The Girls' Christmas Carol

*Takes place in Chapter 57's extra story*

MC X Lian Li, Manami, Eris, Diao Chan


"Merry Christmas, Master!" The girls cheered, all of them wearing red and white dresses. Surprisingly, they even managed to get their hands on white coloured thigh high stockings.

Cai Hong ran up to me, "Papa! Papa! Merry… Umm… Merry 'chwist muas'! Umm… Umm... 'Choco latt'!"

She showed me a piece of chocolate in her hands, offering it to me with a big smile.

I patted her head and accepted it, tossing the sweet treat into my mouth.

"You girls… You spent all that time preparing for this?" I asked, looking at the lavish spread of food and 'Christmas' decorations before me.

This had just been something I mentioned in passing and I never actually thought they would remember about it. They even had the costumes and colours right and if my eyes aren't deceiving me, that's a log cake on the table too.

I'm guessing Eris must have interrogated our chefs to learn how to make that.

"We tried our best to make everything as accurate as possible to your childhood celebration, I hope everything is alright?" Lian Li asked bashfully.

I smiled at them, "It's perfect. Thank you."

"Yeah! We got Master's seal of approval! That means it's time to party!!" Eris cheered, popping open a bottle of liquor.

I frowned, "Where did you get that?"

Eris looked down at the bottle, her face morphing into one of surprise.

"Eh? I… I don't know Master… Er… Should I… Should I put this away?"

Well… I suppose I'll allow it. It is Christmas after all.

I shook my head, "Don't go overboard, ok? One bottle, no more than that."

Especially since Cai Hong is here and we still have lessons tomorrow.

"Yes, Master," the girls agreed cheerily.

I tasted each of the dishes the girls made. They weren't perfect, but the fact that they managed to make it so close to the real ones was a praiseworthy feat by itself. I still enjoyed it, nonetheless.

While the girls and I enjoyed the alcohol, Cai Hong helped herself to the orange juice that was prepared for her.

None of us got drunk from the alcohol of course, but by how the girls were acting, they seem like they were getting drunk off the atmosphere anyway.

Our small party continued until the late hours of the night, Cai Hong the first one to fall asleep.

I tucked the loli dragon into her bed, planting a kiss on her brow as I did so.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed four figures casting long shadows just above me.

I only just managed to cast a silencing ward over Cai Hong's bed before someone pushed themselves up against my back, their arms wrapping around my chest.

"Ufufufu~ Master… Now that the little one has gone to sleep… Maybe it's time for the adults to have our own party?" Manami whispered sultrily into my ear.

I made no comments as my fox disciple nibbled on my ear while her hands slipped under my shirt, her hands roaming around my chest.

She pulled me away from Cai Hong's bed and into the eager hands of the other girls, all of them being more than happy to start stripping my clothes off.

I smirked at them, "So it's reached the point where you girls can start stripping me without asking, hmmm?"

Lian Li slowly guided me to sit on the bed, pulling down my pants with a sly grin, "Oh Master… May this unworthy one be given the privilege of stripping your honorable self?"

I rolled my eyes, "I shall refrain from ponting out you're already getting my pants off before I said anything but ok."

Manami settled herself down behind me, using her fluffy tails to wrap around my upper half while her stocking-clad legs hooked over my thighs, pulling my legs open for her sisters to better access my manhood.

Finding her comfortable spot, the fox youkai continued with her light sucking of my earlobe while her tails busied with massaging my chest and arms.

Lian Li, Eris and Diao Chan had meanwhile crawled in between my legs, their eyes locked on my pole that was slowly awakening to full stiffness from Manami's gentle menistrations.

I'm guessing it's the alcohol that was making them bolder tonight and judging by their flushed cheeks, I'm pretty sure I was right.

Manami had moved from sucking my earlobe to planting butterfly kisses along my neck, her hands now wrapped around me to join her tails in caressing my chest.

Below me, the three girls got to work after my manhood had reached full erection, each of them occupying a position on my pole with their mouths.

Lian Li latched her lips on the tip of my meatpole, twirling her tongue around the head in sensual circles.

Eris had chosen to slather her tongue all over my length, making sure every inch of it was wet and slick with her saliva.

Diao Chan had buried her face in between my legs, her mouth busy with the sucking of my balls, paying equal attention to each one.

