Good Girls Get Rewarded

*Takes place between Chapter 48 and 49*

MC X Lian Li X Manami


I watched over the two of my disciples currently meditating in my courtyard.

Cai Hong had already gone for her afternoon nap while Eris opted to do another round of scouting out the Sect grounds to familiarize herself.

Lian Li and Manami were completely focused in their meditation. Even when a butterfly had landed on top of her head, Lian Li made no movements whatsoever.

To have such diligent girls as my disciples, I am truly blessed.

I took a sip of the tea that Manami made for me, enjoying the taste as I savoured it slowly.

With such great weather out, I let my own mind wander, thinking on how my relationship with my disciples progressed so quickly.

I've never been one to deny what I wanted, and since it was obvious they sought it too, there was no reason for me to reject them.

As long as they are happy, that's the most important thing for me.

I continued sipping away at my tea until I felt a slight disturbance in the for… Ahem. A slight disturbance in the fluctuation of Elemental Quarks.

I glanced towards my two disciples, my senses telling me that Manami was about to experience a breakthrough.

Not even a second passed before I felt a mass of Elemental Quarks surging through her body, confirming her breakthrough.

Manami opened her eyes and looked down at both of her hands.

"You've improved again, well done," I congratulated her.

"Ara? Ufufufu~ Thank you Master. Could I be shameless and ask for a reward as well?"

I know she was probably joking, but I thought why not? She's been working so hard as well, especially since she has quite a lot to catch up on after the damaged Quark Veins were restored.

Thus, I made my way to her and gave her head a good head petting, taking care to scratch her behind the ears as well.

She purred and leaned into my hands, a few of her tails curling around me.

I kind of expected it, so I wasn't really surprised when her tails pulled me down towards her so that she could lock lips with me.

Her hands hugged the back of my neck while her head tilted to the side, her lips parting to let her tongue brush against my own lips.

Deciding to indulge her, I let her tongue enter my mouth to intertwine with mine, both of us tasting each other in a heated embrace.

The sweet taste of strawberries flooded my taste buds when her tongue curled around mine, most likely something she had snacked on some time ago.

My fox disciple moaned into my mouth as she dragged her hands through my hair, pulling me closer as even more of her tails wrapped around me possessively.

I cupped her cheeks with my hands, holding her close while we continued our dance within our mouths.

I broke our kiss when I felt another shift in the air, turning my head to look at Lian Li just about to break through as well.

"Ara ara? Looks like she got a little jealous~ She must want Master to praise her as well~" Manami giggled, her hands and tails still wrapped around me.

Sure enough, the moment the energy reached a critical mass, Lian Li reached a breakthrough as well.

And when she did, she immediately turned to me and stretched out her arms, her eyes bright and sparkling.

"Please?" She begged.

"Ufufufu~ Is Master going to reward Lian Li as well?" Manami giggled as she released her hold on me.

I gestured for her to come over and Lian Li immediately hopped to her feet and rushed into my embrace, her lips smushing against mine in a desperate kiss.

Her hands went towards my chest and slipped themselves underneath my robes, roaming on my bare chest.

Manami hugged me from behind, nibbling softly on my ear before blowing on it.

"Ufufufu~ It seems like we are all in the mood Master… Should we get more comfortable?"

Lian Li broke her kiss with me, staring at me with lust-filled eyes, "Master? Can we? Can we please? I'm… I'm feeling so, so hot now… The break through… Mmmm… I'm at my limit!"

As I said before, their happiness is important to me.

"Let's head back to my room then," I suggested, a suggestion that both of them readily agreed to.

I led the way with the girls following close behind, Manami humming a tune while Lian Li held grasped my sleeve.

The moment I had stepped into the room though, that was when their patience wore out.

Lian Li immediately went for my lips while Manami busied herself with stripping off my shirt, tossing the piece of clothing over my shoulders before proceeding to plant kisses on my chest.

I was too distracted by the way Lian Li's tongue was licking every corner of my mouth to notice the sash around my waist being undone at the same time.

It was only when I felt the chill of the cool air embracing my lower half did I realise I was no longer clothed.

"Master… So hot…" Manami whispered, pressing herself against my thigh while tickling my already erected pole with her breath.

Lian Li broke her kiss with me to look down, a faint smile materialising on her face as she beheld my manhood.

"Whatever you want to do, I permit it," I declared, already knowing what's on their minds.

Lian Li turned to me with feverish eyes, her lips devouring mine hungrily while her hand reached down to grasp my shaft.

