Pain Is Pleasure

*Takes place just after Chapter 52*

MC X Diao Chan

(Diao Chan POV)

Both Master and I were in his courtyard's gazebo, Master starting my first lesson on being a proper Witch.

I admit that my mind was filled with quite a number of impure thoughts ever since we started, it was hard to resist especially since...

"No, you are now lacking intent behind your Spell, without that, it might cause other unintentional consequences. Do you want me to punish you, Diao chan? Again."

Ahhh~~ Master scold me more! Ahhhnnn~~ Using such words on me… Such bliss!

Master flicked me on the forehead, the pain bringing untold pleasure to my core which also brought me to my senses rather quickly.

Master frowned at me, "I said concentrate, Diao Chan. Were you not here to learn?"

"Ye… Yes!" I squeaked, feeling my body getting rather warm from being so close to Master.

I focused on the Spell again.

Master said that the key components of the Spell was the intent. Without it, the words would be meaningless even if one were to memorize it word for word.

If I am able to master this part, crafting original Spells would be easy.

Then maybe… I can craft something that will… Ehehehe~

I was brought out of my daydreams by a hard smack on my bottom, causing me to squeak more from surprise than pain.

"I just told you to concentrate and you are already daydreaming. Do you want to be punished that much?" Master asked, slapping my bottom with his palm again.

I fought down the moan I almost let out, biting my lip while I squirmed in the pleasure that Master was giving me.

Giving me one last pleasurable spank, Master let me instructed me to try again.

After receiving such a reward from Master, of course I had to try my best!

"'Spirits of the wind answer my call, descend thyself from thy halls; I command thee for--"

Master reached up a hand and grabbed my wrist, interrupting me.

Right at that moment, the winds blew through the courtyard, slicing through both mine and Master's clothes.

Fortunately for Master, only his sleeves were cut and none of them got close to his skin.

But for me, the winds had chosen to cut through the straps of my qipao which quickly made the top slide off, revealing my bare chest to Master.

Of course, something like this made me even more excited than embarrassed and I looked to Master to see his reaction

Master sighed, "Your intent this time was directed towards the wrong target… You would have cut more than just clothes if you had continued. Go change to another set."

A little disappointed in Master's response to my nudity I was about to obey when I thought of a better idea.

Taking out a new set of clothes from my storage ring, I set them off to the side and began shimmying myself out of my ruined clothes.

I made sure to turn my back to him, granting Master a full view of my behind as I bent over to pull my clothes down and past my knees.

I chanced a peek at Master, catching him raising an eyebrow at my actions.

Wriggling my behind as enticingly as I could, I slowly stepped out of my clothes and tossed them aside, making sure my movements were as slow and sensual as possible.

I spread my legs slightly, giving Master a completely unobstructed view of my dripping womanhood. There was no doubt about how aroused I already was and maybe… Master might just go ahead and take me right here and now?

Contrary to what I had hoped would happen, Master remained unmoving and waited patiently for me to finish changing, not even commenting on my lack of underwear.

Though disappointed, I dressed myself and stood back in front of Master.

"Once again," Master instructed.

I obeyed, summoning the winds again as instructed.

"'Spirits of the wind answer my call, descend thyself from thy halls; I command thee to obey as mine, strike true and cut through thine! Serve this--"

The winds picked up even before I finished the Spell, just as Master gave a loud sigh.

He remained still as the wind blades cut his robes apart, his outer robe falling to pieces around him.

Master pulled me to bend over his lap without hesitation, his right hand pulling up my skirt before rising up into the air and descending in one smooth motion.


I yelped from the force of his hand smacking my bottom once again. I was pretty sure it was already tinged red with how many times he had smacked me throughout our lesson.

"You were actually enjoying this, weren't you?" Master accused, spanking me a few more times. "Telling me to punish you for every mistake… You naughty Witch."

I moaned, shaking my bare bottom at him in pleasure.

Master stopped and ran a finger over my slit, his finger brushing past my most sensitive spot that brought a shock of pleasure running up my spine.