That was all I managed to see before Manami had hooked her finger under my chin, pulling my head to the side to capture my lips with hers.

The fox youkai moaned into my mouth, her body rocking against mine desperately. I didn't need to check to know she had repositioned one of her hands in between her legs and was busy with pleasuring herself.

My lips parted and Manami was more than eager to invade my mouth with her tongue, entwining it with mine in a sensual dance where we sought to taste each other.

She used her tongue to pull mine between her lips, sucking on it erotically while the hand between her legs sped up.

I groaned just as I felt Lian Li engulfing my entire length into her mouth, the tip of my cock hitting the back of her throat comfortably.

Eris had apparently relinquished her spot to join Diao Chan in pleasuring my balls, taking turns to suck each of them into their mouths to slather it with their saliva.

Manami continued with her kisses, her hips now bucking against mine in an attempt to get herself off, her hand becoming more frantic by the second.

My arms had been completely wrapped in her tails by now, the fluffy appendages gently caressing my skin with their absolute softness.

I moaned again when Lian Li pulled back before deep throating me once more, her throat muscles clenching around the head and stimulating it.

Sensing that I was close to release, Lian Li pulled her head back and began sucking it in earnest, her head bobbing up and down as she sucked my cock with vigour.

Eris and Diao Chan joined in on her efforts, both their lips now latched permanently on my balls and rolling it around with their tongues.

With the four of them working together, it didn't take long before my hips bucked upwards, spurting my seed directly into Lian Li's eager mouth.

She took everything I had without spilling a single drop, her cheeks puffing out to contain the seed I had ejaculated behind her lush lips.

Manami had spasmed at almost the same time, riding out her own orgasm on her own hand. Her entire body had tightened up while she moaned into my mouth without a hint of shame.

Only when we were both done did the fox youkai release me, giving me the chance to watch Lian Li releasing my pole from her lips.

Diao chan and Eris were kneeling in front of her with their mouths open like eager chicks awaiting their mother's feeding.

Lian Li went up to Eris first, bending down to kiss her and depositing a portion of my seed into her mouth.

The swordswoman swallowed what she was given greedily, licking her lips lasciviously as the golden haired girl moved to her newest sister and did the same thing.

The Witch had moaned in ecstasy the moment my seed touched her tongue, the girl shivering in delight as though she had tasted some sort of delicacy.

While those three had been occupied with that, Manami had thrown a leg over my lap and straddled me, the girl having stripped herself of everything but her white stockings.

Her eyes were burning with fierce desire as she rubbed her nether region on the length of my still hard member, marking it with her own juices.

Once she felt my pole was sufficiently drenched in her love juices, she guided it towards her pulsating slit and slowly inserted me inside of her, moaning loudly as she felt me going deeper into her inch by inch.

"Not fair Manami! We haven't even decided who will go first yet!" Lian Li whined, finally noticing her actions.

My fox disciple pulled my head into her bountiful bosoms while pouting at her sister, "You girls got to taste Master's seed! Let me taste it too with my lower mouth!"

As if to make a point, Manami started to gyrate her hips on top of mine, her moans even more louder and lewder than before.

Eris joined in beside Lian Li, "Hey! We agreed to draw lots! Get off Master!"

"I… I don't mind waiting… Heh… Heh…" Diao Chan giggled, looking at us with drool coming out of her mouth.

Manami pretended to be hard of hearing, pulling me closer towards one of her erected nipples.

"Ufufu~ Is Master thirsty? Would Master like to suck on my poor, neglected babies?"

"Manami!!" Lian Li growled, storming up to the fox.

I sighed, waving my hand in the air before I sucked Manami's nipple into my mouth.

The effect was instantaneous, all four of them letting out a moan of ecstasy at the same time.

Lian Li looked down at herself, tearing off her clothes desperately and finding her own nipple being stimulated to erection.

"What… What's happening? It… It feels like Master is inside me?!" She gasped, her hands reaching in between her legs.

I released Manami's nipple with a loud pop, the four girls gasping in unison as I did so.

"I linked all of your senses together, there is no need to fight, girls. Do you have so little faith in your Master that you thought I would allow any of you to feel left out?"

I thrusted my hips upwards, plunging myself deeper into my fox disciple's depths.

"Eeekk!! No Master! We apologize!!" The girls screamed, all of their hips spasming as they felt their own pussies being penetrated.