Manami brought her own lips to my rod, not even hesitating when she swallowed the entire length until her nose pressed against Lian Li's wrist.

I groaned as I felt both Lian Li's hand and Manami's throat clench around my member, sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

Manami began pumping her head to a steady rhythm, her tongue constantly tickling the underside of my pole.

Lian Li's hand followed in tune, jerking my shaft at the same speed as Manami.

I snaked my arm around Lian Li's waist, pulling her closer to me and leaning into our kiss.

She responded by moaning into my mouth and licking even more aggressively with her tongue, making sure that our tongues remained entwined. Her hands began to speed up, pumping even faster than before.

Manami matched her speed without trouble, the sounds of her slurping filling up the room.

Her tails were wrapped around my legs while her hands reached down to cup my balls, slowly tickling them with her fingers.

I noticed what sounded like something being inserted into something wet and I did not need to look to know both girls were also busy fingering themselves.

I groaned again in pleasure and that encouraged Manami to go even faster, sucking even harder like her life depended on it.

It didn't take long for their combined efforts to bring me to the edge, my body tensing up was the only warning I gave before I unloaded my seed into Manami's mouth.

Lian Li broke our kiss in favour of watching her sister swallowing whatever I was giving her, her hands still busy with pumping my shaft.

Manami sucked up everything eagerly, her head not slowing down at all even as I spurted into her mouth, swallowing everything.

Only when she was sure she got everything from that load did she remove her mouth with a loud pop, an extremely satisfied smile on her face.

"Fufufu~ Thank you for the meal, Master~" Manami giggled, dabbing her lips delicately with a handkerchief she pulled out from her sleeve.

I felt a tug on my wrist.

Turning my head, I saw Lian Li looking up at me with slightly upturned eyes, the buttons on her clothes already undone to show her pure, unblemished skin. The cloth was also pulled to the side to give me a clear view of her ample bosoms, her nipples visibly erect in the cool air.

"Master… My turn?" She asked.

"Mmm… Let's do it on the bed then, it will be more comfortable for you there," I pointed.

Lian Li needed no other convincing before she was already making her way towards my bed, stripping off the rest of her clothes to drop them on the floor and leaving her naked by the time she laid down on my bed.

Manami followed her example and bared herself as well, sitting beside her sister who had already laid on her back to spread her legs to me.

As if that was not enough to tempt me, she reached down with a hand to spread her entrance to show me her flawless pink lips, already wet with lubrication.

Of course, my manhood was already hard enough to not need any more stimulation.

"Ara, ara~ It seems like our dear Lian Li is quite impatient~" Manami giggled, sidling up behind my golden haired disciple to prop her up to a half-sitting position, using her tails as a backrest.

I took my position in between her legs, placing my rod at her entrance.

"Masteerrr... " She moaned, her legs wrapping around my waist. "I'm so hot… So… Sooo hoooot… Please don't tease me…"

I obliged, pushing my cock deep into her pussy in one single stroke.

"Hnnnnnggg!! Yeessssss~~ So deeeeep!"

She was not kidding about being hot, her insides felt especially warm and her heat was being transferred to me through where we were connected.

Unable to wait, her legs had wrapped tighter around my waist, pulling me balls deep into her before she started gyrating her hips against me.

I groaned as her walls clamped down around my member, her insides pushing and pulling me in an effort to milk me of my seed.

As though it wasn't enough, she had pulled Manami's face towards her for a kiss, the two girls embracing each other passionately.

Not able to hold myself back anymore, I grabbed her by her waist before pulling myself backwards, almost exiting out of her.

She mewled in disappointment before I slammed myself back inside her, earning myself a scream of pleasure from her when I hit her deepest parts.

I thus began pistoning my hips, slamming my cock deep into her with every thrust.

Her back was arched while her delirious screams of pleasure were muffled by Manami's mouth.

With every thrust her back arched higher and higher until her hips were completely off the bed, using my hands as their only support.

She never stopped gyrating her hips against me, trying her best to get my seed.

My hip thrusts got faster and faster, the erotic sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room as we immersed ourselves in pleasure.

When they finally broke their kiss for breath, Lian Li was a mess.

"Master! Master! So deep! So deep! No, no, no, no, no! Too good! Toooooo goooood!!!!"

Her vaginal walls clamped down hard on my rod as she came, her entire body spasming and thrashing around while her love juices spurted out from between her legs.

I pulled her into my embrace and held her close, letting her ride out her orgasm in my embrace.

