"Ah! Senior Fu this is Big Brother Ye. He's here to help us cure our parents." Su Yexin quickly explained to the burly man as the man was known as the strongest man in the village.

"Hahahahahahha" The burly man laughed loudly and said. " Help cure your parents? Help with what? Their burial? Ahhahahahhaha."

"No! Big brother Ye said he will cure our parents so he definitely will!" Su Yexin said almost shouting with tears almost coming out of her eyes.

"This is the biggest joke i have heard all day! Hahahahahahahah! Cure your parents? How! You getting someone with capabilities to treat others? How! How can a random stranger said he can cure your parents with only words and you went along and made him come here!" The man scolded them while pointing at Ye Qing.

"Bu-" Su Yexin was about to speak again but was interrupted by the burly man.

"But, But what? Are you sure he can cure your parents? Are you sure he's not here to rob you?" The burly man questioned them with a deep and loud voice making the two children shiver and tear up.

Ye Qing who was standing by the bridge was unaffected. Suddenly walked towards them making the burly man frown.

"Did i say you could move? You move when i tell you to move and stop when i tell you to!" The burly man said while his ego was reaching the heavens as he saw the two children shivering and though the mysterious person was scared as well.

But to his surprise the mysterious person didn't stop at all and kept walking towards them.

"Are you deaf? Or are you too stupid to understand."

The burly man picked up his spear and pointed at Ye Qing who was only five feet away from them.

Ye Qing looked at the spear and just stretched his hand towards the spear, Startling the burly man and flicked his finger at the tip of the spear.


The tip of the spear flew up to the sky and before the burly man registered what has happened, Ye Qing already grabbed him by his shirt and threw him from a distance.

"AHHHHH" with a thud the burly man screamed in pain before passing out.

The brother and sister duo was still standing there dazed not knowing what had happened until Ye Qing patted them on the shoulder. "Ahh! Ohh Big Brother Ye it's you." Su Yexin said in relief while looking at the passed out man known as the strongest in their village.

"What's wrong? Let's go it's going to get dark soon."

"Ahhh this way Big Brother." Su Yexin said sweetly as they once again rushed to their house.

When they reached their home they immediately go to their parents and began telling what had happened.

"I see." The woman in the bed just smiled and patted her children in the head her face was pale as paper, While a middle aged man sat in the corner of the bed with bandages in his hands frowned towards the man standing at the door.

Seeing the doubt in the man's eye he quickly said " No need to be doubtful i will treat your injuries and her illness as promised."

"Hmph do you think i'm five years old? Now speak what is it that you want." The middle aged man said coldly.

"I don't want anything, To be honest i just needed a reason to go out in that damned place. believe me or not that is for you to decide." Ye Qing replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll believe you in that for awhile but to cure is a different matter, How exactly are you going to treat us if you yourself are crippled?" The middle aged man asked.

"I had my own methods." Ye Qing replied nonchalantly. "Now let's start shall we?"