"The three of you, come over here," I ordered, limiting my hip thrusts to a slow and shallow one that was still enough to send Manami into a euphoric, moaning bliss.

Lian Li, Eris and Diao Chan struggled to obey, opting to crawl towards me as walking proved to be too much. With the feeling of something constantly thrusting deep into their womanhood in between their legs, it's easy to understand why.

Even then, they had to stop a couple of times on their way here as my cock pushed against their sensitive spots, causing them to shake and moan in pleasure with each step.

I made Manami orgasm another time before they finally reached me, all three of them collapsing onto me, breathing hard.

By now, Manami had begun to bounce herself on my lap, the walls of her pussy clamping down hard on my member to milk me of my seed.

Lian Li immediately latched her lips with mine, kissing me hungrily like I was an oasis in the middle of a desert, her tongue pushing past my lips to taste the insides of my mouth.

The other three gasped and their mouths hung open with their tongue rolled out, experiencing the kiss as well.

Eris had grabbed one of my hands to place it on her chest, forcing me to squeeze and play with her bosoms in a desperate attempt for skinship.

Diao chan decided it wasn't enough to feel like she was already getting penetrated and took my other hand in hers, forcing my fingers deep into her wet snatch.

I obliged of course, my fingers curling upwards to find the one specific spot that would be mirrored in all of the other girls.

The feeling of getting fingered and fucked at the same time proved too much for the perverted Witch and she came right at that moment, hard.

She collapsed on the bed on her stomach while her back was arched, her own juices spraying like a fountain that drenched my entire arm.

I had to spank her bare bottom for that, that action causing the other girls to yelp in pleasure.

Manami's hips started to increase in speed, the fox youkai desperate for me to paint her insides with my colour.

In response, the other girls' hips also started bucking back and forth, pushing themselves against something invisible behind them.

Normally I would be able to go on for quite a while more before my next climax, but the Technique I used had one 'drawback'.

That being I would also feel like my manhood inside all of the girls at once, experiencing how each of their pussy walls were squirming and wrapping around me.

I could even tell the individual differences of each of the girls.

Lian Li's pussy would grip tightly on to me when I pull out, unwilling to let go as though afraid that each thrust would be the last. She would then suck it back in greedily when I push myself back into her, her walls folding back to coax me to go even deeper than before.

Manami's insides felt hot in the warm and cozy kind of way. It felt like being submerged in a sea of fluff that gently massages you except that the fluff was also trying its best to squeeze you dry. I'm pretty sure even if I just left my cock inside of her, her vagina could still milk me even without her hips moving.

Eris felt especially unique, it was like her pussy had a mind of its own. One moment it could be gently caressing the meat pole that was buried inside her, the next moment she would aggressively clamp down hard on it and milk me desperately for my cum. That made every thrust inside her feel different as though I was screwing more than one person even without the link.

Diao Chan's pussy was the most erotic of them all. Her insides were practically drenched in her own juices and every part of her vagina felt alive, her walls wriggling and stimulating every inch of the meat pole that was inside of her. Her womb had also descended, making sure that every thrust of mine would be sure to press up against her cervix without any question and if I were to push hard enough, my glans would have penetrated into her womb too.

With the four of them so desperately trying to get me off, it didn't take long before my balls contracted and emptied my load straight into Manami's waiting womb.

All of the girls screamed simultaneously, their combined voices would have no doubt woken Cai Hong if the silencing ward wasn't there.

The girls held on to me for dear life as they came from the feeling of being creamed, using whatever they could latch on to ride out their own orgasms.

I let the girls collapse on me, allowing them a moment of rest from the shared feeling of four times the pleasure they were used to.

"That… Huff… Huff… That was... Heavenly… Master…" Lian Li gasped, her head resting on my shoulder.

I planted a kiss on her brow, the shared feeling of being loved transmitted to the other girls causing them to purr in content.

"Are we done?" I chanced asking.

Manami kissed me on the lips, my cock still comfortably nestled inside her, "Ufufufu… Master, you know by now how long our sessions last for~"

I grinned, "In that case, who's next?"

"Ahnn~ Does it even matter anymore? We all feel Master anyway, so please just start fucking already~" Eris moaned.

"Very well then…"

I pushed Manami onto her back, pulling my hips back until only the tip remained inside of her before slamming it back in.