That action seemed to incite another orgasm from her as she screamed her lungs out in ecstasy, her arms dropping limply to her sides while her tongue rolled out of her mouth..

I gave her some time to come down from her high before laying her back down on the bed, watching my golden haired disciple staring right back at me with pure adoration in her eyes.

Before I could even pull out of her, Manami had climbed on top of Lian Li to face her plump behind towards me, wriggling her ass to show her own lubricated womanhood at me.

"Fufufu~ Won't Master do me next?" She teased.

I grinned at her, moving my hands up to hold the fox youkai by her waist.

She obediently laid down on top of her sister and spread her legs wider, letting me push the head of my pole that was still wet with Lian Li's juices against her entrance.

For this naughty tease, I deliberately made my entry excruciatingly slow.

"Ohhhhh… Yessss…." She moaned, her toes curling in obvious pleasure. "Master… So good…"

It was not easy for me as well since her pussy kept pulsating, trying to pull me in as far as possible.

I managed to sheathe my entire length in her, the fox moaning in pleasure.

She sat up and grasped one of my hands to pull to her chest. I needed no prompting to begin playing with her especially soft bosom, sinking my hand into her pillows and pinching her erected nipple between my fingers.

Lian Li had recovered enough by then to lower her head to suckle Manami's free breast, causing her sister to moan even louder.

I began pounding away at her in earnest, using her breast and waist as leverage to push myself deeper into her.

Her insides almost felt alive as her walls kept pulling me in, as though afraid that every time I pull out I would not return again.

I could even feel the entrance to her womb kiss the tip of my manhood every time I thrusted in, giving my head a little suck right before I pulled back.

I bent down to plant kisses on her neck, enjoying the sound of her moans getting even louder and delirious with each passing second.

"Ha… Ha… Unngg… More… So deep… Unnggg!! Haaaa~~"

Her tails had wrapped around me possessively, not allowing me to pull too far away from her as her hips thrusted back me, matching my own tempo.

Lian Li had reached a hand down as well, her fingers playing with Manami's love button.

With both Lian Li and I working together, it didn't take long before Manami was at her limit.

"Master! I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm… AHHHHHH!!"

I slammed myself inside her one more time as she screamed, her tails wrapping even tighter while her lower body shook.

She rode out her orgasm for a full minute before finally collapsing on top of Lian Li, panting hard.

Pulling myself out of her, I could not help but realise that my two disciples' slick entrances were lined up perfectly in a line, their clits touching each other's.

With such a beautiful sight in front of me, I of course plunged myself back in there, the girls giving a yelp of pleasure at the sudden stimulation.

"Ah! Mnn! Master! That… That's goooood~" Lian Li moaned.

Manami glanced back at me with an alarmed look, "Mas… Master! I just came! I'm… I'm still sensitive!"

"That's good, you can cum whenever you like," I grinned, pulling out and slamming myself back into their pussy sandwich.

Manami screamed while Lian Li mewled, the pleasure overwhelming their senses as my cock stimulated their clits.

Their lower lips seemed to grasp at me, tightening around my shaft as I rubbed against them as though desperate for attention.

Lian Li gyrated her hips to match my rhythm while Manami continued to orgasm on top of her, soaking all three of our lower bodies in her juices.

Getting the feeling that I am close to bursting as well, I pulled back and sheathed myself into Lian Li's depths, the golden haired girl mewling in delight at the sudden penetration.

I pumped into her a few times before I pulled out again to thrust myself into Manami.

The fox youkai howled in pleasure, her already tight pussy tightening even more in a vice-like grip.

I gave the fox a few more pumps before pulling out again to thrust into Lian Li once more, my golden haired disciple moaning erotically to egg me on.

Switching between the two girls, I made sure to give them equal amounts of love before I finally reached my own climax.

Lian Li was first to receive my seed. The feeling of my juices filling up her insides was enough to send her over the edge into another orgasm.

I pulled out just as my second spurt was about to burst, sheathing myself into Manami to let her have the second load inside her womb.

Manami spasmed as she orgamsed for the umpteenth time that night, her voice now slightly hoarse from all her screaming.

For the subsequent spurts I chose to push myself back in between their lower lips, shooting my batter in between their bellies.

I stayed there and let the orgasm subside, winding down slowly as all three of us basked in the afterglow of our climax.

All of our lower bodies were wet with each other's juices, a result of a single round of our love making.

"Another?" I asked after a while.

"Yes please," Both of them answered, looking at me expectantly.

Well, the day's still young, so I indulged in my two disciples' fantasies for quite a bit.