"So wet… And this is just from me spanking you? No wonder you're having trouble concentrating…" Master noted, looking down at his wet finger.

"I'm… I'm sorry for being such a dirty girl, Master! Please punish this lowly disciple of yours to your heart's content!" I begged.

Master sighed, "Another one hmm… Fine… Just to get you to concentrate… Spread your legs a little."

My body shivered, feeling absolute pleasure at obeying his orders and obliged, the position granting Master full access to my dripping sex.

Placing his left hand hand on my back, he guided the thumb of his other hand to press against my clit, rubbing it in slow, torturous circles that made me mewl in pleasure.

He would sometimes prod the entrance with his thumb before circling back to my clit, making sure my pleasure was unending.

Master seemed to know what he was doing as I could not achieve release no matter how great it felt, his thumb simply putting me just at the very edge of climax but never going past it.

Just when thoughts of begging Master to let me achieve climax crossed my mind, Master pierced my entrance with a finger, his digit hooking down to press against a very specific spot inside of me.

My mind went blank as my climax hit me like a ton of bricks. Having been edged so long with Master's spanking from before definitely did not help.

My legs went numb while my body shook, had I not been resting on top of Master's lap, I would have already crumpled onto the ground without a doubt.

When I finally came back to myself, I realised that I was breathing hard and still bent over Master's lap. His left hand rubbing my back to soothe me.

Master gazed at me, "I admit, I did not expect you to orgasm that violently just from that little bit of foreplay. I guess you really are a perverted one, aren't you? Some former noble you are."

Those harsh words! Those judging eyes!! Hnnnghh!! I can't get enough of it! Scold me more! Demean me! Bend me over and fuck me like the little horny bitch I am, Master!!

Master seemed to be lost in thought for a moment before he sighed, "You want me to bend you over and engage in intercourse, don't you?"

"YES! Fuck me, Master!!" I screamed out before I could stop myself.

I gasped, covering my mouth quickly with my hands. I can't believe I just blurted those words out loud… Master is definitely going to think I'm some kind of degenerate girl unworthy of him!

Master rolled his eyes at me, "No need to deny it, Diao Chan. I figured out your desires that day in your room. Also, I think it's kind of obvious what you want when you started stripping in front of me of all things, not to mention the fact that you weren't wearing anything underneath."

Oh... I forgot about that part… I was hoping Master would start punishing me again but I guess we can just skip right ahead to the point where he starts fucking me senseless.

I looked up at Master with pleading eyes now that I know he knew.

"Bend over the table and spread your legs for me," he ordered, his voice firm and hypnotic.

I immediately obeyed, spreading myself as wide as possible to give him an unobstructed view of my entrance.

Master started to unclothe himself and I admit that seeing the sight of his fully erect member standing at attention almost made me cream myself again.

Master positioned himself behind me, guiding his rock hard member to hover just in front of my sex. I could feel my nether lips pulsing slightly in anticipation.

I braced myself for him, fully expecting another climax to come when he inserted himself in me, only for nothing to happen at all.

I turned back to look at him questioningly.

Master smiled, "I wonder… Does my Diao Chan want this? Does she want to be filled up with her Master?"

I nodded desperately.

His smile turned into a malicious one, "Beg for it."

I shivered at his tone, "P… Please Master… Fuck your little bitch Diao Chan senseless! Make me yours! Ruin me with your big cock! I am your bitch to be used!"

"That dirty mouth of yours… Really hard to believe you were a noble lady before this," Master muttered, slapping my wet cunny with his wondrous cock.

I moaned, "I'm nothing but you little slut! Fill me up please, Master! Punish this little bitch with your cock! Make me--"

Master sheathed himself inside me without warning, his entire length burying itself into me until his balls were pressed up against me. I felt his tip kiss my cervix, pressing all the way up until I was sure he would have pierced straight into my womb if he pushed any harder.

The preparation I had before crumbled, my entire body shaking and my back arching as I came, my juices bursting out from between my legs.