Diao Chan screamed something intelligible, something about cumming again since I'm pretty sure I went deep enough that it felt like I penetrated her womb.

"Master… No… Not like this…" Lian Li moaned. "I… I want to hug…"

I stopped, looking towards my golden haired disciple who was reaching her hands out desperately for me even while her pussy entrance was visibly parted and quivering on full display.

"Ufufufu~ Let her have her fill, Master," Manami moaned sultrily. "I already tasted your essence~"

I pulled myself out of my fox disciple and went to Lian Li, the girl instantly wrapping her legs around me to prevent me from escaping.

Ever so slowly, I guided my penis into her waiting womanhood, her pussy lips parting easily to welcome me into her folds.

All four girls let out lust filled moans when I sheathed myself inside of Lian Li, their own pussies wrapping around my member in their own unique ways to welcome me home.

Diao chan then crawled beside Lian Li with her bottom facing towards me, wriggling it as enticingly as she could.

"Master… Won't... Won't you please punish me as well?"

No reason not to indulge her, it is 'Christmas' after all.

Making sure to cut off the sensation of pain from being shared, I spanked her bottom hard with a single slap.

Since the feeling of pain was blocked, the other three girls got to feel the pleasure that Diao Chan felt from the spank. Something tells me they might gain a new fetish for this but well… I'll leave it to them to discover by themselves.

I started out with deep, slow thrusts, making them moan and writhe in pleasure while I continued to spank Diao Chan's plump behind periodically

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh mixed with the erotic moans echoed around the room, had anyone passed by at this moment, there would have been no doubt as to what was going on inside.

"Master… So good… So good… Deeper… Go deeeeeepeeer!" Lian Li begged.

I increased the speed of my hip thrusts, earning me a mewl of pleasure from my girls.

A shadow crossed my vision and I looked up to see Eris standing in front of me, her stocking clad legs on either side of Lian Li's hips.

The swordswoman spreaded her own quivering pussy lips that was currently being penetrated by my pseudo penis, her eyes silently begging me.

Of course, I bent forward and latched my mouth over her cute nub, sucking her clit into my mouth and running my tongue over her love button.

Lian Li's hips bucked and I felt four pussies clenching even tighter around me.

I grunted into Eris's nether lips, doing all I can to withhold the tide that was almost threatening to burst again from the pleasure I was feeling.

The fact that Manami appeared behind me to caress my chest again wasn't helping either.

"Oh Master… You're so… So good… Are you going to cum? You can go ahead and cum you know? Fill us all up with your wonderful seed~" She whispered sultrily.

Her fingers brushed my chest enticingly, tickling me using her smooth fingers which she slowly moved towards my abdomen.

I opened my mouth wider and stuck my tongue deep into Eris's pussy, the action causing Eris to thrust her hip forward while grabbing my head with her hands.

Manami froze before she melted into a puddle of bliss, her hips mirroring Eris's as she came from being tongued and penetrated.

I gave Diao Chan another spank and let that bit of pain be shared with the rest, though I was not expecting the other three to moan from it as well.

"Master… I can't… It's too good… I want to feel your cum!" Lian Li all but pleaded.

"Cum… Cum for us Master… Please..." Manami gasped beside my ear.

"Master… Cum... " Eris moaned, her hips rocking against my face.

"Inside Master! Mark me! Make me your little slut!!" Diao Chan screamed.

Since all of you asked so nicely.

I slammed myself one final time inside my first disciple, the tip of my cock pressing firmly against her deepest parts before letting out a spurt of my seed.

Pulling back quickly, I slammed myself in one more time, kissing my girls' cervixes and spewing out the second spurt straight into them.

By the third thrust, all the girls had collapsed into an orgasming, writhing mess of pure pleasure, Eris only able to stay standing because of me supporting her weight.

On the fourth and final thrust, I emptied the rest of my load inside them, listening to their screams of pleasure as they reached cloud nine.

I let them come down from their high before slowly pulling out of Lian Li, my cock slick with her juices.

Diao Chan immediately set to work on cleaning it with her mouth, enjoying the taste of her senior sister's juices and my seed on her tongue.

Under her ministrations, my semi-erect cock eventually went back to full mast, the Witch looking especially proud of her work.

"Now then… Who's next?" I asked.

The four of them immediately pounced on top of me.

I don't get to say this very often but… This might be the best Christmas I've had.