I screamed out Master's name as I climaxed, my fingers clutching on to the table's edge for dear life.

I had thought Master would have waited for me to finish but he had merely grabbed me by the hips before starting to piston himself into me without mercy, every single thrust of his kissing my deepest parts.

"My, my… Look at you Diao Chan," Master grunted in between his thrusts. "Your eyes rolled back and your tongue hanging out of your mouth… You look every bit the slutty bitch you are."

I came even harder from hearing Master's abusive words.

"You really are a dirty slut for seducing your master on your first lesson aren't you? Even the other girls had more self-control than you do, you slut."

I moaned out my pleasures, hoping Master would continue to indulge me.

Master spanked my ass hard, the pain causing another ripple of pleasure to hit me.

"Hmph... You've been cumming non-stop all this while too. I'm glad I stripped off my pants or you would have dirtied it with your juices you horny little witch."

Master! More! More! Abuse me more!!

He yanked at my hair, using it as leverage to pound me even harder.

"You purposely made this type of braid to be grabbed, didn't you? You horny little slut. You've been wishing for this."

Yes! Yes! Yes!! Pull it harder! So deep! So good! I'm cumming! I'm CUMMING!!

Master pulled himself out of me, ignoring my mewls of protest as my orgasm was denied.

I felt his hands reach down to hold my shoulder, flipping me around to make me lie on my back.

In a single smooth motion, Master plunged himself deep into me again while leaning forward to kiss me. His hips stayed stationary though, further denying me of my own orgasm while we kissed.

My hands and legs moved to wrap around him automatically, pulling Master even deeper than before in an attempt to get myself off but to no avail.

His tongue prodded my lips and I gave him entrance without hesitation, my own tongue wrapping around his to pull him in for a deep, sloppy kiss.

My hips started grinding against his in a desperate attempt to milk him for his seed, fully aware that being filled with his juices would definitely send me straight into heaven.

Master broke the kiss, looking down at me with a sadistic smile. That smile alone was enough to stop all of my thought processes for a good minute, my eyes entirely lost in his. Only when Master reached down to pinch my nipples and started thrusting into me did I return back to my senses.

And by senses I mean melting into a puddle of pure, mewling bliss.

"Naughty slut, I felt your insides clenching down hard on me. Did seeing me smile like that turn you on?"

I couldn't even muster a response aside from moaning even louder, hoping Master would continue his abuse and allow me to cum.

"So tight… You really want me to empty inside your slutty cunt, don't you?"

"YES!! INSIDE ME! PLEASE!!" I screamed, wrapping my legs tighter around Master's waist.

"Very well, take it all you dirty little slut! Cum for me!"

Master slammed himself into me once more, pushing through my cervix to paint the inside of my womb white. At the same time, Master had reached down with a hand to clamp around my neck, choking me.

My vision exploded in a variety of colours as the pleasure was much more intense than I thought it would be. I was cumming from being creamed.

I gurgled as I orgasmed while the pressure around my throat increased, cutting off my access to air. I gasped at the pleasure that was already filling my body, had Master not been choking me, I might have just screamed loud enough for the entire Sect to hear.

I was dimly aware of my body shaking quite violently even after Master had completely emptied himself inside me, holding me close to him while I rode out my own orgasm.

The pleasure was too much and too good that I actually blacked out.

The next thing I knew was Master's face above mine, looking down at me with the sweet serene smile that I had come to love.

He stroked my head with a hand, "Did you enjoy yourself?"

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak at the moment.

"Don't worry, you only slept for about ten minutes or so," Master answered my unasked question, planting a kiss on my forehead. "I made some tea, you should drink some after cumming so much."

Ahnnn~~ The usual kind Master is great too~~ I don't mind if Master had been rougher, though the last choking part… That was the best!

"Now, once you're done, let's get back to your practice, I would like for you to at least cast this spell. If you can do it, I'll tie you up and leave you to hang on the tree until the others come back."

I gasped.

Master! You really do spoil me!! I will perfect this Spell if it's the last thing I do!!